Adding text before and after selected text - VBA user form - vba

I'm using a VBA user-form in order to edit some text by using a rich text format textbox from the InkEdit control.
I'm trying to insert html tags in specific location when the user click on a command button on the user-form.
for example if the user clicks the "strong" button the following code is executed and the text is inserted on the cursor location inside the textbox:
InkEdit1.SelText = "<strong>"
I have another button for the closing statment which runs:
InkEdit1.SelText = "</strong>"
I'm trying to find a way that the opening statement ans the closing statement will be applied together. When the user will select a text from the text box and click the button then "strong" will be inserted before the selection and "/strong" will be inserted after the selection:

Does this work:
InkEdit1.SelText = "<strong>" & InkEdit1.SelText & "</strong>"
If you really want to get fancy, you can reselect just the original text:
Dim lPos As Long
lPos = InkEdit1.SelStart
Dim lLength As Long
lLength = InkEdit1.SelLength
InkEdit1.SelText = "<strong>" & InkEdit1.SelText & "</strong>"
InkEdit1.SelStart = lPos + Len("<strong>")
InkEdit1.SelLength = lLength
Protip: Make sure the "HideSelection" property is set to "False"
If you're not using an actual RitchTextBox, try this: Toos > Additional Controls > check Microsoft Rich Textbox


Check if data exist in file

I need help. I want to check if user exists by entering their ic number and I want to display another rest of their data by using file in visual basic. Unfortunately, an error occurs while doing that. I need help. If the user exists, then It will display automatically name, email, address and so on but if a user doesn't exist, then it shows message box. Here I attached the image of the display screen and the code. Please help me. Thank you.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnSearch_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
Dim userFile As String = "C:\Users\HP\Desktop\userdata.txt"
Dim inputFile As String
If System.IO.File.Exists(userFile) = True Then
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(userFile)
Dim intIc As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer = 0
Dim strName As String
Dim strEmail As String
Dim intPhoneNum As String
Dim strAdd1 As String
Dim strAdd2 As String
Dim intPostcode As String
Dim strState As String
Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
intIc(intCount) = Convert.ToInt64(objReader.ReadLine())
If (intIc(intCount).Convert.ToInt64(objReader.ReadLine())) Then
strName(intCount) = objReader.ReadLine()
strEmail(intCount) = objReader.ReadLine()
intPhoneNum(intCount) = Convert.ToInt32(objReader.ReadLine())
strAdd1(intCount) = objReader.ReadLine()
strAdd2(intCount) = objReader.ReadLine()
intPostcode(intCount) = Convert.ToInt32(objReader.ReadLine())
strState(intCount) = objReader.ReadLine()
lblName.Text = strName
lblEmail.Text = strEmail
lblNum.Text = intPhoneNum
lblAdd1.Text = strAdd1
lblAdd2.Text = strAdd2
lblPostcode.Text = intPostcode
lblState.Text = strState
MessageBox.Show("User Does Not Exist")
End If
intCount = intCount + 1
MessageBox.Show("File Does Not Exist")
End If
End Sub
End Class
Your task, the easy way:
make a new project
add a DataSet to this new project
open the DataSet, in the properties call it something sensible
Right click the surface, add a new datatable, name it Person
Right click the datatable, add a column, name it IC. Right click, add column, name it Name. Keep going until you added all the fields you want to track(email,phone,address1 etc)
save the DataSet
open the form
show the datasources window (view menu.. other windows)
expand the nodes til you can see Person
click the drop down next to Person, switch from DataGridview to Details
drag Person onto the form. Text boxes, labels etc appear. In the tray at the bottom more things appear
add a textbox to the form and call it searchTextBox
add a search button to the form, double click it, add this line of code to the click handler:
personBindingSource.Filter = '[ic] LIKE '" & searchTextBox.Text & "'"
If personBindingSource.Count = 0 Then MessageBox.Show("No records")
double click the form background to add a form load event handler, put this line of code:
If IO.File.Exists("data.xml") Then .ReadXml("data.xml")
switch back to designer, single click the form background and switch to event properties of the form, add a handler to the form closing event:
That's it, you now have a program that will open, read and fill the DataSet with data from the data.xml file, it will search it when you type something in the ic box, the text boxes use databinding to show values automatically, and when you close the program it will save updates data. The only task now is to load the xml file with data.
When the textboxes were added to the form you should also have seen a bar appear across the top with some left/right controls in and a green plus. Click the green plus, type some data in, click it again, type more data. Navigating back, if you're adding new data, will commit the data. If you're looking at existing data, editing it then navigating will commit it
After you added some data, you can search for existing data using the search box. When you've searched for a single value it should be the only thing shown and the nav will show "1 of 1". To get back to the mode where all data is showing, put a single asterisk in the search box and hit search; it should show the number records in the top bar and you can scroll them with the arrows.
If you already have lots of data in a file, like you use in your question, you can read it in a loop (like you do in your question, except don't use that code exactly cos it has loads of errors) as a one time thing and assign it into the datatable, or you can manipulate it directly into being XML in a text editor. This is easy to do if you have a capable text editor but I'll not offer any particular advice on it in case you don't have a large amount of existing data. Ask a new question if you do

