Location of YII extension folder - yii

I am new with YII framework, and our problem is TO FIND THE EXTENSION FOLDER and we need a yii framerwork with a SLIDER.
Does anybiy know where the extension folder is?
Here is the link for the instructions
please see INSTALL corner.

Normally the extension folder (in yii1) is located in :
I hope this is what you are looking for


Bundle Resource Images Into One Exe?

I'm new to resources with coding. I just want to create a standalone exe that has a couple of png images bundled inside of it.
Is there a way to do this? I have tried setting the build action of the images to embedded resource but when the program is compiled there seems to be no exe at all. I'm sure there's a simple way that this is done.
Use My.Resources. Don't add the image files to the project in the Solution Explorer yourself. Open the project properties and add the files on the Resources page. If you add Image1.png and Image2.png then you can access them in code using My.Resources.Image1 and My.Resources.Image2. You don't have to do anything extra.

How to get the file upload button to show in the EditMe extension

I'm using the ExtEditMe extension in my project with the following configuration:
For some reason the file upload button isn't showing in the tool bar. Is there something else I need to add?
Questions too much for a comment. Could you check the following:
Check the permissions for the assets folder. Need to be writable by your
httpd (example apache:apache or apache:www-data)
EditMe should be inside the protected/extensions/ folder
Change your widget call to:
(used full path)
Check if kcfinder/config.php says: 'disabled' => false,
Also, there may be a need to put kcfinder in the root of the webapp. See this example with CKeditor.
The following comes from the CKEDITOR docs:
This button will be hidden by default (hidden:true). The filebrowser plugin looks for all elements with the filebrowser attribute and unhides them if appropriate configuration setting is available (filebrowserBrowseUrl/filebrowserUploadUrl).
Which could mean your config settings for the filebrowser plugin are not correct. You should try the following:
KCFinder (your filebrowser plugin) is not a yii extension as far as I know, so move the kcfinder folder to the root folder (or any other folder outside of the protected folder).
Change the paths to the KCFinder files. I recommend using yii's Yii::app()->baseUrl to make sure you're getting the correct paths:
Hope that helps.
These URLs will be passed to the Javascript initiator of the extension, and they will be requested from there, so you can copy them and try requesting them from the browser to see if they are working (I'm almost sure they won't work).
One way you can work this out, is by creating a controller and includes these PHP files there, then make these URLs refer to the controller you created. Hope it helps.

NSFileManager Create a .app like file/folder in cocoa

I'd like to create a folder/file (similar to how the .app files/folders work) so that I can have a directory within my file. But still show the document icon that I setup via the xcode project interface under the info panel.
No idea how to go about this, any ideas?
So basically, you just hit an option in Xcode under the document saying that you do want it to be a bundle. Then you just create a folder with the extension you have in your document (info.plist). Thanks y'all.
I think what you are looking for are Packages.
See About Bundles and Document Packages for more details.

Howto modify Sandcastle presentation style without changing the default installation files

My project uses Sandcastle and Sandcastle Help File Builder to generate documentation.
We're using a customized version of script_manifold.js that persists the user's language preference across pages (the default version resets the language preference with each page).
Currently, the script is located in the Sandcastle\presentation\VS2005\scripts folder.
Is there a way to override this script with a custom version, without having to mess with the Sandcastle installation? That is, can I have a file that is checked into source control along with my source code, and somehow have that file used by SHFB instead of the default Sandcastle one?
Never mind, I found the answer!
In the SHFB project explorer window, you can just create a folder with the same name as the presentation style content you wish to override. This works with any stock content, such as HTML, CSS or JS files. So in my situation, I needed to override the script_manifold.js file which lives in the Scripts folder of the VS2005 presentation style.
So I needed to create a folder called Scripts in my SHFB project, then put my script_manifold.js in that folder.
It all works perfectly. Excellent!

Create class diagram from already existent iphone code

does anybody know, how i could create automatically a UML class diagram from an already existent iphone project. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can use Doxygen:
Install Doxygen (with MacPorts: sudo port install doxygen).
Get a script like this and change the first lines to match your configuration.
Download these files and edit the Doxygen file so it says HAVE_DOT=YES and UML_LOOK=YES.
It will then generate and install a docset that you can read from the documentation browser, or just right click and show contents from Finder.
Or, if you want a graph of dependencies check: https://github.com/nst/objc_dep It uses graphviz.
See also OmniGraffle of all things. If you open an Xcode project with it, it will generate a full class diagram. It can be fairly overwhelming for a large project.