GetOrCreate in RavenDB, or a better alternative? - ravendb

I have just started using RavenDB on a personal project and so far inserting, updating and querying have all been very easy to implement. However, I have come across a situation where I need a GetOrCreate method and I'm wondering what the best way to achieve this is.
Specifically I am integrating with OpenID and once authentication has taken place the user is redirected to my site. At this point I'd either like to retrieve their user record from Raven (by querying on the ClaimsIdentifier property) or create a new record. The user's ID is currently being set by Raven.
Obviously I can write this in two statements but without some sort of transaction around the select and the create I could potentially end up with two user records in the database with the same claims identifier.
Is there anyway to achieve this kind of functionality? Possibly even more importantly is do you think I'm going down the wrong path. I'm assuming even if I could create a transaction it would make scaling out to multiple servers difficult and in anycase could add a performance bottle-neck.
Would a better approach be to have the Query and Create operations as separate statements and check for duplicates when the user is retrieved and merge at that point. Or do something similar but on a scheduled task?
I can't help but feel I'm missing something obvious here so any advice on this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Note: while scaling out to multiple servers may seem unnessecary for a personal project, I'm using it as an evaluation of Raven before using it in work.

Dan, although RavenDB has support for transactions, I wouldn't go that way in your case. Instead, you could just use the users ClaimsIdentifier as the user documents id, because they are granted to be unique.
Alternatively, you can also stay with user ids being generated by Raven (HiLo btw) and use the new UniqueConstraintsBundle, which lets you attribute certain properties to be unique. Internally it will create an additional document that has the value of your unique property as its id.


Effectively make database records read-only

How can I make sure that specific data in the database isn't altered anymore.
We are working with TSQL. Inside the database we store contract revisions. These have a status: draft / active. When the status has become active, the revision may never be altered anymore. A revision can have 8 active modules (each with its own table), each with their own settings and sub-tables. This creates a whole tree of tables with records that may never change anymore when the contract revision has been set to active.
Ideally I would simply mark those records as read-only. But such thing does not exists as of today. The next thing that comes to mind are triggers. Thus I have to add those triggers to a lot of tables, all which are related to the contract revision.
Now maybe there are other approaches, like a database only for archiving on which the user only has insert rights. Thus when a contract revision has become active, it is moved from one DB to the archive DB (insert is allowed). And can never be altered anymore (DENY UPDATE|DELETE).
But maybe there are other more ingenious options I haven't thought of, and you did. Maybe including the CLR or what not.
So how can I make a tree-structure of records inside our TSQL database effectively readonly that is the most maintenance free, easy to understand, quickly to setup, and can be applied in a most generic way?
What ever you do (triggers, granted rights...) might be overcome by a user with higher rights, this you know for sure...
Is this just to archive this data?
One idea coming into my mind was to create a nested XML with all data within on big structure and put this somewhere into a side table. Create a INSTEAD OF UPDATE,DELETE TRIGGER where you just do nothing. Let these tables be 1:1-related.
You can still work with this data, but not quite as fast as being read from physical tables.
If you want, you even might convert the XML to a string and calculate some Hash-Code, which you store in a different place to check for manipulations.
The whole process might be done in one single Stored Procedure call.

Updating friendly name of a liferay page through SQL

Is there a way to update the Liferay's site page's friendly name through a SQL script?
We generally do this in the control panel through admin user.
While #steven35's answer might do the job, you're hitting a pet peeve of mine. On a different level, you're doing it right if you're doing it on the Control Panel, or through the API and you should not think about a way to ever write to Liferay's database. It might work for the moment, but it might also fail in unforeseen ways - sometimes long after your update.
There have been enough samples for this to happen. If you're changing data while Liferay is running, the cache will not be updated. In case these values are also indexed in the search index, they won't be updated there and random later uses might not find the correct page without you reindexing everything. The same value might be stored somewhere else - or translated. Numerous conditions can fail - and there's always one condition more than you expect and cater for. That one condition might break your neck.
Granted, the friendly name of a page might not fall into the most complex of these cases, but just don't get into the habit of writing to Liferay's database. Or, if you do, don't complain about future upgrades failing or requiring extra work, because the database contains values that the API didn't expect. The problem is that during the next upgrade (if you do it in - say - one year) you'll long have forgotten that you manually changed data in the database and blame Liferay for problems during your upgrade.
Changing data is exactly what the UI and the API are for.
Friendly urls are stored in LayoutFriendlyURL.friendlyURL in your Liferay database so the following query should work
UPDATE "yourdatabase"."LayoutFriendlyURL" SET "friendlyURL"="/newurl" WHERE "layoutFriendlyURLId"=12345;
You will also need to update the Layout table accordingly to match the new friendly url.

