How to compare values from different rows in the same table for inclusion in another statement's WHERE clause? - sql

I am really new to SQL, and want to compare two values from two users: For example, the value for the first user at field_id=3, and the value for the second user at field_id=6. The table looks as follows:
| field_id | user_id | value |
| 1 | 1 | Name1 |
| 2 | 1 | Man |
| 3 | 1 | Woman |
| 1 | 2 | Name2 |
| 2 | 2 | Woman |
| 3 | 2 | Man |
This check, I'm looking for, needs to become part of the following sql statement:
$sql = "SELECT MIN(us.ID) FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users us"
. " JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."bp_xprofile_data bp ON us.ID = bp.user_id"
. " JOIN ". $wpdb->base_prefix . "usermeta um ON um.user_id = us.ID"
. " WHERE um.meta_key = 'last_activity' AND us.ID > $current_id"
. " AND ?????????? What to insert here to compare?????"
The check, whether the value for field_id=2 and user_id=1 equals the value of field_id=3 and user_id=2, needs to replace above statement's ?????????? What to insert here to compare?????.
This query is called from php.

The plain comparison could be done like
'match' AS result
FROM us_user U1
JOIN us_user U2
ON U1.value = U2.value
AND U1.field_id = 2
AND U1.user_id = 1
AND U2.field_id = 3
AND U2.user_id = 2
The exact 'return value' (I picked match, could be 1) is free for you to choose (and does not really need a column alias - as long as your database is easy about it).
See this in action: SQL Fiddle
This could then be made a subquery to be included into your original statement along
... AND EXISTS (suggested-query-goes-here)
You will most likely need to synch at least one of the tables in the suggested query to one of the tables in your existing statement. But which exactly, I'm not able to tell from the information provided so far.
Please comment, if and as this requires adjustment / further detail. In particular feel free to extend the Fiddle with structure and sample data for the other tables involved in order to set the full picture straight.


SQL Server : query with subquery involving select from previous selection

I'm trying to create a query in SQL Server to determine how many times a person's name shows up in a list, but also that list will be unknown, so I would have to get the actual name from the previous select index... It's hard to explain so I'll show the query first and hopefully someone can help.
SpeakerName, Spoken,
(SELECT COUNT(SpeakerName)
FROM tbl_SpeakerCard_Log
WHERE SpeakerName = 'SpeakerName[i]' AND SpeakDate = '3-9-16') as TimesSpoken
AID = ####
GeneralComment ASC
So basically, in SpeakerName[i], I'd like to somehow get the SpeakerName from the outer Select. The output should come out something like this
| SpeakerName | Spoken | TimesSpoken |
| Holly | 0 | 4 |
| Robert | 1 | 5 |
| Mike | 1 | 2 |
Try this:
select x.SpeakerName, x.Spoken, COUNT(*) as TimesSpoken
from tbl_SpeakerCard_Log x
WHERE AID = ####
and x.SpeakDate = '3-9-16'
group by x.SpeakerName, x.Spoken
Don't have SSMS installed on this computer so can't test it.

SQL join two tables using value from one as column name for other

I'm a bit stumped on a query I need to write for work. I have the following two tables:
|type | bucket_id | description |
|pattern a | 1 | Email |
|pattern b | 2 | Phone |
|id | buc_1 | buc_2 |
|123 | pass | |
|124 | pass |fail |
In the results table, I can see that entity 124 failed a validation check in buc_2. Looking at the patterns table, I can see bucket 2 belongs to pattern b (bucket_id corresponds to the column name in the results table), so entity 124 failed phone validation. But how do I write a query that joins these two tables on the value of one of the columns? Limitations to how this query is going to be called will most likely prevent me from using any cursors.
Some crude solutions:
SELECT "id", "description" FROM
Results JOIN Patterns
ON "buc_1" = 'fail' AND "bucket_id" = 1
union all
SELECT "id", "description" FROM
Results JOIN Patterns
ON "buc_2" = 'fail' AND "bucket_id" = 2
Or, with a very probably better execution plan:
SELECT "id", "description" FROM
Results JOIN Patterns
ON "buc_1" = 'fail' AND "bucket_id" = 1
OR "buc_2" = 'fail' AND "bucket_id" = 2;
This will report all failure descriptions for each id having a fail case in bucket 1 or 2.
See!4/a3eae/8 for a live example
That being said, the right solution would be probably to change your schema to something more manageable. Say by using an association table to store each failed test -- as you have in fact here a many to many relationship.
An other approach if you are using Oracle ≥ 11g, would be to use the UNPIVOT operation. This will translate columns to rows at query execution:
select * from Results
unpivot ("result" for "bucket_id" in ("buc_1" as 1, "buc_2" as 2))
join Patterns
where "result" = 'fail';
Unfortunately, you still have to hard-code the various column names.
It looks to me that what you really want to know is the description(in your example Phone) of a Pattern entry given the condition that the bucket failed. Regardless of the specific example you have you want a solution that fulfills that condition, not just your particular example.
I agree with the comment above. Your bucket entries should be tuples(rows) and not arguments, and also you should share the ids on each table so you can actually join them. For example, Consider adding a bucket column and index their number then just add ONE result column to store the state. Like this:
|type | bucket_id | description |
|pattern a | 1 | Email |
|pattern b | 2 | Phone |
|entity_id | bucket_id |status |
|123 | 1 |pass |
|124 | 1 |pass |
|123 | 2 | |
|124 | 2 |fail |
1.-Use an Inner Join: and the WHERE clause to filter only those buckets that failed:
2.-Would this example help?
SELECT Patterns.type, Patterns.description, Results.entity_id,Results.status
Lastly, I would also add a primary_key column to each table to make sure indexing is faster for each unique combination.

