Generation of migration files from ezplatform with kaliop - migration

Using ezplatform with "kaliop/ezmigrationbundle": "^3.0".
I read and re-read the manual but cannot see anything about auto-generating yml files from exsiting content types; does anyone have any experience with this and happen to know if/where the docs might live?
We have a list of content types that were created in the backend via the gui and now we need to create migration files for them for better development with the dev team.
Update: This is available on v4+

This is available on v4+ and answers the question

I guess that is not how it works!
the bundle generate just an empty yaml file for you and you should fill up the content types (or any other Backend Changes you want) yourself in that yaml file and then take it and apply to your stage or Live Environment.
so unlike Symfony DoctorineMigrationBunlde, this bundle does not read the difference and produce stuff itself.


I am going through project configuration in craftcms

I am going through documentations for project configuration in craftcms not sure what is the different between project-config/write and project-config/modify?
project-config/write takes the config currently stored in the database and writes it out as YAML files in the config/ folder. You usually don't need this since Craft does this automatically whenever you change something in the backend (unless you have turned that off).
project-config/rebuild attempts to rebuild the entire project-config based on the state of the entire database. This is only required in rare edge cases.
Rest you can check the official documentation here:

SQL Database in GitHub

I am building a Java app that uses an SQLite database to hold most of its data. For the end-user, the database would be almost entirely read-only, with very occasional edits. I'll (theoretically) be displaying/distributing it through my GitHub page, so my question is:
What's the best way to load the database into GitHub? (I'm using IntelliJ with DataGrip.)
I'd prefer to be able to update the database when I commit/push, instead of having to overwrite the whole file. The closest question I can find is How to include MySQL database schema on GitHub? but there could potentially be hundreds or thousands of entries, so I can't just rebuild the tables when the user installs the app.
I'm applying for entry-level developer jobs, and this project is going to be my main portfolio piece during job-hunting. I'm trying to make sure it is not only functional but also makes a good impression. Any help is (very) greatly appreciated.
After moving my .db file into the folder connected to GitHub (same level as my src folder) apparently I can now commit/push it with the rest of my files. How do I make sure that the connection from my Java code to the database stays valid once it is loaded onto another user's system? Can I just stick with
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:mydatabase.db");
or do I need to rework the path?
Upon starting, if your application can't find a corresponding sqlite database file, have it create one. Then do initial load of your tables from either CSV, JSON or XML files.
You can upload these files to Git, as they are text formats.

Can't migrate custom Plone file types to Blobs

We have custom content types that were created as extensions of the ATTypes, two of them extend the ATFile type and one extends the ATImage type. We recently upgraded from Plone 4.2 to Plone 4.3.2. Just discovered we are not using Blob storage at all. No wonder our Data.fs is HUGE. So, I have been trying to migrate these custom types.
I have followed all of the steps explained in this example and the product's notes from pypi, these Plone instructions, and used the example from the pypi page for archetypes.schemaextender (Sorry, since I'm still a noob my reputation won't let me post more than 2 links).
In the end, I created an extender script that just extends the ATFile type changing the FileField to BlobField. It seems to be working for new items. I can add a new CustomFileType and it appears to be uploading the file to blob, and my new upload field is showing (I changed the description as a quick way to verify which one it was using).
However, I am having a problem migrating all existing content items to move the binary files over to blob. I tried the generic migrate() script, then I created my own migrate and walker as suggested in the above resources. It doesn't seem like it is doing anything though. When printing results for each item it tries merging, I do see this returned for each item:
DEBUG ATCT.migration Migrating /site/path/to/custom/file/filename.ext (CustomFile -> Blob)
When I navigate to the custom file type in the site, where it usually shows the link to the file, it is just empty. Then going to edit, it treats it as if there is no file there. As a check, I disabled the extender, restarted, and reloaded the custom file. The file was there now. So it looks like the script I am running just isn't moving that file over to where it should be now.
I feel like I am missing something simple, and it is right there, but I can't seem to find it. All of this is learn as I go and a bit over my head, so hopefully someone can easily set me straight.
If I need to provide any additional information leave a comment and I will try to provide what you need.
I used the Red Turtle objects as examples to migrate my custom types as suggested by keul. I still was not able to get the file to migrate to blob within the type itself. So, I tried a different approach. I created a new custom type "CustomBlob", that is a mimic setup of my CustomFile type, and only extended this new blob type to be blob aware. Then I migrated the CustomFiles to CustomBlob, did a complete clear and rebuild, and packed the zeo. The migration seemed to work for the most part, the blobstorage grew by an expected amount, the new types worked. However, the Data.fs didn't go down in size. I would have thought that the binary files that were stored in Data.fs would be removed during the migration. Am I understanding this incorrectly? How can I remove these files so the Data.fs size goes down appropriately?
Not sure if this is the best solution, but here is how I was able to get this to work.
I created temporary content types parallel of each type (for CustomImage I made CustomImageBlob, and so on). I made the new types blob-aware only, migrated all types to their parallel. Then I enabled the extender for the original types to make them blob-aware, and migrated back. It is a little redundant and time consuming, but I just could not get the files to migrate to blob when migrating to itself.
Providing this as the best answer so far in case it helps someone else, or might encourage someone to find a better solution. Thanks for the tip keul, it definitely helped me get to this solution.

