Sometimes I have to insert so many random codes into the database for discounts, campaigns, etc. To do this I created an excel sheet to generate SQL codes. But this is taking too much time.
For example, the query down below is just for inserting one code. I want to generate many different queries (sometimes thousands) by just changing the code field.
I could not find a good tool for that yet and would appreciate any help.
select NEXT VALUE FOR SEQ_COUPONID,4,'**CODE**','DESCRIPTION','2021-12-17 00:00:00.000',365,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0.00000000',0,1,0,0,0,1,0,'2022-03-15 23:59:00.000',0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,1,8
newbie here working on something bit complicated..not sure how to start and whats the best way..looking for some advice and tips
So, we have 2 system running using MS Dynamics POS 2009 and have extract of all data (inventory/stock) in spreadsheets. Both dbo have pretty much the same items but because they have been run separately all naming and Part Numbers are in different format.
I need to create one database (one excel file) from both. Where partial match on Part Number will be identified and "merged" (keeping Part Number and Description from sheet1 and updating Stock (sheet1 stock + stock from sheet2)
Problem is that Part Numbers are written in completely different styles (by different people) and can by match only by some partial match (i guess last 3-6 characters in Part numbers)
I am not excel expert so any advice and tips would be appreciated.
Also have thoughts of loading those excel sheets into 2 separate SQL databases and doing it from SSMS as not sure if excel can cope with this
I'm not 100% sure of the source data, but based on the available information here are some possible steps:
-Create a new Database in SSMS
-Load the data from your excel extracts in with the import data tool (Right on your newly-created database, tasks, Import data). This
will pull up a wizard that will transform your Excel spreadsheet to a table in SQL server. Do this for all spreadsheets
-You may be able to do some matching based on the start/end of characters and use a MERGE statement to get unique data. The merge statement
allows you to set a match criteria, and then take certain actions depending on a positive or negative match. For example, if your different POS
systems have two different spreadsheets of products where there is some overlap, but also some products that are unique to each system, you could start with a source table from the first system and only insert products into it that are unique to the other system, if there is a match do nothing. Something like
MERGE ProductA A
USING ProductB B
ON RIGHT(A.ProductID, 5) = RIGHT(B.ProductID,5)
INSERT (ProductID, Descrption)
VALUES (b.ProductID, b.Description)
I have userform in Excel VBA that contains two multiselect listboxes. Essentially its the add/remove concept where the box on the left gives me a lits of analysis names from SQL and you select the ones you want into the box on the right.
What I'm now trying to do is take the information in the list box that the user wants to use and put that into a temp table in SQL so that I can run a query that loops through the values in the temp table.
I was going to create a .csv file save if and then inser the temp table into SQL. However that seemed long winded and made me think there must be a more direct way, however this is beyhond my SQL/VBA skills.
Many Thanks
I have to create a work flow which should multiply two list look-up column values into other column. Can anybody provide me any help or sample reference on how to do this
With SharePoint Designer 2013 you have the "Do Calculation" action which takes two variables (your two lookup values), makes a calculation (minus, plus, multiplied etc) and outputs the result to a new variable. Then you can use this variable for whatever you want to do, send it in an e-mail, update a list item or perhaps just log it in the workflow history.
i have a textbox on a form and i would like the user to be able to choose from different values but also be able to enter their own values, how do i do this?
i would like to clarify that the user should be able to enter multiple values into the same textbox
I suggest that you don't. A subform to a table of values related to the main table would seem to be the way to go. You can make data entry for the field a combo that is not limited to list. Often a link back to the sub-table will suit in such a case.