Select min/max from group defined by one column as subgroup of another - SQL, HPVertica - sql

I'm trying to find the min and max date within a subgroup of another group. Here's example 'data'
ID Type Date
1 A 7/1/2015
1 B 1/1/2015
1 A 8/5/2014
22 B 3/1/2015
22 B 9/1/2014
333 A 8/1/2015
333 B 4/1/2015
333 B 3/29/2014
333 B 2/28/2013
333 C 1/1/2013
What I'd like to identify is - within an ID, what is the min/max Date for each block of similar Type? So for ID # 333 I want the below info:
A: min & max = 8/1/2015
B: min = 2/28/2013
max = 4/1/2015
C: min & max = 1/1/2013
I'm having trouble figuring out how to identify only uninterrupted groupings of Type within a grouping of ID. For ID #1, I need to keep the two 'A' Types with separate min/max dates because they were split by a Type 'B', so I can't just pull the min date of all Type A's for ID #1, it has to be two separate instances.
What I've tried is something like the below two lines, but neither of these accurately captures the case mentioned above for ID #1 where Type B interrupts Type A.
Max(Date) OVER (Partition By ID, Type)
or this:
Row_Number() OVER (Partition By ID, Type ORDER BY Date DESC)
,then selecting Row #1 for max date, and date ASC w/ row #1 for min date
Thank you for any insight you can provide!

If I understand right, you want the min/max values for an id/type grouped using a descending date sort, but the catch is that you want them based on clusters within the id by time.
What you can do is use CONDITIONAL_CHANGE_EVENT to tag the rows on change of type, then use that in your GROUP BY on a standard min/max aggregation.
This would be the intermediate step towards getting to what you want:
select ID, Type, Date,
from mytable
group by ID, Type, Date
order by ID, Date desc, Type
ID Type Date cce
1 A 2015-07-01 00:00:00 0
1 B 2015-01-01 00:00:00 1
1 A 2014-08-05 00:00:00 2
22 B 2015-03-01 00:00:00 0
22 B 2014-09-01 00:00:00 0
333 A 2015-08-01 00:00:00 0
333 B 2015-04-01 00:00:00 1
333 B 2014-03-29 00:00:00 1
333 B 2013-02-28 00:00:00 1
333 C 2013-01-01 00:00:00 2
Once you have them grouped using CCE, you can do an aggregate on this to get the min/max you are looking for grouping on cce. You can play with the order by at the bottom, this ordering seem to make the most sense to me.
select id, type, min(date), max(date)
from (
select ID, Type, Date,
from mytable
group by ID, Type, Date
) x
group by id, type, cce
order by id, 3 desc, 4 desc;
id type min max
1 A 2015-07-01 00:00:00 2015-07-01 00:00:00
1 B 2015-01-01 00:00:00 2015-01-01 00:00:00
1 A 2014-08-05 00:00:00 2014-08-05 00:00:00
22 B 2014-09-01 00:00:00 2015-03-01 00:00:00
333 A 2015-08-01 00:00:00 2015-08-01 00:00:00
333 B 2013-02-28 00:00:00 2015-04-01 00:00:00
333 C 2013-01-01 00:00:00 2013-01-01 00:00:00


Netezza add new field for first record value of the day in SQL

I'm trying to add new columns of first values of the day for location and weight.
For instance, the original data format is:
id dttm location weight
1 1/1/20 11:10:00 A 40
1 1/1/20 19:07:00 B 41.1
2 1/1/20 08:01:00 B 73.2
2 1/1/20 21:00:00 B 73.2
2 1/2/20 10:03:00 C 74
I want each id to have only one day record, such as:
id dttm location weight
1 1/1/20 11:10:00 A 40
2 1/1/20 08:01:00 B 73.2
2 1/2/20 10:03:00 C 74
I have other columns in my data set that I'm using location and weight to create, so I don't think I can just filter for 'first' records of the day.. Is it possible to write query to recognize first record of the day for those two columns and create new column with those values?
You can use row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id, ddtm::date order by dttm) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;

