Why can't I type "|" in the codecademy Command Line course? - command-line-tool

I am 55% into the Command Line course on Codecademy but, I can't type "|".
I'm trying to do
cat volcanoes.txt | wc
And the | doesn't show and when I try to copy+paste it in only shows a ^V instead of the |. Please help

Try pressing alt + 124 on the numpad.

You should switch to US keyboard layout. Last key in ASDF row (just next to Enter) should print "|" when pressed in combination with Shift.
It worked for me in Codecademy command line console.


Remove first 4 whitespaces from line

I inherited a script I want to refactor.
for some reason the script is intended with four whitespaces.
I would like to remove leading four whitespaces from each line.
Is there any handy and fast way to do it?
Message "Try to get Package Lock..."
if waitForPackageLock("300","false")
comment "UCS: Extra check if package lock is available."
That was a difficult one.
sed 's/^ //'
Or edit your script with an editor.
vim file
: execute a command
% apply to all lines
< remove one indent

Need solution for break line issue in string

I have below string which has enter character coming randomely and fields are separated by ~$~ and end with ##&.
Please help me to merge broken line into one.
In below string enter character is occured in address field (4/79A)
4/79A PQR Marg, Mumbai 4000001~$~TN~$~637301~$~Owns~$~RAT~$~31102015~$~12345~$~##&
Thanks in advance.
Seems to be a (more or less) duplicate of https://stackoverflow.com/a/802439/3595749
Note, you should ask to your client to remove the CRLF signs (rather than aplying the code below).
Nevertheless, try this:
cat inputfile | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/##&/##\&\n/g' >outputfile
tr is to remove the carriage return,
sed is to add it again (only when ##& is encountred). s/##&/##\&\n/g is to substitute "##&" by "##&\n" (I add a carriage return and "&" must be escaped). This applies globally (the "g" letter at the end).
Note, depending of the source (Unix or Windows), "\n" must be replaced by "\r\n" in some cases.

vi keybindings move to beginning of line with <ctrl> \ what about end of line

I use the vi key bindings from set -o vi . I emphasize this because most vi conversations invariably lead to regular vi. and this is not, these are the vi key bindings. anyhow.
I hit control and '[' to get into command mode from the command line.
Then I hit shift and '\' (backslash) to go to the beginning of the line. I like it better than using 'Shift ^'. I don't see it documented anywhere and I can't use it in regular vi.
I still use shift $ to go to the end of the line. Does anyone know a different way to go to the end of the line in the vi set -o keybindings besides "shift $". If there is an easter egg command of shift and '\' to get to the beginning of a line, there might be other hidden commands as well - I am looking for one that will get me to the end of the line. One besides 'shift $'
The | command is used in vim to go to a particular column. You can prefix it with a count (e.g. 13| to go to column 13), which is 1 if omitted. Thus the naked | command goes to the first column, the same as 0 that casper suggests. This differs if you have leading whitespace in your command, where ^ will go to the first non-whitespace character, while 0 or | will go to the first character, even if it is whitespace.
Out of the box, set -o vi the only synonym for $ that I know of is <end> (which is unfortunately, waaaaay over there on the keyboard).

Remove all occurrences of a list of words vim

Having a document whose first line is foo,bar,baz,qux,quux, is there a way to store these words in a variable as a list ['foo','bar','baz','qux','quux']and remove all their occurrences in a document with vim?
Like a command :removeall in visual mode highlighting the list:
hello foo how are you
doing foo bar baz qux
good quux
will change the text to:
hello how are you
doing good
A safer way is to write a function, check each part of your "list", if there is something needs to be escaped. then do the substitution (removing). A dirty & quick way to do it with your input is with this mapping:
nnoremap <leader>R :s/,/\|/g<cr>dd:%s/\v<c-r>"<c-h>//g<cr>
then in Normal mode, when you go to the line, which contains deletion parts and must be CSV format, press <leader>R you will get expected output.
The substitution would fail if that line has regex special chars, like /, *, . or \ etc.
Something like this one liner should work:
:for f in split(getline("."), ",") | execute "%s/" . f | endfor | 0d
Note that you'll end up with a lot of trailing spaces.
This version of the command above takes care of those pesky trailing spaces (but not the one on line 2 of your sample text):
:for f in split(getline("."), ",") | execute "%s/ *" . f | endfor | 0d
hello how are you

Data between quotes and field separator

In the example given below, the last line is not uploaded. I get an error:
Data between close double quote (") and field separator:
This looks like a bug since all the data between pipe symbol should be treated as a single field.
Schema: one:string,two:string,three:string,four:string
Upload file:
This | is | test only | to check quotes
second | line | "with quotes" | no text
third line | with | "start quote" and | a word after quotes
The first and second line above is processed. But not the third.
Can some please explain why does the following work except the third line?
This | is | test only | to check quotes
second | line | "with quotes" | no text
third line | with | "start quote" and | a word after quotes
forth line | enclosed | {"GPRS","MCC_DETECTED":false,"MNC_DETECTED":false} | how does this work?
fifth line | with | {"start quote"} and | a word after quotes
There can be some fancy explanation to this. From the end user perspective this is absurd.
From the CSV RFC4180 page: "If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with another double quote."
You probably want to do this:
This | is | test only | to check quotes
second | line | "with quotes" | no text
third line | with | " ""start quote"" and " | a word after quotes
More about our CSV input format here.
Using --quote worked perfectly.
bq load
--source_format CSV --quote ""
--field_delimiter \t
--max_bad_records 10
-E UTF-8
destination table
Source files
bq command
--quote: Quote character to use to enclose records. Default is ". To indicate no quote character at all, use an empty string.
Try this as an alternative:
Load the MySQL backup files into a Cloud SQL instance.
Read the data in BigQuery straight out of MySQL.
Longer how-to:
You can use the other flags also while uploading the data. I used the bq tool with following flags
bq load -F , --source_format CSV --skip_leading_rows 1 --max_bad_records 1 --format csv -E UTF-8 yourdatset gs://datalocation.
Try loading every time with bq shell.
I had to load 1100 columns. While trying with the console with all the error options, it threw lot many errors. Ignoring the errors in the console means loosing records.
Hence tried with the shell and succeeded loading all the records.
Try the following:
bq load --source_format CSV --quote "" --field_delimiter \t --allow_jagged_rows --ignore_unknown_values --allow_quoted_newlines --max_bad_records 10 -E UTF-8 {dataset_name}.{table_name} gs://{google_cloud_storage_location}/* {col_1}:{data_type1},{col_2}:{data_type2}, ....