Having Issue On Removing Layer on ArcGIS API For JavaScript - arcgis-js-api

I am adding a markers layer called layer1 like this to map
function drawPoints(mapInfo) {
layer1 = new esri.layers.GraphicsLayer();
for (var i = 0; i < mapInfo.length; i++) {
var projects = mapInfo[i];
var project = new esri.geometry.Point(projects.Longitude, projects.Latitude);
project = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(project);
var symbol = new esri.symbol.PictureMarkerSymbol("img/map/marker.png", 18, 18);
projectInfoTemplate = new InfoTemplate();
projectInfoTemplate.setTitle("Project Details");
projectInfoTemplate.setContent('<div class="row"></div> ');
var projectsG = new esri.Graphic(project, symbol).setInfoTemplate(projectInfoTemplate);
now in next request I need to clear map so I used the
but this is causing error because the layer1 still not created at first request. Now I need to check IF the map has a layer called layer1 then removeit. Here is a pseudo code of what I need to do:
can you please let me know how to do that?

It is a graphics layer so the layer will be listed in the map.graphicsLayerIds array. You can search for and remove the layer like this:
if (map.graphicsLayerIds.indexOf(layer1.id) != -1) {


Illustrator script (or action) to make 1 random layer visible per group

Similar to this question but with adobe Illustrator: Photoshop action to make 1 random layer visible within each group
I want to use an illustrator script (or action) to generate images that are composed of a random sampling of grouped layers.
With in each of the 12 groups, I want to make 1 layer per group visible.
Export the visible layers as an svg. Bonus points if I can change the file format.
Repeat the process n times
I know this is similar to the code linked above though I want to be able to use illustrator instead of photoshop if possible.
It could be something like this:
function main() {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// hide all items
var i = doc.pageItems.length;
while(i--) doc.pageItems[i].hidden = true;
// show one random item on every layer
var i = doc.layers.length;
while(i--) {
var items = doc.layers[i].pageItems;
var index = Math.round(Math.random()*(items.length-1));
items[index].hidden = false;
// save svg
var counter = 0;
var file = File(Folder.desktop + '/' + counter + '.svg') ;
while (file.exists) {
file = File(Folder.desktop + '/' + counter++ + '.svg');
doc.exportFile(file, ExportType.SVG);
// save png
var counter = 0;
var file = File(Folder.desktop + '/' + counter + '.png') ;
while (file.exists) {
file = File(Folder.desktop + '/' + counter++ + '.png');
var options = new ExportOptionsPNG24();
options.artBoardClipping = true;
doc.exportFile(file, ExportType.PNG24, options);
// repeat the script N times
var n = 3;
while(n--) main();
It hides all the page items, shows one random item on every layer, and saves the document as SVG and PNG in the desktop folder.

Adobe illustrator linked file name to a layer name script

I want the layer enter image description here
to have the name of the linked file without .eps at the end.
Anyway, I found an answer. So for anyone looking here it is, although it does take to click on every layer, at least you don't have to type it.
function test() {
var sel_itemPlaced = app.activeDocument.selection[0]; // be sure that a linked item (and not an embedded) is selected
var fileName = sel_itemPlaced.file.name;
var textContents = fileName.replace(/\%20/g, " "); //change %20 to spaces
textContents = textContents.replace(/\.[^\.]*$/, ""); //remove extension
var _item = sel_itemPlaced;
while (_item.parent.typename != 'Layer') {
_item = _item.parent;
_item.parent.name = textContents;
It does work for all placed images and all layers at once:
var images = app.activeDocument.placedItems;
for (var i=0; i<images.length; i++)
images[i].layer.name = images[i].file.name.replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, "");

