How do I compile IPA files on Windows? - development-environment

I recently have been wanting to compile IPA files on windows but I have not found any solutions. Apple says you can only compile on Mac. But I disagree, because you can compile on other operating systems, even mobile operating systems. I know an app that will compile IPA files on iOS. So I call that 'mac only' thing a myth.
I've tried getting into something like MobiOne, but that does not compile IPA files, it makes a web app. I've tried Xamarin, but there's a hidden page I found by Google on their website that says you can not make iOS apps on Windows with Xamarin. So how do you compile an iOS app on Windows? There has to be a way, if other operating systems can do it, why not Windows?

With Adobe AIR. (Using Flash, Flash builder, Flash Develop, IntelliJ Idea) and you can add ANE for more complexity.


Is it possible to covert swf to apk and ipa file using AIR SDK?

I use FlashDevelop to make game using HaxeFlixel which handles multi-resolution and touch.
I've downloaded the merged SDK of Flex and AIR SDK but have no clue to convert.
I can easily compile to apk only if I download the Android SDK, NDK which use up more than 1 GB of space.
I read somewhere says that I need AIR SDK to compile to iPad file.
I want to use only AIR SDK to compile to both apk (without Android DK things) and ipa file.
I hope I'm not missing something here, but why are you trying to convert swf to apk when you can compile targeting directly to iOS target?
The whole point of using Haxe, is that you can target to misc platforms, including iOS, by
Exporting native code (Objective-C for iOS)
Compiling the exported native code, (using Hxcpp and Xcode for iOS)
The major advantage for compiling native code. is that after the compilation, your application will run much faster, better optimised for the targeted device, and way more reliably, compared to a converted swf.
For iOS targets, a full Xcode project will be created for you, so you can even use the Xcode's tools to test your app
more info about targeting to iOS on HaxeFlixel's docs

Install an IPA through USB?

After using the "iPhone Configuration Utility" program to install IPA applications to my iPhone on the go, I wondered how this process worked. Within a few Google searches, I found out about "MobileDevice.framework" and the "MobileDevice Library" connected to it. After reading an article of all the Known Functions in the library, I found one called "AMDeviceInstallApplication". I thought this would work once I saw install, but I'm currently perplexed on how to use it.
TL;DR I have IPA files and I want to make an Xcode program (for Mac) that installs the IPA's application to a connected iOS device when a button is pressed.
Also, don't worry about the application not being signed correctly. It is signed with a provisioning profile installed on devices [the application] will be used with.
If you're still interested in this problem I've written a blog entry on how to install apps on a connected iPad / iPhone without using Xcode or iTunes.
This method allows you to run a Terminal command to install an iPA file.
I suppose you could bundle up the terminal commands in your application and use it that way?
I found a simple way to install iPa file to real iPhone or iPad:
Connect iPhone to Mac via USB and follow the below steps:
Steps to follow:
Open Xcode
Click on Window
Select Devices and Simulators
Drag and drop the IPA files into it
App got installed on the iPad

Can I build and compile an app built for jail broken iOS and run as a development app on my device?

Just a quick q about iOS development..
I'd love to be able to run a certain game emulator on my iPad..
If it's released under open source is there any thing stopping me from compiling it and running it in an emulator or getting a provisioning profile and running it on my device?
Do jailbroken apps tend to use libraries that wont run on a vanilla copy of iOS?
I.e. Do they patch the kernel to get full control of the video controller etc..
I think the jailbroken apps can utilize eglibc or glibc, as when I jailbroke me iPod Touch, I remember looking over the installed packages, and remember seeing something along the lines of glibc.
In short, I think if the app is self-sufficient, you probably could package it with XCode, but if it requires some low-level APIs and libraries, you're out of luck.

Adobe AIR and Appcelerator Titanium for desktop application

Which would be better (performance and development time) for me if I'm creating an desktop application using HTML/CSS/JS?
Is AIR more efficient at Flex and ActionScript than HTML/JS?
I've played with Titanium for a bit, but packaged app is more than 30MB, which is more than the AIR runtime + app. Is it alway that big or am I missing something?
Titanium ships with the entire runtime, adobe air does not. A person doesn't need "Titanium Desktop" installed to run your application.
I prefer titanium over adobe air, even though adobe air may be mature software for the following reasons:
It seems a restrictive, sandboxes and such.
It does not have bleeding edge web technologies, it seems as though adobe air hasn't updated their webkit even since the last version.
It does not require a user to install another application to get an application.
actually it depends on how you bundle your titanium app as well (network install?)

What is Adobe Air?

What exactly is Adobe Air? I've seen a lot of people talking about it and I've even seen applications for it but I'm still not entirely sure what makes it unique or how it is different from other languages. Can someone please give me the concise version from a programmer's point of view?
I wasn't familiar with Flex so I found this nice explanation:
In a nutshell.
Start with the assumption that you know what Flex and Actionscript are. Then take the fact that they both run exclusively in your browser and to all intents and purposes are for building web apps.
Now assume you want to develop the same app, with the same language and user interface resources, but run it as a desktop app on a workstion (PC, Mac, or Linux interchangeably).
AIR is what you add (as a link library) to Flex and Actionscript to accomplish that.
Write cross-platform desktop apps in Flash, Flex, HTML, Ajax.
Adobe Air is a framework which allows to build desktop applications and it is based on HTML/JS and Flash.
Adobe Air its Flash Runtime that can run Flash inside it and provide access to your operation system.
Adobe Air can be used for gaming and software as usual Flash. Its stand alone flash player with extended and reach functionality. For example you can develop flash app that will interact with filesystem or hardware.
Also its support native extensions so you can extend Air using native C/Java libraries.
air can be produced as exe for windows, app for mac, ipa for ios, apk for android, linux with limitations and blackberry.
Adobe Air is cross platform language/tool for mobile, window and OSX application.