Deleting controls each time ShowDialog is called -

I have a form that I display exclusively with the ShowDialog method. In the Form_Shown event, I dynamically create a set of labels and text boxes based on a public variable set in the form making the call.
I understand that the form is not closed or destroyed but simply hidden between calls, and as such I added code at the top of my Form_Shown event to clear out any controls from a previous call, but the controls aren't being removed. I have tried ctrl.Dispose (as in the code below) and Me.Controls.Remove(ctrl). Neither produces an error, but the Textboxes are not removed and new ones are created over them. (For some reason,
This is the first time I've dynamically created/removed controls in .NET, so it's possible my yearning for VB6's control arrays have something to do with the error.
The form builds itself based on the calling form's public ListView variable. The calling form makes certain this variable is not nothing and that items are selected if and only if the user is editing an existing row.
Public Class frmTableEdit
Private isNew As Boolean
Private inputText() As TextBox
Private Sub FormTableEdit_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Shown
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf (ctrl) Is TextBox Or TypeOf (ctrl) Is Label Then
End If
With frmKioskData.TBLobj
Dim fieldCount As Integer = .Columns.Count - 1
isNew = .SelectedIndices.Count = 0
'(code setting size of form and location of OK/Cancel buttons is here)
ReDim inputText(fieldCount)
For i As Integer = 0 To fieldCount
Dim lbl As New Label, txt As New TextBox
inputText(i) = txt
'(code setting size and and position of lbl & txt is here)
'lbl.Tag = i (I commented these lines out because I never used the
'txt.Tag = i Tag property, but can if a solution calls for it.)
lbl.Text = .Columns(i).Text
If isNew Then
txt.Text = ""
txt.Text = .Items(.SelectedIndices(0)).SubItems(i).Text
End If
End With
End Sub
End Class

If #Plutonix's suggestion in the comment above does not quite work for you, I think it would be easiest and make more sense to dispose of the form after calling ShowDialog, and then when you need to show that form you create a new instance with a parameter that tells it what dynamic controls to load.
So you'd have a New method in frmTableEdit that uses this parameter:
Public Sub New(ByVal fieldCount As Integer)
fieldCount = fieldCount 'Where fieldCount is a class variable
End Sub
And when you call this form from frmKioskData, you can do so like this:
Dim newTableEdit As New frmTableEdit(Me.TBLobj.Columns.Count - 1)
Then the code in your frmEditTable's Shown event just simply has to add the controls accordingly, without the need to remove old ones:
ReDim inputText(fieldCount)
For i As Integer = 0 To fieldCount
Dim lbl As New Label, txt As New TextBox
inputText(i) = txt
'(code setting size and and position of lbl & txt is here)
'lbl.Tag = i (I commented these lines out because I never used the
'txt.Tag = i Tag property, but can if a solution calls for it.)
lbl.Text = .Columns(i).Text
If isNew Then
txt.Text = ""
txt.Text = .Items(.SelectedIndices(0)).SubItems(i).Text
End If
How you get the isNew value is up to you - you can add that as a second parameter to the form's New, or get it the same way you are now...w/e. If it were me I'd normally add that as another New parameter.


How can I use a variable to reference a textbox?

I'm new to visual basic and programming in general, but I'm trying to make a statistic counter sort of program. I'm trying to use a variable to reference a textbox, for example, k_kills(i) = txtKills(i).Text. This doesn't work, however, so I then tried the following:
For i = 0 To 8
Dim tempBox As TextBox
Dim tempName As String = "txtKills" & i.ToString
tempBox = Me.Controls.Item(tempName)
k_kills(i) = tempBox.Text
This also doesn't work and spits out an error each time saying that 'tempBox was Nothing'.
Can anyone tell me if I can make this work?
You will need to find the control in some collection. By default the control would exist in its parent's Controls property and since you're trying to get the control by its name then you could use ControlCollection's Find method. If you can guarantee that the control's parent is the Form then you'd call:
Dim tempBox As TextBox = DirectCast(Me.Controls.Find(tempName, False), TextBox)
But if there is the possibility that the control's parent is something other than the Form then you'd call:
Dim tempBox As TextBox = DirectCast(Me.Controls.Find(tempName, True), TextBox)
The first would execute slightly quicker because it only iterates over the current ControlCollection whereas the second could take longer because if it cannot find the control in the current ControlCollection then it starts to iterate over the child controls as well.
Assuming the controls are all in Form as parent and they all start with txtKills...
If you are going to use these text boxes as a group for several actions you may want to build an array or list of TextBox.
Dim Kills(7) As TextBox
Private Sub CreateTextBoxArray()
Dim index As Integer
For Each ctrl As Control In Controls
If ctrl.Name.StartsWith("txtKills") Then
Kills(index) = DirectCast(ctrl, TextBox)
index += 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ClearKillTextBoxes()
For Each t In Kills
End Sub
Private Function GetTextFromKillBoxes() As List(Of String)
Dim lst As New List(Of String)
For Each t In Kills
Return lst
End Function
After Mary's comment I edit my answer to add this line --> My code does not work if Option Strict is On and 'For' starting in 0 or 1 or any number and txtKills[X] exists.
This was my previous answer and I don't know if I have to delete or not:
Your code works fine but I think you have an error because your For starts in 0 and you don't have any "txtKills0". I've tested it now:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim k_kills(10) As String '<< Ignore the length
For i = 1 To 7
Dim tempBox As TextBox
Dim tempName As String = "txtKills" & i.ToString
tempBox = Me.Controls.Item(tempName)
k_kills(i) = tempBox.Text
End Sub

