How to use system username directly in MS Access query? - sql

I would like to know if there is a way to get system username and use it directly in an MS Access query. I have made a parameter work within a query from a combo box on a form and I have also acquired system name in Access VBA using ENVIRON ("USERNAME").
Kindly let me know if this is possible.

You need to create a VBA function that returns the username, and then use the function in the query.
Public Function GetUserName() As String
' GetUserName = Environ("USERNAME")
' Better method, see comment by HansUp
GetUserName = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
End Function
SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE myUserName = GetUserName();

My solution kept all the work in VB.
I used a variable for the windows login username and then created a SQL string with that variable inserted. Lastly, I updated the query behind the form to use this new SQL string.
The CHR(34) puts quotes around the name as it is now a string inside the SQLSTR and needs to be within a set of quotes.
If you have a complex SQL statement, write it in the QBE using a string for the name and all the other variables, then switch to the SQL view and replace it using a VBA variable as shown below.
MyName = Environ("username")
sqlstr = "SELECT * From Projects WHERE ( ((Projects.LeadEngineer)=" & Chr(34) & MyName & Chr(34) & " AND ActiveYN = True ));"
Forms![Main Form].RecordSource = sqlstr

You can use SYSTEM_USER if the query is being executed in a SQL Server, that will retrieve the user name connected to the database (for that, make sure you are not using fixed user name in your connection string)

Yes - you can use the 'CurrentUser' function in your query. Here I've included it as a field and criteria.
SELECT Field1, Field2, [CurrentUser] AS UserName FROM Table1 WHERE Field1 = [CurrentUser];


Is there a simple code to allow certain user(s) access to see command buttons?

Okay, I am having difficulties coding security behind my user form. Let me give you guys the rundown. I created this make table "tblPermissionTypes" that basically has two field in there "ID" & "EmployeeType_ID". The ID field represents Security level of access 0 through 2, and EmployeeType_ID is the title: 0 = Requestor, 1 = Admin, and 2 = Printer.
With that being said I have another table "tblEmployees" with the same field "EmployeeType_ID", I manually set the 0s, 1s, & 2s. This table also contains all employees UserNames
Finally, I have another table "tblPermission" that contains three fields "EmployeeType_ID", "FormName", and "HasAccess"
My end result is being whenever this tblPermission has a Checkbox under the field HasAccess I want to grant access based on the EmployeeType_ID field to communicate back to the table "tblEmployees", but in this case I want them to only be able to see a button that contains that certain form.
Private Sub cmdClick_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim permission As String
If permission = ("fOSUserName") = True Then
Run strSQL
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblEmployees WHERE "
strSQL = strSQL & "tblEmployees.Five2 =" & ("fOSUserName") & """, = False
MsgBox "You do not have permission!", vbExclamation
cmdButton.Visible True
End If
NOTE: fOSUserName, is a function I created basically the same thing as
Debug.Print strSQL
Function calls should not be within quote marks. You construct an SQL statement but then don't properly use it. You declare and use variable permission but don't set the variable - it is an empty string. Need form name as a search criteria. Couple of other syntax errors but they will go away with this suggested code. Run this code in form Open event to disable button and don't even give unauthorized users opportunity to click. Don't annoy them with a popup message that emphasizes their lowly status in hierarchy.
You need to build a query that joins tblEmployees to tblPermission so that UserName, FormName, HasAccess fields are all available then reference that query in search for permission.
A DLookup could serve here.
Me.buttonNameHere.Visible = Nz(DLookup("HasAccess", "queryNameHere", _
"UserName='" & fOSUserName & "' AND FormName='FormNameHere'"), 0)

