Validate if my app is runnin in my phone or PC - air

I am developing an application whit Adobe Air and i want to know if my application is running in My PC or some PHONE.
The next var Shows Windows in my PC and Android in my Phoe
var sistema:String = Capabilities.os;
There are some effective way of knowing if it runs on PC or Phone ?


This app is not available for your phone because it requires front facing camera

We have developed an app using Xamarin Forms which targets iOS, Android and Windows Phone. We are using camera feature to take/select photos to be uploaded to the app and the feature works well on all three mentioned platforms.
We have some users facing issues on few windows devices. When a user tries to download the app from Windows App Store, they receive following error:
"This app is not available for your phone because it requires front facing cameraā€¯
I have attached screen shot showing the error for reference. The screen shot is taken from Nokia Lumia 635. Our finding that this device has only back camera, no front camera and we believe this might be the reason for above mentioned issue.
Ideally, users should not get this error as this device has back camera and they still can get the photos.
Is this a known issue in windows phone world?
Can this be fixed from code, device permissions?
Is this a device specific problem?
Any ideas?

Windows Mobile 10 showing scheduled notification without correct app name and icon

I developed a Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 application and before the Windows 10 update everything was working fine.
On Windows 10 Mobile whenever I receive a notification (sent using ScheduledToastNotification and the ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(scheduledToast) method) it shows an error image instead of the app icon and a weird title instead of the app name as you can see in the screenshot below.
What should I do to fix it?

Can we automate windows based mobile app in selenium

i want to automate mobile based app. using selenium webdriver.
Can it be possible as it is possible for iOS and Android.
Please suggest
yes its possible
1.Obtain and install Windows Phone 8 SDK
2.You will need ISETool.exe which is a part of Windows Phone SDK and installed as its part
3.If you want to automate Windows Phone emulator, not a physical device - then you'll need
Windows Phone 8 emulator image, which can be obtained from Windows Phone SDK, or a Windows
Phone device.
4.Download our driver and unpack it anywhere on your local disk
5.Deploy WindowsPhoneDriver.xap to the phone! If you use emulator, just run StartWindowsPhoneDriver.cmd
and it will do everything for you, and prints the IP address/port to the console
(for example, ""). It will also set system environment variable
6.Use it from your code with RemoteWebDriver!
for more info click here

How to implement differenet titles in marketplace and device

I created application and want that name of application in Windows Phone Marketplace will be another that on device.
How can I do it?
The App Manifest Designer will allow you to change the name of your app with how it appears when installed on a device. To set the name of the app in the marketplace you do so when you are submitting it through the Windows Phone Developer Dashboard.

Metro app working properly when deployed in windows 8 desktop machine & emulator, but not working properly on surface RT Tablet?

i am developing a C#/XAML windows 8 Metro app,
The application works properly on a Windows 8 machine and emulator, but not on the Surface RT tablet. For example, I have a combobox in one of my screens and I bind the data to the combobox and set a default item by
combobox.selectedItem = "some test";
This data appears in the Windows 8 desktop machine and emulator, but the combobox is showing empty on a Surface RT tablet.
Does the combobox control have any problem on a Windows RT tablet?
I a used AnyCPU Configuration, built in Release mode and tested that package on the device which is generated. For the Surface RT do I need to generate an ARM build?
There's not enough information to answer this problem. I would guess that whatever source you use to populate your combo boxes is not accessible from the devices. If it's some sort of file on your computer, that won't work and you need to send it over as a resource. If it's a service call, you may have an authentication issue.
You might try it from a different desktop machine if one is available. This may or may not confirm my guesses.