Asp.Net Core 3.0 API app requires restart frequently on IIS Windows Server 2016 -

I have hosted my Asp.Net Core API project on IIS on Windows Server 2016 and also installed hosting bundle for Asp.Net core apps on that; have to restart my application after few hours. Please help me to solve this.

What is the problem? Is there any error message? You need to be more specific on your issue.


How to run a .Net Core webapplication on a Windows 7 machine?

I want to run a ASP.Net Core webapplication on a Windows 7 machine without having to install Visual Studio.
Can I just install .Net Core on the production environment or are there some preconditions that have to be met prior to installing .Net Core?
I tried out some scenarios and I found out the following:
For running .Net Core you only need the .Net Core runtime (or the SDK) installed on the production environment. You can find the downloads here:
For ASP.Net Core, which uses Kestrel for hosting, you only need the runtime (or the SDK) as well. (I tested this on Windows 7 and Linux Debian)
When hosting with IIS, see Andre.Santarosa answer
Prior to run .NET Core on windows 7, your system must have SP1 and Hotfix KB2533623 insalled, install IIS package via Control Panel then DotNetCore WindowsHosting (this allow IIS to handle ASP.NET Core requests) - Link:
When you create your IIS application, it will create an application pool, set .NET CLR in this pool to "No Managed Code".
This should be enough you to run

How to run vNext web api on IIS7

i'm getting started with vNext and i've found something that i cant understand if is a limitation on the DNX or if is something still not fixed.
When i'm publishing a simple webapi, as simply as the the default VS2015C template, my IIS 7 says:
IIS 7.5 or higher is required.
Is there some workarround or is really a limitation?
According to the latest community standup, the HELIOS integration between IIS and 5 was stopped. Ongoing the only server provided by MS is kestrel. You have to start and integrate kestrel into IIS by reverse proxying it.
This is quite normal in the Unix world and the .net team had to reduce the maintenance effort here.
Answering your question: Considering the Announcement I think practical usage in an Windows Environment via HttpPlatformHandler is only possible IIS8+.
ASP.NET 5 never has and never will support IIS 7 (Windows Vista and Windows 2008 both have IIS 7 only); IIS 7.5 and higher is actually required to bootstrap the dnx. If you want to work with ASP.NET 5 you must be running a Windows 7 or higher client OS or a Windows 2008 R2 or higher server OS.

Does Microsoft Application Insights support MVC 6 (.Net 5)

I'm trying to setup a prototype with an mvc 6 project and application insights. When selecting to monitor an mvc 6 website in IIS 7, it says it is monitoring but no server statistics are being sent to Azure. When I monitor any other sites on that server it works correctly. So my question is, does application insights support .Net 5 and MVC 6 running in IIS?
In the website I have installed Application Insights using the snippet of javascript provided by Microsoft Application Insights. This is working correctly and sending data to Azure.
The website is on a local Windows 2012 server. I have installed the Application Insights Status Monitor on the server and I have it pointed to the mvc 6 website. This part is not working. When I point the Server Tool to a site on the local server running a .Net 4.5 website it does submit the data correctly to Azure.
I did not add the AI part via nuget package because I am not submitting any custom alerts to Applications Insight. Right now I am just looking to get the server statistics. IE Memory, Processor usage, etc. vnext is not currently supported. But there are plans to support it in the near future.
There is ongoing work visible on it in github:

ASP.NET MVC 4 IIS 7 Intranet Deployment

I can't believe I am having such a hard time getting information on this. It seems almost all MS documentation is about deploying to Azure or in an "enterprise environment" etc.
I have a simple ASP.NET MVC 4 application that I want to deploy to IIS 7 on a server on our intranet. How can I do this?
I'd highly recommend using MsDeploy. It pretty much can do just about anything you need to deploy a website application to an IIS Server.

Web Server to Host my MVC4 Web Application

Hi i'm trying to host an mvc4 web application on a web server and it is not working. Do i need to install something in particular so that it works? And what type of web server is the best for this type of situation?
You will need:
IIS, preferably IIS 7+
.Net installed on the server
make sure the framework is set correctly
Take a look here
if you have all this set up, let us know the error you are seeing.
1)IIS 7.5
2) MVC4 and Framework 4.5 should be installed
3) Also check that in ApplicationPools you set framawork 4.0 for your site (default is 2.0)
It would be better if you show a certain error you receive.
See the following Question... How to deploy an MVC 4 application to a Windows Web Server based dedicated hosting?
It seems incredabily relevant to what you are asking.
Also for future reference read before asking questions