Rethinkdb replication and data consistency - replication

What happens when one of the replicas dies temporary/permanently and how does it relate with data consistency?
For example let's consider this situation:
I made an update of a document inside fruits table,
rethinkdb answered me with ok and then immediately meteor hits this database
But luckily I had a cluster configured with the following requirements met:
But it looks like in this scenario I lose this one particular update and probably something else that has not been replicated yet, while application still thinks the data is reliably saved...
I'm not quite understand how I should design my application in order to make it tolerant to such behavior, it seems to be incredible complex
What is a common practice?
Any advice?

RethinkDB doesn't acknowledge a write before it has propagated to a majority of the table's replicas. So unless more than one server fail at the same time (assuming you have 3 replicas overall), you will never lose a write that has been confirmed.
The only exception is if you explicitly set the write_acks on the table to "single". You can find more details of this setting and its consequences in

Consistency in a clustered environment needs a consensus algorithm, and the one behind the scenes of RetihnkDB is RAFT. RAFT consensus algorithm needs at least 3 nodes to consider strong-ish consistency in your data.
You can read the first blog post


Resource locking and business logic

Consider the following situation:
There is an update request on Entity A, to create sub-entity A.B. there might be many B's on A, each B has unique email address.
The entity A is a shared entity, and the same request can happen in multiple servers in parallel (scalable micro-service).
In order to create A.B we have to verify that B does not already exist as sub entity on A (according to B's email address).
The service which handles this update request should lock A(by it's unique id) in order to make the update safe.
My questions are more conceptual than technical:
Does locking the resource A in this case is part of the business logic of this update task?
Would you consider putting the resource lock in a separate middleware than the one which handles the verify and update procedure?
(the other option is to treat the lock as part of the business logic and put it directly in the middleware responsible for the business logic.)
The technical implementation of the chosen solution to contention problems is obviously not business logic, but choosing the right solution requires business knowledge.
What I mean by this is that you must understand how the business works in order to determine the right approach to protect the integrity of the data in concurrency scenarios. How often concurrency conflicts will occur? Can conflicts be resolved automatically? What should be conflicting? Not only that, but the business may very well accept eventual consistency over strong consistency.
In short, the mechanisms put in place to protect the data integrity in concurrency scenarios shouldn't be part of the domain. These would probably go either in the application service layer or in the infrastructure layer, but the business experts must be involved in the discussions regarding how concurrency conflicts should be resolved and how these affects the business.
Locking is not a business related issue (unless your business is building distributed databases), and so should never be considered part of the business logic.
Further, you should not be implementing distributed locking yourself, but should be relying on a packaged solution, that is preferably part of your data persistence solution.
Here's an article on how to do this with Redis discussing an algorithm called Redlock. Here's a blog post linking to articles about building concensus in Cassandra. And, here's a link about concurrency in Mongo. As you'll see from these articles, distributed locking is a big and complex issue that you probably don't want to tackle yourself.

Consistency/Atomicity (or even ACID) properties in multiple SQL/NoSQL databases architecture

I'm rather used to use one database alone (say PostgreSQL or ElasticSearch).
But currently I'm using a mix (PG and ES) in a prototype app and may throw other kind of dbs in the mix (eg: redis).
Say some piece of data need to be persisted to each databases in a different way.
How do you keep a system consistent in the event of a failure on one of the components/databases ?
Example scenario that i'm facing:
Data update on PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch is unavailable.
At this point, the system is inconsistent, as I should have updated both databases.
As I'm using an SQL db, I can simply abort the transaction to put the system in its previous consistent state.
But what is the best way to keep the system consistent ?
Check everytime that the value has been persisted in all databases ?
In case of failure, restore the previous state ? But in some NoSQL databases there is no transaction/ACID mechanism, so I can't revert as easily the previous state.
Additionnaly, if multiple databases must be kept in sync, is there any good practice to have, like adding some kind of "version" metadata (whether a timestamp or an home made incrementing version number) so you can put your databases back in sync ? (Not talking about CouchDB where it is built-in!)
Moreover, the databases are not all updated atomically so some part are inconsistent for a short period. I think it depends on the business of the app but does anyone have some thought about the problem that my occur or the way to fix that ? I guess it must be tough and depends a lot of the configuration (for maybe very few real benefits).
I guess this may be a common architecture issue but I'm having trouble to find information on the subject.
Keep things simple.
Search engine can and will lag behind sometimes. You may fight it. You may embrace it. It's fine, and most of the times its acceptable.
Don't mix the data. If you use Redis for sessions - good. Don't store stuff from database A in B and vice versa.
Select proper database with ACID and strong consistency for your Super Important Business Data™®.
Again, do not mix the data.
Using more than one database technology in one product is a decision one shouldn't make light-hearted. The more technologies you use the more complex your project will become in development, deployment, maintenance and administration. Also, every database technology will become an individual point of failure. That means it is often much wiser to stick to one technology, even when it means that you need to make some compromises.
But when you have good(!) reason to use multiple DBMS, you should try to keep them as separated as possible. Avoid placing related data spanning multiple databases. When possible, no feature should require more than one DBMS to work (preferably a failure of the DBMS would only affect those features which use it). Storing redundant data in two different DBMS should also be avoided.
When you can't avoid redundancies and relationships spanning multiple DBMS, you should decide on one system to be the single source of truth (preferably one which you trust most regarding consistency). When there are inconsistencies between systems, they should be resolved by synchronizing the data with the SSOT.

