Distributed postgresql ID collision handling - sql

Let's imagine we have a distributed table with an ID, CONTENT and TIMESTAMP. The ID is hash(CONTENT) and the CONTENT is deterministic enough to be entered in multiple places in the system, shortly after each other.
Let's say a certain real life event happened. Like someone won the Olympics. Then that goes into this database in a record that always looks the same, except for the timestamp. As each machine observes the event at slightly different delays.
So. As the machines sync this distributed table they will wonder "We have this exact ID already! It's also not an identical row! What should we do!?". I want to give them the answer in the form of:bool compare(row a, row b) or, preferably, row merge(row a, row b).
Does anyone know how to do this? I can only find 'merge' things related to merging two different tables while in fact this is the same table, only distributed.
For me this is pretty essential for making my system 'eventually consistent'. I want to leverage postgresql's distributed database mechanics because they are so reliable, I wouldn't want to rewrite them.

PostgreSQL has no "distributed database" features. You can't rewrite them or avoid rewriting them because they don't exist, and I'm quite curious about where you got your reliability information from.
The closest tihng I can think of is a 3rd party addon called Bucardo, which does multi-master replication with conflict resolution.
It's also possible you were thinking of Postgres-XC, but that project is intended to produce a synchronous, consistent, transparent multi-master cluster, so there'd be no conflict resolution in the first place.
There's also Rubyrep; I don't know enough about it to know if it'd fit your needs.
In the future PostgreSQL will support something akin to what you are describing, with logical replication / bi-directional replication, but it's pre-alpha quality for now, and is likely to land in PostgreSQL 9.5 at the soonest.


Change detection in complex system

This might seem like a fairly specific question but I'm wondering if there is any technology/pattern out there that might help me in a current project. I have a hugely complex database which is updated by multiple systems. I now need to do change tracking on various bits of data that is spread across multiple tables so that I can send it to a third party system.
I've considered a number of options but unfortunately I can't seem to come to any other conclusion than using database triggers. I'm thinking of storing a flag in a table (or queue) to identify the rows that have changed and then building an xml diff containing the changed data to send to a web service. This feels a little dirty so I was wondering if anyone could think of a better alternative.
Depending on the database platform you're using, you might look into Change Data Capture. Since you mention .NET, here's some info about it: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb522489(v=sql.105).aspx
Other database systems may offer something similar.
Another option would be insert/update/delete triggers on the tables, however triggers should be approached carefully as they can cause some significant performance problems if not done right.
And yet another option still would be what you describe - some sort of flag to monitor for changes. A simple CREATED and MODIFIED timestamp fields can go a long way here, as rather than just a bit indicator suggesting that the row may need attention, you'll know when the update happened, and your export process can be programmed accordingly (e.g., select * from table where modified > getdate()-1).

Consistency/Atomicity (or even ACID) properties in multiple SQL/NoSQL databases architecture

I'm rather used to use one database alone (say PostgreSQL or ElasticSearch).
But currently I'm using a mix (PG and ES) in a prototype app and may throw other kind of dbs in the mix (eg: redis).
Say some piece of data need to be persisted to each databases in a different way.
How do you keep a system consistent in the event of a failure on one of the components/databases ?
Example scenario that i'm facing:
Data update on PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch is unavailable.
At this point, the system is inconsistent, as I should have updated both databases.
As I'm using an SQL db, I can simply abort the transaction to put the system in its previous consistent state.
But what is the best way to keep the system consistent ?
Check everytime that the value has been persisted in all databases ?
In case of failure, restore the previous state ? But in some NoSQL databases there is no transaction/ACID mechanism, so I can't revert as easily the previous state.
Additionnaly, if multiple databases must be kept in sync, is there any good practice to have, like adding some kind of "version" metadata (whether a timestamp or an home made incrementing version number) so you can put your databases back in sync ? (Not talking about CouchDB where it is built-in!)
Moreover, the databases are not all updated atomically so some part are inconsistent for a short period. I think it depends on the business of the app but does anyone have some thought about the problem that my occur or the way to fix that ? I guess it must be tough and depends a lot of the configuration (for maybe very few real benefits).
I guess this may be a common architecture issue but I'm having trouble to find information on the subject.
Keep things simple.
Search engine can and will lag behind sometimes. You may fight it. You may embrace it. It's fine, and most of the times its acceptable.
Don't mix the data. If you use Redis for sessions - good. Don't store stuff from database A in B and vice versa.
Select proper database with ACID and strong consistency for your Super Important Business Data™®.
Again, do not mix the data.
Using more than one database technology in one product is a decision one shouldn't make light-hearted. The more technologies you use the more complex your project will become in development, deployment, maintenance and administration. Also, every database technology will become an individual point of failure. That means it is often much wiser to stick to one technology, even when it means that you need to make some compromises.
But when you have good(!) reason to use multiple DBMS, you should try to keep them as separated as possible. Avoid placing related data spanning multiple databases. When possible, no feature should require more than one DBMS to work (preferably a failure of the DBMS would only affect those features which use it). Storing redundant data in two different DBMS should also be avoided.
When you can't avoid redundancies and relationships spanning multiple DBMS, you should decide on one system to be the single source of truth (preferably one which you trust most regarding consistency). When there are inconsistencies between systems, they should be resolved by synchronizing the data with the SSOT.

