Got a Black Screen After Importing Kali in Virtual Box? [closed] - virtual-machine

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I imported virtual box image, started the machine and got a blank black screen.

There are a number of reasons that might cause this issue:
First make sure you downloaded the right version for your computer, so when downloading Kali
Make sure you download it from here (,
Make sure you click on the virtual box tab to download the virtual box image.
Download the 32 bit version if your computer is 32 bits, otherwise use the 64 but version.
The downloaded file should have a .ova extension, if it doesn’t then you did NOT download the right file.
If you’re already using the right version then make sure that hardware virtualisation or VT is enabled from your bios, this is different depending on your computer, the usual procedure is.
reboot your computer.
Look for instructions (on the bottom of the screen) on how to enter bios settings .
In the settings look for VT or hardware virtualisation, enable it, save and quit.
If you need more help then google How to enable virtualisation on , replace with your computer model.
If none of the above fixed the issue for you then right click the virtual machine name from virtual box, go to settings > General and make sure that the type is set to ​Linux ​and version is set to ​Debian 64 ​or ​Debian 32 depending on the Kali version you downloaded.
If you tried everything above and Kali is still not starting, then try increasing the video memory, this is a solution suggested by a user here “Asadmammadov” , to do that right click the virtual machine name from virtual box, go to settings > System and try increasing the video memory at least over the minimum level.


VLC web-camera translation to vmware guest computer [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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It is necessary to organize broadcast with a laptop camera to a virtual machine (I created a machine in wmare, organized a LAN - host-only. Network is working, cuz I can ping guest (OS Win8) and host(OS Win10) computers from each other), I'm using vlc project MSVS (cuz further I'll modify vlc player) - Github for translation. Broadcast is organized as follows:
Stream -> Capture device -> select laptop's camera as video device name -> stream -> Http (as new destination), add -> Port = 8080, Path = "/" -> Activate
transcoding (Video - h.264 + MP3 (MP4) -> Stream.
Here generated stream output string:
":sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,scale=auto,acodec=mpga,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:http{mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=:8080/} : sout-keep "
As a result, when attempting to open url host on the guest OS in the same vlc project (also tryed open broadcast in Windows Media Player, no result), there is no broadcast. It freezes a little, some requests occures in wireshark, but then no broadcast. When I enable stream option "play video locally" on the host, it plays only 1 frame of the video (e.g. broadcast freezes). I tried to use vlc program (not github project? version 2.2.2) - the same result. Did anyone have similar problem?
Helped for me: 1) added host's ip as "dst" in output string:
2) Disabled NOD32 firewall

VMware vmdk file restore [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Short story: machine (OS X Yosemite; VMware 10.0.1; host machine - Windows 7, i5, 8GB RAM) worked well, turned off well. Yesterday started machine - it began working very slowly. No other heavy process was launched, and nothing was changing at all, I can't understand why it working so slow. Couple of times I started machine and kill it by task manager.
What I'm tried:
Tried to recover vmdk file by vdisk manager: vmware-vdiskmanager -R "c:\[OS]\Yosemite\OS X Yosemite.vmdk". Output was: VixDiskLib: Invalid configuration file parametr. Failed to read configuration file. No errors were found on the virtual disk. Tried to check and repair disk c, virus scan.
Today machine showed new problem - after turning on, it loading to quarter, then long pause, and exit without any messages or errors.I clambered a bunch of forums but found nothing.
What I'm tried:
Tried to load machine in safe mode - but can't do it. Tried to create new machine using old vmdk.
Main problem - machine has some important files for me, and I want get them.
I'm tried some programs for recover files (PowerISO, SysTools VMware Recovery) but none of them worked.
What I'm asking for:
Anybody knows means to restore vmdk, pulling files from it, or the way to make 100% sure that the disc is dead and nothing will not help?
Solved the main problem. I Installed Paragon HFS+ on my PC, then mapped vmdk file and saw whole file system, restored important files.

Putty - Automatically closes on authentication [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm on a Windows 7 machine. I am using the Putty.exe executable for connecting to my remote machine. I enter the right credentials, and click open. The console pops up with the following and closes with no errors or warnings.
How do I make it work?
Check Putty setting: Connection > SSH > Remote command.
Try to tweak or simply remove the remote command and see if it helps solving the issue.
What you are describing is trying to log into the shell with a user that is an "ftp only" user (not authorized shell access).
Go to Control Panel -> Users -> Manage Users, select the "Edit" link
adjacent to the user you are having trouble with, and make sure that
the radio button for "shell" is selected. Submit the form, and wait
for it to take effect (usually a matter of a few minutes).
Once the change has taken effect, you should be able to telnet (though, please do not use telnet, as it is insecure) or ssh into the shell without problem (assuming the user/pass is correct).

Enable screen mode (putty) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm using Putty to control my SSH server, but it's working only if my computer is working and putty is also working. how should i run my server, that it will work even if putty is closed and windows is shutted down also? My friend told me to run server in 'screen' mode but I don't know what exactly it is, so I want you to explain me.
Screen is a tool for linux to run programs in a 'screen' inside of the system. It is just what you need.
You can install it like this: sudo apt-get install screen
You can create a screen with screen
By using screen -list, you can see all active/started screens.
To reattach to an unused screen, just use screen (-d) -r [screenID] > use -d only if screen is still attatched
To deattatch from a screen press Ctrl+a (release after pressing) and after that d
A screen runs as long as you don't kill it.

Internet Explorer 6 emulator recommendation [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 9 years ago.
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What good tool can be recommended for emulating Internet Explorer 6? I would rather not have to go and install an old copy of Windows XP somewhere.
Microsoft offer a number of Virtual PC images with various versions of IE for download.
They now also offer VMs to run VirtualBox, VMware and Parallels on Windows, OSX and Linux. Spoon lets you create web-hosted versions of your existing Windows apps that run instantly from your web site, with no install. Spoon has a gallery of browsers that you may launch including:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 7, and Internet Explorer 6
Mozilla Firefox 3.5, Firefox 3 and Firefox 2
Apple Safari 4 and Safari 3
Google Chrome, Opera 10, Opera 9
Microsoft Expression Web SuperPreview (which is now part of Microsoft Expression Web 3) has the capability to show you how a page would render in Internet Explorer 6, it also has some nice features to overlay an Internet Explorer 7 render or an image so you can see where those 1 pixel discrepancies are occuring.
If you are running a Windows OS, you can install MultipleIE. It will allow you to run IE6 as a standalone.
Not sure what your OS is though.
Litmus lets you test your site in dozens of different browsers.
I found recently that you can do this quite nicely in Windows 7, using the Windows XP mode. You need two virtual hard drives set up, but you can then create shortcuts on your Windows 7 desktop to 'open' Internet Explorer 6. There's a good walkthrough of how to do this here:
netrenderer is a
very quick (no wait times at all),
platform independent, and
versatile (IE5.5--IE10)
solution that does not require any local installations. My definite choice after trying out more than a handful of alternatives.
On Windows 7 you can download XP Mode, which gets you a fully-licensed version of XP. It integrates nicely with windows 7, and it never expires like the free VPC images. gives you an image of your site in various browsers. Not a real world experience but handy nonetheless.
Edit: On March 13, 2013 BrowserLab was shut down.
People generally use VMWare, or another virtualisation tool, to do this. At least where I work :)
If you have a Linux box I think that IE4Linux is IE6.