How to change apache2 name from localhost to another domain? - apache

Sorry if this question is stupid, but I am a newbie when it comes to apache and servers in general and I have been trying but I can only find windows only answers. I'm running an apache server on a mint vm. When I type localhost, it redirects to the page automatically, same as doing or Now, I want to change this to another domain name, but not a website one. Like, I want to change from the word localhost to another word, like 'local'. I have been unable to find answers, I have read about virtual hosts but I don't think that is it because I'm only running one website instance. This is just an example website btw, it's just a index.html file for me to learn how to configure things. I have changed my 000-default.conf to say ServerName thenameIwant but it doesn't work. I noticed it says that this is the last resort host what is the first one?

To be able to use local to connect to your server, you would use local as a domainname which resolves to localhost or You could do this by editing your hosts file. Depending on your os this file is stored in different places. Just google 'Change hosts file [your os]'. And add the following line: local
The default apache server is set to listen for any domain, also local.


Apache localhost already used?! Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName"

I have a problem, I had apache Solr installed and it uses localhost for access on webserver...
now I have installed Apache and startet httpd.exe and I get the warning / error:
Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName"
when I stop solr, I can start and use localhost for apache httpd...
but I want to have the possibility to use both webservices, how can I configure Apache to do that? and get access to service not with localhost, but with another domain name or some configuration in httpd.conf
I tried to change the line "ServerName" in httpd.conf file but no effect,
sorry but I'm pretty new to webservers and Apache, how should I configure that?
You have several things mixed here:
Installing Solr should in no way be related to other questions, unless it is configured to run on port 80. If that is the case, you simply can not run two services on the same port so you have to pick, or just move Solr to 8080 or whatever.
Could not reliably determine... is just a friendly warning and will not prevent any functionality, and it should disappear when you add ServerName in httpd.conf
With default settings, Apache will respond to any http request that comes to port 80, so you don't have to configure anything there (and if you want to modify that, use VirtualHost). You can achieve reaching your webserver by other hostnames by editing hosts file on your machine. If you want others to be able to do that, you have to configure DNS (which is separate issue)

Host multiple domains with apache

I'm trying to set up an ubuntu server to act as a dns server and host a simple webpage, some git repos, and some software for issue tracking, code review, and the like. I settled on Phabricator as the issue tracking/ code review software of choice, since it seemed to be a good all-in-one solution. I've got my server hosting my webpage and git repos, so that part seems to be working ok. Now here's the issue I've run into (from Phabricator configuration instructions):
If you haven't already, set up a domain name to point to the host you're installing on. You can either install Phabricator on a subdomain (like or an entire domain, but you can not install it in some subdirectory of an existing website
I have no idea where to even begin setting up another domain name on my server. How do I set up a second domain name for Phabricator to use?
I see a lot of guides online that say to modify resolv.conf to add a dns entry, however mine looks like this:
Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
and I'm not sure what I should change to get dns entries to show up here.
I'm assuming you have only one IP address, which means you should be using virtual name-based hosting. There are a number of tutorials for doing this, but in short:
Create a virtual host configuration file in:
For example:
nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/phabricator
a2ensite phabricator (in this example, but use the configuration file name you used above)
apache2ctl restart
The configuration file (which can be named whatever you'd like) needs to contain a number of items. A simple example would look like this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /www/example1
DocumentRoot is the full path to the root of your site, usually where index.html, index.php, or the like is located. The default is /var/www. You could put somethig like /home/phabricator or /var/www/phabricator, but make sure you install Phabricator in the directory you specify.
ServerName is the full FQDN of your site, such as "" or "" or even "phabricator.local". Basically it's the same value as you have set in your DNS for your A record, or in your /etc/hosts file. If you don't know about /etc/hosts, then disregard that part.
You'll probably need a few more directives in your configuration file, but you can find what's available on Google. I would suggest following some tutorials to get your configuraiton right.
But overall, you just need to create a virtual host config file, enable it, then restart the server, which is what the above instructions do. Apache will respond to the web request based on the site you put into your address bar.
P.S. Just noticed your DNS part of the question. Do you have DNS set up publicly to point a domain ( or subdomain ( to your server's IP address?

