awk + How do I find duplicates in a column? - awk

How do I find duplicates in a column?
$ head countries_lat_long_int_code3.csv | cat -n
1 country,latitude,longitude,name,code
2 AD,42.546245,1.601554,Andorra,376
3 AE,23.424076,53.847818,United Arab Emirates,971
4 AF,33.93911,67.709953,Afghanistan,93
5 AG,17.060816,-61.796428,Antigua and Barbuda,1
6 AI,18.220554,-63.068615,Anguilla,1
7 AL,41.153332,20.168331,Albania,355
8 AM,40.069099,45.038189,Armenia,374
9 AN,12.226079,-69.060087,Netherlands Antilles,599
10 AO,-11.202692,17.873887,Angola,244
For instance this has duplicates in the 5th column.
5 AG,17.060816,-61.796428,Antigua and Barbuda,1
6 AI,18.220554,-63.068615,Anguilla,1
How do I view all the others in this file?
I know I can do this:
awk -F, 'NR>1{print $5}' countries_lat_long_int_code3.csv | sort
And I can eyeball and see if there is any duplicates, but is there a better way?
Or I can do this:
Find out how may are there completely
$ awk -F, 'NR>1{print $5}' countries_lat_long_int_code3.csv | sort | wc -l
Find out how many unique values are there
$ awk -F, 'NR>1{print $5}' countries_lat_long_int_code3.csv | sort | uniq | wc -l
Therefore there are at most 27 (210-183) duplicates.
My desired output would be something as follows, basically all the columns but just showing the rows that are duplicates:
5 AG,17.060816,-61.796428,Antigua and Barbuda,1
6 AI,18.220554,-63.068615,Anguilla,1

This will give you the duplicated codes
awk -F, 'a[$5]++{print $5}'
if you're only interested in count of duplicate codes
awk -F, 'a[$5]++{count++} END{print count}'
To print duplicated rows try this
awk -F, '$5 in a{print a[$5]; print} {a[$5]=$0}'
This will print the whole row with duplicates found in col $5:
awk -F, 'a[$5]++{print $0}'

This is the less memory aggressive i can guess:
$ cat infile
AE,23.424076,53.847818,United Arab Emirates,971
AG,17.060816,-61.796428,Antigua and Barbuda,1
AN,12.226079,-69.060087,Netherlands Antilles,599
$ awk -F\, '$NF in a{if (a[$NF]!=0){print a[$NF];a[$NF]=0}print;next}{a[$NF]=$0}' infile
AG,17.060816,-61.796428,Antigua and Barbuda,1
NOTE: I have included another duplicate for testing purposes.

If you just want to print out a unique value that repeat over the same file just add at the end of the awk:
awk ... ... | sort | uniq -u
That will print the unique values only on alphabetic order


awk Can not Select Column with empty value

i am trying to select a column with its missing value
here is my input file separated by tab
1 2 3
4 5
7 8
i am trying to select the first column in which output will look like
and the length of my column would be 5 in this case
I have tried
awk '$1!=""{print $1}' ./demo.txt
but it returns
can anybody help with this I am new in AWK
You can use cut:
$ cut -f 1 file # the default delimiter is a tab
Or with sed:
$ sed 's/[[:blank:]].*$//' file
Or awk:
$ awk '{sub(/[[:blank:]].*$/,"")}1' file
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {print $1}' file
All those print the first column and all five lines (blank or not)
Tell awk to use a tab (\t) as the input field delimiter (-F):
$ awk -F'\t' '{ print $1 }' demo.txt
If you want to print multiple columns, maintaining the same delimiter for output, another approach using the FS and OFS variables:
$ awk 'BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" } { print $1,$3 }' demo.txt
1 3
4 5
With sed something like:
sed 's/^\([^[:blank:]]*\).*/\1/' demo.txt
Using FIELDWIDTHS in gnu-awk you can do this for fixed width separated data:
awk 'BEGIN {FIELDWIDTHS = "4 4 *"} {print $1}' file
For demo purpose:
awk 'BEGIN {FIELDWIDTHS = "4 4 *"} {print NR ":", $1}' file
1: 1
2: 4
4: 7
if they're all single digits in 1st column :
echo \
'1 2 3
4 5
7 8
9' |
mawk NF=1 FS=
gcat -n
1 1
2 4
4 7
that's literally all you need. To play it safe, then do
nawk NF=1 FS='[[:space:]]' # overly-verbose so-called
# "proper" posix form
gawk NF=1 FS='[ \t]' # suffices unless the input
# happens to have uncommon bytes
# like \013 \v or \014 \f
or a very fringe way of fudging NF :
mawk 'NF ^= FS="[ \t]"'