Distributed postgresql ID collision handling

Let's imagine we have a distributed table with an ID, CONTENT and TIMESTAMP. The ID is hash(CONTENT) and the CONTENT is deterministic enough to be entered in multiple places in the system, shortly after each other.
Let's say a certain real life event happened. Like someone won the Olympics. Then that goes into this database in a record that always looks the same, except for the timestamp. As each machine observes the event at slightly different delays.
So. As the machines sync this distributed table they will wonder "We have this exact ID already! It's also not an identical row! What should we do!?". I want to give them the answer in the form of:bool compare(row a, row b) or, preferably, row merge(row a, row b).
Does anyone know how to do this? I can only find 'merge' things related to merging two different tables while in fact this is the same table, only distributed.
For me this is pretty essential for making my system 'eventually consistent'. I want to leverage postgresql's distributed database mechanics because they are so reliable, I wouldn't want to rewrite them.
PostgreSQL has no "distributed database" features. You can't rewrite them or avoid rewriting them because they don't exist, and I'm quite curious about where you got your reliability information from.
The closest tihng I can think of is a 3rd party addon called Bucardo, which does multi-master replication with conflict resolution.
It's also possible you were thinking of Postgres-XC, but that project is intended to produce a synchronous, consistent, transparent multi-master cluster, so there'd be no conflict resolution in the first place.
There's also Rubyrep; I don't know enough about it to know if it'd fit your needs.
In the future PostgreSQL will support something akin to what you are describing, with logical replication / bi-directional replication, but it's pre-alpha quality for now, and is likely to land in PostgreSQL 9.5 at the soonest.

What's the Point of Multiple Redis Databases?

