Is it possible to covert swf to apk and ipa file using AIR SDK? - air

I use FlashDevelop to make game using HaxeFlixel which handles multi-resolution and touch.
I've downloaded the merged SDK of Flex and AIR SDK but have no clue to convert.
I can easily compile to apk only if I download the Android SDK, NDK which use up more than 1 GB of space.
I read somewhere says that I need AIR SDK to compile to iPad file.
I want to use only AIR SDK to compile to both apk (without Android DK things) and ipa file.

I hope I'm not missing something here, but why are you trying to convert swf to apk when you can compile targeting directly to iOS target?
The whole point of using Haxe, is that you can target to misc platforms, including iOS, by
Exporting native code (Objective-C for iOS)
Compiling the exported native code, (using Hxcpp and Xcode for iOS)
The major advantage for compiling native code. is that after the compilation, your application will run much faster, better optimised for the targeted device, and way more reliably, compared to a converted swf.
For iOS targets, a full Xcode project will be created for you, so you can even use the Xcode's tools to test your app
more info about targeting to iOS on HaxeFlixel's docs


Xcode workspace with iOS and macOS

I have an iOS app which I need to build a supporting app for macOS. I was hoping to share code between them, specially the DataModel.
As the iOS app was using Pods, there was already a workspace.
I pulled in the macOS project into the workspace, and I can see all its files with no problem. But I don't seem to be able to figure out how to 'use' the class files from the iOS project in the macOS project. Would it have anything to do with Modules?
Or should I just make a new Target that is a macOS application?
I'm using Xcode 8.3.3 at the moment, and the projects are in Swift.
Select the source files you want to use and tick the "Target Membership" for your macOS target in the Inspector:
To use common code in different projects, make an extra project for your common code which builds as a Framework and include this framework in the iOS and in the macOS.
This tutorial might be helpful.

How do I compile IPA files on Windows?

I recently have been wanting to compile IPA files on windows but I have not found any solutions. Apple says you can only compile on Mac. But I disagree, because you can compile on other operating systems, even mobile operating systems. I know an app that will compile IPA files on iOS. So I call that 'mac only' thing a myth.
I've tried getting into something like MobiOne, but that does not compile IPA files, it makes a web app. I've tried Xamarin, but there's a hidden page I found by Google on their website that says you can not make iOS apps on Windows with Xamarin. So how do you compile an iOS app on Windows? There has to be a way, if other operating systems can do it, why not Windows?
With Adobe AIR. (Using Flash, Flash builder, Flash Develop, IntelliJ Idea) and you can add ANE for more complexity.

Converting Titanium apk to bar receive severe warnings

I've a Titanium application that works on Android. Now, I want to make the Blackberry version.
I've tried to create a bar file in Titanium, but I use a lot of Titanium properties that are only for Android and iOS. So, the app crash.
I know you can repackage an apk to bar using command line tools. I've used it and it works. It converts the apk to bar, and I able to load it in a device (Q5). My problem is when I use apk2bar command, I receive a lot of warnings with different levels (a lot of severe warnings).
Severe warnings is because Titanium use native access.
I don't understand why the result of the conversion is succeed with these warnings, and why I can install it on device without any problem/error/crash.
Is there a way to remove something from Titanium and remove these warnings?
If I upload this .bar to Blackberry word, will it work?
Those levels of warnings are there to let the developer know about potential issues. This does not mean that your application will not work.
Native libraries are supported in latest BlackBerry Android Runtime so you should not have issues, but don't forget to bundle them with your application.
Also, be sure to be using the latest dev tool to convert your APK to BAR FILE.
Find here also the API support to ensuer you will not have issues with your app features

Xcode library reverted to 5.1 from 6

I have been developing an app using Xcode, which included the Facebook SDK. The Facebook SDK requires the AdSupport.framework and the Social.framework, both of which were previously installed, but seem to have disappeared. My question is how do it update the library to 6.0, instead of five? I understand that you have to go into the build phases and add the frameworks in the Line Binary With Libraries section, but when I go to add the framework, the folder is 5.1, not six. I have looked through the Apple doc's and haven't found anything.
Here is an image of what I'm getting:
It should look like this:
There should be no way the SDKs provided with Xcode can regress. However you could see them vanish if you launch an older version of Xcode.
Based on experience, if you had Xcode installed before it was a single app bundle and have subsequently installed the app bundle version then there's a reasonable probability the old version is still present and therefore good odds that a Spotlight launch will open the wrong one.

How to build single .a (Cocoa Touch Static Library)

I have a Objective-C Cocoa Touch Static Library, which (depending on the schema/target - i.e. MyProject > iOS Device or MyProject > iPhone 5.1 Simulator) builds specific libMyProject.a archive which I can re-use/share with other projects.
Generally it works fine, however, I have to build for iPhone 5.1 Simulator and use this libMyProject.a in another project but only if this other project is going to run in Simulator. If attempt to use this .a but build the other project for iOS Device I am getting build errors claiming that library was not built/linked for this project settings.
So the question is, how do I build "unified" Cocoat Touch Static Library's libMyProject.a which I can re-use in other projects regardless how I build the other project?
I hope this all makes sense, or if not, I'll be happy to clarify.
You should take a look at iOS Universal Framework on GitHub.