Update a boolean field as criteria using Count inside IF - sql

I have 2 tables called t_task and t_task_details in MS Access
t_task has 3 columns: task_id, task_description, task_status (task_status column is Yes/No column while the rest are Short Text)
t_task_details also has 3 columns: task_id, task_date and done (done is also Yes/No)
Every task is linked to task_details via task_id.
I want update task_status to Yes / True if ALL task_details.done are Yes / True
I have tried this, but unfortunately it's not working:
UPDATE t_task
INNER JOIN t_task_details ON t_task.task_id = t_task_details.id
SET t_task.task_status = IIF(Count(t_task_details.done) = 0, True, False)
WHERE t_task_details.done = False

I think you can use a query like this:
UPDATE t_task
SET t_task.task_status = true
FROM t_task_details
WHERE t_task_details.task_id = t_task.id) =
FROM t_task_details
WHERE t_task_details.task_id = t_task.id
AND t_task_details.done = True)
I don't test it yet.
Note that this will update status of tasks that has no any details, If you want to remove them from update you can add this to the query:
AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM t_task_details
WHERE t_task_details.task_id = t_task.id);
If you want to update status to false for other records, I suggest you to use this query instead:
UPDATE t_task
SET t_task.task_status = IIF(
FROM t_task_details
WHERE t_task_details.task_id = t_task.id) =
FROM t_task_details
WHERE t_task_details.task_id = t_task.id
AND t_task_details.done = True), true, false)
WHERE t_task_details.task_id = t_task.id);

You can also use DCount and DSum:
t_task.task_status =
(DCount("*", "t_task_details", "[task_id] = " & t_task.id & "") =
Abs(DSum("[done]","t_task_details", "[task_id] = " & t_task.id & "")))
If key is not numeric:
(DCount("*", "t_task_details", "[task_id] = '" & t_task.id & "'") =
Abs(DSum("[done]","t_task_details", "[task_id] = '" & t_task.id & "'")))


