Client Credentials Flow With OneDrive - onedrive

Interesting does anyone build service/deamon application to manage OneDrive files with Client Credentials Authorization Flow or at least password flow.
If someone get a sample, please share.

I have been searching for examples using the "App Only" flow and came across this article describing a way to do this for the Office 365 API's so presumably it might work with One Drive as well.
blog post about Client Credentials flow with Office 360
Also found this describing how to use the "Client Credentials flow", and how to setup the client side Cert to trigger it.
Instructions on using Client Credentials Flow with Office 365 and Azure AD
Based on that guide here is a demo app on GitHub it referenced.
Seems the steps you need to follow are:
Register your app with Azure AD
Create and register Certificate with Azure AD
Authenticate using JWT ( signed with Certificate ) as Client Only Authentication
Last but not least there was another related question that was answered by a member of the OneDrive dev team indicating it is indeed possible to use this method to authenticate with OneDrive.


Authenticating Xamarin Forms app with Azure Active Directory for accessing a protected Azure AAD Web API app

Not sure how to go about doing this; I'm not looking for B2C, I don't want my users to sign in. I just want my Xamarin app to be able to access an Azure AAD protected API. In other words, I want to authenticate the app itself with the Azure Active Directory, to access an Azure AAD protected API. From what I've found on the internets, service principal to service principal auth is discouraged when using mobile apps and I've not really found a way to do it service to service anyhow.
Any suggestions on how to properly do this? Links with tutorials would be great.
Azure does provide the ability to generate a client ID which you could have sent from your application and checked. Microsoft talk about this in this article. You will want to be careful with how you store this ID in your app as if someone were to steal this they would be able to access your API. Along with that you'd also want to make sure that your connection between your app and server is secured with a pinned SSL certificate so it cannot be man-in-the-middle'd.
Another interesting approach is software attestation where some service checks various aspects of your app to ensure that it is your app. Full disclosure, I work for a company which does this. See Approov. We take a fingerprint of your app and our SAAS checks that this matches at run time. We then issue a token which your app can use to prove that it is the real app.

Authenticate against client Active Directories in a Web Single Sign On

I've been scratching my head over this issue for over a week. We have a web app that we would like to implement SSO for. SSO with windows active directories of our clients (i.e. we essentially need to authenticate against our clients' active directories without much trouble)
The only thing I am 100% sure about is that I will needed a security token service that will have to communicate with an Identity Provider. My question:
Which service is most suitable for the above scenario (AD FS? OpenID & OAuth 2.0? SAML 2.0 and shibboleth?)
How will I connect to the active directories of the clients? Maybe I'm not understanding how the STS is to be used, could anyone clarify? I'm working with an Azure Web App
Will there have to be a different IdP for each client? Will the client have to do more than just give us standard information? What would this info be?
...should I be using Windows Identity Foundation?
HELP :( ... this is an SOS
If anyone could clarify at all, I will forever be grateful. I normally upvote anything I find helpful and accept whichever answer is the best so feel free to answer with what you think might be useful in helping me understand how I can achieve what I am after.
These are the three options I know:
As you mention one option is ADFS this solution means that your customers should install and expose Adfs. ADFS means Active directory-Federation Services, so in this case your application needs to speak WS-Fed (not oauth). Typically if the user is inside the LAN adfs uses integrated auth, if not it will prompt credentials.
WAAD is a new service from Azure, it allows companies to expose their directories to use in cloud applications. With this approach your customers need an account in Azure, create a directory and use the dir sync agent. Your application will talk SAMLP with WAAD.
Auth0 is an authentication broker that allows developers to use social but also enterprise identity providers like AD but also google apps, waad, adfs, salesforce, etc. if your customer only has AD you will provide him an msi for a windows service, that will bridge the company AD with your auth0 account, you can have as many AD as you want. Your application speak oauth with Auth0. This agent supports kerberos authentication as well. The following graph explains this solution:
Disclaimer: I work for Auth0.
WIF doesn't support SAML or OAuth.
Your application is in Azure.
Suggest add WIF to the application and then "bind" to Azure Active Directory. In VS 2013, use the "Change Authentication" feature for this.
Make the application multi-tenanted.
Each customer has their own tenant. User DirSync to sync. each customer AD with their AAD tenant. (That gives same sign-on). Adding ADFS to each customer gives single sign-on.
However, the customers will probably push back on this because of perceptions around security.

How can impersonate a Domain to Access Google API Admin SDK with Oauth2?

