I want to extract the value of a variable from different file in velocity template - velocity

I have a "header.vm", in which I have a variable named "tableHeight" and I want to use the value of this "tableHeight" variable in different .vm file.
I am able to extract the value in "header.vm" using below codes:
#set ($resultGroup = $resultFields.getChild("field-group"))
#set ($tableHeight = $resultGroup.getAttribute("tableHeight").getValue())
and in another file I am using:
and trying to use "tableHeight" but its not having the value

You should use #include instead of #parse directive in your case, because you want to parse the tableHeight inside your file. See include vs parse:
The #include directive allows the template designer to import a local file. Its contents replace the #include directive in the template. These contents are inserted as-is, they are not rendered through the template engine.
The #parse directive works similar to #include, but the contents of the file will be part of the template rendering process and all VTL elements in the file will be evaluted.


Current file path in Live Template

Is it possible to get the full path of the current file within a live template in IntelliJ? I've tried using groovyScript("new File('.').absolutePath") function, but that returns /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app/Contents/bin/. and not the file path as I was hoping for.
According to the docs (emphasis mine):
You can use groovyScript macro with multiple arguments. The first argument is a script text that is executed or a path to the file that contains a script. The next arguments are bound to _1, _2, _3, ..._n variables that are available inside your script. Also, _editor variable is available inside the script. This variable is bound to the current editor.
The _editor is an instance of EditorImpl which holds a reference to the VirtualFile that represents the currently opened file.
Therefore, the following script gets the full path of currently opened file.
Or if you want to get the path relative to the project's root:
groovyScript("_editor.getVirtualFile().getPath().replace(_editor.getProject().getBaseDir().getPath(), \"\")")
Since IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 the Live Template macros filePath() and fileRelativePath() are available. A complicated Groovy script macro is no longer required.

LESS: generate different CSSs for different theme (color variation)

I would like to manage creation of different "theme" for my site, using LESS.
My idea is to generate different compiled .css files, using each time a specific variable.less that is imported by root file.
Here a simple example:
1) I have 2 different color scheme in 2 distinct files: variable1.less and variable2.less.
2) A file style.less should have an #import rule like "#import variableX.less" and obviously this 'X' should change assuming values '1' and '2'.
3) Compiler should then generate style1.css and style2.css, each based on relative variable1.less and variable2.less.
How to obtain this?
You need to flip your import directions.
The style.less file should not import any variables.
Instead, each variableN.less file should import style.less after defining all of its variables.
These files will then each compile to a full set of rules based on their variable values.

How does one load some variables at runtime in Photoshop Script?

I have about 200 folders with X images in each of them.
I have a master script in the root folder that does some stuff to the images.
Each folder has some variables specific to it and its contents.
I want my master script, when it parses folder Y, load some sort of a config file from within folder Y to get those variables, then when folder Z is to be parsed, load the config file from that one.
I know of #include "config.jsx" that I use at the moment to load it but its at the beginning of the script, I need something dynamic and doesn't need to be a jsx at all.
I store all my parameters in xml format and read that in using the XML objects in extendscript. As long as your parameters file is always named something like 'config.xml' it is easily located.
var file = new File( /c/folder/file.xml );
var str = file.read();
var xml = new XML(str);

Difference between #import header file with <filename> and "filename" [duplicate]

I'm wondering what decides whether you're allowed to use <Header.h> or "Header.h" when you're importing files in Objective-C. So far my observation has been that you use the quote marks "" for files in your project that you've got the implementation source to, and angle brackets <> when you're referencing a library or framework.
But how exactly does that work? What would I have to do to get my own classes to use the brackets? Right now Xcode will not allow me to do that for my own headers.
Also, by looking in some frameworks headers, I see that the headers reference each other with <frameworkname/file.h>. How does that work? It looks a lot like packages in Java, but as far as I know, there is no such thing as a package in Objective-C.
Objective-C has this in common with C/C++; the quoted form is for "local" includes of files (you need to specify the relative path from the current file, e.g. #include "headers/my_header.h"), while the angle-bracket form is for "global" includes -- those found somewhere on the include path passed to the compiler (e.g. #include <math.h>).
So to have your own headers use < > not " " you need to pass either the relative or the absolute path for your header directory to the compiler. See "How to add a global include path for Xcode" for info on how to do that in Xcode.
See this MSDN page for more info.
In C, the convention is that header files in <> bracket are searched in 'system' directories and "" in user or local directories.
The definition of system and local is a bit vague, I guess. I believe it looks in system directories in include path or in CPPFLAGS for <header.h>, and local directory or directory specified with -I to compiler are searched for "header.h" files.
I assume it works similarly for Objective-C.
To import your own classes using "< >" you have to put the header files (*.h) in the lib folder of compiler or set a SYSTEM VARIABLES ponting to your lib folder.
#import <> vs ""
<Name.h> - Angle brackets tells to preprocessor to search in a special pre-designated system's directories. For example you import systems headers like <UIKit/UIKit.h> or added frameworks
"Name.h" - Quotation marks tells to preprocessor to search in a current directory. If a header was not found the preprocessor try to use <Name.h>. Usually you should use it with your project's files
Just stumbled upon the same problem, there are 2 types of search paths is Xcode:
User Header Search Paths
Header Search Paths
If you add your own include folders into Header Search Paths, you can use angled brackets without any problem.
Or set Always Search User Path to YES so you can use angle brackets.
With angle brackets e.g. <Foundation/Foundation.h> you import system files.
You use double quotes "Person.h" to import local files (files that you created) and to tell the compiler where to look for them.
If this is an Xcode project and you want to include it in a framework, have the header file you want to included open. Then, open Xcode's rightmost tab and under "Target Membership", click on the framework you want your file to available from.
e.g. If your framework is AlphaTools and your header, AceHeader, then you'll select AlphaTools on Target Membership so you can access < AlphaTools/AceHeader.h
Header files contain definitions of functions and variables which can be incorporated into any C program by using the pre-processor #include statement. Standard header files are provided with each compiler, and cover a range of areas, string handling, mathematical, data conversion, printing and reading of variables.
Ex- #include it contain the information about input like scanf(),and out put like printf() function and etc in a compiler.
It is a pre-processor that process before process of main function.
The main work of pre-processor is to initialize the environment of program i.e that is the program with the header file.
(Header file) A header file is a file with extension .h which contains C function declarations and macro definitions and to be shared between several source files.
Q) There are two types of header files: the files that the programmer writes and the files that come with your compiler ?
A)In a angular brackets
Angular-bracket form is for "global" includes -- those found somewhere on the include path passed to the compiler (e.g. #include)
It is used for using of library function which is all ready define in compiler.
In C the convention is that header files in <> bracket are searched in 'system' directories 
B) Quote marks:- “header.h”
quoted form is for "local" includes of files (you need to specify the relative path from the current file, e.g. #include "headers/my_header.h")
In C the convention is that header files in " " are searched in user or local directories.
In it one file to be included in another .(FILE INCLUSION).
It can be used in two cases:
Case 1: If we have a very large program, the code is best divided int several different files,each containing a set of related functions.
Case 2: There are some functions and micros definitions that we need at most in all programs that we write.