Photoshop script to duplicate and rename layer

While creating a script that would automate all the different tasks I do when I start working on a new picture on Photoshop, I encountered the following problem.
I want to create different groups and different layers inside these groups. Everything goes perfectly fine until this :
#target photoshop
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var clippingHelpLayerLight = doc.activeLayer;
clippingHelpLayerLight.blendMode = BlendMode.SCREEN;
clippingHelpLayerLight.name = "Clipping Help Layer - Light";
clippingHelpLayerLight.visible = false;
var clippingHelpLayerLighter = doc.activeLayer;
clippingHelpLayerLighter.name = "Clipping Help Layer - Lighter";
clippingHelpLayerLighter.visible = false;
function newCurve() {
var c_ADJ_LAYER = charIDToTypeID("AdjL");
var c_ADJUSTMENT = charIDToTypeID("Adjs");
var c_CHANNEL = charIDToTypeID("Chnl");
var c_COMPOSITE = charIDToTypeID("Cmps");
var c_CURVE = charIDToTypeID("Crv ");
var c_CURVE_A = charIDToTypeID("CrvA");
var c_CURVES = charIDToTypeID("Crvs");
var c_HORIZONTAL = charIDToTypeID("Hrzn");
var c_MAKE = charIDToTypeID("Mk ");
var c_NULL = charIDToTypeID("null");
var c_POINT = charIDToTypeID("Pnt ");
var c_TYPE = charIDToTypeID("Type");
var c_USING = charIDToTypeID("Usng");
var c_VERTICAL = charIDToTypeID("Vrtc");
var d_CURVES_LAYER = new ActionDescriptor();
// Contains all the information necessary to perform the "MAKE" action
var r_CLASS = new ActionReference();
d_CURVES_LAYER.putReference(c_NULL, r_CLASS);
// Class of make action is of an ajdustment layer
var d_TYPE_CURVES = new ActionDescriptor();
// Contains all the information about all the curves
var d_CHANNEL_CURVES = new ActionDescriptor();
var l_CHANNEL_CURVES = new ActionList();
// Contains a list of channel curves
var d_CHANNEL_CURVE = new ActionDescriptor();
// Information for 1 channel curve
var r_CHANNEL = new ActionReference();
// This curve is for the composite channel - VARIES
// Contains the point list
var l_POINTS = new ActionList();
// List of points for this channel - LENGTH VARIES
var d_POINT = new ActionDescriptor();
// One point on the curve, has INPUT and OUTPUT value
d_POINT.putDouble(c_HORIZONTAL, 0.000000);
d_POINT.putDouble(c_VERTICAL, 0.000000);
l_POINTS.putObject(c_POINT, d_POINT);
//var d_POINT3 = new ActionDescriptor();
d_POINT.putDouble(c_HORIZONTAL, 255.000000);
d_POINT.putDouble(c_VERTICAL, 255.000000);
l_POINTS.putObject(c_POINT, d_POINT);
// Made the list of points
// Now have a list of points for a specific channel
// Add to the list of channel curves
// All the channel curves are inside here
// .....
// package the curves and definition of the adjustment layer type
executeAction(c_MAKE, d_CURVES_LAYER, DialogModes.NO);
I actually want to create a first layer called "Clipping Help Layer - Light", blend mode : screen and turn it off. Then duplicate it, change the name of the new layer as "Clipping Help Layer - Lighter" and turn it off too.
Like this : Screenshot of what I would like to do
It does create the 2 layers, but the first one has " copy" at the end of its name and it stays turned on.
Screenshot of the actual result
Why ?
I can't understand why it doesn't work as expected and can't manage to fix it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated !
I believe the problem you are encountering has to do with doc.activeLayer. After you duplicate "Clipping Help Layer - Light," the script does not seem to change what doc.activeLayer is pointing to so when you then try to assign it to clippingHelpLayerLighter, you are then pointing at an undefined layer. While I don't know exactly what is happening behind the scenes when you do that, I do believe this will fix your problem:
#target photoshop
var doc = app.documents.add( 4, 4 );
doc = app.activeDocument;
var clippingHelpLayerLight = doc.activeLayer;
clippingHelpLayerLight.blendMode = BlendMode.SCREEN;
clippingHelpLayerLight.name = "Clipping Help Layer - Light";
clippingHelpLayerLight.visible = false;
doc.activeLayer = doc.layers[ "Clipping Help Layer - Light copy" ];
doc.activeLayer.name = "Clipping Help Layer - Lighter";
doc.activeLayer.visible = false;
//I am not sure if you need this pointer to be called upon later in your
//code. If you do not, just leave this line out.
var clippingHelpLayerLighter = doc.activeLayer;
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions, I'm by no means an expert but I use scripts fairly often.