vb.net - Index was outside the bounds of the array

I got a problem in vb.net. By the way I am a newbie. I need your help
what's problem on this error:
My code:
Public Sub load_stockid_monthly_byUP(ByVal type As Integer, ByVal filter As Integer, ByVal input As String)
Dim sqlquery As String = ""
Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand
Dim myData As MySqlDataReader
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim where As String = ""
Dim order As String = ""
If filter = 1 Then
where = ""
ElseIf filter = 2 Then
where = " AND r.type =" & input
ElseIf filter = 3 Then
where = " AND s.cat_id =" & input
ElseIf filter = 4 Then
where = " AND (s.desp like '% " & input & " %' OR s.desp like '" & input & " %' OR s.desp like '% " & input & "' OR s.desp = '" & input & "')"
ElseIf filter = 5 Then
where = " AND (s.cat_id = 1 OR s.cat_id = 2 OR s.cat_id = 4 OR s.cat_id = 5 )"
ElseIf filter = 6 Then
where = " AND (s.pallet_id <> 0 OR s.carton_id <> 0)"
order = " ORDER BY carton_id, pallet_id , stock_id"
ElseIf filter = 7 Then
where = " AND (s.pallet_id <> 0)"
order = " ORDER BY pallet_id , stock_id"
ElseIf filter = 8 Then
where = " AND (s.carton_id <> 0)"
order = " ORDER BY carton_id, stock_id"
ElseIf filter = 9 Then
where = " AND (s.uniform_id <> 0)"
order = " ORDER BY uniform_id"
End If
If type = 1 Then
sqlquery = "(SELECT s.id AS id,s.stock_id AS stock_id ,s.packing_id AS packing_id ,s.carton_id AS carton_id, s.pallet_id AS pallet_id, s.desp AS desp,i.unit_price AS unit_price, i.rate AS rate, c.type AS cat, u.unit AS uom, s.currency AS currency, s.uniform_id As uniform_id FROM incoming AS i LEFT JOIN stock AS s ON i.stock_id = s.id LEFT JOIN uom AS u ON s.uom = u.id LEFT JOIN stock_cat AS c ON s.cat_id = c.id LEFT JOIN supplier AS r ON s.supplier_id = r.id WHERE s.active = 1 AND (i.active = 1 OR i.active = 2)" & where & " GROUP BY c.type, s.stock_id , i.unit_price, i.rate ) UNION " _
& "(SELECT s.id AS id,s.stock_id AS stock_id ,s.packing_id AS packing_id ,s.carton_id AS carton_id, s.pallet_id AS pallet_id,s.desp AS desp,i.unit_price AS unit_price, i.rate AS rate, c.type AS cat, u.unit AS uom, s.currency AS currency, s.uniform_id As uniform_id FROM adjust AS i LEFT JOIN stock AS s ON i.stock_id = s.id LEFT JOIN uom AS u ON s.uom = u.id LEFT JOIN stock_cat AS c ON s.cat_id = c.id LEFT JOIN supplier AS r ON s.supplier_id = r.id WHERE s.active = 1 AND i.adjust_qty > 0 AND (i.active = 1 OR i.active = 2)" & where & " GROUP BY c.type, s.stock_id , i.unit_price, i.rate ) " & order
' sqlquery = "SELECT s.id AS id,s.stock_id AS stock_id ,s.desp AS desp,i.unit_price AS unit_price, i.rate AS rate, c.type AS cat, u.unit AS uom, s.currency AS currency FROM incoming AS i LEFT JOIN stock AS s ON i.stock_id = s.id LEFT JOIN uom AS u ON s.uom = u.id LEFT JOIN stock_cat AS c ON s.cat_id = c.id LEFT JOIN supplier AS r ON s.supplier_id = r.id WHERE (i.active = 1 OR i.active = 2)" & where & " GROUP BY c.type, s.stock_id , i.unit_price ORDER BY c.type ,s.stock_id "
ElseIf type = 2 Then
sqlquery = "SELECT s.id AS id,s.stock_id AS stock_id ,s.desp AS desp,n.unit_price AS unit_price, n.rate AS rate, c.type AS cat, u.unit AS uom, s.currency AS currency FROM issue AS i LEFT JOIN stock AS s ON i.stock_id = s.id LEFT JOIN uom AS u ON s.uom = u.id LEFT JOIN incoming AS n ON i.irm_id = n.id LEFT JOIN stock_cat AS c ON s.cat_id = c.id LEFT JOIN supplier AS r ON s.supplier_id = r.id WHERE s.active = 1 AND i.active = 1" & where & " GROUP BY c.type, s.stock_id , n.unit_price ORDER BY c.type ,s.stock_id"
End If
stock_id_count = 0
myCommand.Connection = conn
myCommand.CommandText = sqlquery
myData = myCommand.ExecuteReader
If myData.HasRows = False Then
x = 1
While myData.Read
data(x, 0) = myData.GetInt32("id")
data(x, 1) = myData.GetString("stock_id")
data(x, 2) = myData.GetString("desp")
data(x, 8) = myData.GetString("unit_price")
data(x, 9) = myData.GetString ("rate")
data(x, 12) = myData.GetString("cat")
data(x, 14) = myData.GetString("uom")
data(x, 16) = myData.GetString("packing_id")
x = x + 1
End While
End If
stock_id_count = x
End Sub 'closing stock unit price
I get the error:
Index was outside the bounds of the array for that code 'data(x, 0) = myData.GetInt32("id")'
How to fix that?
This is what i get when run in program:
************** Exception Text **************
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Purchasing.mdlStoreBalance.load_stockid_monthly_byUP(Int32 type, Int32 filter, String input)
at Purchasing.frmStockBalanceReport.bt_preview_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Thank you
Where is data(x,?) defined? You fill data within a while loop, but there is no checking to see if the while loop overruns the defined bounds.
I also can't tell how much data you expect to read. This will influence the run-time for the while loop and how high x is expected to get.
(would have asked this as a comment, but my rep is not yet high enough in this form).
As an aside, the checking of filter can be done in a select case statement. This will allow you to double check that you have covered where and order consistently. Also, as a coding convention, naming variables exactly the same as a one of your keywords (in this case a SQL keyword) can hide simple errors. Calling them something like whereStmnt and orderStmnt might help.

