AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions not working/recognized in build -

I am trying to ensure that the .dll.config file generated in a reference project is pulled into the parent project's /bin directory during a build. I've read here and here about using the AllowedReferenceReleatedFileExtension setting in the parent project's .vbproj file, but I'm getting a warning:
The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions' in namespace ''
the property group I added to the end of the .vbproj file looks like this:
I'm a little out of my depth with .net builds, so I'm not sure where to start trying to resolve this warning. There are a few other similar warnings in the .vbproj file that don't seem to be causing any problems, but running the build after I added this section didn't actually copy the reference project's .dll.config file over.
Any ideas?

According to this answer (which worked for me), it seems you need to add a semi colon after each extension.
Not sure if that is mandatory

Set the build output verbosity to Detailed and see where the dependencies are being copied from. It is possible that your target dll is referenced indirectly from multiple projects and it is being copied from the project that does not have the AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions set.
In the build output search for:
Dependency "your target dll"
Resolved file path is "path where the target dll is being copied from"
P.S.: "Target dll" means the dll whose .dll.config is required to be copied to the referencing project's output folder.

Did you try to use MSBuild instead of add tags manually?
MSBuild.exe MyProject.csproj /t:build "/p:AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions=.pdb;.xml;.dll.config"


MSBuild output in subfolder for each targetframework when using OutDir

When using the new SDK style csproj format, it is possible to use a <targetframeworks> element for a semicolon-separated list of target frameworks to build the project for.
This results in one subfolder per target framework in the build output folder:
However, when passing the OutDir property on the msbuild command line, it does NOT create the subfolders, and the built assemblies are all placed in the same folder.
Command line that works, but doesn't allow output location:
msbuild projectfile.csproj
Command line that selects output directory, but places built assemblies in same folder (effectively overwriting the target framework assemblies that are built first):
msbuild projectfile.csproj /p:OutDir=buildtemp
Is there a way to place the build output in a non-default folder while still retaining the targetframwork subfolders?
The property that is now used is OutputPath, however setting it from the CLI makes it a global property and overrules the automatic appending of the output path. The workaround is to make an intermediate property that is global and consume it from the project.
Add this to your project file inside a PropertyGroup:
Then you can set this property globally when calling the build command:
martin.ullrich#martins-imac:~/tmp$ dotnet build /p:BaseOutputPath=bin/foo
tmp -> /Users/martin.ullrich/tmp/bin/foo/netstandard1.4/tmp.dll
tmp -> /Users/martin.ullrich/tmp/bin/foo/netstandard1.6/tmp.dll
The problem here is that the SDK tries to change the OutputPath property based on TargetFramework and AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath. But if the value is specified via CLI, the project logic cannot overwrite it.
Also note that BaseOutputPath is actually used in the SDK defaults (defaulted to bin\), but it will try to append the configuration name by default..

Binary files copied to a wrong folder on build

Recent libgit2sharp Nuget uses a new Nuget feature that allows you to include a piece of a build script in your NuGet. The purpose it to copy a native dll to a subfolder of the bin folder, like that:
<None Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\..\..\lib\net40\NativeBinaries\amd64\git2-e0902fb.dll">
Now, it was all nice and beautiful locally, but when I deployed it to AppHarbor, the native dlls appeared in the /bin folder (in addition to the target subfolder), which caused my app to fail.
The problem lies in the _CopyWebApplicationLegacy target, which does not execute locally (it's run only if you have a non-default output dir), thus I don't have this problem on my dev machine. Namely, it executes the following piece of code:
<!-- Copy items that have been marked to be copied to the bin folder -->
<Copy SourceFiles="#(_SourceItemsToCopyToOutputDirectory)"
You can see that the target folder is always /bin -- I believe it's a bug in the Microsoft.WebApplication.targets file (I can't control it on the target machine).
Is there a simple fix, or should I revert to a script in the PostBuild event (which I'll have to update with each new version)?
As mentioned here:
the way AppHarbor is building your project, it's triggering the old _CopyWebApplicationLegacy target, and that is basically broken. It messes up all files that are using the Copy to Output Directory property by putting them directly into the output directory instead of respecting the relative folder structure. It also doesn't run any web.config transforms you may have.
You can make your project use the newer _CopyWebApplication target instead by adding the following to your project file:
The thing I'm not sure about is if AppHarbor has some reason why they wouldn't want you to use the newer copy target instead of the old broken one.