Storing relational data in MongoDB (NoSQL)

I've been trying to get my head around NoSQL, and I do see the benefits to embedding data in documents.
What I can't understand, and hope someone can clear up, is how to store data if it must be relational.
For example.
I have many users. They are all buying a product. So everytime that they buy a product, we add it under the users document in mongo, so its embedded and its all great.
The problem I have is when something in reference to that product changes.
Lets say user A buys a car called "Porsche". Then, we add a reference to that under the users profile. However, in a strange turn of events Porsche gets purchased by Ferrari.
What do you do now, update each and every record and change to name from Porsche to Ferrari?
Typically in SQL, we would create 3 tables. One for users, one for Cars (description, model etc) & one for mapping users to purchases.
Do you do the same thing for Mongo? It seems like if you go down this route, you are trying to make Mongo do things SQL way, which is not what its intended for.
I can understand how certain data is great for embedding (addresses, contact details, comments, etc) but what happens when you need to reference data that can and needs to change at a regular basis?
I hope this question is clear
DBRefs/Manual References were made specifically to solve this issue. Instead of manually adding the data to each document and then needing to update when something changes, you can store a reference to another collection. Here is the mongoDB documentation for details.
References in Mongo
Then all you would need to do is update the reference collection and the change would be reflected in all downstream locations.
When i used the mongoose library for node js it actually creates 3 tables similar to how you might do it in SQL, you can use object id's as foreign keys and enrich them either on the client side or on the backend, still no joining but you could do an 'in' query for the ID's then enrich the objects that way, mongoose can do this automatically by 'populating'

User settings in SQL Server

I am trying to design an efficient database schema for user settings in SQL Server 2008 R2. The wrinkle here is that we need multiple levels of granularity, and I'm not sure how to efficiently represent that.
We have a handful of settings that can be applied to a full Account, a single Module, or a specific Feature. Currently the way the table has been set up is something to the effect of:
AccountId int
ModuleId int
FeatureId int
SettingData string
(please don't get hung up on what SettingData is or isn't, I just made it a string here in the example to distinguish it from the other Ids).
Problem: Many customers have access to many modules, and these modules have access to many features. A single Account making a change to SettingData can modify 4000 records. This is absolutely not tenable for obvious reasons, and I'm determined to fix it.
The solution is obviously to have a few different tables that, by their usage, override eachother and allow some account wide settings and granular preferences. However, I've never done this before and my attempts at designing it end up looking disturbingly similar to the inefficient table structure we currently have.
Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated.
It sounds as though settings can currently be specified at the following levels:
Given that there are probably already tables set up for each of Account, Module and Feature, it would appear to make sense to:
Remove the existing table.
Set up a new field for setting data on each of the existing Account, Module and Feature tables.
Since the general principle is that the specific should override the general, a Module-level setting should override an Account-level setting, and a Feature-level setting should override a Module-level setting.
The advantage of this approach is that any time a specific setting was updated, only a single record would need to be updated.
The disadvantage is that to determine which setting should apply to a specific feature (for a specific account) in a specific module, 3 tables would have to be queried instead of one.

How to deploy complex SQL solutions through an installer?

Part of the setup routine for the product I'm working on installs a database update utility. The utility checks the current version of the users database and (if necessary) executes a series of SQL statements that upgrade the database to the current version.
Two key features of this routine:
Once initiated, it runs without user interaction
SQL operations preserve the integrity of the users data
The goal is to keep the setup/database routine as simple as possible for the end user (the target audience is non-technical). However, I find that in some cases, these two features are at odds. For example, I want to add a unique index to one of my tables - yet it's possible that existing data already breaks this rule. I could:
Silently choose what's "right" for the user and discard (or archive) data; or
Ask the user to understand what a unique index is and get them to choose what data goes where
Neither option sounds appealing to me. I could compromise and not create a unique index at all, but that would suck. I wonder what others do in this situation?
Check out SQL Packager from Red-Gate. I have not personally used it, but these guys make good tools overall and this seems to do what you're looking for. It let's you modify the script to customize the install:
You never throw a users data out. One possible option is to try and create the unique index. If the index creation fails, let them know it failed, tell them what they need to research, and provide them a script they can run if they find they have a data error that they choose to fix up.