sql-server-2008 : get the last status of subjects of a student - sql

Salam, (Greetings) to all.
I am working on a Student Examination System, where Students appear and pass or fail or absent.
I am tasked to fetch their Summary of Status. you may say a Result Card which should print their very last status of a Subject.
Below is a sample of the data where a student has appeared many times, in different sessions. I have highlighted one subject in which a student has appeared three times.
Now, I write the following Query which extract the same result as the picture above:
WHERE gr.STUDKEY = '0100106524'
I want to get only the last status of a subject in which a student has appeared.
Help is requested. Thanks in advanced.
I am using sql-server-2008.

This won't work because you include fields like gr.MARKS and gr.GRADE in the group by and in the select which means that the query might return more than 1 record for each session id while their grade or marks is different.
JOIN (SELECT MAX(SessionId) as sessionId, STUDKEY
GROUP BY STUDKEY ) gr1 ON gr1.sessionId=gr.sessionid AND gr1.STUDKEY =gr.STUDKEY

Hopefully there is a date field, or something that indicates the order of the students appearances in this class. Use that to order your query in descending order, so that the most recent occurrence is the first record, then specifiy "Top 1" which will then give you only the most recent record for that student, which will include in his most recent status.
WHERE gr.STUDKEY = '0100106524'
ORDER BY gr.Date DESC //swap "Date" out for your field indicating the sequence.
or use a Group by with MAX(Date) if you're looking for multiple classes with the same student at the same time.


Finding the most frequent value in SQL column

I have written the following code :
select ap.doctorsnum,doc.specialty
from appointments as ap
join doctor as doc
on ap.doctorsnum = doc.doctorsnum
This a screenshot of the first 10 rows of the result. (The actual result contains more than 5k rows)
How can I calculate which is the most frequent value to appear in the "specialty" column?
(All security numbers are fake, they have been randomly generated)
Any help is much appreciated!
Thank you!
I would make a query like:
COUNT(*) AS value_occurrence
FROM appointments
ORDER BY value_occurrence DESC

How to filter to get the value of a column is exactly some array after order by, Bigquery

The question is:
List all of customer id that had their FIRST 3 GOJEK orders EXACTLY IN THE following sequence: First order is RIDE, second is CAR and third is FOOD
and the preview of table is:
I'm considering doing things like get the customers whose first order is RIDE, customers whose second order is CAR and customers whose thrid order is FOOD separately, and then intersect among them. But I ran out of ideas for querying on the second and third order type.
Thanks in advance!
You would do:
select d.customer_no
from daily_order d
group by d.customer_no
having to_json_string(array_agg(order_type order by order_time limit 3)) = to_json_string(array['RIDE', 'CAR', 'FOOD']);

Ordering Data using sql

I have a requirement where from a View need to get result in a specific sorting order. Here is sample table:
Now the data has to arrange in Descending order based on the last day BASE_PERCENTAGE. So Last day is 04-Feb-2017 and the highest to lowest order is Jessie, Ricky, Jammie and Jasmine. The final output should arrange data based on BASE_PERCENTAGE, CURR_DATE and Name. Like This-
Could someone please help to how to get the same result using sql. How sql can be written to that it gives the same result.
Please let me know if you need more explanation.
Attached Table_View_sql.sql is having table create, Sample Data Insert and View creation. View will give the data with BASE_Percentage.
Table View Script
You need to be able to tell on every row what the most recent date base_percentage is, if you want to be able to sort by it. One way to do that is something like this. You don't need to keep the LD.LastDayBase in the select output, I added it so you can easily see what the value is while testing.
If you know what the #LastDay is, you could pass it through to the query and skip the first line.
DECLARE #LastDay date = (select MAX(Curr_Date) from v_DailyDetails);
SELECT VD.*, LD.LastDayBase
FROM v_DailyDetails VD
Select Name, BASE_PERCENTAGE LastDayBase
From v_DailyDetails VD
Where CURR_DATE = #LastDay
) LD on LD.Name = VD.Name
Note that the order you requested means that if ALICE and BOB both had the same LastDayBase value, then you would get the following order ALICE Feb4, Bob Feb4, Alice Feb3, Bob Feb3 etc. If you want days for a given name to be always together, you should use

Counting distinct values output from a grouped SQL Count function

I've got a database that holds information about volunteers and their participation in a range of events.
The following query gives me a list of their names and total attendances
count (bookings.id)
volunteers.id = bookings.volunteer_id
I want the result table to show the distinct number of attendances and how many there are of each; So if five people did one event it'd display 1 in the first column and 5 in the second and so on.
If I understand correctly, you want what I call a "histogram of histograms" query:
select numvolunteers, count(*) as numevents, min(eventid), max(eventid)
from (select b.eventid, count(*) as numvolunteers
from bookings b
group by b.eventid
) b
group by numvolunteers
order by numvolunteers;
The first column is the number of volunteers booked for an "event". The second is the number of events where this occurs. The last two columns are just examples of events that have the given number of volunteers.

