IntelliJ IDEA 14: Local history storage format - intellij-idea

I have IntelliJ IDEA 14 installed. Now I would like to read the local file history located under $HOME/.IntelliJIdea14/system/LocalHistory with an external program. The folder has two files: changes.storageData and changes.storageRecordIndex.
How can I open and read them to extract my file history? I already tried unzip, tar -xvzf and an SqLite browser.
Edit: As IntelliJ is open source, I tried taking a quick look at their source code and by searching for ".storageData", I found the Abstract Storage class.
Looking further there is a LocalHistoryStorage which uses a LocalHistoryStorageTable and a PagePool.
From a quick glance it seems these storage thingies have a sort of headers in the files.
I hope that gave a good quick start.

I would say that there is no way to read that data. It is in some proprietary format.
There is a Jetbrains Feature Request that it should be possible to export the data.


Generation of migration files from ezplatform with kaliop

Using ezplatform with "kaliop/ezmigrationbundle": "^3.0".
I read and re-read the manual but cannot see anything about auto-generating yml files from exsiting content types; does anyone have any experience with this and happen to know if/where the docs might live?
We have a list of content types that were created in the backend via the gui and now we need to create migration files for them for better development with the dev team.
Update: This is available on v4+
This is available on v4+ and answers the question
I guess that is not how it works!
the bundle generate just an empty yaml file for you and you should fill up the content types (or any other Backend Changes you want) yourself in that yaml file and then take it and apply to your stage or Live Environment.
so unlike Symfony DoctorineMigrationBunlde, this bundle does not read the difference and produce stuff itself.

How to Export/Import a Data Source from DataGrip?

I can't seem to figure out how to export a data source configuration in DataGrip (currently on 2016.2 EAP).
I would like to export a handful of data sources and share them with my teammates to make it easier for them to get up and running on DG.
I've tried File->Export Settings (exporting all settings) and did not notice the data source configurations within the resulting jar file.
I seem to recall that in earlier versions of the tool (when it was still called 0xDBE), you could find data source configuration files on the drive and share them that way, but I am unable to locate any at this time.
Perhaps it's not possible?
Starting from version 2021.1, you can just press Ctrl/Cmd+C on the data source, and then Ctrl/Cmd+V it in another IDE. The clipboard contains XML for the data source, so you can send it to the colleague via e-mail, messenger etc.
It is possible!
You need to share a project with your friend — all you do in DataGrip is in the context of a project. If you did not create a new one, everything is under the default project. Look at the gif:
The more detailed information can be found in the tutorial:
You can do it easily via the clipboard, although it took me a while to figure it out:
in your source project, open the Database tool window, select the data sources you want to export, then right click / "Database Tools..." / "Copy Settings"
in your target project, open Database tool window, click on "+" then "Import from Clipboard"
Also works between DataGrip and IntelliJ.
The wording has changed slightly in DataGrip 2018.2 EAP (or before), instead of "Copy Settings" it's now "Copy Data Source(s) to Clipboard", which reflects better what it does.
DataGrip stores data sources on two different levels:
Project level: together with project configuration files inside .idea subfolder of the project folder
IDE level: stored in IDE config/options directory.
Project level data source is available once you open the project.
To import/export IDE level Data Source use File | Import/Export settings action.
To move Data Source to IDE settings and back use corresponding action in Datasource Properties dialog (see screenshot) as shown here:
On my current version 2020.1 the projects are on:
/System/Volumes/Data/Users/<USER_NAME>/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/DataGrip2020.1/projects/default/
A good way to find where is it store is just calling:
find . -name "dataSources.xml"
It will find for that file everywhere.
make the data source global and use export settings to export.
You can find all data sources at this path (change username and version):
I recently discovered a really cool Mongodb plugin for IntelliJ and DataGrip called 'Mongo Expert' that helps users navigate the Mongodb database and work more efficiently. With support for Commandline MongDB Database Tools like mongoexpert, mongoimport, mongodump, and mongorestore, users can create and execute commands through easy-to-understand dialogues. You can download 'Mongo Expert' from the JetBrains Plugin Repository. I hope it will be useful for you too!

Failed to read netcdf file. Help needed

I have try my best to read this file using few softwares, Idrisi, ArcMap, Envi but failed. The only software that can read this data is Panoply at
To my surprised, Panoply recognised that data as HDF version 5 rather than netcdf. I can view my data but could not extract specific 'layer' in the data. I then need to open the data in either ArcMap or Idrisi Taiga.
Anybody willing to help? The data can be access at
It looks like the issue might be that the file is in netCDF-4 format (which is built on top of HDF5 - thus panoply's ID). In general, you cannot convert netCDF-4 into netCDF-3 unless some very specific constraints are met, as their data models are different (see for more info). Luckily, your file is pretty simple and can be put into the netCDF-3 format using the following command:
nccopy -k classic
The new file will be in the netCDF-3 classic format, which will likely work with the tools you are using. If you need me to, I can post the converted file for you to download (if you do not have netCDF installed, and thus access to nccopy, on your system).

VB.NET - Is there a way to get file info from a file on a subversion repository? (Toriose svn)

I have a utility that checks various file info (size, date, location, etc) against a manifest to see that it all matches. Would anyone know if there's a way to get the last write date of a file in a svn repository, using VB.NET. The equivalent of using FileInfo.LastWriteDate.
Any thoughts?
I think you can call svn from the command line with the appropiate parameters to get this information. If that is possible, you can write a class which does that for a given file.
Other than that, there might be some library out there which does this and more things, but if what you asked for is the only thing you need from svn, using a library might be overkill

How to resolve an Error after importing a package in Enterprse Architect Sparx Systems

Everytime I want to change some properties in some class I get the following error messages:
:Microsoft Cursor Engine [-2147217864]
Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read.
Operation is not allowed in this context.
How can I solve them??
Even if this question was posted a long time ago:
Now and then this error occurs in my projects, too.
Every time I try to edit specific elements in Enterprise Architect projects i get exactly the same error messages. The only solution to this is to delete the element completely and create it again.
When you are importing a package, is this from XMI or are you import a source code directory?
I import only via XMI file.
What are you using as a repository?
I'm using a PostgreSQL-Server based repository, which I access via ODBC Driver.
In your ODBC Data Source Configuration do you have "Return matched rows instead of affected rows" and "Allow big result sets".
Could specify where I can find these options? Perhaps this is outdated, becaus I can't find any of these options under the Options/Datasource Menu in my ODBC driver.
If you are importing form XMI are you stripping the GUIDs on import, this is always a good idea if you are making a copy of an existing folder in your model as having two elements with the same GUID is not ideal ;-)
I strip GUIDs when I'm exporting and again when I'm importing XMI files.
I would really apprechiate any help concerning this topic.
If possible i might need a little more information. When you are importing a package, is this from XMI or are you import a source code directory? What are you using as a repository? Given the error I am assuming it is not the local EAP file.
In your ODBC Data Source Configuration do you have "Return matched rows instead of affected rows" and "Allow big result sets"
If you are importing form XMI are you stripping the GUIDs on import, this is always a good idea if you are making a copy of an existing folder in your model as having two elements with the same GUID is not ideal ;-)
I have also noticed that you asked this on Apr 14th - sorry it has taken me so long to find your request. I hope this helps!
Are you accessing your ea repository as a cloud repository please? If so, you could try to switch to access the repository as an odbc datasource, and this problem might be solved. I think it is a bug of the Sparx enterprise architect cloud service.