Select to search column on group by query

I have one table called prices that have a reference from table products through product_id column. I want a query that selects prices grouped by product_id with the max final date and get the value of start_date through one select with id of price grouped.
I try with the following query but I am getting a wrong value of start date. Is weird because of the result subquery return more than one row even though I use the price id on where clause. Because that I put the limit on the query but it is wrong.
select prices.produto_id,,
MAX(CASE WHEN prices.finish_date IS NULL THEN COALESCE(prices.finish_date,'9999-12-31') ELSE prices.finish_date END) as finish_date,
(select start_date from prices where = limit 1)
as start_date from prices group by prices.product_id,
How I can get the relative start date of the price id in my grouped row? I am using postgresql.
A example to view what I want with my query:
1 1689 2018-01-19 02:00:00 2019-11-19 23:59:59
2 1689 2019-10-11 03:00:00 2019-10-15 23:59:59
3 1689 2019-01-11 03:00:00 2019-05-15 23:59:59
4 1690 2019-11-11 03:00:00 2019-12-15 23:59:59
5 1690 2019-05-11 03:00:00 2025-12-15 23:59:59
6 1691 2019-05-11 03:00:00 null
I want this result:
1 1689 2018-01-19 02:00:00 2019-11-19 23:59:59
5 1690 2019-05-11 03:00:00 2025-12-15 23:59:59
6 1691 2019-05-11 03:00:00 9999-12-31 23:59:59
The start date should be the same value of the row before the group by.
I would recommend DISTINCT ON in Postgres:
select distinct on (p.product_id) p.*
from prices p
order by p.product_id,
p.finish_date desc nulls first;
NULL values are treated as larger than any other value, so a descending sort puts them first. However, I've included nulls first just to be explicit.
DISTINCT ON is a very handy Postgres extension, which you can learn more about in the documentation.
Try this
with data as (
SELECT id, product_id,
max(COALESCE(finish_date,'9999-12-31')) as finish_date from prices group by 1,2)
select d.*, p.start_date from data d join prices p on =;
It surely isnt' the most elegant solution, but it should work.

Problems with complex query

There are two tables.
In the first I have columns:
id - a person
time - the time of receiving the bonus (timestamp)
money - size of bonus
And the second:
time - time of getting a rank (timestamp)
range - military rank (int)
The task is to withdraw the amount and number of bonuses received by people in the rank of captain (range = 7) with aggregation by day.
I have no ideas how to do a table with this data. I can summarize data by all days such as
SELECT DISTINCTROW Payment.user_id AS user_id, Sum(IIf(IsNull(,0, AS [Sum - money], Count( AS [Count - Payment], Format(Payment.time, "Short Date") as day
FROM Payment
GROUP BY Payment.user_id, Format (Payment.time, "Short Date")
Having ((Count( > 0));
Can you help me with second part and summarize them? thanks
For example: first table (Payment):
user_id time money
a 01.01.10 00:00:00 15,00
a 01.01.10 10:00:00 2,00
a 03.01.10 00:00:00 3,00
c 04.01.10 00:00:00 4,00
c 04.01.10 00:05:00 5,00
d 06.01.10 00:00:00 6,00
e 07.01.10 00:00:00 7,00
e 08.01.10 00:00:00 8,00
The second one:
user_id time range
a 01.01.10 00:00:00 6
a 01.01.10 09:00:00 7
a 04.01.10 00:00:00 8
b 04.01.10 00:00:00 4
c 04.01.10 00:05:00 7
d 06.01.10 00:00:00 5
e 07.01.10 00:00:00 6
f 08.01.10 00:00:00 6
g 08.01.10 00:00:00 7
I expected:
user_id time sum
a 01.01.10 2
a 03.01.10 3
c 04.01.10 5
Here is one possible method using joins:
select t1.user_id, datevalue(p.time) as [time], sum( as [sum]
(select t.user_id, t.time from rank t where t.range = 7) t1
inner join payment p on t1.user_id = p.user_id
left join
(select t.user_id, t.time from rank t where t.range > 7) t2 on p.user_id = t2.user_id
p.time >= t1.time and (t2.user_id is null or p.time < t2.time)
group by
t1.user_id, datevalue(p.time)
I have assumed that your second table is called rank (this was not stated in your question).
Here, the subquery t1 obtains the set of users with range = 7 (captain), and the subquery t2 obtains the set of users with range > 7. I then select all records with a payment date greater than or equal to the date of promotion to captain, but less than any subsequent promotion (if it exists).
This yields the following result:
| user_id | time | sum |
| a | 01/01/2010 | 2.00 |
| a | 03/01/2010 | 3.00 |
| c | 04/01/2010 | 5.00 |
Unless I have misunderstood, I would argue that your expected result is incorrect as the payment below occurs before user_id = c achieved the rank of captain:
c 04.01.10 00:00:00 4,00
c 04.01.10 00:05:00 7

