UWP Page Transition Animations - xaml

I programing in Windows 10 UWP.
I have a Frame in Xaml that I would like to have the Page/Content to slide left and off screen when the use navigates away from the page to another page. Any Idea how to do Frame Navigation Animations?

Try to use build-in animation:
protected virtual void SetUpPageAnimation()
TransitionCollection collection = new TransitionCollection();
NavigationThemeTransition theme = new NavigationThemeTransition();
var info = new ContinuumNavigationTransitionInfo();
theme.DefaultNavigationTransitionInfo = info;
this.Transitions = collection;
Call this method in Page's constructor and you will find that there will be animation when you enter or leave a Page.
There are few build-in animations which names end with Info, you should try them by yourself.

There's a built-in way to do this, but that only supports a set of not customizable animations / page transitions.
If you want to do custom animations you'll need to implement your own Frame + Page subclasses, where your Pages contain their own entrance/leaving animations and your Frame calls these when navigating.


zooming the page will reset the carousel

Is there a way to avoid reset the carousel after the user zoom in/out the browser page?
I found pages with similar carousel and this behaviour doesn't happens.
Go to spartacus demo website https://spartacus-demo.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com/electronics-spa/en/USD/, in the carousel navigate to the next block of slide, then zooming the page, you should see the carousel reset to the first block of slides.
This behaviour of the CarouselComponent is expected. Its service depends on window.resize event to adjust the number of items on carousel page whenever the window got resized.
If you consider it as a bug, please create an issue in the Spartacus GitHub repository. Team will take your proposal into consideration.
There is one way this can be handled.
In DOM, instead of using Spartacus's activeSlide variable for rendering the UI, use one tempVariable named say tempActiveSlide
Reassign the tempActiveSlide only if the items per slide are changing. This count will change whenever the window resizes and which is as per the functionality of CarouselService.
Ref - https://sap.github.io/spartacus/injectables/CarouselService.html#source
This way, the carousel on UI will only reset if the number of items per slide have changed. Otherwise it wont reset.
TS code:
itemsPerSlide = 0;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.tempActiveSlide = this.activeSlide;
this.size$.subscribe((items) => {
if (items !== this.itemsPerSlide) {
this.itemsPerSlide = items;
this.tempActiveSlide = this.activeSlide;

XAML Xamarin Forms navigation drawer sample code for iOS/Android

Does anyone know how a navigation drawer similar to the one in the Sonos app can be implemented? I have checked both Android and iOS versions of the app and see that the navigation drawer has been implemented in the same way for both platforms.
The two key things that I like and want to implement are:
the slide out drawer is below the navigation bar. When it slides out, the navigation bar is still visible
it appears as if it is the drawer that slides out, rather than the detail view moving to the right. I've noticed that the default master detail page slides out in a different way and it's not what we want.
Have a look at the images below so see I mean.
Although not technically a good practice, if you put a MasterDetailPage into a NavigationPage, it will slide out like in the above pictures. Here's how you do that:
In the App.cs constructor or your app's OnStart() method:
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MyMasterDetailPage()) {
Title = "Your Title"
Create a new MasterDetailPage called MyMasterDetailPage.
In the constructor, add the following code:
Detail = new HomePage();
Master = new MenuPage()
Title = "Menu"
You then need to create a ContentPage for both HomePage and MenuPage.
One issue that you will run into if you use this method, is that if you don't call MyMasterDetailPage as the first page upon opening the app, the three horizontal bars on the NavigationBar won't appear, which will make it hard for users to tell there is a drawer. So if you need users to go to a login page or another page before your MasterDetailPage, you may want to find another implementation.

UI Page inside class library

I am developing a class library in Windows 8 (C#), in which i require to show an UI to get user input. How to create UI inside class library and invoking it. Please help.
Now I am invoking the Popup from class library to show the required UI, but I found the popup is opening from library but its hiding below the other UI element (Webview in my case).Please refer the code snippet below.
Class library code
namespace PopUpLibrary
public class PopupDialog
public void ShowPopup()
Popup popup = new Popup();
popup.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
popup.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
popup.Height = 500;
popup.Width = 700;
Button button = new Button();
button.Content = "adfadfad";
button.Width = 200;
button.Height = 100;
popup.Child = button;
popup.IsOpen = true;
Application code:
<Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<WebView Name="webview" ></WebView>
public MainPage()
webview.Navigate(new Uri("http://www.google.com"));
PopupDialog popupdialog = new PopupDialog();
You cannot show other controls on top of the WebView. However, you can work around this by temporarily hiding the WebView and displaying a WebViewBrush.
From the WebView Documentation:
WebView has the characteristic that other UI regions such as controls cannot be rendered on top of the WebView. This is because of how window regions are handled internally, particularly how input events are processed and how the screen draws. If you want to render HTML content and also place other UI elements on top of that HTML content, you should use WebViewBrush as the render area. The WebView still provides the HTML source information, and you reference that WebView through the SourceName property. WebViewBrush does not have this overlay limitation.
If you want to display an interactive WebView that only occasionally has overlapping content (such as a drop-down list or app bar), you can temporarily hide the WebView control when necessary, replacing it with an element using a WebViewBrush fill. Then, when the overlapping content is no longer present, you can display the original WebView again. For more info, see the WebView control sample.
What kind of input? Yes/No or string input?
For Yes/No you could use the standard MessageDialog. If you need to receive custom input, such as text, you could use the CustomDialog control, available in the Callisto toolkit.