Pop up window with textbox after selecting checkbox

I am working on a project with and MySQL database.
Now for taking information I have added few checkboxes, and in case if user selects a checkbox named other I want a window to appear and it should have a text box and when user enters the text at that box, the details should be stored in db.
As you haven't provided much information I may can't answer exactly your question but check if this can help.
First Add LINQ to SQL (.dbml File) - Let's name it as XYZ and Dataset (.xsd File) - let's name this as XYZ too, to your project and then drag and drop your database table in both the files and save all.
Now going into your form which contains the check box you mentioned.
Add this code to you checkbox click_event.
If checkbox1.checked = True Then
Dim insertValue As String = ""
insertValue = InputBox("Enter text to insert", YourTitle, "")
If inserValue <> "" Then
Dim db as New XYZDataContext
Dim NewRec As New YourTableName With {.ColumnName = insertValue}
Msgbox("Value added!")
End If
checkbox1.checked = False
End If
create your window in the designer and give it a name like someWindow. then in your code open the window from the click event of your checkbox. when you close the window don't dispose it. just hide it me.hide so when you window closes you can retrieve the data from your textbox.
Sub Test ()
Dim wd_SomeInfo as new someWindow
Dim result As String = wd_SomeInfo.txt_sometextbox.text
If result = "" Then cancel....
End Sub

Dynamically assign text to text box in the loop

I want to assign Text to the textBox in the look, I tried
Dim textBoxHB As TextBox = FindName("txt_HB_" + iRecCnt.ToString())
Me.Controls(String.Format("txt_HB_" + iRecCnt.ToString()).Text = .HouseBill
My Text box name change form txt_HB_1 ,txt_HB_2 and so on, and i want to where iRecCnt has 1,2.. values and Text is coming form .HouseBill
Is there any other way i can try?
Replace the loop with this:
Dim boxes = Me.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox).Where(Function(b) b.Name.StartsWith("txt_HB_"))
For Each box As TextBox in boxes
box.Text = .HouseBill

Getting .value property when using a string and variable

I am creating a form in Access which will be used as an order sheet for classroom materials. I have the available resources listed and a text box next to the resource where the user inputs the quantity they desire.
My VBA code checks to see if any entries have been made by using the following. (I am using Nz() to allow for Null results):
QuantCheck = Nz(Box1.Value, 0) + Nz(Box2.Value, 0) + Nz(Box3.Value, 0)
Where "QuantCheck" is the variable I am using in the IF statement which begins the workflow:
If QuantCheck > 0 Then
I would like to clean this up by using some kind of loop statement, however I am not able to extract the .value from a string. I would love something like the following which I could incorporate into a loop:
From what I can tell, I am not able to use a string (concatenated or otherwise) as the base for the .value call.
It is interesting that there is a way to accomplish this when using a SQL statement. I have this elsewhere in the code which works nicely:
SQLStr = "INSERT INTO OrderRequests VALUES (cbSchool, txtName, Title" & x & ".caption, Box" & x & ")"
Here I have a variable "x" which increases with each loop to change the Title line, and the Box line.
Any help is appreciated.
I suggest you use the Tag property of the controls. Put "QuantCheck" in the Tag property of any control you want to include. Then
Function QuantitiesExist(frm As Form) As Boolean
Dim Ctrl As Control
Const sQUANTCHK As String = "QuantCheck"
For Each Ctrl In frm.Controls
If Ctrl.Tag = sQUANTCHK Then
If Nz(Ctrl.Value) > 0 Then
QuantitiesExist = True
Exit For
End If
End If
Next Ctrl
End Function
Now you get self documenting code
If QuantitiesExist(Me) Then
And when you add/delete/change controls, you don't have to edit your code. Just set up new controls with the proper tags.
You could loop through the control on the for checking the names and then if it is the one you wanted take an action on it, is this what you was thinking of?
Dim Ctrl As Control
For Each Ctrl In Me.Controls
If Ctrl.Name = "TxtPath" Then ' "Box" & VariableNumber Then
MsgBox Ctrl.Value
End If

String to Object as Expression

I have multiple TextBox controls Monday that will hold a value. I want to be able to add up all of the Monday textboxes and store that value as monTotal. I am getting an error message that says string cannot be converted to integer.
For i As Integer = 1 To rowCount Step 1
Dim var As Object
var = "txtMonday" & i & ".Text"
monTotal = monTotal + CInt(var)
The way you are attempting to obtain a reference to the text boxes is not idiomatic of VisualBasic .NET.
var = "txtMonday" & i & ".Text" ' this is not a way to obtain a reference to the text box's text
While it would be possible to accomplish something like that using reflection, you'd be much better off refactoring your code to use an array of text boxes.
Since you are probably using Windows Forms you could perhaps implement logic to find the text box control you are interested in on the form using something like this:
' assuming container is the control that contains the text boxes
For Each ctrl In container.Controls
If (ctrl.GetType() Is GetType(TextBox)) Then
If ctrl.Name.StartsWith("txtMonday") Then
Dim txt As TextBox = CType(ctrl, TextBox)
monTotal = monTotal + CInt(txt.Text)
End If
End If
The example above assumes that all the txtMonday.. text boxes are placed inside a control named container. That could be the form itself, or some other panel or table.
If all the textboxes live on the form and there are none being used for other text work you could use this. You could place all the textboxes that contain values your looking for in a separate container and get them like below, but use that control collection.
Dim amount As Double = 0
For Each tb As Textbox In Me.Controls.OfType(Of Textbox)()
amount += Convert.ToDouble(tb.Text)
Dim monTotal as double=0
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox AndAlso ctrl.Name.StartsWith("txtMonday") Then
monTotal = monTotal + val(ctrl.Text)
End If