How to reference a variable control on a variable form from another form? Need to get the button.Tag renamed in running program

Here's my problem:
I have a form with a treeview.
That treeview shows all:
other forms in my project as parents
all buttonnames as childs
all buttontags as childs of the buttonnames.
When i select a buttonname in the treeview i have the selection presented as
(textbox1 with the buttonname)
(textbox2 with the buttontag)
(textbox3 with the formname)
I have 1 empty textbox which i want to fill manually, to update the buttontag from the button selected in the treeview.
Either way, all code I have tried ain't updating anything.
This is the code so far, but doesn't seem to work...
My Code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly
Dim myTypes As Type() = asm.GetTypes()
Dim frm As Form
For Each t As Type In myTypes
If t.IsSubclassOf(GetType(System.Windows.Forms.Form)) AndAlso TextBox1.Text = t.Name Then
frm = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(t), Form)
Dim thisButtonName As String = TextBox3.Text ' This is the name of the button I'm looking for
Dim thisButtonName2 As String = TextBox2.Text ' this is the new tag name for that button
' Loop all controls in this form
For Each ctrl As Control In Controls
' Is this control a button
If TypeOf (ctrl) Is Button Then
' Is this the correct button
If CType(ctrl, Button).Name = thisButtonName Then
CType(ctrl, Button).Tag = thisButtonName2
End If
End If
End If
For Each formprop In My.Forms.GetType.GetProperties
Dim node = Me.TreeView1.Nodes.Add(formprop.Name)
Dim form As Form = CType(formprop.GetValue(My.Forms, Nothing), Form)
ControlsTree(node, form.Controls)
End Sub
I think there are two basic problems here:
Your loop For Each ctrl As Control In Controls is not iterating over the controls in the other form object referenced by the frm variable. The Controls property is going to default to this form's set of Controls, not frm.Controls.
It seems like you are trying to change the Tag in the definition of that class at run-time. That is not possible, AFAIK, especially in what you're trying here. Each time you create a new instance of that form object, you are going to get that object initialized as how it was compiled. You can change the Tag values of a running instance of the object, but you can't change the default values of the class without using a technique like dependency injection.

Can I use variables to control which PictureBox I am using?

Is there a way that I can use a variable to control which PictureBox I am using in Visual Basic?
CurrentNumber = 1
PictureBox(CurrentNumber).backcolour = backcolour
You can use the Me.Controls(String) indexer. It lets you specify the name (as a string) of the control you want to access, thus you can dynamically access a picture box by concatenating the string "PictureBox" with a number.
Dim TargetPictureBox As PictureBox = TryCast(Me.Controls("PictureBox" & CurrentNumber), PictureBox)
'Verifying that the control exists and that it was indeed a PictureBox.
If TargetPictureBox IsNot Nothing Then
TargetPictureBox.BackColor = Color.Red
End If
Alternatively, to save processing power by avoiding looping through the entire control collection every time you can call the OfType() extension on Me.Controls, storing the result in an array sorted by the controls' names. That way it'd only have to iterate the control collection once.
'Class level - outside any methods (subs or functions).
Dim PictureBoxes As PictureBox() = Nothing
'Doesn't necessarily have to be done in a button, it's just an example.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If PictureBoxes Is Nothing Then
PictureBoxes = Me.Controls.OfType(Of PictureBox).OrderBy(Function(p As PictureBox) p.Name).ToArray()
End If
'NOTE: CurrentNumber - 1 is necessary when using an array!
PictureBoxes(CurrentNumber - 1).BackColor = Color.Red
End Sub
NOTE: This solution will only work properly if all your picture boxes are named "PictureBox1", "PictureBox2", etc. If you suddenly skip a number ("PictureBox3", "PictureBox5", "PictureBox6") then PictureBoxes(CurrentNumber - 1) for CurrentNumber = 5 would return PictureBox6 rather than PictureBox5.
What you really should do is create a PictureBox() and use that to reference your picture boxes via an index.
The best way to build your array is to create a method that builds the array from the references created by the designer. This lets you continue to use the designer to create your controls and it makes your code check for deleted controls at design-time. Using Me.Controls(...) suffers from run-time errors if controls you are looking for have been deleted.
Here's the code you need:
Private _PictureBoxes As PictureBox() = Nothing
Sub AssignPictureBoxesArray
_PictureBoxes = {PictureBox1, PictureBox2, PictureBox3}
End Sub
Then you access them like this:
Sub SomeMethod
Dim CurrentNumber = 1
Dim PictureBox = _PictureBoxes(CurrentNumber - 1)
PictureBox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
End Sub

is there any way to simplify this code? [duplicate]

