Supporting Long Values in Module Settings - virtocommerce

Following the guidance in the documentation for managed module settings, I have created some settings for my custom module.
For the most part this is working fine, but I have one setting that expects an API key for a 3rd party service, and that key is > 512 characters. This results in a validation failure when I try to save the setting because by default all the settings use the ShortTextValue property. How can I use LongTextValue for this particular setting?

For long text values you can use the "text" value type:
Though the UI was missing the input filed for this value type until version 2.4.593.
P.S. Documentation has been updated.


How to encrypt server.ssl.key-store-password value and use it in SpringBoot

I would like to know is there anyway we can encrypt the server.ssl.key-store-password value and store it in file instead of storing it in plain text.
i couldn't find any documentation on this. Any help on this is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Spring allows you to encrypt the properties file but the key for that encryption needs to be kept somewhere. This answer suggest keeping them in environment variables and points to a guide about how to encrypt them if you still want to.
You can use "jasypt-spring-boot-starter" for your need. All you to need to do are the following steps.
Download the "jasypt-spring-boot-starter" from maven central repo.
In your Spring Boot start file where the "#SpringBootApplication" annotation is located, just include "#EnableEncryptableProperties". A point to note here is that once you place encryptable properties annotation on the main start file, all the property files of your application will be loaded and scanned by Jaspyt module for any property value that is marked starting with "ENC".
In your "" file there are few more configurations that needed to be added like below (all these are defaults and you can change these according to your requirement):
jasypt.encryptor.password=<Some password for encryption>
Once you are done with the above steps, now you can place your encrypted property value under the ENC(). Jasypt will scan values which are enclosed in ENC() and will try to decrypt the value.
For e.g.

Can liquibase runners reference properties from deploy IT dictionaries?

I have created a new liquibase.Runner and filled in the db credentials properties using placeholder which should be filled from a DeployIt dictionary. But those properties values are not being resolved, like url, username, etc?.
Please suggest does liquibase.Runner supports dictionary placeholder replacement or not?
As liquibase.Runner is a Container in XL Deploy, it does not support placeholder replacement. Placeholder replacement is only supported on the conversion from Deployable to Deployed. If you want to externalize the settings, please put them in a, and point the liquibase.Runner.liquibaseConfigurationPath to the properties file.
See the documentation here.

Firebreath plugin not loading in IE 10

EDIT: See end of post for more information.
I am trying to to get plugins created via the Firebreath framework (1.7.0) to load. I am on Windows 8 in Desktop Mode using Internet Explorer 10. I've reproduced this with the built-in test FBTtestPlugin that comes with Firebreath. The failure is silent in that the object element is created, but fails to have any properties specified by the plugin. How does one go about debugging this? The Microsoft Internet Explorer Compatibility Tool reports that the plugin is failing to load.
(The FBTtestPlugin loads three plugins, hence the three errors.)
I've got other (non-FB) plugins working on the same settings (e.g. the example here: works fine as do all the examples from this site ).
I've tried a huge combination of security settings, but here's the most relaxed set I have so far follows:
Tools / Safety / ActiveX Filtering: is unchecked
Internet Options / Security / Internet: "Enable Protected Mode" is unchecked
Internet Options / Security / Internet: is at Custom Level. Under ActiveX everything is "enabled" except restrictive properties such as "Allow ActiveX Filtering"
All sorts of security warnings are visible based on these settings.
Note: I don't intend to keep these settings. I just want to get the plugin working, then work backwards re-enabling security settings.
I figured this out partly and can now run the FB test FBTestPlugin. To make debugging easier for IE, I defined the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\TabProcGrowth as 0 to limit the browser to use one process. Unfortunately, with IE10 both iexplore.exe in Program Files and Program Files (x86) direct to the 64-bit version of IE. This prevents 32-bit plugins from running (see ), and the symptom is silent failure.
However, my plugin still fails to load in IE and the retitled question above is otherwise still open. The problem is still silent load failure. However, I think it may have something to do with plugin configuration. The CLSID listed in the Compatibility Test Tool (like the example shown above) is listed as all 0's instead of a valid GUID. Moreover the registry looks funky: The key HKCR\Company.Name exists as does HKCR\Company.Name.1, but both are empty (instead of having a CLSID child as in normally working plugins). The expected GUID does exist, but under a bogus name "applications.'". I am now digging into the code that gets called when regsvr32 is run.
Thanks all!
I am providing this answer in the hopes that someone can use the result.
IE was not loading the plugin for two reasons.
1) The TabProcGrowth registry key and the 32/64 bit issue with IE 10. ( )
Don't define this key.
2) My plugin description used an apostrophe (e.g. "Gluttco's Plugin") and this messed up the registration of the component.
I traced through the DllRegisterServer code and found that the phoney registry entries are due to the fact that my plugin description contained an apostrophe. E.g. "Joe's plugin". The generator (, generated a malformed FBControls.rgs file (it't didn't escape the quotes and thus contained a string literal such as (s 'Joe's cool plugin'). The DllRegisterServer code (called from regsvr32) used the contents of this file (embedded?) when (deep in atlbase.h). Oddly, the parser did not detect the error (or somehow erroneously recovered). From Process Monitor I could see a bunch of bogus keys being added, before it started adding good registry keys again.
For now Firebreath plugin descriptions should not contain apostrophes (probably other characters are illegal too). It might be sensible to make check for these characters and possibly escape, reject, or replace them.
Searching found this:
Do you have any group policies in place that could affect it? I don't think this is related directly to FireBreath, rather to the activex configuration...
I also found which has a few things you could try.

