need to rearrange and sum column in solaris command - awk

I have below data named atp.csv file
2015-01-05 00:00:00 076,1941321748,BD9010423590206,200,Transaction Successful,2000,PRETOP
2015-01-05 00:00:00 077,1941323504,BD9010423590207,351,Transaction Successful,5000,PRETOP
2015-01-05 00:00:00 078,1941321743,BD9010423590205,200,Transaction Successful,1500,PRETOP
2015-01-05 00:00:00 391,1941323498,BD9010500000003,200,Transaction Successful,1000,PRETOP
i want to count status wise using below command.
cat atp.csv|awk -F',' '{print $4}'|sort|uniq -c
The output is like below:
3 200
1 351
But i want to like below output and also want to sum the amount column in status wise.
That is status is first and then count value.Please help..

AWK has associative arrays.
% cat atp.csv | awk -F, 'NR>1 {n[$4]+=1;s[$4]+=$6;} END {for (k in n) { print k "," n[k] "," s[k]; }}' | sort
In the above:
The first line (record) is skipped with NR>1.
n[k] is the number of occurrences of key k (so we add 1), and s[k] is the running sum values in field 6 (so we add $6).
Finally, after all records are processed (END), you can iterate over associated arrays by key (for (k in n) { ... }) and print the keys and values in arrays n and s associated with the key.

You can try this awk version also
awk -F',' '{print $4,",", a[$4]+=$6}' FileName | sort -r | uniq -cw 6 | sort -r
Output :
3 200 , 4500
1 351 , 5000
Another Way:
awk -F',' '{print $4,",", a[$4]+=$6}' FileName | sort -r | uniq -cw 6 |sort -r | sed 's/\([^ ]\+\).\([^ ]\+\).../\2,\1,/'

All in (g)awk
awk -F, 'NR>1{a[$4]++;b[$4]+=$6}
END{n=asorti(a,c);for(i=1;i<=n;i++)print c[i]","a[c[i]]","b[c[i]]}' file


Instead of null print zero in awk

I have a problem. This is my script
for index in {1..100} # I do this script on 100 files, that is s why I use for loop
sort -k2,2 -k1,1 eq9_x4_$index.ndx |
uniq -c |
uniq -f2 -c |
awk '
($1==1 && $2==4) {inner+=6}
($1==2 && $2==1) {inner+=3; outer+=3}
($1==2 && $2==2) {inner+=2; outer+=4}
($1==3 && $2==1) {inner+=1; outer+=5}
($1==4 && $2==1) {outer+=6}
END{print inner, outer}' >> inner_outer_water_bridges_x4.txt
It counts water bridges and print sum (inner and outer)
This is part of my output file and instead of this
9 15
2 16
8 10
4 14
5 25
2 10
I want to have this
9 15
2 16
0 0
8 10
4 14
0 6
5 25
2 10
6 0
How to do this is there any good solution in awk?
With ternary operator try following. Couldn't test it since only code samples provided here.
for index in {1..100} # I do this script on 100 files, that is s why I use for loop
sort -k2,2 -k1,1 eq9_x4_$index.ndx |
uniq -c |
uniq -f2 -c |
awk '
($1==1 && $2==4) {inner+=6}
($1==2 && $2==1) {inner+=3; outer+=3}
($1==2 && $2==2) {inner+=2; outer+=4}
($1==3 && $2==1) {inner+=1; outer+=5}
($1==4 && $2==1) {outer+=6}
END{print (inner?inner:0), (outer?outer:0)}' >> inner_outer_water_bridges_x4.txt
If you are dealing solely with integers you might harness printf following way
END{printf "%d %d\n", inner, outer}
(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1)

How to compare 2 files having multiple occurances of a number and output the additional occurance?

Currently i am using a awk script to compare 2 files having random numbers in non sequential order.
It works perfect , but there is just one future condition i would like to fulfill.
Current awk function
awk '
($0 in a){
{ print }
for(j in a){
if(!(j in b)){ print j }
' compare1.txt compare2.txt
What the the function accomplishes currently ?
It outputs list of all the numbers which are present in compare1 but not in compare 2 and vice versa
If any number has zero in its prefix, ignore zeros while comparing ( basically the absolute value of number must be different to be treated as a mismatch ) Example - 3 should be considered matching with 003 and 014 should be considered matching with 14, 008 with 8 etc
As required It also considers a number matched even if they are not necessarily on the same line in both files
Required additional condition
In its current form , this functions works in such a way that if a file has multiple occurances of a number and other file has even one occurance of that same number , it considers the number matched for both repetitions.
I need the awk function to be edited to output any additional occurrence of a number
cat compare1.txt
cat compare2.txt
Expected output
The number marked here at end is currently not being shown in output in my present awk function ( 2 occurances - 1 occurrence )
As mentioned at, this is the job that comm exists to do:
$ comm -3 <(awk '{print $0+0}' compare1.txt | sort) <(awk '{print $0+0}' compare2.txt | sort)
and to get rid of the white space:
$ comm -3 <(awk '{print $0+0}' compare1.txt | sort) <(awk '{print $0+0}' compare2.txt | sort) |
awk '{print $1}'
you just need to count the occurrences and account for it in matching...
$ awk '{k=$0+0}
NR==FNR {a[k]++; next}
!(k in a && a[k]-->0);
END {for(k in a) while(a[k]-->0) print k}' file1 file2
note that as in your original script there is no absolute value comparison, which you can add easily by just changing k in the first line.

awk + How do I find duplicates in a column?