Windows 8 app: How to pass a parameter on GoBack()?

There are a lot of samples showing how to pass a parameter on navigating to a page in Window 8 (WinRT). But I could not find any hint for passing parameters going back.
Situation: The user navigates to a details page of same data. The data is passed to the page by
Frame.Navigate(typeof(DedtailsPage), data);
How can I pass back the changed data on GoBack()?
Store the reference to data somewhere and retrieve it when you navigate back?
Also note that it's best not to pass objects other than simple strings or values between pages, since only simple types are supported for storing frame navigation state in case your app gets suspended.
I know, that this is a very bad idea, but usualy I use this:
To write:
Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
rootFrame.Tag = myObject1;
To read:
Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
var myObject2 = rootFrame.Tag;
I've made another choice to handle this.
Keep in mind that I'm a Xamarin developer (not Forms!) so i was looking for a solution which was similar for all platforms: iOS, Android and Windows.
I am a great fun of events, rather than passing objects or storing globals.
So the best choice to pass data from PageB (the child) to PageA (the parent) is to communicate via events.
Some notes: In iOS and Android, when you navigate from a "page" to "page" you can do this by passing an instance of the target object you want to navigate to. In iOS you create an instance of a custom UIViewController. In Android you create an instance of a custom Fragment. Doing this allow you to attach events handler to your instances.
An example:
var controller = new ExtrasViewController();
controller.ExtraSelected += ExtrasFragment_ExtraSelected;
controller.ExtrasCleared += ExtrasFragment_ExtrasCleared;
this.NavigationController.PushViewController(controller, false);
In WinRT Apps you are only allowed to pass "types" of target page to navigate to. So the only way to attach event handlers to your page instance is to use the OnNavigatedFrom method from the calling page. So suppose you are in PageA and want to attach some event handlers to your PageB, before it become active, simply write in your PageA "code behind":
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
var page = e.Content as ExtraBody;
if(page != null)
page.ExtraSelected += ExtrasFragment_ExtraSelected;
page.ExtrasCleared += ExtrasFragment_ExtrasCleared;

WinJS AppBar button flash on Hide

My application has a WinJS AppBar control at the bottom of the screen. I use .showOnlyCommands(buttonsToShowArray) to show and hide buttons on ListView itemSelectionChanged event.
The problem I have right now is that when every I call .showOnlyCommands, the buttons to be hidden (or you may say "replaced") are going to flash on the top of the screen.
I tried to use the Microsoft sample app, this doesn't happen. I tried to use .showCommands + .hideCommands method, it is the same behavior. Note that this didn't happen before the Release Preview version of Win8.
I have no idea what is going on. Any idea?
I did further investigation, the problem happens on hideCommands. Say I have 3 buttons displayed on the appbar. I call hideCommands to hide all 3 buttons. The icon of the 3 buttons would disappear on the appbar, then pile up at the top-left corner of the screen and then disappear. (i.e. there would be a flash of 3 piled up buttons at the corner of the screen).
You may be invoking showOnlyCommands when the AppBar is in the process of 'showing'. I've found that when calling these methods in the beforeshow or aftershow handler that this happens. This quote from Animating your UI sheds light on why:
Use fade in and fade out animations to show or hide transient UI or controls. One example is in an app bar in which new controls can appear due to user interaction.
The sample app shows/hides the buttons before the appbar is shown. You may be calling show on the app bar before calling showOnlyCommands.
A temporary hack for this problem is:
Set the button be invisible before calling showOnlyCommands or HideCommands.
Here is the code that I use for now:
* #param {WinJS.UI.AppBar} appbar winControl
* #param {Array} array of appbar buttons to be shown
function showOnlyCommands(appbarControl, buttonsToShow) {
var toShow = {};
for (var i = 0; i < buttonsToShow.length; i++) {
toShow[buttonsToShow[i].id] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < visibleButtonsList.length; i++) {
var id = visibleButtonsList[i].id;
if (!toShow[id]) {
// set the display property of the buttons to be hidden to "none"
var button = document.getElementById(id);
if (button) {
button.style.display = 'none';
// update the visible buttons list
visibleButtonsList = buttonsToShow;
// Note that we don't need to set the "display" property back for the buttons,
// because WinJS.UI.AppBar.showOnlyCommands would set it back internally