azure storage blob container name - separate for each user/owner - azure-storage

In order to keep the blob storage separated per user in a multiuser application, i was trying to create separate containers per user within the same storage account. I know it can hit a 500TB limit at some point, but thats for later.
I was thinking of using:
as the name of the container but looks like its not allowed and violating the container naming conventions. Since i am using it to differentiate user specific data in sql tables i was thinking if using the same. But doesnt seem to work.
Any recommendations? Whats the cleanest way?

Are you saying you don't know the naming conventions? If not, then, as
Emily suggested, you should update your question to show the example names that you're trying to use. However, if you don't know the naming conventions, please refer to the naming rules section in How to use Blob Storage.


How to manually add a user in ibm cloudant?

I have a cloudant database with a lot of deleted docs. Since they can't be destroyed, I would like to make a filtered copy with the non deleted items to a temporary base, destroy the original one, and copy the temporary base to a fresh database with the same name as before.
The problem is when I destroy the base, the API keys generated are also destroyed...
So the front app calling the new base can't acces it !
I would like to manually create a user/password, so I can recreate the same user each time I destroy the database.
I don't know how to do it ?
Or is there another way to achieve my goal ??
To answer your actual question, you can't add "users" to a Cloudant account, only databases. You can, however, make API-keys that span multiple databases, which sounds like it could be what you want:
But as was noted by bessbd above, if your data model relies on document deletion, you're working against the grain of Cloudant, and sooner or later you'll end up with problems.
And finally -- the doc links appear to work just fine.
Maybe some useful stuff here:
[disclaimer, I wrote that]
Can you please expand a little further on your use case? Why do you want to get rid of the deleted docs? Is there a way to avoid deleting the docs? Also, have you already read ?

Deleting rows in datastore by time range

I have a CKAN datastore with a column named "recvTime" of type timestamp (i.e. using "timestamp" as type at datastore_create time, as shown in this link). Example value for this column is "2014-06-12T16:08:39.542000".
I have a large numbers of records in the datastore (thousands) and I would like to delete the rows before a given date in "recvTime". My first thought was doing it using the REST API with the datastore_delete operation using a range filter, but it is not possible as described in the following Q&A.
Is there any other way of solving the issue, please?
Given that I have access to the host where CKAN server is running, I wonder if this could be achieved executing a regular SQL sentence on the Postgresql engine where the datastore is persisted. However, I haven't found information about manipulating the CKAN underlying datamodel in the CKAN documentation, so don't know if this a good idea or if it is risky...
Any workaround or information pointer is highly welcome. Thanks!
You could definitely do this directly on the underlying database if you were willing to dig in there (the structure is pretty simple with tables named after the corresponding resource id). You could even turn this into an API of your own using an extension (though you'd want to be careful about permissions).
You might also be interested in the new support (master only atm) for extending the DataStore API via a plugin in an extension - see

GetOrCreate in RavenDB, or a better alternative?

I have just started using RavenDB on a personal project and so far inserting, updating and querying have all been very easy to implement. However, I have come across a situation where I need a GetOrCreate method and I'm wondering what the best way to achieve this is.
Specifically I am integrating with OpenID and once authentication has taken place the user is redirected to my site. At this point I'd either like to retrieve their user record from Raven (by querying on the ClaimsIdentifier property) or create a new record. The user's ID is currently being set by Raven.
Obviously I can write this in two statements but without some sort of transaction around the select and the create I could potentially end up with two user records in the database with the same claims identifier.
Is there anyway to achieve this kind of functionality? Possibly even more importantly is do you think I'm going down the wrong path. I'm assuming even if I could create a transaction it would make scaling out to multiple servers difficult and in anycase could add a performance bottle-neck.
Would a better approach be to have the Query and Create operations as separate statements and check for duplicates when the user is retrieved and merge at that point. Or do something similar but on a scheduled task?
I can't help but feel I'm missing something obvious here so any advice on this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Note: while scaling out to multiple servers may seem unnessecary for a personal project, I'm using it as an evaluation of Raven before using it in work.
Dan, although RavenDB has support for transactions, I wouldn't go that way in your case. Instead, you could just use the users ClaimsIdentifier as the user documents id, because they are granted to be unique.
Alternatively, you can also stay with user ids being generated by Raven (HiLo btw) and use the new UniqueConstraintsBundle, which lets you attribute certain properties to be unique. Internally it will create an additional document that has the value of your unique property as its id.