Home apache web server - final hurdle

Ok, so bit of noob question - having one of those days.
I have set up a home apache web server on Ubuntu. I have configured vhosts as I want to host multiple websites. These work fine in the local browser, e.g.
both display their various contents.
For the server side of things, I've configured port forwarding on my router to send all port 80 requests to the server IP.
When I go to an external browser and type in my servers external IP address I get the standard apache "It works!" message. When I type in ipaddress/site1 I get 404. The site1 is not in the standard apache default directory, I have it in home/username/Sites/site1 folder and httpd.conf file knows this.
How is it I can access these site1 and site2 sites externally?
Just as you would do in your local browser. So typing in http://site1 would lead you to the first site. This is based on an assumption though, which is that you put the http://site1 address in your /etc/hosts file. When your computer looks up an URL, it first checks the hosts file (and your case will find the correct IP address there) and next will ask a global mechanism for the address.
The reason why it doesnt find anything at "ipaddress/site1" is because of the vhosts configuration. This teel Apache serve the content of a folder somewhere on your server as a separate hostname, e.g. http://site1. If you're requesting "ipadress/site1", you're actually telling Apache to look in the folder "site1" in its first root it encounters in your Vhost configuration.

IP address is shown in address bar instead of domain

I have a WAMP home web server up and running on a static IP and registered a domain with Namecheap, but I'm a bit shaky with DNS. At first I used URL Redirect and pointed it to my IP. This meant that when you typed in the domain (like it just redirected you right to my IP, replacing the domain name with it in the address bar. Now I'm trying to get the domain to show instead of the IP in the address bar, which I'm struggling to understand exactly how to do.
The latest thing I've tried which many people say to do is instead of using URL Redirect to use the A (Address) record type and point it to my IP, which I thought would finally fix my problems. Of course after 15 min or so when it all got updated I'm getting a 400 Bad Request with nginx under it in Firefox, and a blank page in Chrome. Now I'm getting blank pages in both. Did I do something wrong here? Do I need to edit something on the web server such as httpd.conf? Am I going at this completely wrong?
Yes you should do away with the redirect and instead create an "A record". The sub-domain entry would typically be, but is not restricted to "www". The record type "A" and destination/target would be your external IP address. Once you update this record it may take several hours before you notice it taking effecting, upon where on people typing your URL would be directed to your web server.
You will need to forward port 80 on your router to the server hosting WAMP.
Finally the WAMP server should be provided with your domain name so it knows which site to load. If use the VirtualHost file this will allow you to host multiple domains on your web server. To do this...
Uncomment the following line so it appears like below in your Apache httpd.conf, to allow Apache to use virutal hosts
# Virtual hosts
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Then locate the httpd-vhosts.conf file, should be found in your WAMP installation location, such as C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache*version_number*\conf\extra\
Add an entry for your site, altering the details to your own domain name and website location.
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/websites/stackoverflow/"
ErrorLog "C:/websites/stackoverflow/logs/error.log"
CustomLog "C:/websites/stackoverflow/logs/access.log" common
Now restart your WAMP server and give it a whirl.
Tip: If your server won't start after these changes, check that you have created the folder structure for the log files!
Solution described here could resolve this issue.
Most of the free dynamic dns providers, allow acquiring more than one free host name. If allowed you can solve the problem by getting a second name, e.g.,
Now, go and configure your free domain names in the dashboard of free provider in the following way (assume your IP is and your server's listening to port 8085).
redirect to
redirect to your dynamic IP, say, to
This also works when you are using Apache httpd server alone, not being part of WAMP. You do not need to tweak virtual host or any part of your server. You only configure inbound direction.
Use Forward with masking where you registered your domain. mine is GoDaddy.
in the forward settings, you will see this at bottom of the page. click Forward with masking and add the title you want them to see in the address bar of the browser when they go to your site. instead of showing your IP address

symlink or alias? Not sure what its called

I want to redirect request on my local webserver much like "http://localhost/" redirects to my ServerRoot. I have seen it done with "http://www/" and also with "http://helpdesk/" How would I go about adding my own?
Are you saying you want to redirect something like http://custom to your web server? If so you can do this by creating an entry in your hosts file, or configuring your local DNS server to return local addresses for those hostnames.
Add the following to your hosts file (On *nix /etc/hosts and C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows) custom www.custom
Then you can optionally configure a virtual host on your Apache server to handle requests for those hosts. If you don't create a virtual host, it will just serve up the same content as localhost. You can also have your local webserver host the site and add that entry to your local PC's hosts file and be able to browse it from that hostname as well.
If that isn't what you wanted, can you please clarify your question.