List or schema of all dcm4chee xsl templates

recently we managed to solved some data transferring problem by finding out there is additional .xsl we could use. Since .xsl files seems to be main way of controlling information flow in dcm4chee (beside jmx configurations ofc) im wondering whether there is some kind of list or index or something like that with enumerated all .xsl files one could use and their places in workflow.
I mean it would be nice to know exactly in which points we could have some influence on process.
I tried to google something like that but no success so far :/
Any help will be appreciated.
Some online list of demo .xsl files is available at
Which one will be used is configurable through the jmx console and the configuration is then written back into the configuration files.
So searching for .xsl both as file extension and as full text search pattern in your dcm4chee installation directory will point you exactly to the places where the workflow can be influenced.
It is Java-style, Linux-style open source project so don't expect it to be too user friendly or Google friendly. I'm not aware of any easy to consume overview table/list/index but it would be nice to have one. It is open source so maybe you can add one..

Composite C1 - develop locally, sync to live site

I have a couple of Composite C1 CMS websites.
To edit them currently I use the web based CMS on the live site.
However - I would like to update the (code & content) in Visual Studio locally - then sync to the web. However, if my local copy is older than that online (e.g. a non techy client has edited something on the live site) and I Web Deploy - it will go over the top of the new file on the server.
I need a solution that works out the newest change? I can't find anything in Google or the C1 docs.
How can I sync - preferably using Web Deploy. Do I need some kind of version control?
Is there a best practice for this - editing the live site through the web interface seems a bit dicey & is slow.
The general answer to this type of scenario seems to be to use the Package Creator. With that you can develop locally, add the files you've changed to a package, and install that package on a live site. This solution does not at all cover all the parts of you question though, and has certain limitations:
You cannot selectively add content to a package. It's all pages or no pages.
Adding datatypes is easy, but updating them later requires you to delete the datatype (and data), and recreate the datatype.
In my experience packages works well for incremental site updates, if you limit the packages content to be front end stuff, like css, images and such.
You say you need a solution that works out the newest changes - I believe the only solution to this is yourself, with the aid of some tooling. I don't think there's a silver bullet solution here.
Should you use a version control system? Yes! By all means. Even if you are not sharing your code with anyone, a VCS is a great way to get to know Composite C1 from a file system perspective, as you can carefully track what files are changed on disk, as you develop. This knowledge is crucial when you want to continuously add features the a website that is already alive and kicking - you need to know what to deploy, and what not to touch.
Make sure you read the docs on how Composite fits in VCS:
I assume that your sites are using the XML data storage (if you where using SQL Data Store, your content would not be overridden upon sync).
This means that your entire web application lives in one folder on disk on the web server, which can be an advantage here.
I'll try to outline a solution that could work for you, although I must stress that I've never tried this - I'm making it up as I type.
Let's say you're using git, download the site in it's entirety from the production web server, and commit the whole damned thing* to your master branch.
Then you create a new feature branch from that commit, and start making the changes you want to deploy later, and carefully commit your work as you go along, making sure you only commit the changes that are needed for your feature to work, to the feature branch.
Now, you are ready to deploy, and you switch back the master branch, and again download the entire site and commit it to master.
You then merge your feature branch into the master branch, and have git do all the hard work of stitching you changes in with the changes from the live site. There are bound to be merge conflicts, and that is where you will have to jump in, and decide for yourself what content needs to go live.
After this is done and tested, you can web deploy the site up to the production environment.
Changes to the live site might have occurred while you where merging, so consider closing the site, or parts of it, during this process.
If you are using SQL Data Store i suggest paying for a tool like Red Gate's SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare or SQL Delta, to compare your dev database to the production database, and hand pick SQL scripts that can be applied to the production database along with your feature deployment.
'* Do consider using a .gitignore file to avoid committing certain files - refer to the docs for mere info.
I suppose you should use the Package Creator
Also have a look here: