Intersect two intervals - sql

Is there a way I can test if an interval given by two attributes within a table intersetcs another one which is "hard-coded"? Let´s say we have a table
a | b
2 | 3
4 | 6
1 | 2
where the two attributes mark an interval. Now I want to get all the intervals that intersect e.g. {3, 5} (for now lets call those two numbers lower (l)- and upper(u)-bound). This should result in {{3}, {4, 5}}.
I already thought about an approach building a huge SQL-query that checks for every row to be returned for the following four cases:
a >= l && b <= u // attribute-given interval completely enclosed by bounds
a <= l && b <= u // attribute-given interval falls out to "the left"
a >= l && b >= u // attribute-given interval falls out to "the right"
a <= l && b >= u // bounds are completely enclosed by attribute-given interval
However I wondered if there´s a smarter approach using any built-in-function two perform such an intersection.
I´m using Oracle 11g for this.

Assuming that your interval pairs are ordered (i.e. a <= b for all rows) you could use this formula to check if intervals intersect:
FROM MyIntervals
The idea is to see if the smaller of the right sides of the two intervals is greater than the greatest of the left sides.
The formula above will return all rows where intervals overlap or touch. If you do not want touching intervals, use > in place of >=.

Use this code:
select *
from MyIntervals MI
where MI.A <= U
and L <= MI.B
This will get all the possibilities where your interval overlaps the leading edge, or the trailing edge of your target interval, or your interval completely contains, or is completely contained by your target interval.
This works when A <= B and L <= U since when the two ranges overlap in any way, the start of each range will always be less than the end of the other range. If they don't overlap, then there are only two situations where they won't, one is where A > U and the other is where B < L which can be rewritten as L > B. That is the don't overlap when (A > U) | (L > B), and they do over lap when NOT((A > U) | (L > B)). Applying De Morgan's Laws:
NOT((A > U) | (L > B))
= NOT(A > U) & NOT(L > B)
= (A <= U) & ( L <= B)


How to convert the following if conditions to Linear integer programming constraints?

These are the conditions:
if(x > 0)
y >= a;
z <= b;
It is quite easy to convert the conditions into Linear Programming constraints if x were binary variable. But I am not finding a way to do this.
You can do this in 2 steps
Step 1: Introduce a binary dummy variable
Since x is continuous, we can introduce a binary 0/1 dummy variable. Let's call it x_positive
if x>0 then we want x_positive =1. We can achieve that via the following constraint, where M is a very large number.
x < x_positive * M
Note that this forces x_positive to become 1, if x is itself positive. If x is negative, x_positive can be anything. (We can force it to be zero by adding it to the objective function with a tiny penalty of the appropriate sign.)
Step 2: Use the dummy variable to implement the next 2 constraints
In English: if x_positive = 1, then y >= a
However, if x_positive = 0, y can be anything (y > -inf)
y > a - M (1 - x_positive)
if x_positive = 1, then z <= b
z <= b + M * (1 - x_positive)
Both the linear constraints above will kick in if x>0 and will be trivially satisfied if x <=0.

Repeating numbers with modulo -1 to 1 using positive and negative numbers

Repeating numbers with modulo
I know I can "wrap" / loop numbers back onto themselves like 2,3,1,2,3,1,...
by using modulo.
Example code below.
But how can I use modulo to "wrap" numbers back onto themselves from -1 to 1 (-1,-.5,0,.5,1). Some test numbers would be a=[1.1,-2.3,.3,-.5] it would loop around and the values would be between -1 to 1.
I guess a visual example would be bending an x,y plane from -1 to 1 into a torus (how it loops back onto itself).
I was thinking of how a sin wave goes 0,1,0,-1 and back again but I wasn't sure how I could implement it.
PS: I'm using Octave 4.2.2
This can be accomplished by offsetting the value before taking the modulo, then reversing the offset after.
For example, if the target range is [a,b) (the half-open interval such that b is not part of the interval), then one can do:
y = mod( x - a, b - a ) + a;
For example:
a = -1;
b = 1;
x = -10:0.01:10;
y = mod( x - a, b - a ) + a;

Minizinc "var set of int: x" instead of "set of int: x"

I have an array of set in the Golfers problem (in each week there should be formed groups, such that no two players play together more than once, and everybody plays exactly one time each week):
int: gr; %number of groups
set of int:;
int: sz; %size of groups
set of int:;
int: n=gr*sz; %number of players
set of int: P=1..n;
int: we; % number of weeks
set of int: W=1..we;
include "globals.mzn";
array[G,W] of var set of P: X; %X[g,w] is the set of people that form group g in week w
My constraints are as follow (I'm not sure if everything works correctly yet):
constraint forall (g in G, w in W) (card (X[g,w]) = sz); %Each group should have size sz
constraint forall (w in W, g,h in G where g > h) (disjoint(X[g,w], X[h,w])); % Nobody plays twice in one week
constraint forall (w,u in W where w > u) (forall (g,h in G) (card(X[g,w] intersect X[h,u]) <= 1 )); % Two players never meet more than once
constraint forall (w in 2..we) (w+sz-1 in X[1,w] /\ 1 in X[1,w]); %Symmetries breaking: week permutations
constraint forall (w in W, g in ( min(X[g,w]) < min(X[g+1,w]) ); %Symmetries breaking: group permutations
constraint forall (g in G, s in S) ( s+sz*(g-1) in X[g,1]);
solve satisfy;
output [ show(X[i,j]) ++ if j == we then "\n" else " " endif | i in, j in 1..we ];
My problem lies in constraint number 5. I cannot use min on "var set of int: x", I should use it on "set of int: x". Unfortunately, I do not understand the difference between those two (from what I've read this may be connected to defining the size of each set, but I'm not sure).
Could someone explain the problem to me and propose a solution? I would be very very grateful. Thanks!
First of all: A var is a decision variable. The goal of all Minizinc programs are to decide the the value of all decision variables. You don't know what the values are and you are trying to find the values. Anything that is not a var is simply a known number. (disregarding the use of sets)
Doing min(X[g,w]) of a decision variable (var) is simply not implemented in Minizinc. The reason would be that using X[g,w] < X[g+1,w] without the min makes more sense. Why only constrain the lowest number in both sets insted of all numbers. I.e {1,3,5} < {1,4} insted of 1 < 1
(I hope MiniZinc has < on sets so I don't lie, I am not sure)
I have found out the solution - we should make an array of elements of the set to make the max function possible in this case.
constraint forall (w in 2..we) ( max([i | i in X[1,w-1]]) < max([i | i in X[1,w]])); %Symmetries breaking: week permutations
constraint forall (w in W, g in ( min([i | i in X[g,w]]) < min([i | i in X[g+1,w]]));% Symmetries breaking: group permutations (I have been trying to speed up the constraint above, but it does not work with var set of int..)

