Is there a way to perform autosave in netbeans 8? - netbeans-8

I wonder if there is a way to tell to the IDE to autosave any file if modified. I've searched the web but I haven't find anything. There was a module on NetBeans 7 but it is not available now on NB 8. Anyway it appears that the old plugin can be set to execute save all on a given interval. What I want is a feature to save when you modify something just like in Intellij IDEA.

This plugin also saves when the file loses focus: Plugin
I would also prefer something like IntelliJ's Android Studio, but I don't think it exists for Netbeans.

I downloaded the below netbeans plugin. It will automatically save after every 1 second once installed. it was built for Netbeans 8.1 and not tested for the version 8.2 but it worked for me.
Netbeans 8.2 AutoSave Download Link
Install in Netbeans via Tools > Plugins > Downloaded and click on add "Add plugins..." button

In NetBeans 12.4 the module options can be changed from the section below and you don't have to download a plugin.
Tools > Options > Editor > Autosave section.
(also it is in version 12.5. I didn't find it in version 12.0)


Can I use the Telosys wizard without installing Eclipse?

I am trying to learn telosys. The eclipse demo seems great.
However, I tried to install the plugin for VSCode, and it did not add any option/menu item anywhere in the VSCode editor.
The eclipse demo shows a great wizard based interface. Is there any way to get that interface without having to install eclipse.
Also, in case it is not possible, which package of eclipse do I need to install to optimally use telosys? I wanted to try out the python & angular bundles of telosys.
Yes indeed, the Telosys VS Code plugin provides only syntax coloration for Telosys files edition (".entity" files for example). Thus there's no particular changes in the VSCode menu.
VSCode is just one code editor (among others) that you can use with Telosys-CLI. The editors extensions are just provided to be more confortable when you're editing Telosys files. All the code generation is supposed to be launch from the command line in Telosys-CLI.
If you want a fully integrated tool, Eclipse + Telosys plugin is the best solution. Telosys Eclipse plugin is installable with all Eclipse versions, so you can choose one of these Eclipse packages :
for example "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and use "Eclipse Marketplace" to install :
Telosys plugin
Python plugin

Eclipse: getting an error installing drjava

I am currently trying to install DrJava plug-in in Eclipse Oxygen and I always get an error saying "could not find jar file" even though I opened it using the Install New Software in the Help menu...
I think I have tried everything I could but it does't seem to work...
or is there any better plugin in eclipse that has an interaction pane?
The DrJava Plug-in for Eclipse is an Eclipse 2.x plug-in which are not supported anymore. Therefore, it is not possible to install the plug-in in a current version of Eclipse.
A very similar functionality is built in the Eclipse Java IDE as Java Scrapbook Page (File > New > Other...: Java > Java Run/Debug > Scrapbook Page) and for debugging as Display view (similar to select an expression in the Java editor and hit Ctrl+U or right-click and choose Execute).
In Java 9, there is also a so-called JShell.

Can't find C/C++ IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

I'm trying to add a c/c++ plugin to IntelliJ IDEA, so I went to plugins and searched for it but couldn't find it.
Did they remove it and replace it with their new IDE cLion? Is it no longer supported or what?
Looks like the version of your IntelliJ IDEA is newer than what the C/C++ plugin supports. If you look at the plugin page you can see that builds from 139.1 until 142 are compatible. And if you look here you can see that build 141 is IntelliJ 14.1 and IntelliJ IDEA 15 is numbered 143. So my guess is you are using IntelliJ IDEA 15 or 16 EAP and therefore the plugin is not shown when you search for it.
Simply download the cpp plugin of the old 14 version located here:
Then edit the file CppTools/META-INF/plugin.xml and replace the "until-build" value in line 5 to something like until-build="170.0"
And this works perfectly :)
One should really note that the "C/C++" plugin available in the IntelliJ Plugin Repository is actually not developed by Jetbrains, but by a third party called AdvancedTools, and has long not been updated. I'm not sure if that is related to the release of CLion, e.g. IntelliJ bought out the plugin to serve as the foundation of CLion or whatnot.
As listed in the CLion FAQ page, there is currently no official standalone plugin for C/C++ editing available for IntelliJ IDEA. Just as with some other products such as Jetbrains AppCode, Jetbrains are currently keeping CLion as an exclusively paid product, without a free community edition, as indicated in this forum post.
The post also confirmed that a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA might be coming in the future, but is currently (Jan 2018) not a priority for JetBrains.
So yeah for now the only way to get decent C/C++ support within the IntelliJ ecosystem is to use/buy JetBrains CLion.
Download latest version of c/c++ extension from link:
then open that inside META-INF folder open file plugin.xml modify line five until-build="" from your own intellij idea build. Go to Help --> About in Your Intellij idea.
plugin.xml file screenshot:
Now Go to File --> Settings --> Plugins --> Install plugins from Disk, browse ypur edited/ modified
I faced this problem before and i figure out that the software i install it was old and not update, so try to see the plugin version and see is that plugin version compatible with your intellij-idea, if not check update for the intelli-idea ,the developers fix many problems in every update ,then download it.
you can check compatibility from this page.
Click on Preferences -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories and search for it

Can't get Changes tool window (Alt+9) to show on IntelliJ IDEA

I can't get the Changes tool window to show on this project.
The project is imported "from sources" and has no facet and no sdk. Which is ok because I'm only editing it in the IDE and running from the terminal.
I'm on Windows 8.
The tool window does show when I open another java web maven project there.
It also does show for the first (no sdk) project when I'm on Ubuntu.
What might the Changes tool window not like about my project?
The IDE wasn't aware of Git in my project.
That happened because the directory I import this project from isn't the same as the Git repository directory, the former is inside the later.
I fixed it in: VCS > Enable Version Control Integration

Eclipse plug-in editor extension tab show “Generic” in “New” submenu

I am using "eclipse-rcp-helios-SR1-win32-x86_64"
64-bit eclipse running on JDK.
I am trying to add an action in my plugin via menu contribution. When I add "org.eclipse.ui.menus," right-click on it then select "New," I only the "Generic" option. I am expecting to see "menuContibution"
The issue is described in detail here, which also seems to include the solution: link
From what I understand, the version of eclipse I have - helio SR1 - is an SDK version and should have the source included in the package. I am not sure what I need to do to make those additional options show up.
if you have the "Generic" it means that you don't have the source plugins. But you have downloaded the right package (RCP one). I guess your download might be corrupted. Can you try downloading it again from a different mirror?
i am try to this answer is useful.
step-1: Eclipse menu bar Select Help menu
step-2: select Install New Software
step-3: Eclipse project update link (Required version) below image
step-4: Choose Eclipse plugin Development Tool and
step-5: After Next button click to finish.
Eclipse can Restart after working successful.
Installing Eclipse plugin Development Tool, as per Bharat Zala answer, is not enough. It still did not work for me:
I had to install Eclipse SDK and Eclipse Platform SDK packages:
Then it finally worked:
Lars Vogel in his book "Eclipse Rich Client Platform", in chapter 8 Install Eclipse IDE for RCP development, he advises for to
Download the Eclipse Software Development Kit (SDK) as a recommended Eclipse edition for RCP/PDE development.
Most people probably have installed more mainstream Eclipse editions like Eclipse for Java developers. Installing Eclipse SDK and/or Eclipse Platform SDK as packages to them later should re-create SDK installation as advised by Lars.
It did not work for me even after installing both.
I did go Update site "" and when it lists the different components.
Please unflag the "Group items by category" check box and Install "Eclipse RCP SDK" and related components.
Thant should fix the issue.