mysql slave server getting stopped after each replication request from Master - replication

Basic master-slave MySQL configuration has been done on Windows machine. Master and slave servers are running on localhost with different ports.
Now when executing update or insert in master server, slave server getting stopped after that event. Once restarting slave server and check updates then update/insert is successfully executed in slave through replication setup.
What could be the possible root cause of this issue?
Log of show slave status\G :
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_User: masteradmin
Master_Port: 3307
Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: USERMAC38-bin.000007
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 840
Relay_Log_File: USERMAC38-relay-bin.000004
Relay_Log_Pos: 290
Relay_Master_Log_File: USERMAC38-bin.000007
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Last_Errno: 0
Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 840
Relay_Log_Space: 467
Until_Condition: None
Until_Log_Pos: 0
Master_SSL_Allowed: No
Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
Last_IO_Errno: 0
Last_SQL_Errno: 0
Master_Server_Id: 1
Master_UUID: 63ac2f83-44ac-11e5-bafe-d43d7e3ca358
Master_Info_File: mysql.slave_master_info
SQL_Delay: 0
SQL_Remaining_Delay: NULL
Slave_SQL_Running_State: Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it
Master_Retry_Count: 86400
Auto_Position: 0
Error log of slave before it got stopped :
'CHANGE MASTER TO executed'. Previous state master_host='', master_port= 3307, master_log_file='USERMAC38-bin.000008', master_log_pos= 123, master_bind=''. New state master_host='', master_port= 3307, master_log_file='USERMAC38-bin.000013 [truncated, 295 bytes total]
Storing MySQL user name or password information in the repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please see the MySQL Manual for more about this issue and possible alternatives.
Slave I/O thread: connected to master 'masteradmin#',replication started in log 'USERMAC38-bin.000013' at position 498
Slave SQL thread initialized, starting replication in log 'USERMAC38-bin.000013' at position 498, relay log '.\USERMAC38-relay-bin.000001' position: 4
General log of slave before it got stopped :
150819 11:04:44 10 Query stop slave
150819 11:04:45 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:04:48 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:04:51 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:04:54 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:04:55 10 Query start slave
11 Connect Out masteradmin#
150819 11:04:57 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:00 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:02 10 Query show slave status
150819 11:05:03 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:06 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:09 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:12 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:15 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:18 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:21 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:24 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:27 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:30 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:33 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:37 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:40 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:43 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:46 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:49 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:52 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:55 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:05:58 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:06:01 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:06:04 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:06:07 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:06:10 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:06:13 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:06:16 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
150819 11:06:18 12 Query BEGIN
12 Query COMMIT /* implicit, from Xid_log_event */
150819 11:06:19 8 Query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS

Found issue with different MySQL server version. Master server was running on MySQL version 5.7.8 and slave MySQL version was 5.6.10.
Synced both Master and Slave versions to 5.6.26. Replication is working fine without slave server being stopped.


YARN RM not releasing the resources

I'm running spark with yarn as Resource Manager(RM). I'm submitting the application with max attempts 2 i.e. spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts=2.One of the application is processing around 3 TB of data, because of memory issues, attempt1 failed(after processing 5 tables out of 10 tables) and attempt 2 started. Even though attempt1 failed YARN is not releasing the resources(executors) to use the same for attempt 2. Not understanding why YARN not releasing the resources. Below is the conf.
Total number executors available are 100 out of which I'm trying to use 95, attempt 1 trying to use all the 95 executors. After attempt 1 failed, attempt 2 started with 5 executors. As per my understanding attempt 2 should start with 95 executors like attempt 1 as attempt 1 failed and all the resources should be available for attempt 2.

Why do not you run low in sleep mode?

down vote
I work with the Sim808 module I'm going to Sleep, but it does not go down !!!!! With the Sim800, I'm going to sleep! I use the AT + CSCLK = 1 command Streaming on SIM808 Before 26 mAh later 26 mA Streaming on SIM800 Before 16 mAh later 1 mA
Meanwhile, in both modules after the SLEEP, the serial communication is dropped, indicating that the command is sent correctly to the module. So why does not crack in SMI808.
Please give me guidance. Thank you
In datasheet
If you use sleep mode, the power consumption is low.
But for my module, the circuit current does not change. !!!
Steps on the module:
1-circuit current of 26 mA
2. Sending code AT + CSCLK = 1
3-Serial connection disconnected.
4. In fact, the module is in sleep mode.
5-Circuit current of 26 mA
Why before and after sleep, the current circuit is 26 mAh !!!!! ????
According to the data, the circuit must be 1 mAh. !!!!

Reducers failing

We are using 3 cluster machine and mapreduce.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum property is set to 9. When I set no of reducer is equal to or less than 9 job is getting succeeded but if I set greater than 9 then it is failing with the exception "Task attempt_201701270751_0001_r_000000_0 failed to ping TT for 60 seconds. Killing!". Can any one guide me what will be the problem
There seem to be some bug in hadoop -0.20. (for reference ).
Can you please try to increase the task timeout ?
(mapreduce.task.timeout to a higher value ) ( 0 will disable the timeout )

Why is this monit config reminder syntax not resulting in repeated alerts?

I have setup a monit config to check that a jenkins build node is connected (its VPN connection is still up) by checking for its VPN IP address on a server that is inside the network already. It seems to work at least once when the computer is not connected. But it only seems to trigger once in a blue moon and not repeatedly like I want it to.
check host JenkinsMacOSXNode with address
if failed icmp type echo
count 5 with timeout 5 seconds
2 times within 3 cycles
then alert with reminder on 3 cycles
Is the above syntax correct for having an alert sent repeatedly when an expected computer is not pingable?
In case the next question is how often is the cycle set to, the /etc/monit/monitrc indicates set daemon 120 so each cycle should be every 2 minutes
Is there a better way to accomplish checking for a computer that should be connected via VPN to the network and alert if it is not?
Try setting the alert with reminder definition before the test:
set alert with reminder on 3 cycles
check host JenkinsMacOSXNode with address
if failed icmp type echo
count 5 with timeout 5 seconds
2 times within 3 cycles
then alert

Phusion passenger-status active count is always pointing to zero

I have installed phusion passenger 3 in my apache, which has a memory limit of 5GB and swap of 2GB, when i check the passenger status in the general information the active row always shows zero where as count will be 2 to 3 and inactive will be upto 6.
But my memory usage has crossed 4.8GB but still the active row is showing zero.
why so.. Please can anybody help me on this
It is like:-
active = 0
inactive = 6
Waiting on global queue: 0
The active row will always point to zero
Thanks in advance!!
active means that those processes exist, but are currently not handling any requests. If your site is idle then it's supposed to be 0.