Use Access function in SQL pass-through query

I have an MS Access front-end with an Oracle SQL back-end database.
I'm trying to create a pass-through query that contains a function within Access. The function is for setting the jobnumber based on what the user types into the login screen.
When I run the above I receive an error message that says:
ODBC--call failed [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00942:table or view does not
Well, since the sql is sent "raw" to Oracle, then of course the server side database has no idea what to do with a VBA function.
So, one possible solution would be to re-create the VBA function as a scaler oracle function.
However, because that given function has no paramters, then we can assume that the function returns a given value - darn near close to a static, or a value that you wish/want to pass to oracle.
The approach then means we have to resolve the function client side BEFORE we attempt to use or execute that PT query.
So, I recommend that you take the above PT query, and copy it. (access side). You now have two PT queries.
Now, in code, we grab the sql, modify it, shove it into the 2nd query, and now you are free to launch + use that pass-though query (for a report, recordsets, forms or whatever)
So, your code will look like this:
Sub MyOraclePT()
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("PT1").SQL ' <-- this change
strSQL = Replace(strSQL, "GET_QAQC_JOB()", GET_QAQC_JOB())
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("PT2").SQL = strSQL
' now you can open or use this query.
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("PT2")
' or open a report/form based on that PT2 query
' such as
DoCmd.OpenReport "MyReport", acViewPreview
End Sub
So, we used two PT query, because the first one is the sql you have as a above. We then modify the 2nd PT query to replace the function value with the actual value of the function.
The above assumes the function is a number (not a string). If the column CC_QAQC_SPEC_MASTER.JOBNUMBER was a string, then you would could/would place single quotes around the function name in the first PT query.
I also note a bug/syntax error, as you have:
In above, I see a stray ")" in above - you want to fix that.
Assuming the function is a function written in VBA in Access, you can't call it from the query. I believe the DML in the query is sent in its entirety to the source system, Oracle in this case. Oracle has no idea what the function is and errors.
Option-1: Submit the Query via ADO.NET in VBA
Abandon the pass-thru query objects in Access. Execute the query from VBA connecting to Oracle via ADO or something like it. There are lots of resources on how to use ADO to pull data from external data sources such as How To Open ADO Connection and Recordset Objects. Here is an example using DAO.
Option-2: Wrap the Pass-thru Query in Another Query
Access lets you create queries that call other queries. Create the pass-thru query without the WHERE predicate. This is the pass-thru query. Create another access query that calls the pass-thru query. This is the wrapping query. The wrapping query (since its native Access SQL) should have the parameter you use to filter the result set.
Complete disclosure. I didn't try this with Oracle.
Now, if the pass-thru query is grabbing a lot of data. This option won't perform well.
Option-3: Dynamically Create the Pass-Thru Query
You have an event (button click or whatever) call a VBA sub-procedure, which dynamically creates and assigns the SQL for the query:
Public Sub foo()
Let qaqc_job_number = GET_QAQC_JOB()
Set Query = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("<your-pass-thru-function-name>")
Let sql_job_data = "SELECT" & _
"FROM " & _
"WHERE " & _
"CC_QAQC_SPEC_MASTER.JOBNUMBER)= " & qaqc_job_number & " " & _
"Order BY " & _
Let Query.Sql = sql_job_data
End Sub
Then you run the query.
Everything in the SQL you stick in this Access query object has to exist in Oracle and ONLY in Oracle.

How to reference textbox in a MS Access form in SQL

I need to find a way to make SQL pick up the data in a textbox on the form in MS Access. If there is any other way around this I'm sure I can do that as I have spent so much time on it already!
In a textbox on the form is where you write down the primary key your using then click submit. It would run the SQL, but the issue is I can't find how to get primary key in there. It's working as if I put it in '' then the whole SQL works. That's only if there is one choice but I want to be able to put loads of possible numbers in.
I have tried:
textbox.text, [forms]![form1]![textbox], form1.textbox,
Here's my current code:
Dim strQuery As String
strQuery = "UPDATE cwsmeriaid SET Pwyntiau = Pwyntiau + 1 WHERE Rhif_Yswiriant_Gwladol = Forms![frm_Archebiad]![rhifYswiriant]"
DoCmd.RunSQL strQuery
Don't enclose variables in quotes. Referencing form control is a variable. Concatenate variables.
Dim strQuery As String
strQuery = "UPDATE cwsmeriaid SET Pwyntiau = Pwyntiau + 1 WHERE Rhif_Yswiriant_Gwladol = " & Forms![frm_Archebiad]![rhifYswiriant]
DoCmd.RunSQL strQuery
If you want to avoid warning popups with action SQL, either turn warnings off then on with DoCmd.SetWarnings [True/False] or use:
CurrentDb.Execute strQuery