SQL Query: Search with list of tuples

I have a following table (simplified version) in SQLServer.
Table Events
| Room | User | Entered | Exited |
| A | Jim | 2014-10-10T09:00:00 | 2014-10-10T09:10:00 |
| B | Jim | 2014-10-10T09:11:00 | 2014-10-10T09:22:30 |
| A | Jill | 2014-10-10T09:00:00 | NULL |
| C | Jack | 2014-10-10T09:45:00 | 2014-10-10T10:00:00 |
| A | Jack | 2014-10-10T10:01:00 | NULL |
I need to create a query that returns person's whereabouts in given timestamps.
For an example: Where was (Jim at 2014-10-09T09:05:00), (Jim at 2014-10-10T09:01:00), (Jill at 2014-10-10T09:10:00), ...
The result set must contain the given User and Timestamp as well as the found room (if any).
| User | Timestamp | WasInRoom |
| Jim | 2014-10-09T09:05:00 | NULL |
| Jim | 2014-10-09T09:01:00 | A |
| Jim | 2014-10-10T09:10:00 | A |
The number of User-Timestamp tuples can be > 10 000.
The current implementation retrieves all records from Events table and does the search in Java code. I am hoping that I could push this logic to SQL. But how?
I am using MyBatis framework to create SQL queries so the tuples can be inlined to the query.
The basic query is:
select e.*
from events e
where e.user = 'Jim' and '2014-10-09T09:05:00' >= e.entered and ('2014-10-09T09:05:00' <= e.exited or e.exited is NULL) or
e.user = 'Jill' and '2014-10-10T09:10:00 >= e.entered and ('2014-10-10T09:10:00' <= e.exited or e.exited is NULL) or
. . .;
SQL Server can handle ridiculously large queries, so you can continue in this vein. However, if you have the name/time values in a table already (or it is the result of a query), then use a join:
select ut.*, t.*
from usertimes ut left join
events e
on e.user = ut.user and
ut.thetime >= et.entered and (ut.thetime <= exited or ut.exited is null);
Note the use of a left join here. It ensures that all the original rows are in the result set, even when there are no matches.
Answers from Jonas and Gordon got me on track, I think.
Here is query that seems to do the job:
('Jim', '2014-10-09T09:05:00'),
('Jim', '2014-10-10T09:01:00'),
('Jill', '2014-10-10T09:10:00')
#SEARCH_PARAMETERS."Timestamp" > Events.Entered AND
(Events.Exited IS NULL OR Events.Exited > #SEARCH_PARAMETERS."Timestamp"
By declaring a table valued parameter type for the (user, timestamp) tuples, it should be simple to write a table valued user defined function which returns the desired result by joining the parameter table and the Events table. See
Since you are using MyBatis it may be easier to just generate a table variable for the tuples inline in the query and join with that.

