Explain how this SELECT WHERE subquery works? - sql

Here's the query:
SELECT ID, Name, EventTime, State
FROM mytable as mm Where EventTime IN
(Select MAX(EventTime) from mytable mt where mt.id=mm.id)
Here is the fiddle:
It comes from this S.O. question:
Select distinct rows whilst grouping by max value
I would like to hear in plain english how it works. I'm missing some fundamental understanding of part of it.
I don't really understand what the aliases are doing in the mt.id=mm.id part. It selects rows where the id is equal to the id?

The mt.id=mm.id part makes it a correlated subquery, hence the subquery is re-evaluated for each ID.
The query, then, selects the most recent event for each ID.

It is basically translated into "Get me the data for each id with maximum EventTime associated with."
You can also rewrite the code as
SELECT t1.ID, t1.Name, t1.EventTime, t1.State FROM mytable as t1
inner join
select id,max(EventTime) as EventTime from mytable group by id
) as t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.EventTime=t2.EventTime


Correlated subquery - Group by in inner query and rewrite to window function

I am looking at this query:
select ID, date1
from table1 as t1
where date2 = (select max(date2)
from table1 as t2
where t1.ID = t2.ID
group by t2.ID)
First of all I don't think the Group by is necessary. Am I right? Second is it generally more efficint to rewrite this as a window function?
Does this look right?
select ID, date1
from (select ID, date1, row_number() over(partition by ID) as row_num,
max(date2) over(partition by ID) as max_date
from table1)
where row_num = 1;
First of all I don't think the Group by is necessary. Am I right?
You are correct. That's a scalar subquery anyway: group by doesn't change the result since we are filtering on a single ID. Not using group by makes the intent clearer in my opinion.
The window function solution does not need max() - the filtering is sufficient, but the window function needs an order by clause (and the derived table needs an alias). So:
select ID, date1
from (
select ID, date1, row_number() over(partition by ID order by date1 desc) as row_num
from table1
) t1
where row_num = 1;
That's not exactly the same thing as the first query, because it does not allow ties, while the first query does. Use rank() if you want the exact same logic.
Which query performs better highly depends on your data and structure. The correlated subquery would take advantage of an index on (id, date2). Both solutions are canonical approaches to the problem, and you would probably need to test both solutions against your data to see which one is better in your context.

How to use to functions - MAX(smthng) and after COUNT(MAX(smthng)

I don't understand why I can't use this in my code :
FROM SomeTable;
Searched for an answer but didn't find it in documentation about these aggregate functions.
Also I get an SQL-compiler error "Invalid column name "SMTHNG"".
You want to know what the maximum SMTHNG in the table is with:
This is an aggregation without GROUP BY and hence results in one single row containing the maximum SMTHNG.
Now you also want to know how often this SMTHNG occurs and you add COUNT(MAX(SMTHNG)). This, however, does not work, because you can not aggregate an aggregate directly.
This doesn't work either:
SELECT ANY_VALUE(max_smthng), COUNT(*)
FROM (SELECT MAX(smthng) AS max_smthng FROM sometable) t;
because the sub query only contains one row, so it's too late to count.
So, either use a sub query and select from the table again:
FROM sometable
WHERE smthng = (SELECT MAX(smthng) FROM sometable);
Or count per SMTHNG before looking for the maximum. Here is how to get the counts:
SELECT smthng, COUNT(*)
FROM sometable
GROUP BY smthng;
And the easiest way to get the maximum from this result is:
SELECT TOP(1) smthng, COUNT(*)
FROM sometable
GROUP BY smthng
First of all, please read my comment.
Depending on what you're trying to achieve, the statement have to be changed.
If you want to count the highest values in SMTHNG field, you may try this:
FROM SomeTable
) T2 ON T1.SMTHNG = T2.A
use cte like below or subquery
with cte as
select count(*) as cnt ,col from table_name
group by col
) select max(cnt) from cte
you can not use double aggregate function at a time on same column

SQLite how to get same groups by id?

I have a question about query. Here is my table:
I get id by onClick method and I want result like this. For example if id is 2 get all rows who has same group.
You can use a subquery:
select t.*
from mytable t
where t.group = (select t2.group from mytable t2 where t2.id = 2);
Note that group is a really bad name for a column, because it is a SQL keyword. It is fine for illustration.

Use value of a field from a table dynamically in the 'where' clause of a HQL query?

Can one filter a table dynamically with a 'where' clause acting on a value of a field from another table under some other conditions such that it is made sure only one row is returned? Can I do something like this?
WHERE t1.name==SELECT name FROM (
SELECT name, row_number() over (PARTITION BY name) AS rn
FROM stud t2) t3
WHERE t3.rn==1;
Of course, the above query is just a dummy one, but is filtering on where clause like above possible theoretically? If not how could one achieve such a functionality in the cases of more complex queries?
Yes. Query can be made like this:
WHERE t1.name = (SELECT name
from sometable
where somecondition);
but you need to make sure that the subquery return zero or one row. If your query may return more than one row, you can use IN instead:
WHERE t1.name IN (SELECT name
from sometable
where somecondition);

Implement FIRST() in select and not in WHERE

I want to get first value in a field in Oracle when another corresponding field has max value.
Normally, we would do this using a query and a subquery. The subquery ordering by a field and the outer query with where rownum<=1.
But, I cannot do this because the table aliases persist only one level deep and this query is a part of another big query and I need to use some aliases from the outermost query.
Here's the query structure
select a --This should get first value of a after b's are sorted desc
select a,b from table1 where table1.ID=t2.ID order by b desc
where rownum<=1
) as "A",
table2 t2
Now this is not gonna work because alias t2 wont be available at innermost query.
Real world analogy that comes to my mind is I have a table containing records for all employees of a company, their salaries(including past salaries) and the date from which the salary was effective. So, for each employee, there will multiple records. Now, I want to get latest salaries for all the employees.
With SQL server, I could have used SELECT TOP. But that's not available with Oracle and since where clauses execute before order by, I cannot use where rownum<=1 and order by in same query and expect correct results.
How do I do this?
Using your analogy of employees and their salaries, if I understand what you are trying to do, you could do something like this (haven't tested):
SELECT employee_id,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY employee_id ORDER BY effective_date DESC) rowno
FROM employees
WHERE rowno=1
I would much rather see you connect the subquery up with a JOIN instead of embedding it in the SELECT. Cleaner SQL. Then you can use the windowing function that roartechs suggests.
Select t2.whatever, t1.a
From table2 t2
Inner Join (
Select tfirst.ID, tfirst.a
From (
Select ID, a,
ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition BY ID ORDER BY b DESC) rownumber
FROM table1
) tfirst
WHERE tfirst.rownumber=1
) t1 on t2.ID=t1.ID