T-SQL database design and tables

I'd like to hear some opinions or discussion on a matter of database design. Me and my colleagues are developing a complex application in finance industry that is being installed in several countries.
Our contractors wanted us to keep a single application for all the countries so we naturally face the difficulties with different workflows in every one of them and try to make the application adjustable to satisfy various needs.
The issue I've encountered today was a request from the head of the IT department from the contractors side that we keep the database model in terms of tables and columns they consist of.
For examlpe, we got a table with different risks and we needed to add a flag column IsSomething (BIT NOT NULL ...). It fully qualifies to exists within the risk table according to the third normal form, no transitive dependency to the key, a non key value ...
BUT, the guy said that he wants to keep the tables as they are so we had to make a new table "riskinfo" and link the data 1:1 to the new column.
What is your opinion ?
We add columns to our tables that are referenced by a variety of apps all the time.
So long as the applications specifically reference the columns they want to use and you make sure the new fields are either nullable or have a sensible default defined so it doesn't interfere with inserts I don't see any real problem.
That said, if an app does a select * then proceeds to reference the columns by index rather than name you could produce issues in existing code. Personally I have confidence that nothing referencing our database does this because of our coding conventions (That and I suspect the code review process would lynch someone who tried it :P), but if you're not certain then there is at least some small risk to such a change.
In your actual scenario I'd go back to the contractor and give your reasons you don't think the change will cause any problems and ask the rationale behind their choice. Maybe they have some application-specific wisdom behind their suggestion, maybe just paranoia from dealing with other companies that change the database structure in ways that aren't backwards-compatible, or maybe it's just a policy at their company that got rubber-stamped long ago and nobody's challenged. Till you ask you never know.
This question is indeed subjective like what Binary Worrier commented. I do not have an answer nor any suggestion. Just sharing my 2 cents.
Do you know the rationale for those decisions? Sometimes good designs are compromised for the sake of not breaking currently working applications or simply for the fact that too much has been done based on the previous one. It could also be many other non-technical reasons.
Very often, the programming community is unreasonably concerned about the ripple effect that results from redefining tables. Usually, this is a result of failure to understand data independence, and failure to guard the data independence of their operations on the data. Occasionally, the original database designer is at fault.
Most object oriented programmers understand encapsulation better than I do. But these same experts typically don't understand squat about data independence. And anyone who has learned how to operate on an SQL database, but never learned the concept of data independence is dangerously ignorant. The superficial aspects of data independence can be learned in about five minutes. But to really learn it takes time and effort.
Other responders have mentioned queries that use "select *". A select with a wildcard is more data dependent than the same select that lists the names of all the columns in the table. This is just one example among dozens.
The thing is, both data independence and encapsulation pursue the same goal: containing the unintended consequences of a change in the model.
Here's how to keep your IT chief happy. Define a new table with a new name that contains all the columns from the old table, and also all the additional columns that are now necessary. Create a view, with the same name as the old table, that contains precisely the same columns, and in the same order, that the old table had. Typically, this view will show all the rows in the old table, and the old PK will still guarantee uniqueness.
Once in a while, this will fail to meet all of the IT chief's needs. And if the IT chief is really saying "I don't understand databases; so don't change anything" then you are up the creek until the IT chief changes or gets changed.