Createjs. Line follow element fiddle

I created this jsfiddle.
A line i connecting two elements, and I want the line to stay connected to both elements no matter where they go.
I've sort of succeeded, but with one pretty obvious error. It keeps drawing new lines instead of redrawing the existing line. Please help me on how to make it update the line position instead.
var stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", tick);
var arrDots = [];
var arrLines = [];
var circle1 = new createjs.Shape().set({
x: stage.canvas.width/2,
y: 50,
cursor: "pointer",
var circle2 = new createjs.Shape().set({
x: stage.canvas.width/2,
y: stage.canvas.height - 50,
cursor: "pointer",
var line = new createjs.Shape().set({
graphics: new createjs.Graphics().s("#00f").mt(arrDots[0].x,
arrDots[0].y).lt(arrDots[1].x, arrDots[1].y)
arrLines.push([arrDots[0], arrDots[1], line]);
createjs.Tween.get(circle1, {loop: true}).to({x:50},
3000).to({x:stage.canvas.width/2}, 3000);
function tick(event) {
function keepLineConnection() {
for(var i = 0; i < arrLines.length; i++) {
arrLines[i][2].graphics.mt(arrLines[i][0].x, arrLines[i][0].y).lt(arrLines[i][1].x, arrLines[i][1].y);
The reason it keeps drawing is because you keep adding commmands to the graphics. Basically, you are doing this:
Since you are just adding new instrucitons, they will pile up over time,
and will eventually kill your processor.
An easy fix for that is to clear the graphics first before adding new ones:
A better approach is to use commands. Since EaselJS 0.7.0, all graphics commands are objects, and at any time you can update properties of those objects directly. For example, the MoveTo and LineTo commands both have an x and y property. Here is more info on Commands: http://blog.createjs.com/update-width-height-in-easeljs/
Here is a modified fiddle that stores of commands on the line, and then updates them on tick. I also made a few other updates, such as changing the timing mode to RAF, which is smoother than using interval-based timers at 60FPS.
// Store commands:
line.cmd1 = line.graphics.mt(0,0).command;
line.cmd2 = line.graphics.lt(0,0).command;
// Update commands:
var instr = arrLines[i],
line = instr[2];
line.cmd1.x = instr[0].x;
line.cmd1.y = instr[0].y;
line.cmd2.x = instr[1].x;
line.cmd2.y = instr[1].y;
Edit: Here is are some demos using that idea that I made a while back:

Remove or hide PDF layer using ABCPdf?

Is is possible to remove or hide a layer from a PDF using ABCPdf or another framework?
The following C# example shows how layer 2 of page 1 can be deleted:
Doc theDoc = new Doc();
int thePages = theDoc.GetInfoInt(theDoc.Root, "Pages");
int thePage = theDoc.GetInfoInt(thePages, "Page 1");
int theLayer = theDoc.GetInfoInt(thePage, "Content 2");
Or perhaps you were looking for the Flatten() function?
ABCpdf contains an Example project called OCGLayers. This project shows you how to identify and redact all the items in a layer.
For example:
Properties props = Properties.FromDoc(_doc, false);
Page page = (Page)_doc.ObjectSoup[_doc.Page];
Reader reader = Reader.FromPage(props, page);
List<OptionalContent.Layer> layers = reader.GetLayers();
foreach (OptionalContent.Layer layer in layers) {
if (layer.Visible == false) {
if (reader == null)
reader = Reader.FromPage(props, page);
Reader.Redact(ref reader, layer);