How do I set input path for binaries in WIX project to MSBuild output path on TFS? - msbuild

I want MSBuild to build WIX 3.5 project containing static files and binaries from another project's output folder. While with static files it all works just fine: I just set Source attribute of File element to "..\AnotherProject\Static\StaticFile.ext", I can't reference binaries, because they aren't in "..\AnotherProject\bin\Release\" folder, they're in MSBuild output folder which I don't know how to reference.
The only way to do so is set some variable in .wixproj file in for Release build configuration and then use it, but it seems wrong. What do I miss?

You want "bind paths". The documentation isn't great about this but you can specify BindInputPaths on the Light MSBuild Task. Any File/#Source or #SourceFile that starts with "SourceDir\" or is a relative path (doesn't start with an "X:\" or "\") will be searched in those bind paths. You can use MSBuild variables to get the BindInputPaths set correctly.

Tried $(var.Web.TargetDir) - working.


MSBuild output in subfolder for each targetframework when using OutDir

When using the new SDK style csproj format, it is possible to use a <targetframeworks> element for a semicolon-separated list of target frameworks to build the project for.
This results in one subfolder per target framework in the build output folder:
However, when passing the OutDir property on the msbuild command line, it does NOT create the subfolders, and the built assemblies are all placed in the same folder.
Command line that works, but doesn't allow output location:
msbuild projectfile.csproj
Command line that selects output directory, but places built assemblies in same folder (effectively overwriting the target framework assemblies that are built first):
msbuild projectfile.csproj /p:OutDir=buildtemp
Is there a way to place the build output in a non-default folder while still retaining the targetframwork subfolders?
The property that is now used is OutputPath, however setting it from the CLI makes it a global property and overrules the automatic appending of the output path. The workaround is to make an intermediate property that is global and consume it from the project.
Add this to your project file inside a PropertyGroup:
Then you can set this property globally when calling the build command:
martin.ullrich#martins-imac:~/tmp$ dotnet build /p:BaseOutputPath=bin/foo
tmp -> /Users/martin.ullrich/tmp/bin/foo/netstandard1.4/tmp.dll
tmp -> /Users/martin.ullrich/tmp/bin/foo/netstandard1.6/tmp.dll
The problem here is that the SDK tries to change the OutputPath property based on TargetFramework and AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath. But if the value is specified via CLI, the project logic cannot overwrite it.
Also note that BaseOutputPath is actually used in the SDK defaults (defaulted to bin\), but it will try to append the configuration name by default..

AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions not working/recognized in build

I am trying to ensure that the .dll.config file generated in a reference project is pulled into the parent project's /bin directory during a build. I've read here and here about using the AllowedReferenceReleatedFileExtension setting in the parent project's .vbproj file, but I'm getting a warning:
The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions' in namespace ''
the property group I added to the end of the .vbproj file looks like this:
I'm a little out of my depth with .net builds, so I'm not sure where to start trying to resolve this warning. There are a few other similar warnings in the .vbproj file that don't seem to be causing any problems, but running the build after I added this section didn't actually copy the reference project's .dll.config file over.
Any ideas?
According to this answer (which worked for me), it seems you need to add a semi colon after each extension.
Not sure if that is mandatory
Set the build output verbosity to Detailed and see where the dependencies are being copied from. It is possible that your target dll is referenced indirectly from multiple projects and it is being copied from the project that does not have the AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions set.
In the build output search for:
Dependency "your target dll"
Resolved file path is "path where the target dll is being copied from"
P.S.: "Target dll" means the dll whose .dll.config is required to be copied to the referencing project's output folder.
Did you try to use MSBuild instead of add tags manually?
MSBuild.exe MyProject.csproj /t:build "/p:AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions=.pdb;.xml;.dll.config"

