sql server export data tier application - sql

I am working on SQL Server 2012 and 2014, I want to generate database's .bacpac file through Export data-tier application wizard we can generate the file and import on another server.
Is it possible to generate the .bacpac from Tsql (SQL query) syntax?

You can't do this from T-SQL as it is not a SQL function performing this operation, you can do this either from powershell or the wizard in SSMS:
Extract a DAC From a Database
Or you you can use the command line based SqlPackage.exe:


How to export database from mysqlworkbench to sql server

I designed a schema in Mysql Workbench, I want to get a script from Mysql Workbench and use it in sql server
I could transfer the database from mysql workbench to sql server using database converter which was very helpful.
I used https://www.spectralcore.com/fullconvert/ to do the conversion

Export files from image data type in sql server 2008

How can I export my attachments from image data type in sql server 2008 without using xp_cmdshell? , I have researched myself and found solutions with xp_cmdhell or SSIS or .net or something, isn't there any way to just do it from sql server alone?
have done exports from BLOB datatype in oracle easliy , is it not possible in sql server 2008?
Please help

SQL Server 2005, export table into inserts query

I'm not able to find in SQL Server 2005 the utility that phpmyadmin has for exporting tables.
I need a way to dump all info a table contains in a query with all the instert into in it.
How can I do that with SQL Server 2005?
Use the Database publishing wizard tool you can find it under the SQL Server install directory

How can I export the schema of my sql server 2008 to another computer?

I have created a database on Sql Server 2008 and I want to export the schema (I don't need the data) to another computer?
You can generate script to script out your schema to a sql file and then execute that in another server, right click on the database in management studio, select Task-> Generate Scripts

Importing ODBC database to MS SQL 2005

How do I get a database from ODBC data source to SQL Server 2005? Can I use SQL Managment Studio Express for this?
Yes. Right-click on your database and go to Tasks: Import Data.
It used to be called DTS, but every SQL Server 2005/2008 comes with something called SSIS that is used to import and export data. You can import data into a database from any source, including flat text file, or .xls spreadsheet.