complex paratition sum in postgresql - sql

I have tables as follow:
A deliveries
delveryid clientid deliverydate
1 10 2015-01-01
2 10 2015-02-02
3 11 2015-04-08
B items in deliveris
itemid deliveryid qty status
70 1 5 1
70 1 8 2
70 2 10 1
72 1 12 1
70 3 100 1
I need to add a column to my query that gives me the qty of each part in other deliveris of the same client.
meaning that for given data of client 10 and delivery id 1 I need to show:
itemid qty status qtyOther
70 5 1 10 //itemid 70 exists in delivery 2
70 8 2 10 //itemid 70 exists in delivery 2
72 12 1 0 //itemid 72 doesn't exists in other delivery of client 11
Since I need to add qtyOther to my existing qry i'm trying to avoid using Group By as it's a huge query and if I use SUM in select I will have to group by all items in select.
This is what I have so far:
Select ....., coalesce( SUM(a.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY a.itemid) ,0) AS qtyOther
LEFT JOIN (other tables)
WHERE clientid=10 ....
This query gives me the total sum of qty per itemid for specific clientid, regardless of which delivery it is. How do I change it so it will consider the delivryid? I need something like:
coalesce( SUM(a.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY a.itemid) FROM B where deliveryid<>b.deliveryid ,0) AS qtyOther
Any suggestions how to do that?
Note: I can NOT change the condition in WHERE.

I think you just want to subtract out the total for the current delivery:
Select .....,
(coalesce( SUM(a.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY a.itemid), 0) -
coalesce( SUM(a.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY a.itemid, a.deliveryid), 0)
) as qtyOther


Find count of transactions and customer where they have purchased one item along with something else SQL

I have a table which has the transaction details of the customer:
Customernum sls unit txn no SKU txn_date
1 10 30 567 903633 2019-02-01 yes
1 20 30 567 123767 2019-02-01 yes
1 50 40 567 126658 2019-03-01 yes
1 10 40 345 773633 2019-02-10 yes
1 12 30 345 965322 2019-02-10
1 10 50 678 838364 2019-02-15 yes
1 10 70 975 983636 2019-02-28 yes
2 11 80 910 903633 2019-02-11
2 11 90 910 566373 2019-02-12 yes
3 11 62 855 678364 2019-02-12
I have another table which has the SKU:
sku Desc
123767 APP
903633 CD
773633 APP
838364 APP
983636 APP
566373 APP
126658 APP
I need to find the transactions from the above transactions which has 903633 in the transaction along with the other SKU from the SKU table and transactions which have more than one of the SKU' from the above table.
So the two questions I am trying to anwer is :
How many transactions included only 1 apparel item along with CD
How many transactions included more than one apparel items with CD.
I have tried the below query but I have had no luck:
select a.Customernum, a.txnno, td.sku,
case when ps.sku is not null
then 'Yes'
else 'No'
end as is_sku,
case when count(b.sku) over (partition by a.txnno) > 0
then 'Yes'
else 'No'
end as has_sku
from table a
left join sku b on b.sku = a.sku;
I am expecting the below result:
Result 1- How many transactions included only 1 apparel item along with CD
customernum txnno unit sls
2 910 80 11
2 910 90 11
1 678 50 10
1 975 70 10
Result 2- How many transactions included more than one apparel items with CD.
customernum txnno unit sls
1 567 30 10
1 567 30 20
1 567 40 50
Use two levels of aggregation. The subquery counts the number of "app"s and "cd"s. The outer filter to just one "cd" (you can use >= if you want at least one) and aggregates by the number of "app"s:
select num_app, count(*) as num_customers
from (select t.customernum,
sum(case when s.desc = 'APP' then 1 else 0 end) as num_app,
sum(case when s.desc = 'CD' then 1 else 0 end) as num_cd
from transactions t join
skus s
on t.sku = s.sku
) c
where num_cd = 1
group by num_app
order by num_app;
You can filter with window functions.
The following query would give you all transactions that involve sku 903633 with exactly one other sku:
select *
from (
count(*) over(partition by txnno) cnt,
max(case when sku = 903633 then 1 end) has_cd
from mytable t
) t
where has_cd = 1 and cnt = 2
To get the transactions that involve sku 903633 and at least two other skus, you can just change cnt = 2 to cnt > 2.

How do I make a query that selects where the SUM equals a fixed value

I've spent that last couple of days searching for a way to make a SQL query that searches the database and returns records where the SUM of the same ID's equal or grater then the value provided.
For this I've been using the W3schools database to test it out in the products table.
More so what I've been trying to do:
SELECT * FROM products
WHERE supplierid=? and SUM(price) > 50
in the "where supplier id" would loop through same suppliers and sum of their price higher than 50 in this case return the records.
In this case it would read supplier ID 1 then add the price of all that supplier 18+19+10=47 now 47 < 50 so it will not print those records at the end. Next supplier ID 2 22+21.35=43.35 and again would not print those records until the sum of price is higher than 50 it will print
I'm working with a DB2 database.
SAMPLE data:
ProductID ProductName SupplierID CategoryID Price
1 Chais 1 1 18
2 Chang 1 1 19
3 Aniseed 1 2 10
4 Chef Anton 2 2 22
5 Chef Anton 2 2 21.35
6 Grandma's 3 2 25
7 Uncle Bob 3 7 30
8 Northwoods 3 2 40
9 Mishi 4 6 97
10 Ikura 4 8 31
11 Queso 5 4 21
12 Queso 5 4 38
13 Konbu 6 8 6
14 Tofu 6 7 23.25
How about:
select * from products where supplierid in (
select supplierid
from products
group by supplierid
having sum(price) > 50
The subquery finds out all the supplierid values that match your condition. The main (external) query retrieves all rows that match the list of supplierids.
not tested, but I would expect db2 to have analytic functions and CTEs, so perhaps:
basedata as (
select t.*
, sum(t.price) over(partition by t.supplierid) sum_price
from products t
select *
from basedata
where supplierid = ?
and sum_price > 50
The analytic function aggregates the price information but does not group the resultset, so you get the rows from your initial result, but restricted to those with an aggregated price value > 50.
The difference to a solution with a subquery is, that the use of the analytic function should be more efficient since it has to read the table only once to produce the result.