Teradata SQL: Determine how many accounts had status change in given month

Ok, so I have a table that looks something like this:
Acct_id Eff_dt Expr_dt Prod_cd Open_dt
111 2012-05-01 2013-06-01 A 2012-05-01
111 2013-06-02 2014-03-08 A 2012-05-01
111 2014-03-09 9999-12-31 B 2012-05-01
222 2015-07-15 2015-11-11 A 2015-07-15
222 2015-11-12 2016-08-08 B 2015-07-15
222 2016-08-09 9999-12-31 A 2015-07-15
333 2016-01-01 2016-04-15 B 2016-01-01
333 2016-04-16 2016-08-08 B 2016-01-01
333 2016-08-09 9999-12-31 A 2016-01-01
444 2017-02-03 2017-05-15 A 2017-02-03
444 2017-05-16 2017-12-02 A 2017-02-03
444 2017-12-03 9999-12-31 B 2017-02-03
555 2017-12-12 9999-12-31 B 2017-12-12
There are many more columns that I'm not including as they're otherwise not relevant.
What I'm trying to determine is how many accounts had a change in Prod_cd in a given month, but then only in one direction (so from A > B in this example). Sometimes however an account was first opened as B, and then later changed to A. Or it was opened as A, changed to B, and moved back to A. I only want to know the current set of accounts where in a given month the Prod_cd changed from A to B.
Eff_dt is the date when a change was made to an account (could be any change, such as address change, name change, or what I'm looking for, product code change).
Expr_dt is the expiration date of that row, essentially the last day before a new change was made. When the date of that row is 9999-12-31, that's the most current row.
Open_dt is the date the account was created.
I created a query at first that was something like this:
count(distinct acct_id)
from table
where prod_cd = 'B'
and expr_dt = '9999-12-31'
and eff_dt between '2017-12-01' and '2017-12-31'
and open_dt < '2017-12-01'
But it's giving me results that don't look right. I want to specifically track the # of conversions that happened, but the count of accounts I'm getting seems way too high.
There is probably a way to create a more reliable query using window functions, but given that the Prod_cd changes can happen in multiple directions, I'm not sure how to write that query. Any help would be appreciated!
If you are specifically looking for the switch A --> B, then the simplest method is to use lag(). But, Teradata requires a slightly different formulation:
select count(distinct acct_id)
from (select t.*,
max(prod_cd) over (partition by acct_id order by effdt rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding) as prev_prod_cd
from t
) t
where prod_cd = 'B' and prev_prod_cd = 'A' and
expr_dt = '9999-12-31' and
eff_dt between '2017-12-01' and '2017-12-31' and
open_dt < '2017-12-01';
I am guessing that the date conditions go in the outer query -- meaning that they lag() does not use them.
Similar to Gordon's answer, but using a supported window function (instead of LAG) and using Teradata's QUALIFY clause to do the lag-gy lookup:
FROM mytable
AND prod_cd = 'B'
AND expr_dt = '9999-12-31'
AND eff_dt between DATE '2013-01-01' and DATE '2017-12-31'
AND open_dt < DATE '2017-12-01'

How many Days each item was in each State, the full value of the period

This post is really similar to my question:
SQL Server : how many days each item was in each state
but I dont have the column Revision to see wich is the previous state, and also I want to get the full time of a status, I b
I'm want to get how long one item has been in one status in general, my table look like this:
3D56B7B1-FCB3-4897-BAEB-004796E0DC8D 2016-04-05 11:30:00.000 1
3D56B7B1-FCB3-4897-BAEB-004796E0DC8D 2016-04-08 11:30:00.000 13
274C5DA9-9C38-4A54-A697-009933BB7B7F 2016-04-29 08:00:00.000 5
274C5DA9-9C38-4A54-A697-009933BB7B7F 2016-05-04 08:00:00.000 4
A70A66DC-9D9E-49BE-93CF-00F9E3E06CE2 2016-04-14 07:50:00.000 1
A70A66DC-9D9E-49BE-93CF-00F9E3E06CE2 2016-04-21 14:00:00.000 2
A70A66DC-9D9E-49BE-93CF-00F9E3E06CE2 2016-04-23 12:15:00.000 3
A70A66DC-9D9E-49BE-93CF-00F9E3E06CE2 2016-04-23 16:15:00.000 1
BF122AE1-CB39-4967-8F37-012DC55E92A7 2016-04-05 10:30:00.000 1
BF122AE1-CB39-4967-8F37-012DC55E92A7 2016-04-20 17:00:00.000 5
I want to get this
Column 1 : ID Column 2 : Status Column 3 : Time with the status
Column 3 : Time with the status
= NextDate - PreviosDate + 1
if is the last Status, is count as 1
if is more than one Status on the same day, I get the Last one (u can say that only mather the last Status of the day)
by ID, Status must be unique
I should look like this:
3D56B7B1-FCB3-4897-BAEB-004796E0DC8D 1 3
3D56B7B1-FCB3-4897-BAEB-004796E0DC8D 13 1
274C5DA9-9C38-4A54-A697-009933BB7B7F 5 5
274C5DA9-9C38-4A54-A697-009933BB7B7F 4 1
A70A66DC-9D9E-49BE-93CF-00F9E3E06CE2 1 8
A70A66DC-9D9E-49BE-93CF-00F9E3E06CE2 2 2
BF122AE1-CB39-4967-8F37-012DC55E92A7 1 15
BF122AE1-CB39-4967-8F37-012DC55E92A 5 1
Thanks to #ConradFrix comments, this is how works ..
LEAD(DATE, 1) over (partition by ID order by DATE) LEAD,
LEAD(DATE, 1) over (partition by ID order by DATE)), 1) DIF_BY_LEAD