Access SQL Max-Function

I have a question concerning MS Access queries involving these tables:
tblMIDProcessMain ={ Process_ID,Process_Title,...}
tblMIDProcessVersion = { ProcessVersion_ID, ProcessVersion_FK_Process, ProcessVersion_VersionNo, ProcessVersion_FK_Status, ...}
tblMIDProcessVersionStatus = { ProcessVersionStatus_ID,ProcessVersionStatus_Value }
The tables store different versions of a process description. The "ProcessVersion_VersionNo" field contains an integer providing the version number. Now I would like to get for each process the highest version number thus the current version. If I do the following it kind of works:
SELECT tblMIDProcessMain.Process_Titel
, Max(tblMIDProcessVersion.ProcessVersion_VersionNo) AS CurrentVersion
FROM tblMIDProcessMain
INNER JOIN tblMIDProcessVersion
ON tblMIDProcessMain.Process_ID = tblMIDProcessVersion.ProcessVersion_FK_Process
GROUP BY tblMIDProcessMain.Process_Titel;
The query returns a recordset with each existing process_title and the respective max number of the version field. But as soon as I add other fields like "ProcessVersion_FK_Status" in the Select statement the query stops working.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
To clarify things a little I added a simplified example
Process_ID | Process_Title
1 | "MyProcess"
2 | "YourProcess"
Version_ID | Version_FK_ProcessID | Version_No | Version_Status
1 | 1 | 1 | "New"
2 | 2 | 1 | "Discarded"
3 | 2 | 2 | "Reviewed"
4 | 2 | 3 | "Released"
Intended Result:
Title | Max_Version_No | Status
MyProcess | 1 | "New"
YourProcess | 3 | "Released"
Given the example tables you updated your post with, this should work:
select process_title as Title
, max_version.max_version_no
, c.version_status as status
from (parenttable p
inner join (select max(version_id) as max_version_no, version_fk_process_id from childtable group by version_fk_process_id) max_version
on p.process_id = max_version.version_fk_process_id)
inner join childtable c
on max_version.max_version_no = c.version_id and max_version.version_fk_process_id = c.version_fk_process_id
I assume you are adding the new field to the 'Group By" clause? If not, then you either must include in the 'Group By', or you must use one of the operators like "Max" or "First" etc.

connecting three tables in one query

I have the following tables
mid | date | info
1 | 2009-07-01 | no info yet
mid | song | buy
1 | Example - Example |
2 | Exam - Exam |
tid | mid | mrid
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 2
is it possible to have an SQL query where you can link these all into one?
so my results would turn out like:
date | info | tracklist
2009-07-01 | no info yet | Example - Example, Exam - Exam
or however this result would be returned... or would this need to be a two sql querys where i get the MID from the mixes and then do a query to get the tracklist from that?
For MySQL:
ORDER BY music-review.mid ASC SEPARATOR ', ')
FROM mixes
JOIN tracklist ON tracklist.mid = mixes.mid
JOIN music-review ON music-review.mrid = tracklist.mrid
this works as adapted from mherren:
SELECT mixes.`date`,,
CONCAT(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `music-review`.song , ' ' , `music-review`.`mid`
ORDER BY `tracklist`.`tid` ASC SEPARATOR ', ')) as `tracklist`
FROM mixes
JOIN tracklist ON tracklist.`mid` = mixes.`mid`
JOIN `music-review` ON tracklist.`mrid` = `music-review`.`mid`
WHERE `mixes`.`date`='2009-07-01'
GROUP BY mixes.`date`,;
it fixes a blurb issue i was getting but, one thing is that group_concat has a max limit set at 1024 this can be altered tho by
SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len=4096
I left so many comments, I thought it would be more helpful to suggest a revision to your architecture as an answer. However, I do think mherren has already competently addressed your actual concern, so while votes are appreciated, I don't think this should be considered as the the right "answer".
I think you need to reconsider how you have arranged the data. Specifically, you have a table for "music-review" that seems out of place while at the same time you refer to "mixes" and "tracklists" which seems a bit redundant. I imagine you want a one-to-many relationship where "mixes" refers to the information about the mix, like when it was created, the user who created it, etc. While "tracklist" is the list of songs within the "mix". What if you tried this:
song_id | artist | title | online-store
1 | The Airheads | Asthma Attack! |
2 | The Boners | Bite the Boner |
3 | Cats in Heat | Catching a Cold |
4 | Dirty Djangos | Dig these Digits |
mix_id | date | info
1 | 2009-07-01 | no info yet
2 | 2009-07-02 | no info yet
mix_id | song_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 2
2 | 3
Now you can have a list of available mixes, and if a user selects a mix, another query for the actual songs.
Trying to put all of the song data into one column should only be done if the results require that info right away or if there is a condition within the query itself that is conditional to the results of that sub-query. If you simply want to output a list of mixes with the track list for each one, you are better of doing the query for each mix based on the mix index. So in the case of php outputting HTML, you would go with:
$mixes = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mixes WHERE date > '$last_week'");
while($mix = mysql_fetch_assoc($mixes)) {
$mix_id = $mix['mix_id'];
$mix_date = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($mix['mix_id']));
$mix_info = $mix['mix_id'];
echo <<<EOT
<h2 class="mix_number">$mix_number</h2>
<p class="mix_date">$mix_date</p>
<p class="mix_info">$mix_info</p>
<h3>Track Listing:</h3>
<ul class="tracklist">
$tracks = mysql_query("SELECT song.artist artist,
song.title title, url
FROM song-info song
JOIN mix_tracklist tracks ON (tracks.song_id = song.song_id)
WHERE tracks.mix_id = '$mix_id'
ORDER_BY song_id);
while ($track = mysql_fetch_assoc($tracks)) {
$artist = $track['artist'];
$song_name = $track['title'];
$song_url = $track['url'];
echo <<<EOT
<li>$artist – $song_name</li>
echo "</ul>";