Where am I going wrong with the persistence of User scoped Settings?

I have a Boolean, user scoped setting. I access it through a referenced class library, called Settings. This class library has a Module with properties:
Module AppSettings
Public Property MyBooleanSetting() As Boolean
Return My.Settings.MyBooleanSetting
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
My.Settings.MyBooleanSetting = value
End Set
End Property
End Module
I defined the setting in the Property pages of the Settings class library.
When other code manipulates the setting it will use code like:
While the code is running this works. But after a restart of the application the new value is not persisted.
Where am I going wrong?
After looking at the Using My.Settings in Visual Basic 2005 MSDN article and these MSDN Forum Threads , I would say you need to verify which path is being used.
User-scope settings are specific for each user. They can be read and set safely by the application code at run time. These settings are stored in a user.config file. To be technically accurate, there are two user.configs per user per application—one for non-roaming and one for roaming. Although the Visual Basic 2005 documentation states that the user.config file will be named according to the user's name (joe.config), this is not the case. The user.config file is created in the \[Local Settings]Application Data\\\. Where:
• is the user data directory, either non-roaming (Local Settings above) or roaming.
• is the user name.
• is the CompanyNameAttribute value, if available. Otherwise, ignore this element.
• is the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. This usually defaults to the .exe name.
• is the URL, StrongName, or Path, based on the evidence available to hash.
• is a SHA1 hash of evidence gathered from the CurrentDomain, in the following order of preference:
If neither of these is available, use the .exe path.
• is the AssemblyInfo's AssemblyVersionAttribute setting.
Save your breath guys. The code did work after all. I used an other Property in the Viewmodel of my application that cached the Setting.MyBooleanSetting, but I forgot to read it in at application startup...

WF4 Argument as Property

My scenario is the following:
I have a workflow (lets call it customActivity1) that do the basic actions for my system. I also have another workflow (customActivity2) that uses customActivity1 and do higher level actions. When I call customActivity1, I must pass on a few parameters, like Boolean or String values. I want to show some of these parameters as a checkbox or combobox (so the developer of customActivity2 can pass on only valid values) and found out that I can do that by setting the argument as PROPERTY (instead of In).
By doing a research, I also found out that you can’t directly use this argument in expressions, so I keep getting errors on my customActivity1.
That said and knowing that I need to narrow what the designer can pass on, how could I do that without using an activity designer or where could I find an answer?
I also attached two pictures, one of what I need and the other of the error I’m getting.
Thanks in advance.
The reason an InArgument only shows you a text field instead of a checkbox is because they are expressions not literal values. There is still type checking though, if you enter the value 1 you get the error message that an integer cannot be converted into a boolean.
You cannot do this. You can only bind to InArguments.
If you bind an InArgument and look at the xaml, you'll see something like this:
<p1:MyActivity MyInArgument="[BoundValue]" ...
The Workflow Runtime knows how to handle these. It doesn't know how to handle binding POCO properties.
If you want to model data flow but want to have a different user experience in the property grid I recommed using arguments (as they convey data flow semantics) and customizing the property grid for those arguments. There is a sample that demonstrates how to do this in the WF4 samples (sample readme available at