Maxscript in any jetbrais IDE? - ide

there is currently maxscript programming support inside sublime text.
I was wondering bacause now the syntax highlighting and everything alreay exists for maxscript, how to go about it to make maxscript a supported programming language inside other ide's or editors?
The jetbrains applications comes to mind first (webstorm etc.)
or even inside open online IDE's like Ace of Codemirror.
Because that would be great.
Does anyone knows if that is at all possible, and how to do that?

None of JetBrains IDEs provide support for maxscript:(, and I'm not aware of any custom plugins for this language.
If all you need is a basic syntax highlighting, you can either try searching for MaxSript textmate bundles (see Is it possible to get Ruby syntax highlighting in PHPStorm?) or register your own file type, defining a syntax highlighting for it (
If none of these options look suitable for you, try developing your own language plugins - see

I would recommend Microsoft Visual Studio Code with MaxScript syntax plugin. The syntax highlighting and overall coding experience is close to perfect.
Example of MaxScript syntax highlighting you may see here:


an objc syntax highlighting library that supports multiple language?

I come from the ruby and python worlds where we have many libraries that can syntax highlight arbitrary code from many languages. I am looking for something similar in the objc ecosystem, but i can't seem to find such, is there one available?
The equivalent libraries in Ruby would be CodeRay and Pygments for Python,
thanks in advance!
I myself have searched for a long time for a nice and robust Cocoa Syntax Highlighter, and since I'm currently building a code-oriented text editor myself, that would be a major part of the project.
So, I found out that there are plenty of Objective-C/Cocoa -friendly Syntax Highlighting libraries/components. For a starter (for something relatively basic, that is), I would suggest you have a look at :
OkudaKit (using CSS for styling)
UKSyntaxColoredTextDocument by Uli Kusterer (pretty nice try)
However, if you really need something POWERFUL, well-tested and still Cocoa-friendly, I would definitely suggest you to try the Scintilla component (for Cocoa). The code is great, and the community (at Scintilla-Interest Group) will gladly help you iron out any issues you may encounter.
In a few words :
I'm currently using on an about-to-be-release big project and it's working beautifully for me.
Scintilla is a free library that provides text-editing functions, with
an emphasis on advanced features for source code editing. SciTE
(cross-platform), Geany, Notepad++ (Windows), and Notepad2 (Windows)
are examples of standalone editors based on Scintilla.
Scintilla Editing Component in use (SciTe)
Scintilla supports many features to make code editing easier in
addition to syntax highlighting. The highlighting method allows the
use of different fonts, colors, styles and background colors, and is
not limited to fixed-width fonts. The control supports error
indicators, line numbering in the margin, as well as line markers such
as code breakpoints. Other features such as code folding and
autocompletion can be added.
Download Scintilla (the Cocoa support has been integrated in the main project) :
Example project (integrating Scintilla with Cocoa) :
For complete documentation, have a look at : Scintilla
Fragaria may be useful for future reference.

How to implement content assist / syntax highlighting?

I'd like to create an IDE for a language and I'm wondering how to implement some features. In particular syntax highlighting and content assist are troubling as they must work even when editor content is not valid (when user is typing syntax hightlight should not disappear just because parser fails).
I am wondering how to approach this problem (and others as well). I've found this: How does code completion work? with a description of a solution to this problem, but it's rather brief.
I can come up with a way to implement all features I want at some point, but I'm not the first one and someone has done it already ;) (and reading source code of Eclipse is not that easy)
So, my real question is there a book discussing problems related with creating IDE? A detailed article discussing how to parse invalid code? Any source of information I should see?
Ah, and by IDE I don't mean a new application, just a set of plugins for eclipse.
The following link will help you further..
Syntax Highlighting:Fast Colored TextBox for Syntax Highlighting
an OpenSource IDE:SharpDevelop
an eBook How to create IDE:[Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop]

Editing in netbeans

My work dropped a program in my lap that I need to modify. Die vb. Die.
Anyway, I work in Netbeans and can't find a module that will allow for syntax highlighting of vb. Is there a creative solution out there for this that doesn't involve using a different IDE?
Thanks guys.
As mentioned in the accepted answer to this question, there is a tutorial for setting up custom syntax highlighting in Netbeans here (direct link to tutorial instead of link to FAQ provided in linked question).
I think you might well find that it's less hassle to just install Visual Studio than to set up Netbeans to highlight VB.Net syntax, but that's up to you. Good luck.

Visual C++ 2008 syntax highlighting

I am writing a C++-CLI library in VS 2008, it highlights only the keywords. I would like to have highlighting for CLR types and the types that I define as well. Tried Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors doesnt seem to work. Can someone let me know how to do it in VS without using any plugin (happy to use if the plugin is free).
You cannot get this out of Visual Studio. Its syntax highlighting is based on lexical analysis. Which detects simple programming elements, keyword, identifier, comment, number, string literal, preprocessor directive, etc. Selectively highlighting identifiers is a much harder problem, it requires parsing the text.
Not only is that slow, affecting the text rendering speed, it is also very difficult to do since the text is almost always in an un-parsable state as you're editing the code. The universal plug-in for the C++ IDE is Visual Assist from Whole Tomato. But it certainly isn't free, these kind of add-ons never are. No idea to what degree they support C++/CLI, you'd have to try with the trial download.

SQL code editor with syntax highlighing, auto-formatting and code folding

Is there any SQL editor that supports syntax highlighting, automatic code formatting and code folding? I found this, but it's an Eclipse plugin (I'm a NetBeans user), and cannot automatically format code, which is the most important feature I'm after.
Autocompletion is not important, nor is the possibility of running the code (like the SQL editor in NetBeans).
Edit: I'm sorry for not specifying, I'm looking for Linux or even web-based software.
SQuirreL ticks a lot of your boxes, and has formatting and other plugins and runs on Linux
I'd give it a try at least
Programmers Notepad is a nice little application.
Online SQL Formater
Use VIM.
See this link on how to set it up:
Take a look at QweryBuilder. It supports syntax highlighting, automatic code formatting, code folding and auto completion.