how to come my site first in google search? - seo

i have a site when i search 'fb2magic' in google, my site is at 5th page. how to move it to first.
i am added 'fb2magic' in title, meta discription, meta keyword etc.
<title>see the magic of fb | Fb2magic</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="fb2magic, footballer in you, football, facebook2magic, facebook to magic, magic facebook application, facebook application,Facebook Magic App World " />
<meta name="description" content="fb2magic is a group of magic applications. Here you can see the magic of facebook. Use our facebook magic applications. its very interesting.">

Fb2magic is your brand anchor text.
Use the word in the following sections to get that ranked into top 1 very easily:
Use the word f2bmagic as anchor text in the home page
Should be presented in the homepage at least thrice
Place it in the first word of Meta title.
Include the word in the H1 tag, partial relevant tag in the H2, 35% relevant tag in the H3.
Social signals
Local business listings in the name Fb2magic
Few forum accounts and blogs. (Keep the back link anchor Fb2magic)

You need t optimize your homepage better.
Title Tag should not be longer than 164 characters in length
Meta Description Tag should not be shorter than 125 characters in length
Google doesn't give any value to Meta Keywords
Have more on-page content on your homepage (as of now you have very less content on homepage).
BackLink your homepage from you social (facebook|twitter) profile pages


Incorrect title with link in google crawler

Recently I found a problem in my website, when I search a movie name in my site I found two link with the same title.
Second search result has following problems:
The link refers to "shahrzad" movie
You find "mad max" movie name in the url
You find "abad o yek rooz" movie name in the title
These data are about three different pages. I got confused what's going on here.
Recently I found some other link like this in google search
Wrong URL that google show
Correct URL that google show
Check head of your html page, maybe you use canonical tag in a wrong way, for example if you set another url to href attribute, you will have some serious SEO problem:
<link rel="canonical" href="<some_url>" />
For more information read this link.

Meta Tags not shown in Search Engine

I've added complete tags in the home page. But When I tried to find website on search engine it shows brand name only.
Meta Description is appearing correctly in search engine but instead of showing Meta title it shows Brand name.
Please share your feedback so that I can add accurately.
Meta tags are important part of SEO, but not the primary factors.
When you say they do not show, i believe you are talking specific tags, such as keyword tag, in such case please not that keyword tag is not anymore a factor in SEO for search engines such as Google, for Meta Title, your page title will show first that is also because the meta title has also been deprecated.
Use your meta tags for description and social graph, that's the most you will need in meta for SEO.

SEO - Submitting Search results page URLs of the website with parameters ... Good or duplicate content?

I have 100 dance classes offered by different people on the page
Each page only lists 20, so you navigate through 5 pages to see "ALL" the dance classes.
(with a Title, some content describing the results that are displayed on the page and then the results. Results are "ALL DANCE CLASSES" targeting keywords like "Dance classes")
user searches for dance classes for kids/adults from google
(with a different title, results that are may/maynot have been on the /dance-classes page, results are for "ALL DANCE CLASSES FOR KIDS")
(with a different title, results that are may/maynot have been on the /dance-classes page, results are for "ALL DANCE CLASSES FOR ADULTS")
Duplicate content?
I want google to index all three URLs as they specifically aim at different sets of keywords. So, rel=canonical is not an option.
This blog by Matt Cutts talks about something relevant to my case. Should i be worried?
Your is not friendly for SEO. It would be better to change your URLs to this type: ,
Or you can use jQuery and anchor text.
For example: ,
In the first type, you can set a focus keyword for any page, but I don't know about jQuery and anchor text.

Can meta tag description be declared dynamically in a web page

I have a dynamic page, where the contents and title will change based on the parameters in the URL. I want the same to be done for meta tag description. As I don't have a sound knowledge of SEO, I don't know whether it will be valid or not.
Say suppose URL contains word "test"
I will do,
if("test" is present)
<meta decription="test"/>
<meta decription="test1"/>
Can I do this? Does giving two meta tag descriptions for same page work.
It is best practice to have different, on the page content based values of the title element and the meta description for each web page. It is not forbidden by the the HTML5 specification to have multiple <meta name="description" content="YOUR DESCRIPTION"> elements but I would guess that search engines process only the first appearance of the element. So my recommendation would be use one <meta name="description" content="YOUR DESCRIPTION"> element for each page.
As long as you code it server-side (eg in PHP) when the page is generated rather than client-side (javascript) after the page has loaded, then it will be fine. That's how most CMS systems work already.
Done server-side, only one of the description tags will actually appear in the code Google see.
Done client-side, it is likely that they will see no description at all as I don't think many search engines render javascript.

Is There any way to change the snippet created by google indexed results?

Is There any way so that i change the snippet created by google indexing,so that it Drives more Traffic,Making it more Relavent which i can show to the users
Google will choose your search results snippets from the following places (not necessarily in this order):
The page's Meta Description tag
The page's Open Directory Project (ODP) Listing
Page content relevant to the search query
If you do not want Google to use the ODP listing's description then you can tell them not to do so with the following Meta tag:
<meta name="robots" content="NOODP">
If you want to encourage Google to use your Meta Description tag then make sure it is unique to each page. Also make sure it contains an accurate description of the page's content.
In thew absence of an ODP description and Meta Description tag, Google will use a portion of the page's text as the description. This text will contain the closest matches to the search query. I have not seen any official limit to how long this can be but a couple of sentences seems about right.
On a related note, if you don't want a snippet to be shown with a particular page you can use the following Meta tag to prevent one from being shown:
<meta name="robots" content="nosnippet">
See this blog post for Google's tips on using the meta description tag.
According to this site, "The meta description should typically be at most 145 to 150 characters in length as these are the maximum number of characters typically displayed at Yahoo! and Google, respectively."