i have been created buttons and textboxs by coding in next loop,
the result
'T(x).Name = "text_1"
'T(x).Name = "text_2"
'T(x).Name = "text_3"
'B(x).Name = "button_1"
'B(x).Name = "button_2"
'B(x).Name = "button_3"
and i want to get textbox property whene i click the button,
i can get button property when click like button_1.Name.ToString
but i cant get the text_1,2,3 .... property.
i do some trick by split function button_1.Name.ToString and get the last number
and add it to the textbox name like "text_" & button_1.Name.ToString but i can't convert this string to object.
Here's the code I'm using to load the controls in the loop:
C_A_TEXT(x) = New TextBox()
C_A_TEXT(x).Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
C_A_TEXT(x).Location = New System.Drawing.Point(270, 5)
C_A_TEXT(x).Margin = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0)
C_A_TEXT(x).Size = New System.Drawing.Size(70, 27)
C_A_TEXT(x).TabIndex = 5
Update 2
Here's some more code:
AddHandler C_A_BUTTONS(x).Click, AddressOf C_A_BUTTON
Private Sub C_A_BUTTON(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim thisButton As Button = sender Dim A = CType(Me.Controls("NEW_RECHARGE_COUNT_TEXT_1"), TextBox)
MsgBox(A.Text.ToString) 'Error!
End Sub
You can access the controls by name via the Form.Controls property, for instance:
Dim text1 As TextBox = CType(Me.Controls("text_1"), TextBox)
As a quick useful tip to note, you don't seem to have to specify the type of control within the CType statement for purposes of accessing a control on your form. I came across this when trying to access multiple types of form controls, such as buttons and textboxes, all with the same line of code.
CType(Controls("NAME_OF_CONTROL"), Control)
Note that, rather than specifying exactly what type of control, such as 'TextBox' or 'Button', you simply state 'Control'. This allows you to universally change any type of control, without needing to specify its type.
I couldn't find this anywhere else, so I thought I'd share it!
Below is the code.
Dim oObj As Object = Me.Controls.Find("control name", True).FirstOrDefault()
Obj.Property = Value
I hope it helps.
Dim sometext As TextBox = CType(Me.Controls("sometext "), TextBox)
The title of the thread and your description of the problem at hand seem a little different from each other.
To answer your title (to find a control by its name) use the following:
Dim myControlToFind = LayoutRoot.FindName("NAMEOFCONTROL")
More information on this method can be found here .
To answer the description of your issue as (to access a code generated control after it is clicked) do the following:
In the loop where you are creating the control(s) add the following handler
Addhandler YOURCONTROL.Clicked, AddressOf Textbox_Clicked
...and then this will handle the click event
Private Sub Textbox_Clicked(sender as object, e as RoutedEventArgs)
Dim tbClicked = Ctype(sender, TextBox)
'You can now access any of the properties of the textbox, for example
Dim txt as String = tbClicked.Text
Dim name as String = tbClicked.Name
Dim height as Double = tbClicked.Height
End Sub
None of the above worked for me. This does:
Dim selVal As String = CType(Form.FindControl(myListName), DropDownList).SelectedValue

Dynamically create and remove a control from a form, many times

The below subroutine, when called using a mouse click, successfully creates and then removes a control. but it doesn't create it a second time. I'm assuming it is because the label is not longer dimensioned as public. ie Dim lblDebug1 As New Label is at the top variable section of the form.
However when I put Dim lblDebug1 As New Label in the subroutine the dispose request doesn't work. Is there someway that I can keep creating and disposing a control?
In the below sub, booleanDebug is used to switch back and forth between creating it and disposing it. Thanks in advance.
Dim lblDebug1 As New Label
booleanDebug = Not booleanDebug
If booleanDebug Then
lblDebug1.BackColor = Color.BlueViolet
End If
Ensure the label has a global context. Within the form that owns it and that you have all the appropriate size and coordinates information and visibility set.
Here is some sample code that worked for me. First just create a new windows form then add a button control in the middle of the form then use the following code.
Public Class Main
Private labelDemo As Windows.Forms.Label
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If labelDemo Is Nothing Then
labelDemo = New Windows.Forms.Label
labelDemo.Name = "label"
labelDemo.Text = "You Click the Button"
labelDemo.AutoSize = True
labelDemo.Left = 0
labelDemo.Top = 0
labelDemo.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Violet
labelDemo = Nothing
End If
End Sub
End Class
Once you've Disposed a control, you can't use it any more. You have two choices here:
Choice 1: Just Remove the control from the form rather than disposing it:
'Top of the file
Dim lblDebug1 As New Label
'Button click
booleanDebug = Not booleanDebug
If booleanDebug Then
lblDebug1.BackColor = Color.BlueViolet
End If
Choice 2: Create a new control object each time
'Top of the file
Dim lblDebug1 As Label
' ^ No "New".
'We just want an object reference we can share at this point, no need for an instance yet
'Button click
booleanDebug = Not booleanDebug
If booleanDebug Then
lblDebug1 = New Label()
lblDebug1.BackColor = Color.BlueViolet
End If