Which permissions does datastax-agent need? - datastax

I am using internal Datastax Enterprise authentication. This means I need to give datastax-agent username and password to access my database. Which privileges does its username need? To which keyspaces? Feel free to refer me to documentation as I haven't found anything on this.

Phact wrote:
The c* user used for the agent should have all grants for the opscenter keyspace and describe / select for everything else. I'll work on getting details added to the datastax docs.


My IBM Directory Server P2P replication blocks on add new entry and changes to operational attributes by the pwdpolicy mechanism. How do I avoid this?

I setup a peer-to-peer replication topology on 2 IBM LDAP servers (Version 6.4). It works, both ways, with simple attribute modifications like changing description or displayName attributes. But it blocks when I add a new entry on either server. I checked the logs and see an error 50 (insufficient access) for the change. The audit logs show an "extra" operational attribute, ibm-entryuuid, are added to the other server, which maybe causes the error.
It also blocks when I try to login on an account with an invalid password. I get an error 65 (object class violation). This is maybe because the password policy mechanism modifies/adds/deletes certain operational attributes(e.g. PWDFAILURETIME)
The schema files are the same for both servers. And both servers are cryptographically synched.
I use JXplorer to test. I use admin credentials.
What should I do to allow these operations to replicate? Thanks in advance for any help.
I have checked the supplier credentials and when I tried to change the ibm-slapdmasterdn and ibm-slapdmasterpw, I get an Already Exists error. What do I do?
I found the problem. I didn't quite understand what the credentials attributes meant until I re-read the IBM tutorial. I was trying to modify the replica DN to the admin DN, that's why I got the error.
It replicates smoothly now.

Terraform code to create a new user and login on Azure SQL database with Database owner permissions

I have a terraform code that deploys Azure SQL database with server admin credentials. But I would like to create a separate user and login on the Database with dbo permissions. Could someone please help with terraform code for this?
Maybe you can reference this blog: How to create database user and assign role to it with terraform:
I've started working on a Terraform provider that will do this over at https://github.com/jayway/terraform-provider-mssql. It's still very early work, but I've managed to make it provision logins and users for those logins in a local SQL Server instance (that was already running, so I haven't tested it at all in conjunction with e.g. the AzureRM provider). Testing and contributions are very welcome (but don't use it for production scenarios just yet)!
User sumit salunke accepted(marked) it as answer, I think it should works.
Hope this helps.

Failed to create workflow job because of insufficient permissions in dataflow

I apologize in advance in asking this question. It must be something very silly that I am overlooking. I am a beginner to GCP. When I try to create a job using the GUI and google pubsub to bigquery template, I get the following error:
The workflow could not be created. Causes: (717932ea69118a95): Unable to get machine type information for machine type n1-standard-4 in zone us-central1-a because of insufficient permissions. Please refer to https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/access-control#creating_jobs and make sure you have sufficient permissions.
I went to the IAM and checked that I already am the owner of the project. Can someone please guide me?
We faced the similar issue.The root cause we found was the dataflow service account was missing in the IAM.
You should find a service account similar to below:
If you dont find this, try disabling the Dataflow API and re enable it.
You need roles/compute.viewer role for SA
We solved this by making the user dataflow.admin in the IAM console. The link provided in the error message has more granular permissions you can add if you don't want your data flow developers to be full admin.

LDAP users are not getting listed under WebSphere manage user?

I am doing LDAP with websphere setup. I did all the priamary setps in the DN am using OU=Users, O= O=IN.
for the federated repository in websphere for PersonAccount i gave the same DN name and in filters i used (objectclass=user). But in the manage user, no user is getting listed.
Turn on the following trace: com.ibm.ws.wim.*=all.
Restart your server. Go to admin console and click Manage Users.
Look in the logs for "JNDI_CALL search"
You will see the filter being used, eg. (&(objectClass=inetorgperson)(uid=*)) and the baseDn being searched on. Verify these are correct by comparing to your ldif of a user you expect to see or by using the ldapsearch utility. It is probably not correct, so take action to fix the filter.

Setting Up Neo4j Database Authentication on Windows Azure

I set up a Neo4j database on Azure following this guide. The set-up process went fine. The issue I'm having is that the database is not asking for a username or password when I access it though the public port. In other words, anyone can access and edit the database by simply navigating to the URL. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how to set up authentication?
First: That's a fairly old walkthrough, with the v1.8 version of Neo4j running on the preview of Virtual Machines. And that image had a pre-set username and password. Look closely at the login box:
"The server says neo4j graphdb"
Those two will be your username and password.
Note: This is not the case if you use the latest 2.0x image in VM Depot.
I was able to get this working by modifying the /conf/neo4j-server.properties file and following the instructions at the github repo.
# Basic Auth-Filter-Extension
# See docs here: https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/authentication-extension