How can I export the schema of my sql server 2008 to another computer? - sql

I have created a database on Sql Server 2008 and I want to export the schema (I don't need the data) to another computer?

You can generate script to script out your schema to a sql file and then execute that in another server, right click on the database in management studio, select Task-> Generate Scripts


sql server export data tier application

I am working on SQL Server 2012 and 2014, I want to generate database's .bacpac file through Export data-tier application wizard we can generate the file and import on another server.
Is it possible to generate the .bacpac from Tsql (SQL query) syntax?
You can't do this from T-SQL as it is not a SQL function performing this operation, you can do this either from powershell or the wizard in SSMS:
Extract a DAC From a Database
Or you you can use the command line based SqlPackage.exe:

How to restore a SQL Backup .bak file on a different (new) server? SQL 2012

I remember myself restoring a db on linux side. I used mysql dump and before I could restore this backup on the other server I had to create a DB with the same name.
Now I am going to switch the server on windows side using SQL 2012. I am backupping many SQL DB's and call them for now db1.bak , db2.bak...
When I now want to restore them on the new server, do I need to create a "structure" first with the same DB names or can I simply restore my DB's with the restore command one by one.
Is there anything else I should prepare? Thanks
A SQL Server database backup contains the structure and the data, so if you have run a full backup on one SQL Server 2012 server, you can restore this onto another SQL Server 2012 + server instance without having to create an empty database first.

SQL Server 2005, export table into inserts query

I'm not able to find in SQL Server 2005 the utility that phpmyadmin has for exporting tables.
I need a way to dump all info a table contains in a query with all the instert into in it.
How can I do that with SQL Server 2005?
Use the Database publishing wizard tool you can find it under the SQL Server install directory

Importing ODBC database to MS SQL 2005

How do I get a database from ODBC data source to SQL Server 2005? Can I use SQL Managment Studio Express for this?
Yes. Right-click on your database and go to Tasks: Import Data.
It used to be called DTS, but every SQL Server 2005/2008 comes with something called SSIS that is used to import and export data. You can import data into a database from any source, including flat text file, or .xls spreadsheet.

SQL Server 2005 - Export table programmatically (run a .sql file to rebuild it)

I have a database with a table Customers that have some data
I have another database in the office that everything is the same, but my table Customers is empty
How can I create a sql file in SQL Server 2005 (T-SQL) that takes everything on the table Customers from the first database, creates a, let's say, buildcustomers.sql, I zip that file, copy it across the network, execute it in my SQL Server and voila! my table Customers is full
How can I do the same for a whole database?
This functionality is already built in to Sql Server Management Studio 2008.
Just download the trial and only install the client tools (which shouldn't expire). Use Management Studio 2008 to connect to your 2005 database (its backwards compatible).
Right click your database
Choose Tasks > Generate Scripts
Press Next, select your database again
On the 'Choose Script Options' screen, there is an option called Script Data which will generate SQL insert statements for all your data.
(Note: for SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2, the option is called "Types of data to script" and is the last one in the General section. The choices are "data only", "schema and data", and "schema only")
Use bcp (from the command line) to a networked file and then restore it.
bcp "SELECT * FROM CustomerTable" queryout "c:\temp\CustomerTable.bcp"
bcp TargetDatabaseTable in "c:\temp\CustomerTable.bcp" -N -S TARGETSERVERNAME -T
-N use native types
-T use the trusted connection
-S ServerName
Very quick and easy to embed within code. (I've built a database backup(restore) system around this very command.
You can check the following article to see how you can do this by using both SQL Server native tools and the third party tools: SQL Server bulk copy and bulk import and export techniques
Disclaimer: I work for ApexSQL as a Support Engineer
Hope this helps
You could always export the data from the Customers table to an Excel file and import that data into your Customers table.
To import/export data:
Right click on database
Go to Tasks
Go to Import Data or Export Data
Change the data source to Microsoft Excel
Follow the wizard
If both databases resides in the same instance of SQL Server, ie use same connection, this SQL might be helpful:
INSERT INTO [DestinationDB].[schema].[table] ([column])
SELECT [column] FROM [OriginDB].[schema].[table]
For Data Expoer as SQL script in SQL server 2005,
I just like to add some screen shoots for Sql Server Management Studio 2008. It is correct to use the steps describe previously. When you have the 'Generate and Publish Script' -> 'Set Script Options' then press Advance to see script options:
![Where to find Advanced script options]: image missing because I do not have the right reputation :(
For Sql Server Management Studio 2008 the option to included data is 'Types of data to script'
![Types of data to script]: image missing because I do not have the right reputation :(