How to run vNext web api on IIS7 -

i'm getting started with vNext and i've found something that i cant understand if is a limitation on the DNX or if is something still not fixed.
When i'm publishing a simple webapi, as simply as the the default VS2015C template, my IIS 7 says:
IIS 7.5 or higher is required.
Is there some workarround or is really a limitation?

According to the latest community standup, the HELIOS integration between IIS and 5 was stopped. Ongoing the only server provided by MS is kestrel. You have to start and integrate kestrel into IIS by reverse proxying it.
This is quite normal in the Unix world and the .net team had to reduce the maintenance effort here.
Answering your question: Considering the Announcement I think practical usage in an Windows Environment via HttpPlatformHandler is only possible IIS8+.

ASP.NET 5 never has and never will support IIS 7 (Windows Vista and Windows 2008 both have IIS 7 only); IIS 7.5 and higher is actually required to bootstrap the dnx. If you want to work with ASP.NET 5 you must be running a Windows 7 or higher client OS or a Windows 2008 R2 or higher server OS.


Is there any way that I can host .net core API's or .net core web APP on "on premises" server

I wanted to host my .net core API in Go Daddy Linux Server and also .net Core Web APP is there any possibility to do that. Also I have seen lots of tutorials to make that happen in Linux server which is for cloud but doesnt work the same scenario for any another on premises server.
If anyone have this experience or can only suggest that if there is possibility for hosting in the go daddy linux server it will be really helpful
It seems that you need to ask them whether they have support .net core on their Linux hosting package. I ever worked with them in the past 8 years ago, I didn't like their support, but I don't know now, maybe they improve better. If you want to use .net core on Linux, Digital Ocean can be good option. I also .net user here but I always use Windows to deploy my .net. From Classic ASP until newest .net core project, I always use Windows Server.

Asp.Net Core 3.0 API app requires restart frequently on IIS Windows Server 2016

I have hosted my Asp.Net Core API project on IIS on Windows Server 2016 and also installed hosting bundle for Asp.Net core apps on that; have to restart my application after few hours. Please help me to solve this.
What is the problem? Is there any error message? You need to be more specific on your issue.

How to get dotTrace to profile memory for a web app in IIS Express 8?

dotTrace Memory 3.5 seems to support profiling a web application using IIS or WebDev, but not IIS Express. Is this correct? If not, how do you get dotTrace to profile a 64 bit web application in IIS Express 8?
It's not an option to run the web application in WebDev40.exe.
You can analyze memory usage of IIS Express applications using JetBrains dotMemory 4.2.
I know this might be way too late, however it is good for reference for other developers.
IIS Express is now an option since version 5.0.
Support for IIS Express
As IIS Express was gaining popularity among
web developers, we've been receiving requests to enable profiling web
applications running under this server, and here we go: dotTrace 5
Performance introduces official support for IIS Express that
complements existing support for the full-fledged IIS and ASP.NET
Development Server.

How to install iis 6.0 on windows xp-32?

well, according to what I've found googling around, it's imposible... (maybe with with windows xp 64...)
but I thought that maybe someone could find a way to achieve it, or at least some workaround...
ps: I need to debug classic asp code, and my production environment is windows 2003, while my development machine is windows xp...
just to clarify, I can already debug classic asp code in iis 5 with vs 2003 and 2008, it's just that I stumbled upon a (very silly) bug that only appeared on iis 6 (when IIS 5 received and empty http status, it just assumed 200, while iis 6 kept asking for my credentials in an infinite loop, it was very silly in deed, but took me a lot of time -and cursing- to discover it)
IIS 6 cannot be installed on Win XP. However, debugging classic ASP code is possible on Windows XP / IIS 5.1 using Visual Studio 2003 and up. You will need to configure IIS 5.1 to "enable ASP server-side debugging" (disabled by default):
IIS settings
Here is a more detailed article on how to debug classic ASP pages in Visual Studio - link
(NOTE: When running on XP Pro/IIS 5, you need to attach to dllhost.exe instead of w3wp.exe)
You posting in your 2nd link is correct. And read the faq. That spells out why it can't be done.
One option you can do is have a virtual machine of Server 2003 running on your laptop.

Hosting WCF Service Application with Plesk Panel 9.2

Is there a way to host wcf service application with Plesk Panel 9.2 in shared hosting under Windows 2008.
It doesn't depend on Plesk but on the actual server you are controling using Plesk. If it has the .NET framework 3 or later installed you can host WCF services. However if you only have .NET 2 you can't. Please keep in mind that the .NET framework version reported is 2 even if 3.0 or later is installed as that is the version of the CLR which hasn't changes since.