Using Linq for select row from DataTableA where id not in DataTableB

I have two dataTables ,and i want select all rows from DataTable1 where id is not in DataTable2.below what i have tried :
Sql = "select *,N°Reçu as NumRecu from V_Sit_J_Vente,V_Bien where V_Sit_J_Vente.Code_bien=V_Bien.Code_bien and date_situation <= '" + dt2 + "' and date_situation >= '" + dt1 + "'"
Dim GlobalDataVente As DataTable = utilitaire.getDataSet(Sql).Tables(0)
Sql = "select * from V_Reserv_Annule"
Dim GlobalDataAnnule As DataTable = utilitaire.getDataSet(Sql).Tables(0)
Dim query = (From order In GlobalDataVente.AsEnumerable() _
Where order!code_projet = tab.Rows(i).Item("code_projet")).ToList
Dim bannedCCList = From c In GlobalDataAnnule.AsEnumerable() _
Where c!type.Equals("Transfert acompte") = False And c!date_annule <= dt2
Dim exceptBanned = From c In query Group Join b In bannedCCList On c.Field(Of String)("N°Reçu") Equals b.Field(Of String)("num_reserv_remplace")
Into j() From x In j.DefaultIfEmpty() Where x Is Nothing Select c
What i want that "exceptBanned " containt all rows of "query" except row exist in "bannedCCList "
Thanks in advance
You can use Contains for this:
Dim query = (From order In GlobalDataVente.AsEnumerable() _
Where order!code_projet = tab.Rows(i).Item("code_projet")).ToList
Dim bannedCCList = From c In GlobalDataAnnule.AsEnumerable() _
Where c.type.Equals("Transfert acompte") = False And c.date_annule <= dt2
Select c.Field(Of String)("num_reserv_remplace")
Dim exceptBanned = From c In query
Where Not bannedCCList.Contains(c.Field(Of String)("N°Reçu"))
Select c
bannedCCList defines a query that produces the Id values you want to exclude; exceptBanned combines query with this list of Ids into a query that only runs once to return the final results. It works this way because bannedCCList is an IEnumerable. It isn't executed when it's defined, only when it's actually used.

Access Run Time Error 3464 data type mismatch in criteria expression

What is wrong with that code? I can't figure out why I keep getting this error.
Sub renttt()
Dim rent_list As Recordset
Dim query As String
query = "SELECT * FROM (Rent INNER JOIN Movies ON Rent.Movie_ID = Movies.ID) INNER JOIN Customers ON Rent.Customer_ID = Customers.ID WHERE Rent.Movie_ID = '" & txtbxmovieID.Value & "' AND Rent.Date_Returned is Null;"
Set rent_list = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(query)
If rent_list.RecordCount = 1 Then
txtbxname.Value = (rent_list![CusName])
txtbxsurname.Value = (rent_list![Surname])
txtbxcardID.Value = (rent_list![Id_Card_number])
txtbxaddress.Value = (rent_list![Address])
txtbxrented.Value = (rent_list![Date_Rent])
End If
End Sub
Wouldn't MovieId be a numeric? If so, no quotes:
WHERE Rent.Movie_ID = " & txtbxmovieID.Value & " AND ...

