File type not allowed - pdf upload - HippoCMS - hippocms

While uploading .pdf files bigger than 1MB in size through assets in Hippo CMS it gives an error "File type not allowed".
I have already checked MySQL configuration and checked /hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms/cms-services/assetValidationService node in hippo console, where default value is 10M.
So the specific question is:
How do you fix the error and are able to upload files bigger than 1MB in Hippo CMS of .pdf type.

Here you can see how to set the file size limit. Note that there is also possibly a wicket setting you have to be aware of. Details in the page.
Though I wouldn't expect it to return file type not allowed if the problems was the size of the file. Perhaps the file is not validating as a pdf?

The problem was actually on the server of nginx. The server was rejecting all files bigger then 1MB and after long check at the logs the setting got changed to appropriate size.
I also gave the vote to Jasper since that can also be solution and it effects the same problem.


Silverstripe 4 large Files in Uploadfield

when uploading a large file with uploadfield i get the error.
"Server responded with an error.
Expected a value of type "Int" but received: 4008021167"
to set the allowed filesize i used $upload->getValidator()->setAllowedMaxFileSize(6291456000);
$upload is an UploadField.
every file larger than 2gb gets this error. smaller files are uploaded without any error.
where can i adjust that i can upload bigger files.
I remember that there has been a 2GB border in the past, but i don't know where to adjust it
thanks for your answers
The regular file upload limits don't seem to be the issue, if you are already at 2 GB. This might be the memory limit of the process itself. I would recommend looking into chunked uploads - this allows you processing larger files.
I know, this answer is late - but the problem is rooted in the graphQL type definition of the File type (it is set to Int). I've submitted a pull request to the upstream repository. Also here is the sed one-liner to patch it:
sed -i 's/size\: Int/size\: Float/g' vendor/silverstripe/asset-admin/_graphql/types/File.yml

Can Apache solr stores actual files which are uploaded on it?

This is my first time on Stack Overflow. Thanks to all for providing valuable information and helping one another.
I am currently working on Apache Solr 7. There is a POC I need to complete as I have less time so putting this question here. I have setup SOLR on my windows machine. I have created core and uploaded a PDF document using /update/extract from Admin UI. After uploading, I can see the metadata of the file if I query from the Admin UI using query button. I was wondering if I can get the actusl content of the PDF as well. I can see there is one tlog file gets generated under /data/tlog/tlog000... with raw PDF data but not the actual file.
So the question are,
1. Can I get the PDF content?
2. does Solr stores the actual file somewhere?
a. If it stores then where it does?
b. If it does not store then, is there a way to store THE FILE?
Munish Arora
Solr will not sore the actual file anywhere.
Depending on your config it can store the binary content though.
Using the extract request handler Apache Solr relies on Apache Tika[1] to extract the content from the document[2].
So you can search and return the content of the pdf and a lot of other metadata if you like.

Orchard CMS 1.7 Media with S3 Storage

Wanting to use Orchard 1.7 with Media storage on S3 (as I'm deploying to AppHarbor)
So far I'm looking at the S3 Storage provider But its a bit out of date.
Has anyone done this ? is there a better way to use S3 with the new media manager?
I've got images uploading to s3, but they don't display when I click the folder.
here is the Gist of my updated S3Provider
Missing methods for create file, rename folder, get file, and Get storage path. any help on how to complete these would be appreciated.... however stepping through the debugger in VS this doesn't seem to be the root cause of my displaying images issue above.
Looks like the file is up loading to s3 but not to the database, due to the GetFile method throwing an error...
Edit 2
Added some code to the Get file method. Now that works; (gist updated) Can up load images. However the thumbnails are still not working, they just come back as empty tags ...Think this is because the media manager is using the Open get method - which is supposed to open a file so you can write a stream to it. Don't know how to achieve this with S3... any ideas welcome
As Part of the AWSSKD NuGet package version you can access a S3FileInfo object. I've used this in my S3 Storage File and updated the S3 Storage provider.
This seem to work, need to do a bit more testing on it.
NOTE: I had to add some code on the GetFile Method to ensure the permissions where set correctly otherwise the updating of thumbnails overwrote permissions on the file.... I'm sure there is a better way to do this.

what do these liferay config params actually mean?

In my portal-ext properties file, I found these parameters. I don't remember why I put them into the config-file, I think I simply copied them from some other web page where someone said it'll help.
There are comments explaining what the parameters do, but I still don't understand the underlying issues.
How can uploaded data be serialized extraneously?
Why are files > 10 MB be considered excessively large, and why do they have to be cached?
#Set the threshold size to prevent extraneous serialization of uploaded data.
#Set the threshold size to prevent out of memory exceptions caused by caching excessively
#large uploaded data. Default is 1024 * 1024 * 10.
These properties will be invoked when you have an external file upload functionality in your portal.
When you upload a larger file, it needs to be written to a temporary file on the disk.
Since the part of the file upload process is to hold the file in memory before writing it to the disk/database, Larger files must be avoided and it will prevent out of memory exceptions.
If you want to know more details on this,
Please go through this link.
Liferay's Document Library uses other properties to restrict the file size. Such as
These properties are connected with maximum file size for upload (e.g. for document library). However these seem to be the default values.

ASP upload files to server and limit size

I am looking for a free ASP script that will allow me to upload files to my server but limiting the size and type of the files uploaded. It should also inform the user of the errors and not throwing him to IIS error page because of IIS size limits.
I'd really appriciate if there will be an addition that will check the size limit before the file is actually uploaded (meaning - at the browser)
Is there anything like this?
I found this code by a guy named Lewis Moten several years ago:
It includes checking of file size, though it does happen server-side, not client-side.
I used this code for a project a few years ago and it worked great.