VMware vmdk file restore [closed] - virtual-machine

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Short story: machine (OS X Yosemite; VMware 10.0.1; host machine - Windows 7, i5, 8GB RAM) worked well, turned off well. Yesterday started machine - it began working very slowly. No other heavy process was launched, and nothing was changing at all, I can't understand why it working so slow. Couple of times I started machine and kill it by task manager.
What I'm tried:
Tried to recover vmdk file by vdisk manager: vmware-vdiskmanager -R "c:\[OS]\Yosemite\OS X Yosemite.vmdk". Output was: VixDiskLib: Invalid configuration file parametr. Failed to read configuration file. No errors were found on the virtual disk. Tried to check and repair disk c, virus scan.
Today machine showed new problem - after turning on, it loading to quarter, then long pause, and exit without any messages or errors.I clambered a bunch of forums but found nothing.
What I'm tried:
Tried to load machine in safe mode - but can't do it. Tried to create new machine using old vmdk.
Main problem - machine has some important files for me, and I want get them.
I'm tried some programs for recover files (PowerISO, SysTools VMware Recovery) but none of them worked.
What I'm asking for:
Anybody knows means to restore vmdk, pulling files from it, or the way to make 100% sure that the disc is dead and nothing will not help?

Solved the main problem. I Installed Paragon HFS+ on my PC, then mapped vmdk file and saw whole file system, restored important files.


How to copy files from local clipboard to terminal/server clipboard? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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so I am trying to copy file from local to application running on terminal using Remote Desktop Connection, but when i debug the clipboard it is showing empty clipboard (i.e terminal clipboard). How can i redirect the clipboard of terminal to local ?
PS: My terminal has rights of copy paste (I can copy files from local desktop to terminal desktop)
I tried using FreeRDP, RDPCore and WinScp.NET but didnt find a solution.
Using this code

Looking for IntelliJ Remote Dev experience similar to VS Code Remote Dev Extension Pack [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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VS Code allows a local development experience with source code and source execution on a remote machine: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/remote-overview
Is there a similar tool to this for use with IntelliJ? The VSCode extension pack doesn't need to mount the files from the remote source locally. It actually runs a server behind the scene on the remote box and serves over files one at a time as you need to access them to the IDE running on your local machine.
Update 2021-11-04: JetBrains now has 2 products/features that enable this sort of remote development:
JetBrains Projector (ref)
JetBrains Gateway (ref)
Original Answer
IntelliJ IDEA doesn't have this feature at the moment, you can follow the corresponding feature request for updates.
Quoting the blog post:
We’re considering the possibility to extend the “thin client” approach
to other scenarios beyond collaborative editing, such as running the
IDE backend in the cloud, but we aren’t ready to announce specific
plans in that area.

Got a Black Screen After Importing Kali in Virtual Box? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I imported virtual box image, started the machine and got a blank black screen.
There are a number of reasons that might cause this issue:
First make sure you downloaded the right version for your computer, so when downloading Kali
Make sure you download it from here (https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux-vmware-virtualbox-image-download/),
Make sure you click on the virtual box tab to download the virtual box image.
Download the 32 bit version if your computer is 32 bits, otherwise use the 64 but version.
The downloaded file should have a .ova extension, if it doesn’t then you did NOT download the right file.
If you’re already using the right version then make sure that hardware virtualisation or VT is enabled from your bios, this is different depending on your computer, the usual procedure is.
reboot your computer.
Look for instructions (on the bottom of the screen) on how to enter bios settings .
In the settings look for VT or hardware virtualisation, enable it, save and quit.
If you need more help then google How to enable virtualisation on , replace with your computer model.
If none of the above fixed the issue for you then right click the virtual machine name from virtual box, go to settings > General and make sure that the type is set to ​Linux ​and version is set to ​Debian 64 ​or ​Debian 32 depending on the Kali version you downloaded.
If you tried everything above and Kali is still not starting, then try increasing the video memory, this is a solution suggested by a user here “Asadmammadov” , to do that right click the virtual machine name from virtual box, go to settings > System and try increasing the video memory at least over the minimum level.

Problems running NetLogo with BitDefender

Pretty frustrating, yet hopefully small problem I'm running into.
I've just downloaded and installed NetLogo 5.0.5 for my windows 8 machine, standard install in to Program Files (x86). When I try to run the .exe I get this error message
The JVM could not be started. The maximum heap size (-Xmx) me be too large or an antivirus or firewall tool could block the execution.
I've been through the NetLogo User guide recommended protocols of accessing the .vmoptions file and changing
in order to solve the max heap size issue, but I'm still receiving the same error message. I'm assuming therefore that it has something to do with my antivirus or firewall. I've recently switched my antivirus from Norton Internet Security to Bitdefender, and this is when the problem started to appear.
Any suggestions?
Much thanks!
Googling "BitDefender Java" gives a bunch of results indicating that BitDefender is aggressive about blocking Java-based software (such as NetLogo). The most useful-seeming link I see is:
but you might try the search yourself and see what you turn up.
So it seems this primarily a question about BitDefender, rather than primarily a question about NetLogo. If you need help configuring BitDefender, perhaps someone here can help you. Or, you might have better luck at http://forum.bitdefender.com or http://superuser.com than here; Stack Overflow is primarily for programming questions.

Offline Amazon S3 [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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So I would like to try using Heroku to be my server, however heroku does not allow writing to its file system. Instead I need to use the database and something like Amazon S3 for storage of things like uploaded images.
The problem is that I often don't have internet access when developing. Or very poor internet access. So developing for Amazon S3 is kind of impractical. Is there an offline version to use so that my local machine can act as the S3 cloud, and when in testing/production environments I can use the real S3?
Old question but wanted to post this, there is a "Fake S3" tool that appears to be designed to do exactly this. Just about to give it a whirl.
My recommendation is to try s3fs with rsync. Here's how it would work:
Mount your s3 drive to /mnt/sdaX/ on your production machine and /mnt/sdaY/ on your local machine.
Create a file system at /mnt/sdaX/ on your local machine.
Make the changes on your local machine as needed. When appropriate, rync /mnt/sdaX/ to /mnt/sdaY/ on your local box.
I realize that this is complicated, but I'm not sure that there's really any other way to do it while maintaining the same configuration in both places. Normally I'd say you should just write to the s3fs drive locally with local caching enabled, but I'm not sure what happens when you return online (I'm pretty sure it doesn't sync, but I've gone ahead and asked s3fs developers).
Developer, LongTail Video
Have a look at:
Eucalyptus Walrus
Park Place
It might be some work to get them running, however. I finally wanted to write my own clone using node.js, but it has moved far away from the original S3 API, so it won't really help you anymore.