Invoke Custom MSBuild Target on Solution File

I have a solution file (MySolution.sln) with a single project in it (MyProject.vcxproj). I would like to execute a custom target (MyCustomTarget) on my project through the solution. It would look something like this:
msbuild MySolution.sln /t:MyCustomTarget
When I execute the command, I'll get an error message:
MySolution.sln.metaproj : error MSB4057: The target "MyCustomTarget" does not exist in the project. [MySolution.sln]
You can replace MyCustomTarget with any standard targets from Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.targets (e.g.: ClCompile, Link) or any other target of your choice you include from .targets files in MyProject.vcxproj. None of them would work.
When the environment variable msbuildemitsolution is set to 1, I can inspect the generated MySolution.sln.metaproj file. At the bottom 4 targets are specified: Build, Rebuild, Clean, and Publish. Using these targets instead of MyCustomTarget, the project builds ok. Also, if I specify the project file instead of the solution file, it builds too:
msbuild MyProject.vcxproj /t:MyCustomTarget
But using this format, I will lose the OutDir property, manually have to set the Configuration and Platform, so I just lose the benefits of having a solution file.
Is there any way I can use my custom target with the solution file I originally intended?
As far as I understand the problem is that msbuild generates this intermediate project file (mysolution.sln.metproj) but that will won have the imports from MyProject.vcxproj, including the .targets files. No wonder MyCustomTarget is not recognized.
My current workaround is using the project file with msbuild and trying not to miss anything from the solution file:
msbuild MyProject.vcxproj /t:MyCustomTarget /p:Configuration=MyConfig;Platform=MyPlatform;OutDir=MySolution\Platform_MyConfig\
But this is not a proper solution, inflexible, prone to error and does not automatically adapt changes in the solution file.
MSBuild 15 now raises custom targets automatically into the solution metaproj so your initial approach of running the target directly on the solution is now supposed to work.
I think you already answered your question. The answer is NO. There is no target called "MyCustomTarget" inside the .sln.metaproj file, so MSBuild gives you that error message.
Now, to resolve your problem with passing extra parameters on command line. Passing platform and configuration won't be required, if you set defaults in your .vcxproj file. Add this somewhere in your project file, before any of the standard target files are imported:
<Platform Condition="'$(Platform)'==''">MyPlatform</Platform>
<Configuration Condition="'$(Configuration)'==''">MyConfiguration</Configuration>
Configuring OutDir, which is shared across all projects in solution can be done like this. I will assume your solution is structured so that .sln file is in root folder, and all projects are in sub-folders (arbitrarily deep) under the root, or in the same folder as the solution. If this is not the case, you will have to tweak the code a little to adjust to your situation.
Right after you defined Platform and Configuration in your project, add this property group:
<OutDir Condition="'$(OutDir)'==''">$(RootFolder)\$(Platform)_$(Configuration)</OutDir>
The code above follows your convention of setting OutDir to MySolution\MyPlatform_MyConfiguration.
The downside of all this approach is that you have to manually modify all projects in your solution. However it will give you lots of flexibility in the future. For example, any common settings shared across all projects, could be extracted into single .props file that you can <Import> into every project, so changes to configuration could be done in one place.
In order to use the custom target that exists in your project file while building using the solution file, use the following format:
msbuild MySolution.sln /t:MyProject:MyCustomTarget
Note that if the project is in a sub folder (solution folder) you need to add the folder name:
msbuild MySolution.sln /t:src\MyProject:MyCustomTarget
and if the project name contains spaces or dots they are replaced with underscores.

Simple Question on CruiseControl.Net and MSBuild

I have had my first successful build using CC.Net + MSBuild on legacy project. Only took 8 hours.
My newb question is: Where is the output?
My ArtifactDirectory is empty. Where did everything go?
Did you specify the ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MSBuild.dll logger in the msbuild-task? Did you have the xmllogger publisher?
What are you looking for : the results/logs that goes into the dashboard and mail or the website/dll/program you built?
Could you post your project configuration?
The website/dll you built are located in the outDir you specified in your msbuild task. If you didn't override either the OutDir or the OutputPath property (in your msbuild task or msbuild build script) your website should be located in the WebProject\bin\Release (or Debug)_PublishedWebsites and your dlls should be located in every Project_dir\bin\Release (or Debug).
If you want a common output you need to specify it by overriding OutputPath or BaseOutputPath (see here ).
If your source projects don't compile to custom folders, the code will be located wherever the source was pulled down to on the build box. As Benjamin stated, this will be the workingDirectory specified in the msbuild task.
If you didn't specify a working directory, I believe puts code in:
C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\[Project Name]\WorkingDirectory

msbuild: when in the build project is Microsoft.VisualBasic.Targets 'imported' by msbuild?

Here's my situation: I'm trying to understand how msbuild works by looking at the build files located in the .NET framework install path:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5>dir /s/b microsoft*
I'm assuming that msbuild starts with Microsoft.Common.Targets, and then at some point in the future msbuild 'looks' at my vb project file extension (.vbproj) and loads 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.targets'.
two questions:
1) Is my interpetation correct?
2) can you explain to me, where is the code that determines that this is a .vbproj file, and loads 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.targets' accordingly? Is the code locked away in an assembly somewhere, or is it visible in the build files listed above?
It "starts" with your .vbproj file. Take a look at that file, it will <Import> the Microsoft.VisualBasic.targets, which in turn will <Import> Microsoft.Common.targets.
In 4.0, which is currently available in Beta, there is a /preprocess switch which will make this all clear.