Generate context free grammar for the following language

**{a^i b^j c^k d^m | i+j=k+m | i<m}**
The grammar should allow the language in order abbccd not cbbcda. First should be the a's then b's and so on.
I know that you must "count" the number of a's and b's you are adding to make sure there are an equivalent number of c's and d's. I just can't seem to figure out how to make sure there are more c's than a's in the language. I appreciate any help anyone can give. I've been working on this for many hours now.
The grammar should be Context Free
I have only got these two currently because all others turned out to be very wrong:
S -> C A D
| B
B -> C B D
C -> a
| b
D -> c
| d
S -> a S d
| A
A -> b A c
(which is close but doesn't satisfy the i < k part)
EDIT: This is for when i < k, not i < m. OP changed the problem, but I figure this answer may still be useful.
This is not a context free grammar, and this can be proven with the pumping lemma which states that if the grammar is context free, there exists an integer p > 0, such that all strings in the language of length >= p can be split into a substring uvwxy, where len(vx) >= 1, len(vwx) <= p, and uvnwxny is a member of the language for all n >= 0.
Suppose that a value of p exists. We can create a string such that:
k = i + 1
j = m + 1
j > p
k > p
v and x cannot contain more than one type of character or be both on the left side or both on the right side, because then raising them to powers would break the grammar immediately. They cannot be the same character as each other, because then multiplying them would break the rule that i + j = k + m. v cannot be a if x is d, because then w contains the bs and cs, which makes len(vwx) > p. By the same reasoning, v cannot be as if x is cs, and v cannot be bs if x is ds. The only remaining option is bs and cs, but setting n to 0 would make i >= k and j >= m, breaking the grammar.
Therefore, it is not a context free grammar.
There has to be at least one d because i < m, so there has to be a b somewhere to offset it. T and V guarantee this criterion before moving to S, the accepted state.
T ::= bd | bTd
U ::= bc | bUc
V ::= bUd | bVd
S ::= T | V | aSd

What is the difference between == and <= in this case

I was working on making a game, and I was wondering why the construct with the == operator doesn't work while the lower one does. I used an NSLog message afterwards to test.
if (pipe.position.x == bird.position.x){ no idea why this doesn't work
if ((pipe.position.x <= bird.position.x) & (pipe.position.x > bird.position.x - 1)){
This is because one (or both) of the position.x's are a floating-point2 value with a non-zero difference1 between the two position values such that only the second condition is true.
Since p <= b is true for all values that make p == b true, to see why this works "unexpectedly" let's choose some values such that the expression p == b is false2 yet p < b is true and p > b - 1 is true.
Given p = 3.2 (pipe) and b = 3.7 (bird), as an example, then
p == b
-> 3.2 == 3.7
-> false
(p <= b) & (p > b - 1)
-> (3.2 <= 3.7) & (3.2 > 3.7 - 1)
-> (3.2 <= 3.7) & (3.2 > 2.7)
-> true & true
-> true
Instead, to detect when the bird "is crossing" the pipe, assuming that x increases to the right, consider
// The bird's head to the "right" of the pipe leading edge..
bird_x >= pipe_x
// ..but bird's butt is not to the "right" of the pipe trailing edge.
// (Also note use of the &&, the logical-AND operator)
&& (bird_x - bird_width <= pipe_x + pipe_width)
Of course, using a non-rectangle (or forgiving overlap) collision detection would lead to less frustrating flapping!
1 This issue occurs because there are some particular floating-point values (but there are no integer values) which can cause the observed effect.
First, reiterate the assumption that p is not equal to b, given that the first condition does not succeed. Let's suppose then that p <= b is written as p == b || p < b but since p == b is false , we can write it as p < b by tautology.
Since both clauses in the second condition are true (such that true && true -> true), we have the rules: 1) p < b is true, and 2) p > b - 1 is true.
Rewriting p < b as p - b < 0 and p > b - 1 as p - b > -1, and then replacing p - b with x yields: x < 0 and x > -1. However, there is no integer value of x which satisfies -1 < x < 0.
(In first section, where p = 3.2 and b = 3.7, x = (p - b) = 0.5 which satisfies the given constraints when x is not restricted to an integer value.)
2 With all above aside, it is possible for p and b to be "very close but different" floating-point values such that there is a non-zero difference between them - due to rounding, they may even be displayed as the same integer value! See How dangerous is it to compare floating point values? and related questions for the cause and "odd" behavior of such when using ==.
If this is the case then round to integer values and use an integer comparison, or; rely entirely on relational comparison such as shown in the proposed condition, or; use epsilon comparison for "nearly equal" of floating-point values.
if you choose abs(pipe.position.x) == abs(bird.position.x) the first condition may satisfy.