Pagemap data and Google Structured Data Validator tool - google-custom-search

I'm trying to get back pagemap data when I call the google site search api, and it's not currently present.
The sample response here leads me to believe it is possible ( there is a pagemap field )
Can anyone confirm that the structured data tool reads PageMap data? I've tried using it to verify my pagemap data is correct, but finds nothing.
If it doesn't, does the Site search API only return pagemap attributes maybe at the paid level?

Answering below question:
If it doesn't, does the Site search API only return pagemap attributes maybe at the paid level?
Yes. It gives you a pagemap object which itself is sub-divided in other data objects. For instance the book:isbn was provided as data, whereas the og: stuff as Open Graph Data.


Is it possible to get lastUser for a DHIS2 analytics API call?

We're running a nodeJS script to identify erroneous data values (negative numbers) and we're unable to determine which user captured the values without logging in and inspecting the data entry form.
There doesn't seem to be any documentation for including user identification data in the analytics API end point.
Has anyone figured this out yet?
many APIs are present in dhis2 documentation including these :
But a more suitable API for this case would be the AUDIT API:
A detailed documentation is visible at this link :

List of all companies on AngelList via API
What would the best approach for hitting every company that is listed on AngelList? My first guess would be to query all the numbers up until 250k, the number of companies on angelList, using this endpoint
There surely has to be a better way of doing this though.
Yes it is possible via their API. And the API endpoint that you have mentioned in your question is the correct one. I have written a PHP component to achieve this. You can use this exporter application to download the start-ups data for each country into a CSV file : AngelList Data Exporter
I hope this helps you. does not expose its api anymore. So you have to parse the website to get any data.
Also a quick google search would give you a few websites which have different datasets from website.

How does api works?

As you surely know lets you inspect the history of a domain, ie:*/
I also has an API:
I need to get data from the API but I can't get many info on how to use it, has anyone used it and can paste some examples of use?
This link provides details about the item LovingU on
To create an API query to your liking, use this page:
That page allows you to choose your output format: JSON, XML, HTML, CSV or RSS and also the parameters your want to see. You can limit the number of results, too.

YouTube API - Querying by publish date

I'm writing a webapp that uses the YouTube Code API to do specific types of searches. In this case, I'm trying to search for all videos that match a query, and which were uploaded between two dates. This document says I can use published-min and published-max parameters, while this one says I can use updated-min and updated-max.
Both of these parameter sets cause YouTube to return an error:
published-min returns "This service does not support the 'published-min parameter"
updated-min returns "This service does not support the 'updated-max' parameter"
With neither returns a correct result set.
How can I limit my result set to hits within a specified date range?
The Reference Guide for YouTube's Data API doesn't list anything that would suggest the possibility to filter on time interval in general.
The published-min argument is only advertised in the "User activity feeds" section which is something different and probably not the thing you wanted. Or is it?
The updated-min argument in your link is referenced in a generic gdata context. It looks like they intended to describe all the things common to all the specialized APIs, but somehow updated-min isn't available everywhere.
When it comes to your very problem. I would suggest sorting on time (orderby=published) and do the filtering on the client side. I know this is not the optimal way, but the only one I can see with what Google gives us.
youtube api v3 supports publishedAfter and publishedBefore parameters with search results. For example:{{YOUKEY}}&channelId={{CHANNELID}}&part=snippet,id&order=date&maxResults=50&publishedAfter=2014-09-21T00:00:00Z&publishedBefore=2014-09-22T02:00:00Z

Validating API Keys in CouchDB

I became interested in CouchDB recently and wanted to try and form a small application around it.
The way how I invition my system currently is that requests come providing two things, a id, a API Key and a format. The ID is the _id of a document in the database, the API Key is a _id of another document that has a property of {"valid" : true/false}, and the format is the format they want back. If the API Key is valid, the system would generate the show page for the id given, in the format requested. Otherwise it would return a 403 stats code.
Unfortunately I can't find a way to pull up another document from a show page. I am just beginning CouchDB, so maybe there is something simple here I'm missing.
With a _show function, there are three parts involved:
The design document
The show function inside the design document
The additional document to be shown
For the URL format /db/_design/ddoc/_show/my_show_func/otherdoc:
The design document is _design/ddoc
The show function is shows.my_show_func within that design document
The document to be shown has an _id of otherdoc
Those are the only two documents involved. The only way I can think to do what you describe is have a design doc per API key. The user would query /db/_design/API_KEY/_show/other_doc_id. CouchDB is relaxed. There is nothing wrong with thousands of design docs with identical or similar _show functions. You coul use the HTTP COPY method to clone a base design doc to a new API key as needed. Then you could revoke an API key by deleting the design doc. However that is obviously a unique approach, worth a second thought.
A final consideration is (with the default CouchDB, no reverse proxies, mod_security, etc.) if a user can read one document, they can read the entire database (e.g. from the _all_docs query.) Therefore show functions are a convenience for the software but not a security gateway.