Is it possible to store and retrieve objects created using Objective-C? (in a database, for use in iOS app)

I'm working on an iOS app that creates "location sets" where each row contains a location name and a GeoPoint, and each set has its own name. Each of these sets are stored in an object inside our program (all belonging to the same class). Now we want to give users the capability to create sets and upload them to a database, allowing other users to access and download them to their device.
I've been looking in to back-end solutions for work like this, but pretty much everything I've found so far focuses on relational databases and adding and deleting rows and using SQL-like language to retrieve them. Is there a way to store these objects just as objects (and not unpack the info inside to tables), and then retrieve them? It feels like that would be a much simpler way of going about this.
I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to databases, so forgive me if there's info missing here that you would need to help me out. I'll make sure to keep checking back in case someone asks for more info.
Coredata might be useful for you as its based upon the entity. So you can play multiple things around it by using queries (predicates).
But if you just want to save and retrieve back, then as a simplest solution I would suggest to create array/dictionary with entity data, save that into NSUserDefaults so you can retrieve back same while re-launching the app.
Webservices for iOS development:
WSDL Webservices
Response data parsing, it would be either JSON or XML:
JSON Parsing
XML Parsing
Hope these links would be helpful for you.
I ended up using Parse's mobile back-end service. That was the type of service I was looking for. I've found other similar services since then, like Applilcasa and StackMob, but we're pretty happy with Parse so far.

I need to store HTML emails in a database. Is that a bad idea?

The templates for these HTML emails are all the same, but there are just different variables for say, first name, last name and such.
Would it just make sense to store the most minimal of data that I need, and load the template in and replace the variables everytime?
Another option would be to actually create the HTML file and store a reference to it, which probably would be the easiest to do except it might be a pain managing the files, and it adds complexity in regards to migrating, file permissions, et cetera.
Looking for opinions from people who've done this before...
I have a booking engine. When users make a booking, they are sent a confirmation email, generated from the sessionized booking data.
This email provides a "Cannot view this email? See it here" link which provides a web view of the email, in addition to a plaintext view.
I need to display the same email that was sent out, in addition to the plaintext view.
The template is subject to change, but I think because of that very fact I should have a table of templates and map the data to a template.
That's what I would do, because the template layout may change over the time, but the person information should remain the same. So, it makes sense to just store the person information in the database and leave the template out from the database.
In fact, it would be even better if you use template engine such as Velocity (in Java) to construct your HTML emails... very easy, by the way.
On the one hand cpu is more expensive then memory, so mostly it is better to save more data to reduce cpu power used by computation.
But in your case, I would save the minimal data, the emails or what you are tying to save, because it allows you to easily remodel your templates, and to reuse the data at multiple places of your application.
You persist redundant data (especially because of the template) which is in no way normalized. I would not suggest to do that. But mentioned in the comment it is important what you want to do with that data.
If you only save the data you need you could for example exchange that template easy and use another one.
Yea, your right on track. I did a similar thing. All dynamic/runtime variables were starting from ##symbol.
So in database you would have one Template table. One table would be for dynamic/runtime variables. One table for Mapping between Template and dynamic/runtime variables.
tblTemplate - TemplateID, TemplateValue
tblRuntimeVariables - RuntimeVariableID, VariableString, VariableSQL
tblMapping - TemplateID, RuntimeVariableID, RuntimeVariableValue
Advantage of using an extra mapping table is that on adding new dynamic variables to existing change would mean making no change to existing database. Only more rows would be added to tblMapping.
In my case I was also having one extra column for storing SQL Statements in tblRuntimeVariables in case the value for a runtime variable is fetched from database.