MS Access VBA issue

I'm making a report in MS Access - what I'm trying to do here is basically APPEND a query to a table that I've already created - I select the first value, change it and update the table. The issue that I'm coming across is - this report will be used by a VB6 application. So the user won't be seeing Access at all.
The thing with my append query is that it needs a USER ID to run (4 digit number). Normally when I run a report in Access I pass the parameters to a form in Access - and I use them to run queries. However, in this case, I need the user to enter a value when appending the query, additionally, when appending a query in VBA it first says "You are about to append a query, are you sure" (or something along those lines), so is there a way to automate that as well, so when I append it nothing happens?
Here is my code for appending and selecting date from the tempTable:
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE from [tempCompanyMgmt-NOW];"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryCompanyMgmt-SUE" - i made this append!
Set rs1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from [tempCompanyMgmt-NOW]", , dbOpenDynamic)
So as long as I press OK, YES when I get notified of the APPEND process and enter the parameter for USER ID - everything works fine.
Looks like a typo in your markdown, should the 2nd line be:
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryCompanyMgmt-SUE - i made this append!"
You'll need to remove the reference to the form inside the qryCompanyMgmt-SUE - i made this append! query, and swap it for a parameter name. You can use the Access interface to explicitly add a parameters clause to the query, and then using ADO (or DAO) from VB6, set a parameter value before you open/execute the query.
The "You are about to append a query, are you sure" message is an Access feature (and it can be disabled), so if you want the VB6 application to provide such a warning, then you'll need to create it yourself with a MsgBox.
One option would by putting your append query into the code and filling in the parameter that way.
I don't know your exact scenario, but something like:
If not isValidUserID(me.UserID) Then
msgbox "Please enter a a valid user id"
exit sub
End If
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "DELETE * from [tempCompanyMgmt-NOW];"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tempCompanyMgmt-NOW ( FieldName1, FieldName2, FieldName3 ) " & _
"SELECT FieldName1, FieldName2, FieldName3 FROM tempCompanyMgmt WHERE UseriD=" & Me.UserID
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
To validate the user id you could do something like:
If (Len(me.UserID) = 4 And IsNumeric(me.UserID)) Then
Public Function isValidUserID(varUserID As Variant) As Boolean
Dim blnRet As Boolean
If Len(varUserID) = 4 And IsNumeric(varUserID) Then
blnRet = True
End If
isValidUserID = blnRet
End Function
To get rid of the MsgBox telling me I'm about to append a query i included this in my module before I open my append query..
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
And I realized once I have the value passed to the form (userID), that value gets passed on as a parameter when my query gets appended. So it's all set. Thanks for all help!

VBA Excel Workbook with Database connection to SQL server need login information

I have an Excel VBA workbook that I have created. It has a control panel page with a button installed to run the VB/ASP script that runs against our SQL Database. I have created text boxes for entry for dates and have used these as input for the VB/ASP script that pulls the individual sheets(Reports). Now, I want to declare the username from ENVIRON ("UserName") then evaluate the username against a list of usernames and return the user_id (aka UserNumber) to the text box on the control panel page (user_id in sql database).
Example: if sjones is logged into windows then evaluate list of Usernames=165?, then
Var1 = Var1 & "OR ( pd.created_by = '" + Sheets("Control Panel").UserNumber.Text + "' ) ) " & vbCrLf
I want to pull reports based on the person logged into Windows at the time to keep others from running the report for anyone but themselves. The worksheet location is open to all users but I want them to only run the reports for the user logged in? There is probably an easier way to do this but I am very weak in VB/ASP. Please help. TIA Conya
Get username first and execute a sql query to get a userID associated with that. The code might looks like:
Public UName, UID as String
Public Sub GetUName()
UName = Environ("USERNAME")
End Sub
Public Sub GetUID()
strSQL = "Select UID from table1 where username=" & "'" UName & "'"
UID = oConn.Execute strSQL
End Sub