Need a demo project for Visual Studio Apache Cordova with Sencha Touch [closed] - sencha-touch

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I started to look into the Visual Studio Apache Cordova and try to build some cross platform mobile apps. I want to use Sencha Touch as the framework, but I googled a lot and couldn't find a single demo project which uses Sencha Touch, could somebody tell me where I can find one as a start point.

You can get started by using:
Start with [Sencha Touch 2.4 Getting Started Guide][3] to and download all the resources you need locally if you haven't already.
Once you are have the environment setup, Sencha CMD will help you by generating a starting project.
There's plenty of info on that so I'm skipping ahead to the Cordova part.
# Make sure you are inside your app project folder
cd to/app/project/directory
sencha cordova init
This will add Cordova to your project.
# Now we will create the os level app project inside
# myapp/cordova/platforms/...
sencha app build android # or other OS
Assuming no errors you should have yourself a basic app you can play with.
If you want to see a very basic Sencha Touch Cordova project you can take a look at one I have, but it's a demo for iOS icon troubleshooting. You could still use it and do a build for Android or windows as there really isn't anything preventing that.
OH! When using Sencha CMD and Cordova there are some handy commands to use if you get build errors..
sencha app watch # compiles SASS and Compass, creates a web server, warns of errors, etc
sencha app build
sencha app refresh
# while inside myapp/cordova/
cordova build
cordova platforms rm [os here]
cordova platforms add [os here] # alt: sencha app build native
cordova plugin add [url to plugin repo]
cordova plugin list


What exactly is the Ionic framework? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am aware that with Ionic you can create cross-platform applications. These can be created in Vue, React, Angular, etc. I do however wonder which dependencies are responsible for what.
In the background, as I can see in my package.json, the Ionic framework uses Capacitor. If you run the command ionic start myApp tabs with the Ionic CLI, then a new project is created and various dependencies are installed, including Capacitor.
However, I can just as easily add Capacitor to an existing Vue.js project and I also would be able to create a cross-platform application.
My guess is therefore that Ionic is simply an additional abstraction layer above Capacitor and has implemented some components that use Capacitor APIs and for example provides different styling on different platforms.
As #Everton-Costa said, Ionic came first than capacitor and always had a great effort on providing a multi-platform stack to build apps through html5/browser capabilities and cordova for native bridging. Ionic has started early with angularjs after that with Angular(N) and now its practically web framework agnostic. Ionic have great UI components that works nicely on many browser agents and performing good with different screen's sizes etc.
I see capacitor as cordova on steroids, its plugins/modules tries to be more platform independent (ios/android/web). for example, the storage plugin you don't have to handle stuffs like isAndroid()|| isIOS() or isDesktop() to perform storage operations, the module itself chooses the best strategies for the running environment.
"Appflow" is the paid product for easing with CI/CD.
Keep in mind that Ionic came before the Capacitor and understand that both are from the same creators.
Using Ionic you may build Android, iOS, PWA, Desktop using the same code. You may also choose your preferred framework to use with Ionic like Angular, VueJS, React and so on.
Capacitor is responsible for the bridge between your code and the device's functionalities.
Advantages: custom animations, components customization, web components, design to match native iOS13, iOS Segment design, collapsible header, large title in iOS, Searchbar inside of the collapsible header, swipe to close Modals, new iOS Menu design overlay with updated animation, refresher pulling icon in iOS, Material Design refresher as well, lists Header in iOS, open source animations utility, free and open source icon library, Back Button, Card, Segment, Split Pane, encapsulate styles, full support for Ivy Angular’s new renderer and so on... More on this Article.
Appflow is a service that is offered by Ionic Team.

What is the difference between expo and react native app developing? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am going to develop react native app using Expo but I don't have idea which one is best? Please suggest me any idea?
Actually I am using Expo. Which is best Expo or normal Android or Xcode development?
When you write code in Expo (abbr. XDE), you write React Native code. Expo has two main pieces:
1) XDE: a developer tool for creating projects, viewing logs, opening on your device, publishing, etc.
2) The Expo client: an app on your phone that lets you open your projects while you're working on them, without needing to go through XCode or Android Studio, and also lets other people view them too!
But ...
With most apps in React Native, you end up needing to utilise several
third party native libraries, which Expo doesn’t current support
outside of their built in APIs. There are a lot of things that can be
done in JS only, but I’ve always ended up running into a need for
native libraries with every React Native project I’ve worked on
(several production apps). That being said, Expo does support
“detaching” your app from Expo, which will allow you to carry on with
a standard free standing React Native app.
Expo has some advantages over using normal Xcode/Studio like expo client, but it also has its cons when it comes to large scale applications . You can choose based on your needs.
If you’re just getting started and you need to get off the ground quickly, I’d definitely recommend Expo
Note: This answer is a blend from multiple developers

Integrating Unity project into Cordova with mgcrea plugin

I have an Unity 3D project made for Android and I'm trying to port it in IOS. I created a similar project with Apache Cordova but without 3D graphic, and now I found a plugin for Cordova that promise an Unity integration with Cordova ( I've tried to integrate it, but I haven't understand where I must insert my Unity files into Cordova.
Unfortunately there isn't a working example and there's a lack of detailed explanation, so I would ask if anyone has already tried that plugin and eventually how it works.
Thanks in advance!

how to Deploy the sencha touch app to iOS app in windows7

I'm using sencha touch 2.2.1
I have doubt to config a sencha app to iOS app in windows7.
I already deployed the sencha touch app to android app its works well. My problem is I don't have MAC-OS. so, can I deploy sencha app to iOS app in windows7 alone with apple-ID, certificate path and key values in sencha config file.
pls anyone tell me thanks in advance...
This should work. Just set up a packager.json file as it is described here and use sencha app build native in your command line to build your native iOS app.
If it does not work you could use the PhoneGap-Cloud-Build-Service. You'll find information about how to set up cordova / phonegap in this video.
You will need to build all your apps in XCode 5 from February 1st which will require a mac.
I saw this service yesterday which I haven't looked into myself, but may allow you to compile apps in the cloud using one of their macs, rather than have to buy one yourself at great cost :

how to make phonegap build of sencha app to run on blackberry device

I develop a sencha touch application. Its working fine.
Now i want to deploy/ run this application on blackberry simulator.
i found many question related to this but i did not get what to do exactly.
Please someone help me how to do this?
How to make phonegap build of sencha application to run on blackberry simulator.
Thank's in advance.
Follow phonegap's instructions for setting up a blackberry environment.
Build your project and move the entire contents of the built directory into the same folder that phonegap normally puts its index.html.
Follow phonegap's blackberry build instructions.