Without status bar in our swift app - statusbar

Client request the app with no status bar. Without having the status bar, is there any problem will arise when notification is received while using the app?

In your .plist add this two keys
this ll works for me everytime in swift & in objective-c.


WatchConnectivity on Xcode 14

I made a "todo" app, using core data, and want to extend it to apple watch. The main problem is that when I run the simulator, the watch seems to be not connected with iPhone.
I tried to import WatchConnectivity, use WCSession, delegate, and they are all not working because the watch is not getting connected with the phone in the first place.
I am using SwiftUI, but not storyboard

How to set PresentingViewController with current ViewController in iOS 7+

In my iOS 7+ app I'm using the latest version of Harpy, which perform an app version check and present an alert if there's a new version of my app available in the App Store.
Due to the structure of my app, I'm facing this issue in the debugger:
Attempt to present <UIAlertController: 0x144538530> on <DCLoginViewController: 0x14460c1a0> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
this is because harpy is configured in the AppDelegate and has a parameter that define the presentingViewController:
[[Harpy sharedInstance] setPresentingViewController:_window.rootViewController];
I believe the issues arise because my app check if the user is already logged in, if so, instead of presenting the DCLoginViewController, it jumps to the next view which is "LoadingViewController".
How can I set the presentingViewController to be this LoadingViewController or even the ViewController currently on screen at execution time?
Thanks for your help.
You don't have to launch Harpy in the AppDelegate. You can launch it after LoadingViewController has loaded. It's only recommended to launch it in the AppDelegate as the idea is to show the alert as soon as the app is loaded. It's more of a UX thing than anything else.

How to simulate the Local Notification in apple Watch App?

I am trying to simulate the local notification view in apple watch simulator. Does any one known how to simulate the local notifications in apple watch ?
I have done some research for that but didn't found any answer for the above. There is a way to simulate the PUSH NOTIFICATION but not for the LOCAL NOTIFICATION.
It is not possible to have a Watch app react to a UILocalNotification in the simulator. However, it is almost identical to reacting to a push notification, except it gets routed through a couple of different methods.
If you're presenting an actionable notification, your WKUserNotificationInterfaceController subclass would override -didReceiveLocalNotification:withCompletion: instead of -didReceiveRemoteNotification:withCompletion:.
If your Watch app is getting launched in response to interacting with one of your actionable notifications, then your root WKInterfaceController would implement -handleActionWithIdentifier:forLocalNotification: or -handleActionWithIdentifier:forRemoteNotification:, as appropriate.
From WatchKit's point-of-view, those are the only distinctions between remote and local notifications.
Run your watch app (notification target) on simulator, dismiss the notification and stay on clock face.
Switch to iOS simulator and create a notification. For testing purposes setup fireDate to something reasonable like:
notification.fireDate = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(10)
Here goes the trick. Hit ⌘L to lock iOS simulator.
Enjoy notification arriving to watch app.

Cancel all local notifications when app is closed by the user

There is a small bug in my App.
My App displays notifications at specific times when the App is running and cancel all of them whenever a button is switched.
My problem is that whenever a user closes the App using the multitasking feature of iOS the notifications are still showing up.
I tried to add the following code which doesn't work:
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
// Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] cancelAllLocalNotifications];
The problem is that my App should show notifications when the App is running but shouldn't show notifications when the App is terminated.
Why does the above code not work?
The correct answer is that this cannot currently be done by a multitasking app. One solution is to set a flag in our info.plist declaring your app wants to be killed when the user switches to another app - then you will get the willTerminate message (but get killed then).
There are huge numbers of threads on this topic, one which quotes an Apple doc that tells you backgrounded apps that are terminated do NOT get the willTerminate message is here.
For me, this just means I can now close an open bugreport out with a 'cannot fix' resolution :-)
Just because your app is visible in the app-changer, it doesn't mean it is still running.. it can get closed at any point. You cannot differentiate between the OS closing your app or the user closing your app.
Perhaps a button would be the solution? A button that cancels all notifications?
Or you run a real background task (which can last for about 5 minutes) and stop all notifications afterwards. Or you just schedule the notifications for the next 5-10 minutes and that's it.
For what are you using them?

Reasons for MFMessageComposeViewControllerTextMessageAvailabilityDidChangeNotification

The documentation for MFMessageComposeViewController says you should check [MFMessageComposeViewController canSendText] before trying to create a MFMessageComposeViewController.
It also says:
in iOS 5.0 or later, you should register as an observer of the MFMessageComposeViewControllerTextMessageAvailabilityDidChangeNotification notification to be notified of changes in the availability of sending text messages.
What possible reasons could there be for the availability of text messaging changing?
Is it just to make Linus Torvalds cry?
Background: I’m creating an iOS app that requires the ability to send SMS messages. I’ve added sms to UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in Info.plist. It should only run on iPhones (according to Apple docs, I read somewhere this does not include iPod touches or iPads solely with iMessage)
If text messaging is not available, the app is useless, and should present some useful error message.
Update: I’ve tested with my iPhone 4S that simply having a locked SIM still returns YES from canSendText – still not a reason for message sending ability to change.
Update #2: I have created a simple test app to see what might cause it. I have not received the notification at all.
Things that don’t cause MFMessageComposeViewControllerTextMessageAvailabilityDidChangeNotification
Turning iMessage on & off
Losing WiFi connectivity
Turning on airplane mode
Locking iPhone SIM card
Things that can cause canSendText to change between YES/NO (but not send a notification)
Turning iMessage on & off on an iPad (I assume iPod touch too)
I’m guessing the correct case is for iPads and iPod touches when iMessage is turned on or off, however, there must be a bug (either in my test code or Apple’s) that’s preventing this from working.
If you need this notification, I tried just checking [MFMessageComposeViewController canSendText] again on UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification. This sometimes works, but if you switch quickly between Settings.app and your app, it may not have changed yet by the time you switch to your app, causing canSendText to still reflect the old value.
My solution for now is just going to be simply checking canSendText just before relevant decisions are made, and handle the (rare?) case where it may have changed without me knowing in some appropriate way.
Since MFMessageComposeViewController can use iMessage in iOS5, I'm guessing it's probably to handle the case where iPod Touches and Wi-fi iPads lose internet connectivity while a message is being typed.
I managed to rule out another scenario where it does not trigger MFMessageComposeViewControllerTextMessageAvailabilityDidChangeNotification.
Sender iPad with a working wifi connection
Reciepient Android phone
Result: MessageComposeResult == MessageComposeResultSent, MFMessageComposeViewControllerTextMessageAvailabilityDidChangeNotification was not triggered
Next I tried the same scenario with iMessage in order to duplicate the final results. (== not being able to send an iMessage).
Then I realized that iMessage was able to tell me in advance this would never work by putting a red exclamation next to the recipients name with the message this person is not registered with iMessage. The MFMessageComposeViewController does not do this!!!
My current conclusion is: canSendText should be named canComposeText.
MFMessageComposeViewControllerTextMessageAvailabilityDidChangeNotification does nothing.
Currently, there is no case where MFMessageComposeViewControllerTextMessageAvailabilityDidChangeNotification is sent.
The only time when the value of canSendText changes is when iMessage is turned on/off on an iPad or iPod Touch (not an iPhone, which has SMS messaging).
Even when canSendText changes, no notification is sent.
(Unless it’s just a bug in my test code?) This appears to be a bug or missing feature in Apple’s code.