We have several apps Deployed on Google Apps Marketplace using OAuth 1.0 protocol. According expiration OAuth 1.0 in Google Platform we are trying to migrate all the apps to new OAuth version but we are facing some difficulties regarding background request to Google Admin SDK Directory API.
In our apps we need to request for Domain user accounts, groups and other stuff related Email Domain structure. Until OAuth 1.0 we have been doing this with 2-LO (Two-Legge OAuth) so basically once Admin gave us access we can impersonate request for domain using this mechanism.
After reading all Google Documentation about Google API, Oauth Mechanisms and stuff, and after trying some code test hypothesis too, we haven't figured out yet how can we managed the same concept with OAuth 2 because of the following:
Using Web Server Oauth 2 Strategy simply will not work because in that scenario we would be getting a Domain user Access to Admin SDK. If we keep their access/refresh token pair to later querying Admin SDK and the user is deleted because Domain change it Admin we will be disconnected from flow.
I supposed in that case the best choice was Service Account strategy. The problem with this scenario is the user has to manually configure access to the App in their Admin Console according to the Google's document domain-wide delegation authority ( This is really awkward for us since we were managing all application installation interactively and we don't want to remove User Experience facilities.
Finally, my questions are:
Is there any way to do domain-delegation authority with OAuth 2 with no manual user configuration, full interactively?
Is there any way to do this without needing user email, which in fact is one of the parameters in Service Account Oauth2 Strategy?
Must we keep 2-LO Authentication for this scenario and do OAuth 2 only for installation Google Marketplace part?
Any comments or guide will be wellcome.
Certainly - in the latest update to the Google Apps Marketplace, the act of installing an App means the admin doesn't need to do an additional manual step.
You need a way to impersonate a user in a Service Account. Depending on how you implement your application, you might need to utilize the Directory API.
OAuth1 is going away eventually so I recommend you use OAuth2 throughout to simplify your code complexity.

Single Sign-on with Sharepoint 2010 from 3rd party application without password

Our SharePoint 2010 application will be launched from a 3rd party application, let's call it HealthApp, via an embedded URL. Much of the time the user will be logged into HealthApp from a shared workstation. As a result, SharePoint will not sign in automatically using the Active Directory credentials.
We need single sign-on.
We need to continue to use Active Directory as the STS for various reasons.
Authentication from a stand-alone browser on the user's workstation will need to work as it does now.
Authentication Info
HealthApp can pass a username and any other custom identifier information we want as URL parameters.
The username will match the users Active Directory username.
We will not have a password.
We need some way to authenticate the user based only on the username/identifier.
Possible Solutions
Is there any way to bypass the password check in Active Directory?
This would appear to be the simplest solution if possible.
Can we
extend the Active Directory provider to authenticate using a generic
user and then log into SharePoint with the username passed on the
Any other suggestions?
I would think there would have to be some way to do this but have not had much experience with claims based authentication with SharePoint.
Thanks for any insight.
Me also facing same issue for authenticating users over share point site that uses claims authentication.As per requirements my app needs to access share point data. So to authenticate
over share point server from an app we need to provide some authenticated claims with the request so that share point STS can issue an authorization ticket to access the share point site resources. after spending more than 2 days in googling i found some interested article that may help to authenticate users from client app against identity provider systems.
OAuth library
this resides between app and identity provider system. using this you get an authenticated claims that will further use to authorize over share point server with the help of Share point STS.

Using ADFS 2 with Live Id as a Claims provider

Has anyone succeeded in configuring ADFS2 to use Live Id (or Google, Yahoo etc) as a Claims provider, and if so where did you get the configuration instructions (can you share them please)
I have previously manged to do this with ACS in Azure to connect to Live Id and ADFS, but would like use ADFS as the "HUB"
AD FS 2.0 itself does not allow authentication against a custom authentication store: it can only authenticate Active Directory accounts. (See this answer of mine for the official documentation at this point.)
A solution is suggested in an answer to another StackOverflow question, although the wording is a bit misleading. If you read the actual blog post you see that they add an extra STS. AD FS 2.0 has a 'Claims Provider Trust' for that other STS, and redirects to it (if the 'home realm discovery' is set up correctly). That other STS then performs the authentication in whichever way it likes (e.g., using a Google or Live account), sends a token back to AD FS, which then runs its claim rules.
So in that solution it is not AD FS 2.0 authenticating against an alternative store, but redirecting to an STS which authenticates against that store.
This is possible with a custom STS you federate your ADFS with.
The idea is to build an STS which itself uses OAuth2 to authenticate users and then (optionally) performs its own Active directory queries to find a user with the same email address and reads roles from the AD. Then the custom Sts returns all the claims to your application.
As Marnix points out, a hybrid approach is possible where the credentials are provided on the adfs page rather than the identity provider page. This is rather difficult as it involves setting up the wstrustfeb2005 endpoint on your sts. I have a six part tutorial on how to do this:
Nonetheless, the latter approach is much more difficult while exposing a passive sts federated with the adfs should not take you long time.