Storing multiple choice values in database

Say I offer user to check off languages she speaks and store it in a db. Important side note, I will not search db for any of those values, as I will have some separate search engine for search.
Now, the obvious way of storing these values is to create a table like
UserID nvarchar(50),
LookupLanguageID int
but the site will be high load and we are trying to eliminate any overhead where possible, so in order to avoid joins with main member table when showing results on UI, I was thinking of storing languages for a user in the main table, having them comma separated, like "12,34,65"
Again, I don't search for them so I don't worry about having to do fulltext index on that column.
I don't really see any problems with this solution, but am I overlooking anything?
You don't search for them now
Data is useless to anything but this one situation
No data integrity (eg no FK)
You still have to change to "English,German" etc for display
"Give me all users who speak x" = FAIL
The list is actually a presentation issue
It's your system, though, and I look forward to answering the inevitable "help" questions later...
You might not be missing anything now, but when you're requirements change you might regret that decision. You should store it normalized like your first instinct suggested. That's the correct approach.
What you're suggesting is a classic premature optimization. You don't know yet whether that join will be a bottleneck, and so you don't know whether you're actually buying any performance improvement. Wait until you can profile the thing, and then you'll know whether that piece needs to be optimized.
If it does, I would consider a materialized view, or some other approach that pre-computes the answer using the normalized data to a cache that is not considered the book of record.
More generally, there are a lot of possible optimizations that could be done, if necessary, without compromising your design in the way you suggest.
This type of storage has almost ALWAYS come back to haunt me. For one, you are not even in first normal form. For another, some manager or the other will definitely come back and say.. "hey, now that we store this, can you write me a report on... "
I would suggest going with a normalized design. Put it in a separate table.
You lose join capability (obviously).
You have to reparse the list on each page load / post back. Which results in more code client side.
You lose all pretenses of trying to keep database integrity. Just imagine if you decide to REMOVE a language later on... What's the sql going to be to fix all of your user profiles?
Assuming your various profile options are stored in a lookup table in the DB, you still have to run "30 queries" per profile page. If they aren't then you have to code deploy for each little change. bad, very bad.
Basing a design decision on something that "won't happen" is an absolute recipe for failure. Sure, the business people said they won't ever do that... Until they think of a reason they absolutely must do it. Today. Which will be promptly after you finish coding this.
As I stated in a comment, 30 queries for a low use page is nothing. Don't sweat it, and definitely don't optimize unless you know for darn sure it's necessary. Guess how many queries SO does for it's profile page?
I generally stay away at the solution you described, you asking for troubles when you store relational data in such fashion.
As alternative solution:
You could store as one bitmasked integer, for example:
0 - No selection
1 - English
2 - Spanish
4 - German
8 - French
16 - Russian
--and so on powers of 2
So if someone selected English and Russian the value would be 17, and you could easily query the values with Bitwise operators.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
EDIT: Apparently the context of my observation has been misconstrued by some - and hence the downvotes. So I will clarify.
Denormalizing your model to make things easier and/or 'more performant' - such as creating concatenated columns to represent business information (as in the OP case) - is what I refer to as a "premature optimization".
While there may be some extreme edge cases where there is no other way to get the necessary performance necessary for a particular problem domain - one should rarely assume this is the case. In general, such premature optimizations cause long-term grief because they are hard to undo - changing your data model once it is in production takes a lot more effort than when it initially deployed.
When designing a database, developers (and DBAs) should apply standard practices like normalization to ensure that their data model expresses the business information being collected and managed. I don't believe that proper use of data normalization is an "optimization" - it is a necessary practice. In my opinion, data modelers should always be on the lookout for models that could be restructured to (at least) third normal form (3NF).
If you're not querying against them, you don't lose anything by storing them in a form like your initial plan.
If you are, then storing them in the comma-delimited format will come back to haunt you, and I doubt that any speed savings would be significant, especially when you factor in the work required to translate them back.
You seem to be extremely worried about adding in a few extra lookup table joins. In my experience, the time it takes to actually transmit the HTML response and have the browser render it far exceed a few extra table joins. Especially if you are using indexes for your primary and foreign keys (as you should be). It's like you are planning a multi-day cross-country trip and you are worried about 1 extra 10 minute bathroom stop.
The lack of long-term flexibility and data integrity are not worth it for such a small optimization (which may not be necessary or even noticeable).
As stated very well in the above few posts.
If you want a contrary view to this debate, look at wordpress. Tables are chocked full of delimited data, and it's a great, simple platform.

(hard question) how can I store specific rows of a table in a different sql server?