So, I've come to a place where I wanted to segment the data I store in redis into separate databases as I sometimes need to make use of the keys command on one specific kind of data, and wanted to separate it to make that faster.
If I segment into multiple databases, everything is still single threaded, and I still only get to use one core. If I just launch another instance of Redis on the same box, I get to use an extra core. On top of that, I can't name Redis databases, or give them any sort of more logical identifier. So, with all of that said, why/when would I ever want to use multiple Redis databases instead of just spinning up an extra instance of Redis for each extra database I want? And relatedly, why doesn't Redis try to utilize an extra core for each extra database I add? What's the advantage of being single threaded across databases?
You don't want to use multiple databases in a single redis instance. As you noted, multiple instances lets you take advantage of multiple cores. If you use database selection you will have to refactor when upgrading. Monitoring and managing multiple instances is not difficult nor painful.
Indeed, you would get far better metrics on each db by segregation based on instance. Each instance would have stats reflecting that segment of data, which can allow for better tuning and more responsive and accurate monitoring. Use a recent version and separate your data by instance.
As Jonaton said, don't use the keys command. You'll find far better performance if you simply create a key index. Whenever adding a key, add the key name to a set. The keys command is not terribly useful once you scale up since it will take significant time to return.
Let the access pattern determine how to structure your data rather than store it the way you think works and then working around how to access and mince it later. You will see far better performance and find the data consuming code often is much cleaner and simpler.
Regarding single threaded, consider that redis is designed for speed and atomicity. Sure actions modifying data in one db need not wait on another db, but what if that action is saving to the dump file, or processing transactions on slaves? At that point you start getting into the weeds of concurrency programming.
By using multiple instances you turn multi threading complexity into a simpler message passing style system.
In principle, Redis databases on the same instance are no different than schemas in RDBMS database instances.
So, with all of that said, why/when would I ever want to use multiple
Redis databases instead of just spinning up an extra instance of Redis
for each extra database I want?
There's one clear advantage of using redis databases in the same redis instance, and that's management. If you spin up a separate instance for each application, and let's say you've got 3 apps, that's 3 separate redis instances, each of which will likely need a slave for HA in production, so that's 6 total instances. From a management standpoint, this gets messy real quick because you need to monitor all of them, do upgrades/patches, etc. If you don't plan on overloading redis with high I/O, a single instance with a slave is simpler and easier to manage provided it meets your SLA.
Even Salvatore Sanfilippo (creator of Redis) thinks it's a bad idea to use multiple DBs in Redis. See his comment here:
I understand how this can be useful, but unfortunately I consider
Redis multiple database errors my worst decision in Redis design at
all... without any kind of real gain, it makes the internals a lot
more complex. The reality is that databases don't scale well for a
number of reason, like active expire of keys and VM. If the DB
selection can be performed with a string I can see this feature being
used as a scalable O(1) dictionary layer, that instead it is not.
With DB numbers, with a default of a few DBs, we are communication
better what this feature is and how can be used I think. I hope that
at some point we can drop the multiple DBs support at all, but I think
it is probably too late as there is a number of people relying on this
feature for their work.
I don't really know any benefits of having multiple databases on a single instance. I guess it's useful if multiple services use the same database server(s), so you can avoid key collisions.
I would not recommend building around using the KEYS command, since it's O(n) and that doesn't scale well. What are you using it for that you can accomplish in another way? Maybe redis isn't the best match for you if functionality like KEYS is vital.
I think they mention the benefits of a single threaded server in their FAQ, but the main thing is simplicity - you don't have to bother with concurrency in any real way. Every action is blocking, so no two things can alter the database at the same time. Ideally you would have one (or more) instances per core of each server, and use a consistent hashing algorithm (or a proxy) to divide the keys among them. Of course, you'll loose some functionality - piping will only work for things on the same server, sorts become harder etc.
Redis databases can be used in the rare cases of deploying a new version of the application, where the new version requires working with different entities.
I know this question is years old, but there's another reason multiple databases may be useful.
If you use a "cloud Redis" from your favourite cloud provider, you probably have a minimum memory size and will pay for what you allocate. If however your dataset is smaller than that, then you'll be wasting a bit of the allocation, and so wasting a bit of money.
Using databases you could use the same Redis cloud-instance to provide service for (say) dev, UAT and production, or multiple instances of your application, or whatever else - thus using more of the allocated memory and so being a little more cost-effective.
A use-case I'm looking at has several instances of an application which use 200-300K each, yet the minimum allocation on my cloud provider is 1M. We can consolidate 10 instances onto a single Redis without really making a dent in any limits, and so save about 90% of the Redis hosting cost. I appreciate there are limitations and issues with this approach, but thought it worth mentioning.
I am using redis for implementing a blacklist of email addresses , and i have different TTL values for different levels of blacklisting , so having different DBs on same instance helps me a lot .
Using multiple databases in a single instance may be useful in the following scenario:
Different copies of the same database could be used for production, development or testing using real-time data. People may use replica to clone a redis instance to achieve the same purpose. However, the former approach is easier for existing running programs to just select the right database to switch to the intended mode.
Our motivation has not been mentioned above. We use multiple databases because we routinely need to delete a large set of a certain type of data, and FLUSHDB makes that easy. For example, we can clear all cached web pages, using FLUSHDB on database 0, without affecting all of our other use of Redis.
There is some discussion here but I have not found definitive information about the performance of this vs scan and delete:

Erlang ETS tables versus message passing: Optimization concerns?

