not able to convert string date format in -

I'm taking date from my csv file
Dim odateq As String = sData(0).Trim()
I am getting odateq as 9/15/2015
I want to convert this to 15/9/2015. So I wrote code like this
Dim newdate As DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(odateq, "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
And I'm getting an error like this :
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
any help is very appreciable...thanks

the code you wrote is using the wrong format; the date you have is in the format M/d/yyyy (month and day without leading zero are a guess because you did not specify it).
try with this one:
Dim newdate As DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(odateq, "M/d/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
the format you set in the ParseExact was telling the function to expect a date in the format dd/MM/yyyy like 01/05/2015 but what you have is not in that format.
after you parse the input date, to get a string with format dd/MM/yyyy use:
Dim dateAsText As String = newdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")


VB.NET: Convert a date dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yyyy

I need to convert a dd/mm/yy date to dd/mm/yyyy automatically.
Example: if I insert in the textbox "12/01/90", the program should automatically convert the text to "12/01/1990" or "01/01/20" to "01/01/2020".
Also, I should check the date to make sure it is correct.
Example: if I enter "80/70/2000" it must give me an error because the date does not exist. How can I do? Thanks in advance.
If you have the input as a string, you would first parse it into a date with the format specifier, and then convert it back into a string.
Dim input as String = "22/03/19" ' dd/mm/yy
Dim dt as DateTime = DateTime.MinValue
If (DateTime.TryParseExact(input,
)) Then
Dim output as String = dt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
end if
You can try it here

Convert string to date with format (

I have a string with a date in this format. "24-11-2015" or "dd-MM-yyyy". I need to convert this to a date with this format. "2015-11-24" or "yyyy-MM-dd".
I've tried several ways, and all of them rely on my system format for this to work. If i run my program on a computer with english time format this works.
Date.ParseExact("24-11-2015", "dd-MM-yyyy", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)
But if i run it on a computer running danish format i get error because there is no 24th month. How do i make the date format independent of my system time format.
Dim dateTime As String = "24-11-2015"
Dim dt As DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime)
Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}-{2}", dt.Year, dt.Month.ToString("D2"), dt.Day.ToString("D2"))
Solution 2:
Dim dateTime As String = "24-11-2015"
Dim dt As DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime)
Dim format As String = "yyyy-MM-dd"
Dim str As String = dt.ToString(format)
You can also try Formatting Date and Time for a Specific Culture.

How do I format a date in a string variable to year date month in

I have a date in string variable strOrderEndDate which looks like this 8/14/2015.
I would like to convert it to 2015-08-14.
How do I do this in
I tried strOrderEndDate.ToString(yyyy mmmm dd) but its not working
As the comments indicate, you first need to convert the string to a date using CDate. Then you can use the .ToString method on the new date type variable to format the output as desired:
Dim strOrderEndDate As String = "8/14/2015"
Dim datOrderEndDate As Date = CDate(strOrderEndDate)
...or as Plutonix recommends, you can use DateTime.Parse to perform the conversion. He's pretty smart so if he says it's better, then it's better.
Dim datOrderEndDate As Date = DateTime.Parse(strOrderEndDate)

Date format from database gets wrong date in

I'm taking in data from a SQL database and now I'm trying to convert the data to a proper date variable in VB.NET but I don't get the proper format.
Data from the database:
28-FEB-14 01:00:00:0
28-FEB-14 13:00:00:0
The date I get when trying to convert it:
2028-02-14 12:00:00
The code that is doing the conversion:
Dim theDate As DateTime
Dim try1 As Date
For i As Integer = 0 To batchCount - 1
If Date.TryParse(dv(i)(0), theDate) = True Then
try1 = theDate.ToUniversalTime()
End If
Would appreciate all the help I can get.
Firstly, date values in your database should be date types, so when you read them in, you read them into a Date type variable.
If you then want to format that date you can use a ToString overload
Dim theDate as DateTime = dr.item("date")
Secondly if the date is being stored as a string field in the database (you should not do this but you may have no control over this) it should be in a specific format, so you can use ParseExact to convert this into a date:
Dim dateString As String
dateString = DateTime.ParseExact(dr.item("Date"), "dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss.f", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)

yyyy-MM-dd date format not working

I can't get my date to format as yyyy-MM-dd, for instance 2013-01/15. I have tried both custom and predefined Date/Time formats. Any of these should work:
Dim myDate As Date = "01/15/2013"
myDate = myDate.ToString("o")
myDate = myDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
Format(myDate, "yyyy-MM-dd")
But they all keep myDate as "01/15/2013". What am I doing wrong?
A Date value doesn't have any format at all. When you format the date into a string and assign it back to the variable, it's parsed to a Date value again, and loses the formatting.
To keep the date in the formatted string form, you need to keep it as a string:
Dim formatted As String = myDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")