need to rearrange and sum column in solaris command

I have below data named atp.csv file
2015-01-05 00:00:00 076,1941321748,BD9010423590206,200,Transaction Successful,2000,PRETOP
2015-01-05 00:00:00 077,1941323504,BD9010423590207,351,Transaction Successful,5000,PRETOP
2015-01-05 00:00:00 078,1941321743,BD9010423590205,200,Transaction Successful,1500,PRETOP
2015-01-05 00:00:00 391,1941323498,BD9010500000003,200,Transaction Successful,1000,PRETOP
i want to count status wise using below command.
cat atp.csv|awk -F',' '{print $4}'|sort|uniq -c
The output is like below:
3 200
1 351
But i want to like below output and also want to sum the amount column in status wise.
That is status is first and then count value.Please help..
AWK has associative arrays.
% cat atp.csv | awk -F, 'NR>1 {n[$4]+=1;s[$4]+=$6;} END {for (k in n) { print k "," n[k] "," s[k]; }}' | sort
In the above:
The first line (record) is skipped with NR>1.
n[k] is the number of occurrences of key k (so we add 1), and s[k] is the running sum values in field 6 (so we add $6).
Finally, after all records are processed (END), you can iterate over associated arrays by key (for (k in n) { ... }) and print the keys and values in arrays n and s associated with the key.
You can try this awk version also
awk -F',' '{print $4,",", a[$4]+=$6}' FileName | sort -r | uniq -cw 6 | sort -r
Output :
3 200 , 4500
1 351 , 5000
Another Way:
awk -F',' '{print $4,",", a[$4]+=$6}' FileName | sort -r | uniq -cw 6 |sort -r | sed 's/\([^ ]\+\).\([^ ]\+\).../\2,\1,/'
All in (g)awk
awk -F, 'NR>1{a[$4]++;b[$4]+=$6}
END{n=asorti(a,c);for(i=1;i<=n;i++)print c[i]","a[c[i]]","b[c[i]]}' file

Bash,Postfix, AWK, Error in filtering deferred mail output

This is what I have tried so far:
cat /var/spool/postfix/deferred/D3B921090 | awk -F"/" '{print $6}' |awk '{$1="" print $0}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
awk -F"/" '{print $6}' < /var/spool/postfix/deferred/D3B921090 | awk '{$1="" print $0}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
I get the following error message when trying to run either command:
awk: line 1: syntax error at or near print
What am I doing wrong?
awk '{$1="" print $0}'
is not a syntactically valid expression, did you mean
awk '{$1=""; print $0}'
which is equal to
awk '{$1=""}1'

linux/ubuntu awk match unique values (instead of bash "sort unique grep" unique values)

My command looks like this:
cut -f 1 dummy_FILE | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2}' | for i in $(cat -); do grep -w $i dummy_FILE |
awk -v VAR="$i" '{distance+=$3-$2} END {print VAR, distance}'; done
cat dummy_FILE
Red 13 14
Red 39 46
Blue 45 23
Blue 34 27
Green 31 73
I want to:
For every word in $1 dummy_FILE (Red, Blue, Green) - Calculate sum of differences between $3 and $2.
To get the output like this:
Red 8
Blue -29
Green 42
My questions are:
Is it possible to replace cut -f 1 dummy_FILE | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2}'?
I am using sort | uniq -c to extract every word from the dataset - is it possible to do it with awk?
How can I overcome useless cat in for i in $(cat -)?
grep -w $i dummy_FILE works fine, but I want to replace it with awk (should I?); If so how can I do this?
When I am trying to awk -v VAR="$i" '/^VAR/ '{distance+=$3-$2} END {print VAR, distance}' I am getting "fatal: division by zero attempted".
I got it using:
awk '{a[$1] = a[$1] + $3 - $2;} END{for (x in a) {print x" "a[x];}}' dummy_FILE
Blue -29
Green 42
Red 8
If you want to sort the output, just append sort after the AWK command.
Here's one way using awk:
awk '{ a[$1]=a[$1] + $3 - $2 } END { for(i in a) print i, a[i] }' dummy
Red 8
Blue -29
Green 42
If you require sorted output, you could simply pipe into sort like arutaku suggests:
awk '{ a[$1]=a[$1] + $3 - $2 } END { for(i in a) print i, a[i] }' dummy | sort
You can however, print into sort (within the awk statement), like this:
awk '{ a[$1]=a[$1] + $3 - $2 } END { for(i in a) print i, a[i] | "sort" }' dummy

Reading a file from line 4 to the end

I want to read a file from the line 4 to the very end is there anyway to this with awk or something?
This sed command will do:
sed -n '4,$p' file.txt
Or using awk:
awk 'NR>=4' file.txt
Or using tail:
tail +4 file.txt
awk 'NR >= 4 {print $0}'
For example
$> seq 101 110 | awk 'NR >= 4 {print $0}'
tail +4 filename ll serve ur purpose.
more on tail
heres a method (that can depend on the type of shell you use, bash should work):
tmpvar=`cat a_file | wc -l `; tail -$((tmpvar-4)) a_file
heres another method that should work in more shells:
cat a_file -n | awk '{if($1>4) print $2}'