I'm coming into an existing (game) project whose server component is written entirely in erlang. At times, it can be excruciating to get a piece of data from this system (I'm interested in how many widgets player 56 has) from the process that owns it. Assuming I can find the process that owns the data, I can pass a message to that process and wait for it to pass a message back, but this does not scale well to multiple machines and it kills response time.
I have been considering replacing many of the tasks that exist in this game with a system where information that is frequently accessed by multiple processes would be stored in a protected ets table. The table's owner would do nothing but receive update messages (the player has just spent five widgets) and update the table accordingly. It would catch all exceptions and simply go on to the next update message. Any process that wanted to know if the player had sufficient widgets to buy a fooble would need only to peek at the table. (Yes, I understand that a message might be in the buffer that reduces the number of widgets, but I have that issue under control.)
I'm afraid that my question is less of a question and more of a request for comments. I'll upvote anything that is both helpful and sufficiently explained or referenced.
What are the likely drawbacks of such an implementation? I'm interested in the details of lock contention that I am likely to see in having one-writer-multiple-readers, what sort of problems I'll have distributing this across multiple machines, and especially: input from people who've done this before.
first of all, default ETS behaviour is consistent, as you can see by documentation: Erlang ETS.
It provides atomicity and isolation, also multiple updates/reads if done in the same function (remember that in Erlang a function call is roughly equivalent to a reduction, the unit of measure Erlang scheduler uses to share time between processes, so a multiple function ETS operation could possibly be split in more parts creating a possible race condition).
If you are interested in multiple nodes ETS architecture, maybe you should take a look to mnesia if you want an OOTB multiple nodes concurrency with ETS: Mnesia.
(hint: I'm talking specifically of ram_copies tables, add_table_copy and change_config methods).
That being said, I don't understand the problem with a process (possibly backed up by a not named ets table).
I explain better: the main problem with your project is the first, basic assumption.
It's simple: you don't have a single writing process!
Every time a player takes an object, hits a player and so on, it calls a non side effect free function updating game state, so even if you have a single process managing game state, he must also tells other player clients 'hey, you remember that object there? Just forget it!'; this is why the main problem with many multiplayer games is lag: lag, when networking is not a main issue, is many times due to blocking send/receive routines.
From this point of view, using directly an ETS table, using a persistent table, a process dictionary (BAD!!!) and so on is the same thing, because you have to consider synchronization issues, like in objects oriented programming languages using shared memory (Java, everyone?).
In the end, you should consider just ONE main concern developing your application: consistency.
After a consistent application has been developed, only then you should concern yourself with performance tuning.
Hope it helps!
Note: I've talked about something like a MMORPG server because I thought you were talking about something similar.
An ETS table would not solve your problems in that regard. Your code (that wants to get or set the player widget count) will always run in a process and the data must be copied there.
Whether that is from a process heap or an ETS table makes little difference (that said, reading from ETS is often faster because it's well optimized and doesn't perform any other work than getting and setting data). Especially when getting the data from a remote node. For multple readers ETS is most likely faster since a process would handle the requests sequentially.
What would make a difference however, is if the data is cached on the local node or not. That's where self replicating database systems, such as Mnesia, Riak or CouchDB, comes in. Mnesia is in fact implemented using ETS tables.
As for locking, the latest version of Erlang comes with enhancements to ETS which enable multiple readers to simultaneously read from a table plus one writer that writes. The only locked element is the row being written to (thus better concurrent performance than a normal process, if you expect many simultaneous reads for one data point).
Note however, that all interaction with ETS tables is non-transactional! That means that you cannot rely on writing a value based on a previous read because the value might have changed in the meantime. Mnesia handles that using transactions. You can still use the dirty_* functions in Mneisa to squeeze out near-ETS performance out of most operations, if you know what you're doing.
It sounds like you have a bunch of things that can happen at any time, and you need to aggregate the data in a safe, uniform way. Take a look at the Generic Event behavior. I'd recommend using this to create an event server, and have all these processes share this information via events to your server, at that point you can choose to log it or store it somewhere (like an ETS table). As an aside, ETS tables are not good for peristent data like how many "widgets" a player has - consider Mnesia, or an excellent crash only db like CouchDB. Both of these replicate very well across machines.
You bring up lock contention - you shouldn't have any locks. Messages are processed in a synchronous order as they are received by each process. In fact, the entire point of the message passing semantics built into the language is to avoid shared-state concurrency.
To summarize, normally you communicate with messages, from process to process. This is hairy for you, because you need information from processes scattered all over the place, so my recommendation for you is based of the idea of concentrating all information that is "interesting" outside of the originating processes into a single, real-time source.