vb.net - using case select query in sql for jtable

If anyone knows how to use case in query for jtable, pls take a look my code.
Dim batch_status As String = " case when status = 0 then 'Created' when status = 1 then 'Scanning' when status = 2 then 'Scan Saved' end as status"
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY " & jtSorting & " ) AS RowNum, batch_id, batch_name, date_created, profile_id, total_page, " & batch_status & ", First_ScanID, file_id " & _
" FROM [ip_ent_site].[dbo].[tbl_batch] WHERE STATUS IN (0,1,2) ) AS RowConstrainedResult " & _
" WHERE RowNum >= #jtStartIndex AND RowNum < #jtEndIndex ORDER BY RowNum ; "
if i use like this, it is working:
Dim batch_status As String = "status"
but with case, not.
whats problem here?
another part of code:
If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
students = (From item In dt.AsEnumerable() Select New Class1 With { _
.No = Convert.ToInt32(item(1)), _
.batch_id = Convert.ToInt64(item(2)), _
.batch_name = DirectCast(item(3), String), _
.date_created = item(4).ToString, _
.profile_id = Convert.ToInt32(item(5)), _
.total_page = Convert.ToInt32(item(6)), _
.status = Convert.ToInt32(item(7)), _
.First_ScanID = Convert.ToInt32(item(8)), _
.file_id = CheckDBNullInteger(item(9)) _
End If
Use your declare statement like below.
Dim batch_status As String = " case when status = 0 then ''Created'' when status = 1 then ''Scanning'' when status = 2 then ''Scan Saved'' end as status"
may be the problem with #jtStartIndex AND #jtEndIndex.
Just found, change .status = Convert.ToInt32(item(7)) to .status = item(7).ToString,
displaying in Jtable is quite different

Optimizing query in MS Access

I have created this query using MS Access:
Abonentai.vardas AS name,
Abonentai.pavarde AS name1,
Abonentai.email AS email,
Abonentai.Telefonas AS phone1,
Abonentai.[Gimimo metai] AS birthdate,
"" AS phone2,
"" AS name2,
Last(Abonentai.Suma) AS paycost,
Abonentai.vardas & " " & Abonentai.pavarde AS fullname,
Last(AbonentaiD.Planas) AS Abonement_Code,
Last(AbonentaiD.Nuo) AS Abonement_StartDate,
Last(AbonentaiD.Iki) AS Abonement_ExpDate,
Last(AbonentaiD.Kartai) - (SELECT COUNT(StatistikaID) FROM Statistika WHERE Statistika.AbonentasID = Abonentai.AbonentasID AND Statistika.AtvykimoData > (SELECT Last(AbonentaiD.Nuo) FROM AbonentaiD WHERE AbonentaiD.AbonentasID = Statistika.AbonentasID)) AS MAXQUANTVISIT,
Abonentai.ANr AS CARDNO,
FROM Abonentai
LEFT JOIN AbonentaiD ON Abonentai.AbonentasID = AbonentaiD.AbonentasID
(((AbonentaiD.Iki)>Date())) AND (((AbonentaiD.Kartai) Is Null)) OR (((AbonentaiD.Kartai) Is Not Null) AND ((Abonentai.GaliojimoData)>Date()))
Abonentai.[Gimimo metai],
Abonentai.vardas & " " & Abonentai.pavarde,
Last(AbonentaiD.Kartai) - (SELECT COUNT(StatistikaID) FROM Statistika WHERE Statistika.AbonentasID = Abonentai.AbonentasID AND Statistika.AtvykimoData > (SELECT Last(AbonentaiD.Nuo) FROM AbonentaiD WHERE AbonentaiD.AbonentasID = Statistika.AbonentasID)) > 0
Last(AbonentaiD.Kartai) - (SELECT COUNT(StatistikaID) FROM Statistika WHERE Statistika.AbonentasID = Abonentai.AbonentasID AND Statistika.AtvykimoData > (SELECT Last(AbonentaiD.Nuo) FROM AbonentaiD WHERE AbonentaiD.AbonentasID = Statistika.AbonentasID)) IS NULL
But it takes alot of time to excecute it. Is there any way to reduse excecution time? I need every vaue that I am selecting.