Invoke Custom MSBuild Target on Solution File

I have a solution file (MySolution.sln) with a single project in it (MyProject.vcxproj). I would like to execute a custom target (MyCustomTarget) on my project through the solution. It would look something like this:
msbuild MySolution.sln /t:MyCustomTarget
When I execute the command, I'll get an error message:
MySolution.sln.metaproj : error MSB4057: The target "MyCustomTarget" does not exist in the project. [MySolution.sln]
You can replace MyCustomTarget with any standard targets from Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.targets (e.g.: ClCompile, Link) or any other target of your choice you include from .targets files in MyProject.vcxproj. None of them would work.
When the environment variable msbuildemitsolution is set to 1, I can inspect the generated MySolution.sln.metaproj file. At the bottom 4 targets are specified: Build, Rebuild, Clean, and Publish. Using these targets instead of MyCustomTarget, the project builds ok. Also, if I specify the project file instead of the solution file, it builds too:
msbuild MyProject.vcxproj /t:MyCustomTarget
But using this format, I will lose the OutDir property, manually have to set the Configuration and Platform, so I just lose the benefits of having a solution file.
Is there any way I can use my custom target with the solution file I originally intended?
As far as I understand the problem is that msbuild generates this intermediate project file (mysolution.sln.metproj) but that will won have the imports from MyProject.vcxproj, including the .targets files. No wonder MyCustomTarget is not recognized.
My current workaround is using the project file with msbuild and trying not to miss anything from the solution file:
msbuild MyProject.vcxproj /t:MyCustomTarget /p:Configuration=MyConfig;Platform=MyPlatform;OutDir=MySolution\Platform_MyConfig\
But this is not a proper solution, inflexible, prone to error and does not automatically adapt changes in the solution file.
MSBuild 15 now raises custom targets automatically into the solution metaproj so your initial approach of running the target directly on the solution is now supposed to work.
I think you already answered your question. The answer is NO. There is no target called "MyCustomTarget" inside the .sln.metaproj file, so MSBuild gives you that error message.
Now, to resolve your problem with passing extra parameters on command line. Passing platform and configuration won't be required, if you set defaults in your .vcxproj file. Add this somewhere in your project file, before any of the standard target files are imported:
<Platform Condition="'$(Platform)'==''">MyPlatform</Platform>
<Configuration Condition="'$(Configuration)'==''">MyConfiguration</Configuration>
Configuring OutDir, which is shared across all projects in solution can be done like this. I will assume your solution is structured so that .sln file is in root folder, and all projects are in sub-folders (arbitrarily deep) under the root, or in the same folder as the solution. If this is not the case, you will have to tweak the code a little to adjust to your situation.
Right after you defined Platform and Configuration in your project, add this property group:
<OutDir Condition="'$(OutDir)'==''">$(RootFolder)\$(Platform)_$(Configuration)</OutDir>
The code above follows your convention of setting OutDir to MySolution\MyPlatform_MyConfiguration.
The downside of all this approach is that you have to manually modify all projects in your solution. However it will give you lots of flexibility in the future. For example, any common settings shared across all projects, could be extracted into single .props file that you can <Import> into every project, so changes to configuration could be done in one place.
In order to use the custom target that exists in your project file while building using the solution file, use the following format:
msbuild MySolution.sln /t:MyProject:MyCustomTarget
Note that if the project is in a sub folder (solution folder) you need to add the folder name:
msbuild MySolution.sln /t:src\MyProject:MyCustomTarget
and if the project name contains spaces or dots they are replaced with underscores.