How to get 2 most recent values in postgreSQL in one row?

I have this table of items in order:
orderitemid orderid itemid quantity price createdate
1 1 12 5 15.5 2016-12-04 11:35:02.06629
2 1 17 5 13.2 2016-12-04 11:32:02.06629
3 2 12 2 12.5 2016-12-05 11:35:02.06629
4 2 17 1 12.6 2016-12-05 11:35:02.06629
5 2 18 15 14.5 2016-12-04 11:35:02.06629
6 3 12 45 3 2015-12-04 11:35:02.06629
I have a query which gives the most recent order of each item so:
select distinct on (itemid) *
from orderitems
order by itemid,createdate
this gives:
orderitemid orderid itemid quantity price createdate
3 2 12 2 12.5 2016-12-05 11:35:02.06629
4 2 17 1 12.6 2016-12-05 11:35:02.06629
5 1 18 15 14.5 2016-12-04 11:35:02.06629
Now what I want is to get in the same row per item information about the previous order of the item. Basically to compare the most recent order of item with the 2nd most recent order of item
This is what I want:
orderitemid itemid quantity price 2ndquantity 2ndprice 2ndorderitemid
3 12 2 12.5 5 15.5 1
4 17 1 12.6 1 13.2 2
5 18 15 14.5
How can I modify my query to do that?
with ranked as (
select orderitemid, orderid, itemid, quantity, price, createdate,
row_number() over (partition by itemid order by createdate desc) as rn
from orderitems
select r1.*, r2.quantity as "2ndquantity", r2.price as "2ndprice",
r2.orderitemid as "2ndorderitemid"
from ranked r1
left join ranked r2 on r1.itemid = r2.itemid and r2.rn = 2
where r1.rn = 1;
The CTE calculates the 1st and 2nd items and the final select then brings them together with a join. Note that you need a left join as there might not be a 2nd row and in that case that item would not show up at all.
Online example:
Hmmm you want to compare all orderitem rows against the next most recent price?
WITH comparison_rank AS (
SELECT orderitemid, itemid, price, quantity
rank() over (partition by itemid order by createddate)
FROM orderitems
SELECT o.orderitemid, o.itemid, o.price, o.quantity, o.price, o.createddate,
p.price as prevprice, p.quantity as prevqty
FROM orderitems o JOIN comparison_rank c ON o.orderitemid = c.orderitemid
LEFT JOIN comparison_rank p ON c.rank = p.rank + 1 AND c.itemid = p.itemid;
This will not perform so well over a large data set however. To improve performance I think you need to improve your data model to improve performance.

Query to return all results except for the first record

I have a archive table that has records of transactions per locationID.
A location will have 0, 1 or many rows in this table.
I need a SELECT query that will return rows for any location that has more than 1 row, and to skip the first entry.
Transactions table
transactionId locationId amount
1 11 2343
2 11 23434
3 25 342
4 32 234
5 77 234
6 11 38938
7 43 234
8 43 1235
So given the above, since the locationID has multiple rows, I will get back all rows except for the first one (lowest transacton_id):
2 11 23434
6 11 38938
8 43 1235
You can use row_number to do this. This assumes there would be no duplicate transactionid's.
select transactionid,locationid,amount
(select t.*, row_number() over(partition by locationid order by transactionid) as rn
from transactions t) t
where rn > 1
The other answer is fine. You could also write it this way, it might give you a little insight into grouping practices:
SELECT Transactions.TransactionID, Transactions.locationID, Transactions.amount
FROM Transactions INNER JOIN
(SELECT locationID, MIN(TransactionID) AS MinTransaction,
COUNT(TransactionID) AS CountTransaction
FROM Transactions
GROUP BY locationID) TableSum ON Transactions.locationID = TableSum.locationID
WHERE (Transactions.TransactionID <> TableSum.MinTransaction) AND
(TableSum.CountTransaction > 1)

SELECT clause with SUM condition

Have this table :
1 158
2 355
3 455
1 3 5
1 3 6
1 3 4
2 4 8
3 5 4
I used following query:
SELECT t.NUMBER,sum(t.TOTAL),NVL(SUM(t2.quantity*t2.unitprice),0)
NUMBER SUM(TOTAL) SUM(t2.quantity*t2.unitprice)
1 474 45 <--- only this wrong
2 355 32
It seem like loop for three times so 158*3 in the record.
NUMBER SUM(TOTAL) SUM(t2.quantity*t2.unitprice)
1 158 45
2 355 32
You have to understand that the result of your join is something like this:
1 3 5 158
1 3 6 158
1 3 4 158
2 4 8 355
3 5 4 455
It means you don't need to apply a SUM on TOTAL
SELECT t.NUMBER,t.TOTAL,NVL(SUM(t2.quantity*t2.unitprice),0)
Something like this should work using a subquery separating the sums:
select t.num,
from test t
join (
select num, sum(qty*unitprice) test1sum
from test1
group by num
) t2 on t.num = t2.num
group by t.num, test1sum
SQL Fiddle Demo
In regards to your sample data, you may not even need the additional group by on the test total field. If that table only contains distinct ids, then this would work the same:
select t.num,,
from test t
join test1 t2 on t.num = t2.num
group by t.num,