How to write an SQL query that retrieves high scores over a recent subset of scores -- see explaination

Given a table of responses with columns:
Username, LessonNumber, QuestionNumber, Response, Score, Timestamp
How would I run a query that returns which users got a score of 90 or better on their first attempt at every question in their last 5 lessons? "last 5 lessons" is a limiting condition, rather than a requirement, so if they completely only 1 lesson, but got all of their first attempts for each question right, then they should be included in the results. We just don't want to look back farther than 5 lessons.
About the data: Users may be on different lessons. Some users may have not yet completed five lessons (may only be on lesson 3 for example). Each lesson has a different number of questions. Users have different lesson paths, so they may skip some lesson numbers or even complete lessons out of sequence.
Since this seems to be a problem of transforming temporally non-uniform/discontinuous values into uniform/contiguous values per-user, I think I can solve the bulk of the problem with a couple ranking function calls. The conditional specification of scoring above 90 for "first attempt at every question in their last 5 lessons" is also tricky, because the number of questions completed is variable per-user.
So far...
As a starting point or hint at what may need to happen, I've transformed Timestamp into an "AttemptNumber" for each question, by using "row_number() over (partition by Username,LessonNumber,QuestionNumber order by Timestamp) as AttemptNumber".
I'm also trying to transform LessonNumber from an absolute value into a contiguous ranked value for individual users. I could use "dense_rank() over (partition by Username order by LessonNumber desc) as LessonRank", but that assumes the order lessons are completed corresponds with the order of LessonNumber, which is unfortunately not always the case. However, let's assume that this is the case, since I do have a way of producing such a number through a couple of joins, so I can use the dense_rank transform described to select the "last 5 completed lessons" (i.e. LessonRank <= 5).
For the >90 condition, I think I can transform the score into an integer so that it's "1" if >= 90, and "0" if < 90. I can then introduce a clause like "group by Username having SUM(Score)=COUNT(Score).", which will select only those users with all scores equal to 1.
Any solutions or suggestions would be appreciated.
You kind of gave away the solution:
FROM Results
WHERE Username NOT in (
r.Username,r.LessonNumber, r.QuestionNumber, r.Score, r.Timestamp
, row_number() over (partition by r.Username,r.LessonNumber,r.QuestionNumber order by r.Timestamp) as AttemptNumber
, dense_rank() over (partition by r.Username order by r.LessonNumber desc) AS LessonRank
FROM Results r
) as f
WHERE LessonRank <= 5 and AttemptNumber = 1 and Score < 90
Concerning the LessonRank, I used exactly what you desribed since it is not clear how to order the lessons otherwise: The timestamp of the first attempt of the first question of a lesson? Or the timestamp of the first attempt of any question of a lesson? Or simply the first(or the most recent?) timestamp of any result of any question of a lesson?
The innermost Select adds all the AttemptNumber and LessonRank as provided by you.
The next Select retains only the results which would disqualify a user to be in the final list - all first attempts with an insufficient score in the last 5 lessons. We end up with a list of users we do not want to display in the final result.
Therefore, in the outermost Select, we can select all the users which are not in the exclusion list. Basically all the other users which have answered any question.
EDIT: As so often, second try should be better...
One more EDIT:
Here's a version including your remarks in the comments.
SELECT Username
SELECT Username, CASE WHEN Score >= 90 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS QuestionScoredWell
r.Username,r.LessonNumber, r.QuestionNumber, r.Score, r.Timestamp
, row_number() over (partition by r.Username,r.LessonNumber,r.QuestionNumber order by r.Timestamp) as AttemptNumber
, dense_rank() over (partition by r.Username order by r.LessonNumber desc) AS LessonRank
FROM Results r
) as f
WHERE LessonRank <= 5 and AttemptNumber = 1
) as ff
Group BY Username
HAVING MIN(QuestionScoredWell) = 1
I used a Having clause with a MIN expression on the calculated QuestionScoredWell value.
When comparing the execution plans for both queries, this query is actually faster. Not sure though whether this is partially due to the low number of data rows in my table.
Random suggestions:
The conditional specification of scoring above 90 for "first attempt at every question in their last 5 lessons" is also tricky, because the number of questions is variable per-user.
is equivalent to
There exists no first attempt with a score <= 90 most-recent 5 lessons
which strikes me as a little easier to grab with a NOT EXISTS subquery.
First attempt is the same as where timestamp = (select min(timestamp) ... )
You need to identify the top 5 lessons per user first, using the timestamp to prioritize lessons, then you can limit by score. Try:
Select username
from table t inner join
(select top 5 username, lessonNumber
from table
order by timestamp desc) l
on t.username = l.username and t.lessonNumber = l.lessonNumber
from table
where score >= 90