The OutputPath property is not set for project

Building my Jenkins/MSBuild solution gives me this error
c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(483,9): error :
The OutputPath property is not set for project '<projectname>.csproj'. Please check to
make sure that you have specified a valid combination of Configuration and Platform
for this project. Configuration='Latest' Platform='AnyCPU'. You may be seeing this
message because you are trying to build a project without a solution file, and have
specified a non-default Configuration or Platform that doesn't exist for this project.
Any ideas?
I have this in my .csproj file
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Latest|AnyCPU'">
I have figured out how it works (without changing sln/csproj properties in VS2013/2015).
if you want to build .sln file:
/p:ConfigurationPlatforms=Release /p:Platform="Any CPU"
if you want to build .csproj file:
/p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=AnyCPU
notice the "Any CPU" vs AnyCPU
check the code analysis, fxcop, test coverage(NCover) targets, as well as the MSBUILD should be located properly. In my case its:
but it can be different as you can see microsoft has given 6 cmd options to build code base::AMD (with cross plt, x86 & x64 options) and Windows(cross, x86, x64) and that also when code development happened with default JIT (it can be PreJIT ngen.exe, econoJIT)
I think more than this troubleshooting can be handle using power shell + msbuild. May be helpful for someone ...
Open up your csproj in a text editor and see if you have a property group section, should look something like this:
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Latest|AnyCPU' ">
Do you have a 'Latest' build configuration? If not add the above section to the csproj.
As mentioned by perlyking, rather than editing the csproj XML The following worked for me. Here are the steps I used.
Open the Project Properties.
Select the Build Tab.
Under the Output section, Check that an output path is set. (if not set one, save the project and it should work).
If it is set, click on the "Browse..." button of the output path.
When the folder selection dialog opens, Navigate up one level in the
file browser and then re-select the output folder and click
the "Select Folder" button.
Save the project properties and it should work.
To add to what #James said, I found that if I looked at the project Compile properties in VS2013, the Build Output Path was specified. But when I examined the .csproj file directly, the OutputPath element was missing for the relevant build configuration. So in VS I simply made and reversed a minor edit to the output path, saved it, and that kicked the value into the project file, and I was then able to build.
I was using MSBuild to build multiple .sln files, and had added a new step to build a .csproj file as well, when I encountered this error.
#Saurabh's answer highlighted the root of the problem. However, when fixing it, adding /p:Platform=AnyCPU to the MSBuild Arguments section didn't fix it. I actually needed to update the Platform value on the build step.
All other build steps were using the $(BuildPlatform) variable value (which happened to be "any cpu", with a space in it).
(Had I been building multiple .csproj files, I probably would have created a second variable for the AnyCPU platform.)
For me the answer was to fix all the projects in Build > Configuration Manager.
If you have some projects where the name or platform does not match the solution configuration, you should change it so they all match.
I was running into this issue while updating an older project with additional project configurations for per-environment config transforms.
It turns out that when the project configurations were added to the csproj file, they were inserted after an Import element which caused the issue.
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'ProjectName.Dev|AnyCPU'">
Moving the Import element after all the PropertyGroup definitions fixed the problem for me.
Relevant similar case:
I got this error only when I was publishing my web project. I had mistakenly selected the wrong build configuration when setting up the publish profile.
I had same issue. I have updated my windows platform by using command line. Currently i got updated to windows#5.0.0 version. Then you need to search for file name "SQLite3.UWP.vcxproj". Try to change "v141" to "v140". Currently I am using Visual Studio 2015 professional. If it's Visual Studio 2017, then there is no need to change version in SQLite3.UWP.vcxproj file.
In my case this error happened because the output folder included a dot to make it relative to the current directory. The problem was solved by removing the dot.
The offending Build output path was:
The problem was solved by changing it to
The build output path can be found in the Build tab of the project properties, and there is a different path for each combination of Configuration and Platform.
Just had the issue for some service fabric stuff in MSBuild.
First step was right clicking each affected project and pulling up their Properties, selecting the Build tab, then setting the platform target to x64.
Second step was to go into the configuration manager and set each project to also use x64 for Debug and Release.
