Loosing vertical scrollbar in netbeans nimbus LAF - netbeans-8

I'm using Netbeans 8.0.2 and the Nimbus Look And Feel.
At a certain point, when the vertical scroll slider becomes small, it disappears.
Has anyone the same behavior or any fix for that problem?
This happens only in Nimbus and Dark Nimbus LAF

There is a bug filed here. Assuming this is your problem, after setting your look and feel to Nimbus, try adding:
LookAndFeel lookAndFeel = UIManager.getLookAndFeel();
UIDefaults defaults = lookAndFeel.getDefaults();
defaults.put("ScrollBar.minimumThumbSize", new Dimension(30, 30));


Lighting doesnt show in blender 2.8 render tab

I cant seem to get my lighting to work in the render tab.
I have lights in it and they have a high strenght yet it doesnt show anything.
Im kinda new to blender so apologize in advance if the answer is obvious
Bro do this open viewport shading in the top right corner beside of solid, preview, rendered and turn on scene light

Strange drawing on iOS map when working with MKPolyline

In our app we are connecting GPS coordinates from the position of a user. When we are connecting the lines, it sometimes appears that there is a strange drawing happening. I mean the blurry red color thing on the right of the picture below. Did anyone experience this problem before? Might that be an iOS bug? By the way: It disappears when I reload the map. Management is asking me to fix it but I guess I have no influence here. Any thoughts?

Bootstrap addons not working properly on different resolutions

It looks like there is a bug in Bootstrap. If you change resolution, for example with ctrl + (+/-) in your browser the addons are not properly adjusted. It looks like this:
Notice the wrong sizes of addons.
Is there a simple way to fix this?
No, there is no simple way (and quite possibly no way period) to fix problems related to the type of zooming that you're referring to (as opposed to the viewport-width-based zooming that you get when using the pinch gesture on touch-based devices).
Per Bootstrap's documentation:
Page zooming inevitably presents rendering artifacts in some components, both in Bootstrap and the rest of the web. [... these issues] often have no direct solution other than hacky workarounds.
Zooming in and out is not changing the resolution at all its zooming and is completely different from changing the view port's aspect ratio and dimensions.
Give the input area a fixed width like input {width:100px}

PHPStorm presentation mode left margin

Any idea how I can customise the size of the left hand margin when in presentation mode?
On a 27" monitor this is absolutely huge!
I've had a look through the settings and couldn't find anything, any ideas?
Thanks for your time.
Known issue -- please vote/star/comment to get notified on progress (hopefully will be fixed for v8):

iPad not all screen recognising touches

So my current app project is a camera based app and all is going well so far but I have run in to a weird little issue and don't know if there's something basic i'm missing or if it's something more complex.
When I run my app on the iPad in landscape mode (right hand home button), the right end of the screen doesn't recognise touch down events, though if an item is spread across the border (half recognising touches, half not) and you press on the good half and drag, it still recognises the touch and also recognises the touch up event when you let go. Through testing, I worked out that it works fine up to pixel 768 so this makes me think that one of the views thinks that the application is still running in portrait. But then when I run it in portrait, the bottom section (same portion) doesn't work either.
I have looked at another couple of posts on SO:
Article 1
Article 2
I have tried the fixes they say, but have had no luck as of yet. It may be something to do with the fact I have various different views created both programatically and in the interface builder and somewhere along the way, something isn't being initialised correctly but I have tried changing them all, I may have missed some though.
If anybody can shed any light on my situation, that would be greatly appreciated.
I think the problem has something to do with autoresizing mask. Have you set this? Try to set the background color of all views to see where they are.