Header - app-store-connect

This morning, I logged into the website: After I logged in, the website showed an error message:
{{ l10n[''] }}
Because I can't add images here yet, I put a screenshot of this error at
What's the reason of this error, and how do I fix it?

I changed another browser the problem solved.
Safari and FireFox have this problem.
Chrome does't

This problem is apple changed his AppStore Review Guide Line,and the account is new,this is mean I was the first time to login, when I loged in the member center,and agree the new guide line,the problem was fixed.Thanks.


iTunesConnect hangs on TestFlight

I'm trying to reach TestFlight on iTunesConnect but it keeps only the loading spinner and do not show anything. I've tried with Chrome and Safari without success.
In my other application on the very same account everything works correctly.
I've already written to support waiting for their response.
My issue was resolved from the support team. They didn't provide me full details what caused this, however after sending them needed information(including page source code) they fixed it on next day.
So if you experience the same, I advise you to contact them(via iTunesConnect).

March 2013: Paypal Sandbox login loops back to developer page [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Please login to use the PayPal sandbox feature
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Since Paypal developer changed in March 2013, I've been unable to get into the sandbox.
I logged in to the new developer site OK with my actual Paypal account details.
I managed to import my accounts into the new development site (marked worryingly as 'beta') using the link
"Looking for Sandbox? Import your test accounts to continue testing. Learn what's new."
But clicking the link 'Sandbox site' on any of the accounts results in me being taken to:
This is the link where I'm greeted with a Paypal Sandbox logo and a single link reading "Please log in to use the PayPal Sandbox features."
Clicking on this link takes you back to where you have come from - that is the developer page where I am already logged in.
I did raise a support question with Paypal, but a week has passed and it's gone unanswered, so I'm hoping someone here can tell me what I'm missing in this new version?
I'm unable to reproduce this. I'm logging into my sandbox accounts just fine. I'm also able to test things like Express Checkout without any issue.
I know that browser cache and cookies can often be a big issue on the sandbox. For example, when I first attempted to try this after seeing your post I was getting a Proxy Error when trying to load I closed and re-opened my browser, though, and then everything worked as expected. Maybe give that a shot.
As Andrew Angell points out - this crazy behaviour was down to the web browser caching. I just cleared out everything in Chrome (Tools > Clear Browsing Data) and wiped everything since the beginning of time and that's got it. Nice catch, thanks Andrew. Appreciated.
The reason every browser I tried did this, is because I've used them all with Paypal - of course - so hence they all do the same thing, leading you to thing the issue is upstream.
Clear your cache and cookie simply by pressing
It works for me.
Clearing doesn't help me with this, USE CHROME INCOGNITO MODE(new window) - it works for me :)

sencha touch 2 api docs

I'm currently working on a project with Sencha Touch 2 and was wondering if anyone has a working link of the API docs page.
I've tried accessing!/api, but I'm constantly getting redirected to:!/api and am finally given a 'The page you’re trying to reach could not be found.' error from Sencha Touch's homepage.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? I'm seeing the same link given on all my searches and hence I'm starting to get the feeling that this isn't just a faulty link problem, but perhaps something else.
The missing page error is occurring on Chrome. IE seems to be handling the link OK.
I don't know why you got that strange problem because the link is still Ok for me, maybe you need to clear your browser cache or something else.
But instead of that way, if you've already download and unzip the sencha touch 2 package from here and I think you've already did it, so you just need to open the index.html file in that folder, the API docs are already there :)
I've fixed the error by disabling the KB SSL Enforcer extension in Chrome.
Hope this info. helps others facing the same problem.
The inability to read the docs in chrome was driving me mad for a while.
You have downloaded the sdk right??? just go to your sdk folder and go to docs in your web browser the docs is right there...

Safari can't get HEROKU's cookie

I am sorry that I am not able to provide much info because I totally have no idea about this weird problem.
I have a fb canvas app which is written by rails 3.2.2 .
There is not any problem on my local machine (Mac OS X 10.7.4).
When I deploy it to heroku, it is fine with chrome and firefox. However, when I use Safari to browse it, Safari can't get any cookie from heroku. (it shows "This site has no cookies" in developer tool, but it works well on my local machine.)
I have googled this problem, and I get something like this and this, but I don't think these are the case of mine.
any suggestion?
If you need any specific info about my code to solve this problem, please let me know.
I will appreciate it very very much!!
I finally found out that it's a problem of safari's security setting.
As fb canvas gets heroku's content through iframe, there may be security issues. If we donwgrade the 'Block cookies' of safari's privacy settings from 'From third parties and advertisers'(default) to 'Never', everything works well!
However, I don't think asking users to downgrade their security settings is a good idea. I am wondering whether there is a solution to avoid this restriction in safari.
please let me know if you have any idea. many thanks :)

Spotify Play Button incompatible with Opera?

When I visit the Spotify Play Button demo page ( in Opera 11.62, clicking on the Play Button gives me the (mostly-expected) popup:
The application "Spotify" must be launched to open the link:
Do you want to proceed?
If I click yes, the Spotify app then launches (if not already running) and gets focus, but does not play anything. I suspect the link is getting broken by Opera somehow (notice that it has the spotify: protocol name but nothing after that). The Play Button on my own site produces the same behavior. Works fine in Firefox on the same machine.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Yes, sadly, that's the case. There's a similar issue in Opera's bug tracker.
I think your particular issue could be related to Opera's lack of support for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). CORS support is coming is available in Opera Next, but not Opera 11.62. If it doesn't work in Next, I encourage you to file a bug report.