This was for a VS2017 project.
I had the same problem on a few projects. After adding a new configuration to the projects, the PropertyGroup was added at the very end of the Project file.
Moving the PropertyGroup to right after all the other configurations PropertyGroup fixed the issue.
I hope this helps.
I had this witha slightly unusual SLN/CSPROJ file arrangement:
I had project files:
A.csproj, with configurations "Dev" and "Production"
B.csproj, with configurations "Dev" and "Production"
C.csproj, a "common" library used by both A and B with configurations "Dev" and "Production"
And I had SLN files:
AC.sln, with configuration "Production" - this is used by jenkins to build project A and the common library
BC.sln, with configuration "Production" - this is used by jenkins to build project B and the common library
ABC.sln, with configuration "Dev" - this is used by developers in VS to write new code without having to keep opening different solutions (this answer is a simplified view of a 55-project solution)
I'd made an edit to the common library and introduced a dependency on project A. AC.sln would still build in jenkins but BC.sln gave an error saying:
The OutputPath property is not set for project 'A.csproj'. Please check to
make sure that you have specified a valid combination of Configuration and Platform
for this project. Configuration='Debug' Platform='AnyCPU'.
It was initially puzzling because we don't even have a Debug config anywhere in any project; find in files for Debug| turned up 0 hits
ABC.sln that the human developers use in VS would also build fine. Building BC.sln gave an error that A.dll wasn't found
When the circular irresolvable problem of C depending on A was removed, everything started working again
This error is misleading and can be caused by a different issue. Check the entire message:
The OutputPath property is not set for project 'myproject'. Please check to make sure that you have specified a valid combination of Configuration and Platform for this project. Configuration='myconfig' Platform='AnyCPU'. This error may also appear if some other project is trying to follow a project-to-project reference to this project, this project has been unloaded or is not included in the solution, and the referencing project does not build using the same or an equivalent Configuration or Platform.
My build configuration was missing this node in the csproj:
Despite saying AnyCPU was the selected Platform in the dropdown, the actual xml was not there. Adding it fixed the mismatch between the project and the other project it was referencing.
The OutputPath property is not set for project error message will appear if a Platform environment variable exists (as seems to happen on HP laptops) and the target of MSBuild contains a reference to another Visual Studio project.
After renaming the Platform environment variable my build now works.
It seems the parameter /p:Platform="Any CPU" gets applied to the target solution but doesn't 'carryover' to referenced projects. In my instance, the error message indicated referenced projects were using the environment variable Platform=MCD.
I had two project configs, Debug and Release. When the Release build was used, it was throwing this error. The issue I found was that in the csproj file, the Debug config was near the top and the Release config was all the way at the bottom.
Manually moving the Release build just below the Debug build fixed it.
I'm assuming I did something incorrectly when setting up my build configurations because this doesn't feel like something I should have had to manually adjust.
Edit the properties of the project:
Make sure "Configuration Properties->General->Output Directory" is not blank. Note, it's not called OutputPath here. You can probably copy the value from Intermediate Directory.
I encountered the same problems when build TheXTech ( recently. And finally I found it is a cmake -A issue. The correct arch for 64 bit on windows is x64, not Win64.
For some more reference, see,
Go to Solution properties and change the configuration to Any CPU or X64 or X86, and if build is checked uncheck that for what you are getting error for. By default, project build that for build configuration in solution and throw error as mentioned when building the project.

How do I set input path for binaries in WIX project to MSBuild output path on TFS?

I want MSBuild to build WIX 3.5 project containing static files and binaries from another project's output folder. While with static files it all works just fine: I just set Source attribute of File element to "..\AnotherProject\Static\StaticFile.ext", I can't reference binaries, because they aren't in "..\AnotherProject\bin\Release\" folder, they're in MSBuild output folder which I don't know how to reference.
The only way to do so is set some variable in .wixproj file in for Release build configuration and then use it, but it seems wrong. What do I miss?
You want "bind paths". The documentation isn't great about this but you can specify BindInputPaths on the Light MSBuild Task. Any File/#Source or #SourceFile that starts with "SourceDir\" or is a relative path (doesn't start with an "X:\" or "\") will be searched in those bind paths. You can use MSBuild variables to get the BindInputPaths set correctly.
Tried $(var.Web.TargetDir) - working.