How do I find duplicates in a column?
$ head countries_lat_long_int_code3.csv | cat -n
1 country,latitude,longitude,name,code
2 AD,42.546245,1.601554,Andorra,376
3 AE,23.424076,53.847818,United Arab Emirates,971
4 AF,33.93911,67.709953,Afghanistan,93
5 AG,17.060816,-61.796428,Antigua and Barbuda,1
6 AI,18.220554,-63.068615,Anguilla,1
7 AL,41.153332,20.168331,Albania,355
8 AM,40.069099,45.038189,Armenia,374
9 AN,12.226079,-69.060087,Netherlands Antilles,599
10 AO,-11.202692,17.873887,Angola,244
For instance this has duplicates in the 5th column.
5 AG,17.060816,-61.796428,Antigua and Barbuda,1
6 AI,18.220554,-63.068615,Anguilla,1
How do I view all the others in this file?
I know I can do this:
awk -F, 'NR>1{print $5}' countries_lat_long_int_code3.csv | sort
And I can eyeball and see if there is any duplicates, but is there a better way?
Or I can do this:
Find out how may are there completely
$ awk -F, 'NR>1{print $5}' countries_lat_long_int_code3.csv | sort | wc -l
Find out how many unique values are there
$ awk -F, 'NR>1{print $5}' countries_lat_long_int_code3.csv | sort | uniq | wc -l
Therefore there are at most 27 (210-183) duplicates.
My desired output would be something as follows, basically all the columns but just showing the rows that are duplicates:
5 AG,17.060816,-61.796428,Antigua and Barbuda,1
6 AI,18.220554,-63.068615,Anguilla,1
This will give you the duplicated codes
awk -F, 'a[$5]++{print $5}'
if you're only interested in count of duplicate codes
awk -F, 'a[$5]++{count++} END{print count}'
To print duplicated rows try this
awk -F, '$5 in a{print a[$5]; print} {a[$5]=$0}'
This will print the whole row with duplicates found in col $5:
awk -F, 'a[$5]++{print $0}'
This is the less memory aggressive i can guess:
$ cat infile
AE,23.424076,53.847818,United Arab Emirates,971
AG,17.060816,-61.796428,Antigua and Barbuda,1
AN,12.226079,-69.060087,Netherlands Antilles,599
$ awk -F\, '$NF in a{if (a[$NF]!=0){print a[$NF];a[$NF]=0}print;next}{a[$NF]=$0}' infile
AG,17.060816,-61.796428,Antigua and Barbuda,1
NOTE: I have included another duplicate for testing purposes.
If you just want to print out a unique value that repeat over the same file just add at the end of the awk:
awk ... ... | sort | uniq -u
That will print the unique values only on alphabetic order

How do I print a range of data in awk?

I am reviewing my access_logs with a statment like:
cat access_log | grep 16/Sep/2012:17 | awk '{print $12 $13 $14 $15 $16}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -40
The purpose is to see the user agent of the anyone that has been hitting my server for the last hour sorted by number of hits. My server has unusual activity to I want stop any unwanted spiders/etc.
But the part: awk '{print $12 $13 $14 $15 $16}' would be much preferred as something like: awk '{print $12-through-end-of-line}' so that I could see the whole user agent which is a different length for each one.
Is there a way to do this with awk?
Not extremely elegant, but this works:
grep 16/Sep/2012:17 access_log | awk '{for (i=12;i<=NF;++i) printf "%s ",$i;print ""}'
It has the side effect of condensing multiple spaces between fields down to one, and putting an extra one at the end of the line, though, which probably isn't critical.
I've never found one; in situations like this, I use cut (assuming I don't need awk's flexible handling of field separation):
# Assuming tab-separated fields, cut's default
grep 16/Sep/2012:17 access_log | cut -f12- | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -40
# For space-separated fields (single spaces, not arbitrary amounts of whitespace)
grep 16/Sep/2012:17 access_log | cut -d' ' -f12- | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -40
(Clarification: I've never found a good way. I've used #twalberg's for-loop when necessary, but prefer using cut if possible.)
$ echo somefields:; cat somefields ; echo from-to.awk: ; \
cat from-to.awk ; echo ;awk -f from-to.awk somefields
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
{ for (i=12; i<=NF; i++) { printf "%s ", $i }; print "" }
l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
from man awk:
NF The number of fields in the current input record.
So you basically loop through fields (separated by spaces) from 12 to the last one.
why not
awk "/$1/"'{for (i=12;i<=NF;i++) printf("%s ", $i) ;printf "\n"}' log | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -40
in a script file.
Then you can call it like 16/Sep/2012:17
Don't have a way to test this right. Appologies for any formatting/syntax errors.
Hopefully you get the idea.
awk '/16/Sep/2012:17/{for(i=1;i<12;i++){$i="";}print}' access_log| sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -40

Number of fields returned by awk

Is there a way to get awk to return the number of fields that met a field-separator criteria? Say, for instance, my file contains
a b c d
so, awk --field-separator=" " | <something> should return 4
The NF variable is set to the total number of fields in the input record. So:
echo "a b c d" | awk --field-separator=" " "{ print NF }"
will display
Note, however, that:
echo -e "a b c d\na b" | awk --field-separator=" " "{ print NF }"
will display:
Hope this helps, and happy awking
NF gives the number of fields for a given record:
[]$ echo "a b c d" | gawk '{print NF}'
If you would like to know the set of all the numbers of fields in a multiline content you can run:
X | awk '{print NF}' | sort -n | uniq
being X a command that outputs content in the standard output: cat, echo, etc. Example:
With file.txt:
a b
b c
c d
e t a
e u
The command cat file.txt | awk '{print NF}' | sort -n | uniq will print:
And with file2.txt:
a b
b c
c d
e u
The command cat file2.txt | awk '{print NF}' | sort -n | uniq will print:
awk(1) on FreeBSD does not recognize --field-separator. Use -v instead:
echo "a b c d" | awk -v FS=" " "{ print NF }"
It is a portable, POSIX way to define the field separator.