#import using angle brackets < > and quote marks " "

I'm wondering what decides whether you're allowed to use <Header.h> or "Header.h" when you're importing files in Objective-C. So far my observation has been that you use the quote marks "" for files in your project that you've got the implementation source to, and angle brackets <> when you're referencing a library or framework.
But how exactly does that work? What would I have to do to get my own classes to use the brackets? Right now Xcode will not allow me to do that for my own headers.
Also, by looking in some frameworks headers, I see that the headers reference each other with <frameworkname/file.h>. How does that work? It looks a lot like packages in Java, but as far as I know, there is no such thing as a package in Objective-C.
Objective-C has this in common with C/C++; the quoted form is for "local" includes of files (you need to specify the relative path from the current file, e.g. #include "headers/my_header.h"), while the angle-bracket form is for "global" includes -- those found somewhere on the include path passed to the compiler (e.g. #include <math.h>).
So to have your own headers use < > not " " you need to pass either the relative or the absolute path for your header directory to the compiler. See "How to add a global include path for Xcode" for info on how to do that in Xcode.
See this MSDN page for more info.
In C, the convention is that header files in <> bracket are searched in 'system' directories and "" in user or local directories.
The definition of system and local is a bit vague, I guess. I believe it looks in system directories in include path or in CPPFLAGS for <header.h>, and local directory or directory specified with -I to compiler are searched for "header.h" files.
I assume it works similarly for Objective-C.
To import your own classes using "< >" you have to put the header files (*.h) in the lib folder of compiler or set a SYSTEM VARIABLES ponting to your lib folder.
#import <> vs ""
<Name.h> - Angle brackets tells to preprocessor to search in a special pre-designated system's directories. For example you import systems headers like <UIKit/UIKit.h> or added frameworks
"Name.h" - Quotation marks tells to preprocessor to search in a current directory. If a header was not found the preprocessor try to use <Name.h>. Usually you should use it with your project's files
Just stumbled upon the same problem, there are 2 types of search paths is Xcode:
User Header Search Paths
Header Search Paths
If you add your own include folders into Header Search Paths, you can use angled brackets without any problem.
Or set Always Search User Path to YES so you can use angle brackets.
With angle brackets e.g. <Foundation/Foundation.h> you import system files.
You use double quotes "Person.h" to import local files (files that you created) and to tell the compiler where to look for them.
If this is an Xcode project and you want to include it in a framework, have the header file you want to included open. Then, open Xcode's rightmost tab and under "Target Membership", click on the framework you want your file to available from.
e.g. If your framework is AlphaTools and your header, AceHeader, then you'll select AlphaTools on Target Membership so you can access < AlphaTools/AceHeader.h
Header files contain definitions of functions and variables which can be incorporated into any C program by using the pre-processor #include statement. Standard header files are provided with each compiler, and cover a range of areas, string handling, mathematical, data conversion, printing and reading of variables.
Ex- #include it contain the information about input like scanf(),and out put like printf() function and etc in a compiler.
It is a pre-processor that process before process of main function.
The main work of pre-processor is to initialize the environment of program i.e that is the program with the header file.
(Header file) A header file is a file with extension .h which contains C function declarations and macro definitions and to be shared between several source files.
Q) There are two types of header files: the files that the programmer writes and the files that come with your compiler ?
A)In a angular brackets
Angular-bracket form is for "global" includes -- those found somewhere on the include path passed to the compiler (e.g. #include)
It is used for using of library function which is all ready define in compiler.
In C the convention is that header files in <> bracket are searched in 'system' directories 
B) Quote marks:- “header.h”
quoted form is for "local" includes of files (you need to specify the relative path from the current file, e.g. #include "headers/my_header.h")
In C the convention is that header files in " " are searched in user or local directories.
In it one file to be included in another .(FILE INCLUSION).
It can be used in two cases:
Case 1: If we have a very large program, the code is best divided int several different files,each containing a set of related functions.
Case 2: There are some functions and micros definitions that we need at most in all programs that we write.