I have a bit of an architecture problem here. Say I have two tables, Teacher and Student, both of them on separate servers. Since this tables share a lot of data and functionality, I would like to use this inheritance scheme and create a People table; however, I would need tho keep the Teacher table and the People records relating Teacher in one server, and the Student table and the People records relating Student in another server. This was a requirement made by the lead developer, since we have too many (and I mean too many) records for Teacher and Student, and a single database containing all of the People would collapse. Moreover, the clients NEED to have them on separate servers (sigh*).
I would really like to implement the inheritance scheme, since a lot of the funcionality could be shared among the databases. Is there any possible way to do this? any other architecture that may suit this type of problem? I'm I just crazy?
--- EDIT ---
Ok, I don't really have Teachers and Students per se, I just used those names to simplify my explanation. Truth is, there are about 9 sub-tables that would inherit the super table, all of them in separate servers for separate applications, and no, I don't have this type of database, but we have pretty low end servers for the amount of transactions we have ;). You're right, my statements are a bit exagerated and I apologize for that, it was just to make you guys answer faster (sorry :P). The different servers are more of a business restriction than anything else (although the lead developer DID say that a common database to store the SuperTable would collapse under it's own weight -his words, not mine :S). Our clients don't like their information mixed with other clients information, so we must have their information on different servers -pretty stupid, but the decision-makers have spoken :(.
Under what assumption did you determine that you have too much data? I'm pretty sure you could list every teacher and student in the world, and not cause SQL Server any grief.
This seems like an arbitrary decision that is going to have significant impact on the complexity of any solution you design.
Take a look here - I'm sure you don't measure your database in anything close to the scale represented on this page, and many of these db's are running on SQL Server.
I don't know for sure if this is possible with SQL Server specifically, but it smells like something that could be solved with clustering and tablespace partitioning.
What I wonder about is whether this is really a good requirement; it introduces a lot of technical complexity based on a pretty simple assertion that there's just too much data. Have you attempted to verify this? A simple test would be to create a simple schema and populate it with dummy data for the number of rows you expect in production. It would probably be in your best interest to perform this test before you go too far down the road to implement this 'requirement'.
By the way, the type of schema you linked to is an example of the class table inheritance pattern.
It would be possible for you to implement a domain model for this project where the common attributes of Teacher and Student are described by a Person interface or base class which the common operations are written against. If you plan to use stored procedures extensively, this might not be a useful option, but it's something to consider.
I think Paul is correct - perhaps look at your hardware infrastructure rather than your DB schema.
Using clustering, proper indexing, and possibly a data archive scheme should solve any performance problems. The inheritance scheme seems to be the best data model.
It is possible to split the data over multiple servers and keep the scheme, but I think you'd definitely have more performance problems than if you looked at clustering/proper indexing. By setting up linked servers you can do cross-server queries.
e.g. Students query
FROM SERVER_A.People.dbo.Persons P
INNER JOIN SERVER_B.People.dbo.Students S
ON P.PersonID = S.PersonID
--EDIT-- As Paul said, you could perform your database separation in your abstraction layer.
E.g. have your Student class extend your Person class. In your Person class constructor, have it connect to Server A to populate whichever fields are available. In your student class constructor, have it connect to Server B (the Person attributes will already be populated by the Person constructor).
I'm with Aaron here (sup Aaron). Move the tables into a single database. SQL Server can easily handle billions of rows per table (I've done it on SQL 2000 6-7 years ago, so modern versions and modern hardware are no problem). As long as your tables are indexed correctly There probably haven't been enough students in all of time at every school in the world to overload SQL Server much less at a single school.
In this case your best practice would be to put the tables in the same database, on the same server and index them for better performance.
Too many records cause 'database collapse'? What kind of pot is that lead developer smoking? Potent stuff!
I would recommend you guys study partitioned tables first. Making an application distributed (which really the two server approach implies) is much much harder than you think and it does not provide scalability.
Yep, I'd have to agree with the others here, and single database, single server is just fine. It is far easier and cheaper to scale up your hardware currently to support the workload than it will be to scale out to federated servers. I only know of one place that does federated servers and their workload is phenomenal.
link the servers and create a view
FROM server.database.owner.Teachers
FROM server.database.owner.Students
What kind of client are you using? If you're using a Java client, and are using ORM, you may want to look into Hibernate Shards.
Besides all the good answers here that the assumptions behind the question are highly questionable, if I needed to do this seriously (and if I take the assumptions as true) I would compare what Oracle had to offer, because it is in this type of scenario that it shows a benefit (I say this from experience).
But on the core question, assuming that the assumptions you outline are true, I would not try to have a combined table. If teachers and students can't be in the same database, it is unlikely that their identifying information can, and if the amount of data is overwhelming, then putting it all in one table is worse.
What I suspect is that if the underlying assumptions are true it is because there is an anticipation of a lot of contention on the tables and a lot of connections and activity on the tables, causing a lot of locks. In that case, adding a Person table will make things worse.
All that being said, if you still really wanted to do it, then you can reference one database from another in queries, via linked databases.
But if the real issues is number of connections and contention and deadlocks around the tables, such a solution would make things worse.
EDIT: In response to those who question what advantage Oracle would bring to such a situation, one would be in the federated database area, where it is much more mature. Another would be in tables where you have a high amount of contention, it makes copies of the data in certain situations, and in general its model is more sophisticated when it comes to handling contention. For example scenarios where tables are read in longer running queries, causing a lot of potential read locks. Oracle helps you keep transactional integrity without having to lock on read. In MS-SQL, you have to resort to dirty reads.
MS-SQL is a fine database, but it has its limits (raw amounts of data without any particular parameters about volume of reads and writes is not really one of them, though, which makes the question strange). And given the stiff competition, the non-Enterprise version of Oracle is really close enough in price to be worth a look. It could end up costing you a lot later.
Of course, if you already purchased an MS-SQL license, the cost factor is larger for Oracle, so the benifits have to be more obvious.